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*{{JetFighterBomber2}}{{JetFighterBomber1}} <nowiki>{{Jet Kikka}} {{Jet Keiun}}</nowiki>
*{{ASWPlane}} <nowiki>{{Liaison}}</nowiki>
*{{TorpedoWeapon}} <nowiki>{{Torpedo Weapon}}</nowiki>
*{{SurfaceShipPersonnel}} <nowiki>{{Lookout}}</nowiki>
*{{StarShell}} <nowiki>{{Star Shell}}</nowiki>
*{{AntiGroundArtillery}} <nowiki>{{Anti-Ground Rocket}}</nowiki>
*{{EmergencyRepair}} <nowiki>{{Emergency Repair}}</nowiki>
*{{LandingCraft}} <nowiki>{{Landing Craft}}</nowiki>
*{{CommandFacility}} <nowiki>{{Command Facility}}</nowiki>
*{{DepthCharge}} <nowiki>{{Depth Charge}}</nowiki>
*{{ArmorEquipment}} <nowiki>{{Extra Armor}}</nowiki>
*{{AntiAircraftFireDirector}} <nowiki>{{AAFD}}</nowiki>
*{{TransportationMaterial}} <nowiki>{{Transportation Material}}</nowiki>
*{{SeaplaneFighter}} <nowiki>{{SPF}}</nowiki>
*{{Large Flying Boat}} <nowiki>{{LFB}}</nowiki>
*{{SubmarineRadar}} <nowiki>{{Submarine Radar}}</nowiki>
*{{Interceptor Fighter}} <nowiki>{{LB Fighter 1}}</nowiki>
===Wooden Board Wall===
*{{Interceptor Fighter2}} <nowiki>{{LB Fighter 2}}</nowiki>
| nameJP= 木板の壁
| nameEN= Wooden Board Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 56.png
| coin= 1000
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 壁紙ではなく、壁材自身を木材に換装した逸品。<br>自然の素材ならではの落ち着いた雰囲気が、鎮守府を優しく包み込みます。
| descriptionEN= This is not a wallpaper, but a masterpiece created by replacing the wall material itself with wood.<br>The calming atmosphere that only natural materials can create gently envelops the naval base.
| release= 2014-05-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Temporary Beach Tea House Wallboard===
| nameJP= 浜茶屋の仮設壁板
| nameEN= Temporary Beach Tea House Wallboard
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 253.png
| coin= 900
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 夏の砂浜に独特の存在感を放つ浜茶屋。<br>鎮守府内に設営される仮設浜茶屋の壁板です。<br>ちょっと薄い板ですが、落書き等は禁止です!
| descriptionEN= A beach teahouse has a unique presence on a sandy summer beach.<br>This is the wall panel of a temporary teahouse set up within the naval base.<br>Although the boards are a little thin, graffiti and other such things are prohibited!
| release= 2015-07-17
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Graffiti by [[Shiratsuyu]]
===Sweetfish Season Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 鮎の季節の壁紙
| nameEN= Sweetfish Season Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 294.png
| coin= 700
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 鮎の美味しい季節…そんな季節を彩る鮎をモチーフにした季節の壁紙。<br>元気に泳ぐ魚の姿に球磨型軽巡数名がウズウズしています。
| descriptionEN= The season of the delicious sweetfish... A wallpaper with a sweetfish motif to brighten up the season.<br>Several Kuma-class light cruisers are excited by the sight of the fish swimming vigorously.
| release= 2016-06-01
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Kuma and Tama like fish (respectively bear & cat).
==="Zuiun" Wall Panel===
| nameJP= 「瑞雲」の壁板
| nameEN= "Zuiun" Wall Panel
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 379.png
| coin= 6340
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 6
| descriptionJP= 下駄ばき機としては脅威の性能を誇る名機「瑞雲」。
| descriptionEN= The famous "Zuiun" geta sandal machine boasts amazing performance.<br>This wall panel was made by an aviation battleship, inspired by a multipurpose seaplane!
| release= 2018-04-06
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= By Hyuuga
| nameJP= 白露の特注壁板
| nameEN= Shiratsuyu Custom-made Wallboard
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 391.png
| coin= 2100
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 長女の改二改装を記念して家具職人と白露型姉妹達が協力して日曜大工で作った特注の壁板です。<br>いっちばん幸せの瞬間にどうぞ!
