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For the mini event, there is a grand total of 6 1 time quests and 1 weekly quest to earn pumpkins.
For the mini-event, there is a grand total of 6 one-time quests and 1 weekly quest to earn pumpkins.
===2022 Setsubun Quests===
'''There are a total of 5 Quests available, 1 Daily, 3 Weeklies, and 1 One-time'''
| type = PVP
| type = Sortie
| listnum = 2201 LC01
| listnum = Bh1
| reqQuest = C2?
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】艦隊南瓜秋祭り、始め!
| namejp = 【節分任務】節分演習!二〇二二
| nameen = Fleet Pumpkin Festival, let's begin!  
| nameen = "Setsubun Mission" Setsubun Practice! 2022
| req = ''「朝潮」「浜波」「野分」「夕立」「瑞穂」のいずれかを旗艦とする艦隊で、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線、鎮守府近海に出撃!敵艦隊を捜索、これを殲滅せよ! Trick or Treat!''
| req = ''"Setsubun Mission" Organize a fleet consisting of 2 Light Cruisers or Training Cruisers and 2 Destroyer or 2 Destroyer Escorts and carry out a Setsubun Exercise with said fleet! While performing the exercise, score a victory 3 times in the day!''
*Assemble a fleet containing any of: "[[Asashio]], [[Hamanami]], [[Nowaki]], [[Yuudachi]], or [[Mizuho]]" as flagship, and up to 5 XX , then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-3]], [[1-4]], and [[1-5]].
* Assemble a fleet containing 2 CL/CT, 2 DD/DE, and up to 2 XX, then score 3 S ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel = 300
| fuel = 220
| ammo = 300
| ammo = 220
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Pumpkin}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=5}}
| steel = 0
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| bauxite = 0
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Setsubun Beans}}
| notes = ''Daily Quest''
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = 2201 LB05
| listnum = Bh2
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest = Bh1
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】艦隊南瓜秋祭り、北方へ!
| namejp = 【節分任務】節分作戦二〇二二
| nameen = Fleet Pumpkin Festival, heading north!
| nameen = "Setsubun Mission" Setsubun Operation 2022
| req = ''「最上」「時雨」「満潮」「山雲」「朝雲」のうち2隻以上を含む艦隊を編成、北方モーレイ海、アルフォンシーノ方面、北方AL海域に展開!北方方面の敵艦隊を捕捉、これを撃滅せよ!''
| req = ''"Setsubun Mission" Organize a fleet consisting of 3 or more Destroyers or Coastal Defense Ships with a light carrier or light cruiser class as flagship, then patrol the waters near the Naval District Coastal Refinery Area, Seas adjacent to the Naval District, and the Nansei Island Eastern Orel Sea during Setsubun! Confront the main enemy fleet and destroy them!''
*Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Mogami]], [[Shigure]], [[Michishio]], [[Asagumo]], or [[Yamagumo]]", and up to 5 XX , then S rank the boss nodes of [[3-1]], [[3-3]], and [[3-5]].
* Assemble a fleet containing 1 CVL/CL(T)/CT as flagship, 3 DD/DE, and up to 2 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[1-3]], [[1-5]], and [[2-3]].
| fuel = 500
| fuel = 220
| ammo = 500
| ammo = 0
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Pumpkin|qty=2}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Reinforcement Expansion}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Irako|qty=2}}
| steel = 220
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| bauxite = 220
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Setsubun Beans|qty=2}}<br/>'''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Underway Replenishment}} {{QuestRewardItem|Emergency Repair Material}}
| notes = ''Weekly Quest''
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = 2201 LB06
| listnum = Bh3
| reqQuest = 2201 LB05
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = 2201 LC01
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】艦隊南瓜秋祭り、西方へ!
| namejp = 【節分任務】南西海域節分作戦二〇二二
| nameen = Fleet Pumpkin Festival, heading west!
| nameen = "Setsubun Mission" 4th Year Reiwa South Western Waters Setsubun Operation 2022
| req = ''「Roma」「Libeccio」「Grecale」「早波」「多摩」のいずれかを旗艦とする艦隊で、カレー洋海域、リランカ島、カレー洋リランカ島沖に展開!同地の敵戦力を殲滅せよ! Happy Halloween!''
| req = ''"Setsubun Mission" Organize a fleet that has a Heavy Cruiser, Aviation Cruiser, or Seaplane Tender as flagship along with a ship of the same type as the flagship and deploy them to the Western Waters off Jam Island, the Curry Ocean area, and Ri Lanka Island. Confront the main enemy fleet with each operation and destroy them!''
*Assemble a fleet containing any of: "[[Roma]], [[Libeccio]], [[Grecale]], [[Hayanami]], or [[Tama]]" as flagship, and up to 5 XX , then S rank the boss nodes of [[4-2]], [[4-3]], and [[4-5]].
