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return {
--[[Category:Equipment modules]]
  _name = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7",
  _id = 161,
local _16inch_Triple_Gun_Mount_Mk_7 = {
  _japanese_name = "16inch三連装砲 Mk.7",
_name = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7",
  _reading = "16インチさんれんそうほう マークセブン",
_page = false,
  _type = 3,
_id = 161,
  _icon = 3,
_japanese_name = "16inch三連装砲 Mk.7",
  _types = {1, 1, 3, 3, 0},
_reading = "16インチさんれんそうほう マークセブン",
  _rarity = 5,
_type = 3,
  _firepower = 24,
_icon = 3,
  _bombing = false,
_rarity = 5,
  _torpedo = false,
_firepower = 24,
  _aa = 3,
_bombing = false,
  _armor = 1,
_torpedo = false,
  _asw = false,
_aa = 3,
  _shelling_accuracy = 4,
_armor = 1,
  _torpedo_accuracy = false,
_asw = false,
  _evasion = false,
_shelling_accuracy = 4,
  _los = false,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
  _speed = false,
_evasion = false,
  _luck = false,
_los = false,
  _range = 3,
_speed = false,
  _special = false,
_luck = false,
  _scrap_fuel = false,
_range = 3,
  _scrap_ammo = 20,
_special = false,
  _scrap_steel = 22,
_scrap_fuel = false,
  _scrap_bauxite = 2,
_scrap_ammo = 20,
  _info = "Iowa級戦艦の主兵装として米国で開発された新型三連装主砲です。<br>前級に搭載された主砲の改良型で、長砲身化などの改良によって威力がより向上しています。<br>発展途上ではありましたが、レーダー連動の砲射撃指揮装置によるレーダー射撃も可能です。",
_scrap_steel = 22,
  _info_en = "This is a new model triple mount main cannon developed by the United States used as the main weapon for Iowa class battleships.<br>As an improved main cannon to the one used by a previous class, the power is upgraded due to modifications such as the lengthening of the gun barrel.<br>It is still in development but, it could also be fired by radar using a radar-linked gun fire control system.",
_scrap_bauxite = 2,
  _wikipedia = "16-inch/50-caliber Mark 7 gun",
_buildable = false,
  _gun_fit_group = "16inch",
_gun_fit_group = "16inch",
  _buildable = false,
_improvements = {
  _improvements = {
_fuel = 45,
    _ammo = 450,
_ammo = 450,
    _bauxite = 100,
_steel = 750,
    _fuel = 45,
_bauxite = 100,
    _products = {
_products = {
      ["16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7 + GFCS"] = {
["16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7 + GFCS"] = {
        ["0"] = {
_ships = {
          _development_material = 10,
["Iowa/"] = {Sunday = true, Monday = true, Tuesday = true, Wednesday = nil, Thursday = true, Friday = true, Saturday = true},
          _development_material_x = 15,
["Iowa/Kai"] = {Sunday = true, Monday = true, Tuesday = true, Wednesday = nil, Thursday = true, Friday = true, Saturday = true},
          _equipment = {
            ["41cm Twin Gun Mount"] = 3,
[0] = {
_development_material = 10,
          _improvement_material = 6,
_development_material_x = 15,
          _improvement_material_x = 8,
_improvement_material = 6,
_improvement_material_x = 8,
        ["6"] = {
_equipment = {["41cm Twin Gun Mount"] = 3},
          _development_material = 16,
          _development_material_x = 24,
[6] = {
          _equipment = {
_development_material = 16,
            ["46cm Triple Gun Mount"] = 3,
_development_material_x = 24,
_improvement_material = 8,
          _improvement_material = 8,
_improvement_material_x = 12,
          _improvement_material_x = 12,
_equipment = {["46cm Triple Gun Mount"] = 3},
        ["10"] = {
[10] = {
          _development_material = 20,
_development_material = 20,
          _development_material_x = 28,
_development_material_x = 28,
          _equipment = {
_improvement_material = 12,
            ["Type 32 Surface Radar"] = 2,
_improvement_material_x = 20,
_equipment = {["No. 32 Surface Radar"] = 2},
          _improvement_material = 12,
          _improvement_material_x = 20,
_stars = nil,
        _ships = {
          ["Iowa/"] = {
            Friday = true,
            Monday = true,
            Saturday = true,
            Sunday = true,
            Thursday = true,
            Tuesday = true,
            Wednesday = true,
          ["Iowa/Kai"] = {
            Friday = true,
            Monday = true,
            Saturday = true,
            Sunday = true,
            Thursday = true,
            Tuesday = true,
            Wednesday = true,
        _stars = nil,
    _steel = 750,
return _16inch_Triple_Gun_Mount_Mk_7

Latest revision as of 09:43, 6 May 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7/doc

return {
  _name = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7",
  _id = 161,
  _japanese_name = "16inch三連装砲 Mk.7",
  _reading = "16インチさんれんそうほう マークセブン",
  _type = 3,
  _icon = 3,
  _types = {1, 1, 3, 3, 0},
  _rarity = 5,
  _firepower = 24,
  _bombing = false,
  _torpedo = false,
  _aa = 3,
  _armor = 1,
  _asw = false,
  _shelling_accuracy = 4,
  _torpedo_accuracy = false,
  _evasion = false,
  _los = false,
  _speed = false,
  _luck = false,
  _range = 3,
  _special = false,
  _scrap_fuel = false,
  _scrap_ammo = 20,
  _scrap_steel = 22,
  _scrap_bauxite = 2,
  _info = "Iowa級戦艦の主兵装として米国で開発された新型三連装主砲です。<br>前級に搭載された主砲の改良型で、長砲身化などの改良によって威力がより向上しています。<br>発展途上ではありましたが、レーダー連動の砲射撃指揮装置によるレーダー射撃も可能です。",
  _info_en = "This is a new model triple mount main cannon developed by the United States used as the main weapon for Iowa class battleships.<br>As an improved main cannon to the one used by a previous class, the power is upgraded due to modifications such as the lengthening of the gun barrel.<br>It is still in development but, it could also be fired by radar using a radar-linked gun fire control system.",
  _wikipedia = "16-inch/50-caliber Mark 7 gun",
  _gun_fit_group = "16inch",
  _buildable = false,
  _improvements = {
    _ammo = 450,
    _bauxite = 100,
    _fuel = 45,
    _products = {
      ["16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7 + GFCS"] = {
        ["0"] = {
          _development_material = 10,
          _development_material_x = 15,
          _equipment = {
            ["41cm Twin Gun Mount"] = 3,
          _improvement_material = 6,
          _improvement_material_x = 8,
        ["6"] = {
          _development_material = 16,
          _development_material_x = 24,
          _equipment = {
            ["46cm Triple Gun Mount"] = 3,
          _improvement_material = 8,
          _improvement_material_x = 12,
        ["10"] = {
          _development_material = 20,
          _development_material_x = 28,
          _equipment = {
            ["Type 32 Surface Radar"] = 2,
          _improvement_material = 12,
          _improvement_material_x = 20,
        _ships = {
          ["Iowa/"] = {
            Friday = true,
            Monday = true,
            Saturday = true,
            Sunday = true,
            Thursday = true,
            Tuesday = true,
            Wednesday = true,
          ["Iowa/Kai"] = {
            Friday = true,
            Monday = true,
            Saturday = true,
            Sunday = true,
            Thursday = true,
            Tuesday = true,
            Wednesday = true,
        _stars = nil,
    _steel = 750,