| descriptionEN= To commemorate the eldest sister's Kai Ni remodel, a furniture maker and the Shiratsuyu-class sisters worked together to create custom wall panels as a DIY project.<br>Enjoy this moment of happiestness!
| BGM= 梅雨明けの白露
| release= 2018-07-12
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| nameJP= 夏仕様の花火模様壁紙
| nameEN= Summer fireworks wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 444.png
| coin= 1790
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 見ているだけで涼やかな白と水色を基調にした夏仕様の壁紙です。<br>艦娘達と共に今年の夏も元気に乗り切ってまいりましょう!
| descriptionEN= This is a summer wallpaper with a base of white and light blue that is refreshing to look at.<br>Let's get through this summer in good spirits together with our ship girls!
| release= 2019-07-18
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
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| BGM=
| feature=
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| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
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| type= wall
| image1=
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| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
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| type= wall
| image1=
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| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
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| type= wall
| image1=
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| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Common Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 普通の壁紙
| nameEN= Common Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 38.png
| descriptionJP= 前任の提督が使っていたままの壁紙です。<br>若干汚れていますし、なんとなく新調したい気もちょっぴりしますね。
| descriptionEN= This is the wallpaper that the previous admiral used.<br>It's a little dirty, and I kind of feel like I want to buy a new one.
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= Stock furniture
===Inexpensive Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 低予算な壁紙
| nameEN= Inexpensive Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 39.png
| coin= 50
| rarity= 1
| descriptionJP= 一番安い壁紙です。<br>いいのです。<br>執務室で戦闘するわけではないですし!たぶん!
| descriptionEN= The cheapest wallpaper.<br>It's okay.<br>It's not like there will be any fighting in the office or anything!
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Simple Modern Wallpaper===
| nameJP= シンプルモダン壁紙
| nameEN= Simple Modern Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 50.png
| coin= 200
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 低い位置に装飾のラインが一本だけ入った気品のある壁紙。<br>どんな家具にもマッチします。
| descriptionEN= An elegant wallpaper with only a single decorative line at a low height.<br>It matches well with any other furniture.
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Blue Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 青い壁紙
| nameEN= Blue Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 53.png
| coin= 200
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 寒色系でまとめた清楚かつ清潔なイメージの壁紙。
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper with a clean and neat pattern, using cool colors.
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Wallpaper With Check & Leaf Motif ===
| nameJP= チェック&リーフ壁紙
| nameEN= Wallpaper With Check & Leaf Motif
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 55.png
| coin= 200
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 春のうららかな陽気にぴったりの桃色ベースの壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper which uses a pink base that fits the bright season of spring perfectly.
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Modern Japanese Art Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 和モダンアート壁紙
| nameEN= Modern Japanese Art Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 64.png
| coin= 750
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 一面のブラックに赤のさし色。センスの効いた壁紙です。<br>艦娘が選ぶ壁紙大賞の銀賞を受賞した逸品。
| descriptionEN= All black with red accents. A stylish wallpaper.<br>A masterpiece that won 2nd place in the KanColle's wallpaper poll.
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Simple Japanese-style Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 和のシンプル壁紙
| nameEN= Simple Japanese-style Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 40.png
| coin= 300
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 和の家具と調和する落ち着いた雰囲気の壁紙が欲しい…<br>という提督達のニーズによって誕生したシンプルな和壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= I want wallpaper with a calm atmosphere that harmonizes with Japanese furniture...<br>This simple Japanese wallpaper was created in response to the needs of admirals.
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Candy-making Wallpaper===
| nameJP= お菓子作りの壁紙
| nameEN= Candy-making Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 46.png
| coin= 700
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= お菓子作りにぴったりの壁紙を!<br>そんな艦娘の声から生まれた、ポップで優しい雰囲気のガーリーな壁紙。<br>お菓子作りも捗ります!