* Assemble a fleet containing either 2 CA, or 2 CAV, or 2 AV, with one as flagship, and up to 4 XX, then A+ rank the boss node of [[7-4]] and S rank the boss nodes of [[7-2|7-2 (Part 2)]], [[7-3|7-3 (Part 2)]].
| steel = 700
| fuel = 0
| bauxite = 700
| ammo = 2022
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Pumpkin|qty=2}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=6}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya|qty=2}}
| steel = 0
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| bauxite = 0
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Setsubun Beans|qty=2}}<br/>'''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=6}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Irako}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=2}}
| notes = ''Weekly Quest''
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = 2201 LB07
| listnum = Bh4
| reqQuest = 2201 LB06
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = 2201 LC01
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 【甲種任務】艦隊南瓜祭り、拡張作戦!
| namejp = 【節分拡張任務】節分作戦二〇二二、全力出撃!
| nameen = [Class A Quest] Fleet Pumpkin Festival, Extra Operation!
| nameen = "Setsubun Extra Operation" Setsubun Operation 2022, Main Force Sortie!
| req = ''「扶桑」「山城」2隻、「伊勢」「日向」2隻または「磯風」「浜風」「雪風」3隻を含む艦隊で、MS諸島沖、グアノ環礁沖海域、中部北海域ピーコック島沖、KW環礁沖海域の敵を撃滅せよ!''
| req = ''"Setsubun Extra Mission" Organize a fleet consisting of 2 battleships or 2 carriers, and either Ooyodo or a Sendai-class Light Cruiser within it and proceed to Nansei Island Seas off the Coast of Okashima, the Southern Waters of the Coral Sea area, the Northern Salmon Sea Area, and to the shore off Peacock Island in the Central Waters. Engage the main enemy fleets within the area and destroy them! (Improvement Battle results possibility)''
*Assemble a fleet containing either: "[[Fusou]] and [[Yamashiro]], or [[Ise]] and [[Hyuuga]], or [[Isokaze]], [[Hamakaze]] and [[Yukikaze]]", and up to 3-4 XX , then S rank the boss nodes of [[6-2]], [[6-3]], [[6-4]], and [[6-5]].
* Assemble a fleet containing 2 (F)BB(V) or 2 CV(L/B), either [[Ooyodo]] or a [[:Category:Sendai Class|''Sendai''-class]], and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[2-5]], [[5-2]], [[5-5]], and [[6-4]].
| fuel = 2022
| fuel = 2022
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 1031
| steel = 2022
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Pumpkin|qty=3}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardEquip|Ryuusei Kai (Skilled)}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Skilled Deck Personnel|qty=2}}
| bauxite = 0
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Ranking Point Reward|qty=220}} {{QuestRewardItem|Setsubun Beans|qty=3}}
| notes = ''Weekly Quest''
| type = PVP
| listnum = Ch1
| reqQuest = Bh1
| namejp = Halloween 特別演習!
| nameen = Halloween Special Exercise! Halloween
| req = ''「朝潮」「夕立」「野分」「浜波」「早波」「瑞穂」「伊47」「Johnston」「Brooklyn」のうち3隻以上を含む、特務演習艦隊を編成。同艦隊で本日中に演習で【S判定】勝利4回以上を達成せよ!''
*Assemble a fleet containing ???, and up to 3 XX, then score 4 S ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel = 400
| ammo = 400
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya}} {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Construction Material|qty=5}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=3}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Pumpkin}} {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=2000}} {{QuestRewardItem|Ammo|qty=2000}}
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| type = Expedition
| type = Factory
| listnum = 2201 LD01
| listnum = Fh1
| reqQuest = 2201 LB06
| reqQuest = Ch1
| reqQuest2 = C63
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】Halloweenはお掃除も!
| namejp = 【節分任務】令和四年節分遠征任務
| nameen = Cleaning up for Halloween!
| nameen = "Setsubun Mission" 4th Year Reiwa Setsubun Expedition
| req = ''「小口径主砲」「中口径主砲」「水上偵察機」各x5を廃棄、「35.6cm連装砲」x4、「13号対空電探」x2 家具コイン1031を準備せよ!(任務達成後、準備した装備・家具コインは消費します)''
| req = ''"Setsubun Mission" Perform the expeditions "Western Sea Reconnaissance Operation", "Submarine Dispatch Exercise", "Submarine Dispatch Operation", "SouthWestern Connection Line Patrol", and "Bauxite Convoy Escort"  and complete them successfully''
*Scrap 4 "[[:Category:Small Gun|Small Guns]]" and 4 "[[:Category:Medium Gun|Medium Guns]]", and prepare 4 [[35.6cm Twin Gun Mount]], 2 [[Type 13 Air Radar]], and 1031 furniture coins.
* Complete expeditions D1, 29, 30, 45, and A3, while the quest is activated.
| steel = 600
| fuel = 300
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Pumpkin}} {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Construction Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=5}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Bauxite|qty=2000}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya}} {{QuestRewardItem|Pumpkin}}
| ammo = 300
| notes = ''Limited Time Weekly Quest''
| steel = 300
| bauxite = 1000
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=4}}<br/>'''Then choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Me 163B}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Do 17 Z-2|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardEquip|2cm Flakvierling 38|qty=3|stars=2}}
| notes =  
==Cooking Exchange Rate==
==Cooking Exchange Rate==


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