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper perfect for making sweets!<br>This girly wallpaper with a pop and gentle atmosphere was born at the request of the ship girls.<br>And suddenly making sweets is so much easier!
| BGM= Kanmusu's Sweets Making (艦娘のお菓子作り)
| release= 2015-01-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===New Year Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 新春の壁紙
| nameEN= New Year Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 67.png
| coin= 1800
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 新春の新たな鎮守府の装いのために新調された壁紙。<br>控えめなデザインの中に、新年を切り拓く艦娘たちの闘志が込められています。
| descriptionEN= A brand new wallpaper to give the naval base a new look on New Year.<br>Within the conservative design lies the fighting spirit of the ship girls who have welcomed the new year.
| release= 2014-01-08
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Pattern linked to the "Hamaya Window" (破魔矢の窓)
===Pop Wallpaper===
| nameJP= ポップな壁紙
| nameEN= Pop Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 45.png
| coin= 100
| rarity= 1
| descriptionJP= カジュアルな若い感性の壁紙。<br>鮮やかな色彩のストライプには古参の提督は渋い顔ですが、気にしません!
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper with a casual youthful feel to it.<br>The admiral might frown at the vividly colored stripes, but don't mind!
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Pink Dot Wallpaper===
| nameJP= ピンクドット壁紙
| nameEN= Pink Dot Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 61.png
| coin= 400
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= ピンクのドットがポップな雰囲気を醸し出す、アートデザインされた壁紙。<br>前衛的なキュートさは、一部の艦娘に大好評です!
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper with a huge pink dot that gives off pop art vibes.<br>The avant-garde cuteness is very popular among certain ship girls!
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Yubari Wall With Chrysanthemums===
| nameJP= 菊づくりの夕張壁
| nameEN= Yubari Wall With Chrysanthemums
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 461.png
| coin= 2890
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 改二改装を迎えたある兵装実験軽巡が腕利きの壁職人達にお願いして特注した、趣味の菊づくりを偲ぶ特注の壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= This custom wallpaper, which commemorates the hobby of chrysanthemum growing, was custom-made by skilled wall artisans on board an armament experimental light cruiser that has undergone a Kai Ni refit.
| release= 2020-01-14
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Design for [[Yuubari Kai Ni]]. Vice Admiral Hiraga Yuzuru of the Shipbuilding Corporation, had a hobby of growing chrysanthemums, and was said to be a chrysanthemum grower as skilled as a professional.
===Green Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 緑の壁紙
| nameEN= Green Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 41.png
| coin= 250
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= モスグリーンの落ち着いた地色に花柄パターンのシックでお洒落な壁。<br>ちょっと格調高いですね!
| descriptionEN= A chic wallpaper with flower patterns on a calming moss-green background.<br>Looks somewhat noble, doesn't it!
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Nagatsuki's Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 長月の壁紙
| nameEN= Nagatsuki's Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 358.png
| coin= 900
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 長月の季節の月をモチーフに描かれた壁面です。<br>駆逐艦と侮るなと主張するある睦月型駆逐艦娘の全面監修による秋夜の月の壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= The wall is painted with the motif of the moon during the Nagatsuki season.<br>This wallpaper of the autumn night moon was supervised by a certain Mutsuki-class destroyer girl, who asserts that destroyers should not be underestimated.
| release= 2017-09-12
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Made by [[Nagatsuki]]
===Bar Wall===
| nameJP= バー仕様の壁
| nameEN= Bar Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 237.png
| coin= 30000
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 鎮守府カウンタバーに最適なバー仕様の壁です。<br>落ち着いた雰囲気の、大人の時間と空間を演出できるシックな壁です。
| descriptionEN= This is a bar-style wall that is perfect for the Naval Base counter bar.<br>This chic wall creates a calm atmosphere and gives off mature vibes.
| release= 2015-03-27
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Mutsuki's Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 睦月の壁紙
| nameEN= Mutsuki's Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 327.png
| coin= 1600
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 睦月の季節にぴったりな雪椿をモチーフにした意匠が施された壁紙です。<br>睦月の床との相性も良い感じです。
| descriptionEN= This wallpaper features a snow camellia motif, perfect for the Mutsuki season.<br>It also goes well with the Mutsuki floor.
| release= 2017-01-10
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Cow Pattern Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 牛柄の壁紙
| nameEN= Cow Pattern Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 514.png
| coin= 1500
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= のんびりした気持ちになる牛柄の壁紙。<br>丑年の鎮守府にもぴったりです。<br>牛柄の特製ふかふかマットと組み合わせてもいいですね!
| descriptionEN= This cow-patterned wallpaper will make you feel relaxed.<br>It is perfect for the Year of the Ox at the naval base.<br>You can also combine it with a specially made fluffy cow-patterned mat!
| release= 2021-01-01
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Japanese-style Green Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 緑の和壁紙
| nameEN= Japanese-style Green Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 59.png
| coin= 1900
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= シンプルでありながら繊細な仕事によって完成された和の究極の壁紙のひとつ、それがこの「緑の和壁紙」<br>壁紙ってわびさびよね…。
| descriptionEN= This "Japanese-style Green Wallpaper" is one of the ultimate Japanese wallpapers, created with simple yet delicate craftsmanship.<br>This wallpaper has a wabi-sabi feel to it...
| release= 2013-09-04
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= Commentary by [[Kitakami]]
===Summer Artisan’s Wooden Wall===
| nameJP= 夏の職人木製壁
| nameEN= Summer Artisan’s Wooden Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 351.png
| coin= 2200
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 夏の季節家具にマッチする新作の木製壁です。<br>高級な素材を贅沢に使った職人の技が光るシンプルにして季節感溢れる仕上がりです。
| descriptionEN= A new wooden wall that matches the summer seasonal furniture.<br>The craftsmanship of the artisans using luxurious high-quality materials shines through in the simple yet seasonal finish.
| release= 2017-07-14
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Arrow Feather Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 矢羽の壁紙
| nameEN= Arrow Feather Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 350.png
| coin= 800
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 矢羽をデザインモチーフに採用した、爽やかな季節の壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= This is a refreshing seasonal wallpaper that uses arrow feathers as a design motif.<br>Give your naval base a makeover with this wallpaper, which is also popular with aircraft carrier girls!
| release= 2017-07-14
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Luxurious Goldfish Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 金魚の高級壁紙
| nameEN= Luxurious Goldfish Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 352.png
| coin= 127000
| discount= 2700
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 涼やかに泳ぐ金魚を見事に鎮守府の壁に再現した最高級の壁紙です。<br>季節の趣きを感じる和の逸品を是非。<br>ダイナミック職人支援可!
| descriptionEN= This is a top-quality wallpaper that beautifully recreates the image of gently swimming goldfish on the walls of the naval base.<br>Be sure to try these Japanese delicacies that capture the essence of the season.<br>Dynamic discount available!
| release= 2017-07-14
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Red Dragonfly Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 赤とんぼの壁紙
| nameEN= Red Dragonfly Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 312.png
| coin= 900
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 夕日に飛ぶ赤とんぼが描かれた壁紙です。<br>子供の頃の思い出や中間練習機に想いを馳せてしまう不思議な味わいの壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper with red dragonflies that are flying into the sunset.<br>A strange wallpaper that brings back memories of one's childhood or intermediate trainer planes among other things.
| release= 2016-08-31
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note= The "intermediate trainer" refers to the Navy's Type 93 intermediate trainer, with Japanese military training planes being painted orange to make them stand out on both land and naval forces, and being nicknamed "Akatonbo" (Red Dragonfly).
===Plum Pattern Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 梅柄の壁紙
| nameEN= Plum Pattern Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 326.png
| coin= 1300
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 白を基調とした落ち着いた雰囲気の壁紙です。<br>梅柄のデザインを施しつつ主張しすぎないので、多様な家具にマッチします。
| descriptionEN= This wallpaper has a calm atmosphere with a white base.<br>The plum pattern design is not too bold, so it matches a variety of furniture.
| release= 2017-01-10
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Green Wall Panel With Fluffy Pattern===
| nameJP= 綿毛模様の緑の壁板
| nameEN= Green Wall Panel With Fluffy Pattern
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 428.png
| coin= 1800
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 春の暖かい日差し、その中で夢見る艦娘とタンポポの綿毛をモチーフに作られた壁板です。<br>暖かい穏やかな提督室を演出します。
| descriptionEN= This wall panel was created with the motif of a ship girl dreaming in the warm spring sunshine with dandelion fluff.<br>It creates a warm and calm atmosphere in the admiral's room.
| release= 2019-04-22
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Xmas Tree Pattern Red Wall===
| nameJP= Xmasのツリー模様赤壁
| nameEN= Xmas Tree Pattern Red Wall
| type= wall
| image1= ?
| coin= 1400
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= クリスマスシーズンを盛り上げる新作の赤い壁です。<br>暖かい冬用のマットと組み合わせて、素敵な鎮守府のクリスマスを!
| descriptionEN= This new red wall will liven up the Christmas season.<br>Pair it with a warm winter mat for a wonderful Christmas at the naval base!
| BGM= 聖夜の母港
| release= 2022-12-06
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Winter Modern Art Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 冬のモダンアート壁紙
| nameEN= Winter Modern Art Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 63.png
| coin= 750
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 和のモダンアート壁紙の冬バージョンです。<br>冬の寒い情景を演出した配色と一筋の暖色がポイントな大人の壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= The winter version of the Modern Japanese Art Wallpaper.<br>This mature wallpaper features a color scheme that evokes a cold winter atmosphere and a strip of warm color.
| release= 2014-12-01
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Shirayuki's Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 白雪の壁紙
| nameEN= Shirayuki's Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 364.png
| coin= 1000
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= まるで降り積もる白雪のような、シンプルかつ奥深いホワイトデザインの壁紙。<br>某特型駆逐艦や北方配備の軽巡勢にも好評です!
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper with a simple yet profound white design, reminiscent of falling white snow.<br>It is also popular with certain special type destroyers and light cruisers stationed in the north!
| release= 2017-12-11
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Kisaragi's Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 如月の壁紙
| nameEN= Kisaragi's Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 332.png
| coin= 1600
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 少しずつ暖かくなる如月の季節をモチーフにした暖色系の暖かい雰囲気を持つ壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= This wallpaper has a warm atmosphere and uses warm colors, based on the motif of the Kisaragi season, when the weather gets gradually warmer.
| release= 2017-02-11
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===High-end Japanese-style wallpaper===
| nameJP= 高級和風壁紙
| nameEN= High-end Japanese-style wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 47.png
| coin= 700
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= もっと落ち着いた和の心の壁紙が欲しい…という提督の要請から生まれた、高級和風壁紙。<br>違いのわかる、大人の提督に人気です。
| descriptionEN= This high-end Japanese-style wallpaper was created in response to a request from the admiral who wanted a wallpaper with a more calming Japanese feel.<br>It is popular among mature admirals who can tell the difference.
| release= 2013-07-24
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Hinamatsuri Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 桃の節句の壁紙
| nameEN= Hinamatsuri Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 65.png
| coin= 330
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 桃の節句は女の子の季節。そんな早春に相応しい甘い雰囲気の壁紙です。<br>雛祭りにも優しくフィット。桃香の漂う提督室作りに!
| descriptionEN= The dolls festival is the girls' season. This wallpaper has a sweet atmosphere that is perfect for early spring.<br>It also fits Hinamatsuri gracefully. Let's fill the admiral's room with the scent of peach blossoms!
| BGM= 桃の節句と艦娘
| release= 2015-02-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Coastal Defense Ships Umbrella Painting Wall===
| nameJP= 海防艦の傘絵の壁
| nameEN= Coastal Defense Ships Umbrella Painting Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 482.png
| coin= 1500
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 雨が多い季節も気分を変えれば楽しいですね。<br>海防艦たちが傘や紫陽花を描いてくれた雨の季節の壁です。<br>アメ、アメ、ふれ、ふれ!
| descriptionEN= It's fun to change your mood even during rainy seasons.<br>This is the wall for the rainy season, with umbrellas and hydrangeas painted by coastal defense ships.<br>Rain, rain, touch, touch!
| release= 2020-05-20
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Fumizuki's Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 文月の壁紙
| nameEN= Fumizuki's Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 353.png
| coin= 770
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= ある睦月型駆逐艦の雰囲気再現してデザインされた壁紙です。<br>三日月と夏の花が印象的な、不思議な雰囲気の提督室が完成します。
| descriptionEN= This wallpaper is designed to recreate the atmosphere of a Mutsuki-class destroyer.<br>The admiral's room will have a mysterious atmosphere, with impressive moon crescents and summer flowers.
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Cool Wooden Wall===
| nameJP= 木製の涼しげな壁
| nameEN= Cool Wooden Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 302.png
| coin= 2200
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 木の素材を生かし、職人が腕によりをかけて組み上げたオール木製の壁材です。<br>ナチュラルな高級感、通気性も抜群。自然派提督に!
| descriptionEN= This is an all-wood wall that has been assembled by skilled craftsmen, taking advantage of the wood's natural properties.<br>Natural luxury and excellent airflow. For the natural admiral!
| release= 2016-06-30
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Blue And White Wall===
| nameJP= 青と白の壁
| nameEN= Blue And White Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 305.png
| coin= 1700
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 白い木板を使ったシンプルで清涼感のある夏の壁板。<br>青と白を基調にした、夏色の提督室は、水着の艦娘達にも人気です。
| descriptionEN= A simple and refreshing summer wall panel made of white wood.<br>With its summery blue and white tones, the admiral's room is also popular with the shipgirls in swimsuits.
| release= 2016-07-15
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Summer Sky Sea Wall===
| nameJP= 夏空の海壁
| nameEN= Summer Sky Sea Wall
| type= wall
| image1= ?
| image2= ?
| coin= 7130
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 季節は夏!<br>夏の海と、海上の白い雲。<br>気持ちのよい夏を提督室で満喫するための夏空の海壁です。カモメもいますね!
| descriptionEN= It's summer!<br>Summer sea and white clouds over the sea.<br>This is a sea wall under the summer sky, so you can enjoy a pleasant summer in the Admiral's room. There are even seagulls!
| release= 2022-07-13
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| feature= Seagulls in the background are moving.
===Halloween Wall===
| nameJP= Halloweenの壁
| nameEN= Halloween Wall
| type= wall
| image1= ?
| coin= 2023
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= Trick or Treat!<br>ハロウィンを楽しむ艦娘たちのために用意されたされた特製の提督室壁です。<br>提督室とは……一体?
| descriptionEN= Trick or Treat!<br>This is a special admiral room wall prepared for the ship girls to enjoy Halloween.<br>What exactly is the admiral's room...?
| release= 2023-10-11
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Autumn-themed Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 秋仕様の壁紙
| nameEN= Autumn-themed Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 49.png
| coin= 1000
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 秋の鎮守府のために用意された壁紙。<br>和のテイストで落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出しています。<br>少し大人の艦娘にも好評です。
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper prepared for autumn of the naval base.<br>The Japanese taste within it brings about a calming atmosphere.<br>It is also popular among slightly more mature ship girls.
| release= 2014-08-29
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Origami Crane Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 折鶴の壁紙
| nameEN= Origami Crane Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 58.png
| coin= 1500
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 秋の気配を感じる今日この頃にぴったりの落ち着いた和の雰囲気の壁紙です。<br>畳などの和の家具とも自然と馴染む穏やかな仕上がり。
| descriptionEN= A wallpaper with a calm Japanese atmosphere, perfect for these days when we can feel the signs of autumn in the air.<br>The gentle finish blends naturally with Japanese furniture such as tatami mats.
| release= 2013-09-18
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Autumn Leaves Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 紅葉の壁紙
| nameEN= Autumn Leaves Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 71.png
| coin= 20000
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 壁一面に紅葉した紅葉をあしらった手間暇のかかった家具コイン長者提督に贈る逸品。<br>秋の夜長の艦隊指揮にぴったりの最高級壁紙。
| descriptionEN= This furniture, decorated with autumn leaves all over the walls, is a masterpiece perfect for the coin millionaire admirals.<br>A top-quality wallpaper perfect for commanding a fleet on a long autumn night.
| release= 2013-09-18
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Autumn Saury Festival Wall===
| nameJP= 秋刀魚祭りの壁
| nameEN= Autumn Saury Festival Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 396.png
| coin= 110000
| discount= 1000
| rarity= 5
| descriptionJP= 秋は秋刀魚の季節、そして鎮守府秋刀魚祭りの季節!<br>むらさきをキーカラーにした特別な秋刀魚仕様の壁。<br>職人ダイナミック割引可!
| descriptionEN= Autumn is the season for Pacific saury, and the season for the Naval Base Saury Festival!<br>A special saury design wall with purple as the key color.<br>Dynamic discount available!
| release= 2018-10-10
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Persimmon Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 柿の壁紙
| nameEN= Persimmon Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 449.png
| coin= 700
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 秋色の落ち着いた色合いとガーリーな雰囲気が不思議な魅力を醸し出す、「柿」モチーフの壁紙です。
| descriptionEN= This "persimmon-themed" wallpaper exudes a mysterious charm with its calm autumn colors and girly feel.
| release= 2019-09-30
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===White Brick Grape Wall===
| nameJP= 白煉瓦作りの葡萄の壁
| nameEN= White Brick Grape Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 450.png
| coin= 4000
| fairy= 1
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 葡萄のカーペットに刺激を受けた家具職人が艦娘たちが止めるのも聞かず、最高の素材で作り上げた白煉瓦造りの高級壁です。
| descriptionEN= A furniture maker was inspired by the grape carpet and, despite the ship girls' protests, constructed a high-quality white brick wall out of the finest materials.
| release= 2019-09-30
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Mid-Autumn Festival Wall===
| nameJP= 中秋の壁
| nameEN= Mid-Autumn Festival Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 496.png
| coin= 1900
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= 秋の真ン中、中秋。<br>すすきが広がる秋の季節、そんなわびさびの心を描き出した秋の壁です。
| descriptionEN= The Mid-Autumn Festival in the middle of autumn.<br>This wall depicts the wabi-sabi spirit of autumn, the season when pampas grass spreads across the ground.
| release= 2020-09-17
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Chestnut Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 栗の壁紙
| nameEN= Chestnut Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 502.png
| coin= 600
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 秋の風物詩、栗。<br>その実のイメージから茶色の印象がある栗ですが、とげとげの殻斗果は最初は緑色。<br>栗ご飯も美味しいですよね!
| descriptionEN= Chestnuts are a symbol of autumn.<br>Chestnuts are often thought of as brown due to their fruit, but the thorny acorns are initially green.<br>Chestnut rice is also delicious!
| release= 2013-04-23
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Winter Grey Wallboard===
| nameJP= 冬のグレーな壁板
| nameEN= Winter Grey Wallboard
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 365.png
| coin= 1700
| rarity= 3
| descriptionJP= 渋いグレーに塗装され高級木材で制作された壁板に、雪原と冬の木々をデザインした壁紙です。<br>巡洋艦娘にも人気の少し大人な壁紙。
| descriptionEN= This wallpaper features a design of snowy fields and winter trees on wall panels painted a deep gray and made from high-quality wood.<br>A slightly more mature wallpaper that is also popular among cruiser girls.
| release= 2017-12-11
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
===Christmas Brick Wall===
| nameJP= 煉瓦作りのクリスマス壁
| nameEN= Christmas Brick Wall
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 366.png
| coin= 120170
| discount= 2017
| rarity= 4
| descriptionJP= クリスマスのマットにぴったりの楽しい提督室の壁…という駆逐艦や海防艦たちの希望に奮闘する提督製。<br>ダイナミック職人支援可!
| descriptionEN= A fun wall in the admiral's room that would be perfect for a Christmas mat... Made by an admiral who strives to fulfill the wishes of destroyers and coastal defense ships.<br>Dynamic discount available!
| BGM= 粉雪の降る夜
| release= 2017-12-11
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
===Starry City Wallpaper===
| nameJP= 星の降る街の壁紙
| nameEN= Starry City Wallpaper
| type= wall
| image1= Furniture Full 507.png
| coin= 700
| rarity= 2
| descriptionJP= 冬の夜空、そして温かい街の灯りを描いた壁紙です。<br>クリスマスツリーとあわせてもいいですね。
| descriptionEN= This wallpaper depicts the winter night sky and warm city lights.<br>It would be nice to match it with a Christmas tree.
| release= 2020-12-10
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=
| nameJP=
| nameEN=
| type= wall
| image1=
| coin=
| discount=
| fairy=
| rarity=
| descriptionJP=
| descriptionEN=
| BGM=
| feature=
| release=
| availability= [[Furniture Shop]]
| note=

Latest revision as of 16:22, 9 February 2025

  • JetFighterBomber2.pngJetFighterBomber1.png {{Jet Kikka}} {{Jet Keiun}}
  • Liaison Aircraft {{Liaison}}
  • Torpedoes {{Torpedo Weapon}}
  • Lookout {{Lookout}}
  • Star Shell Icon.png {{Star Shell}}
  • Anti-Ground Rocket {{Anti-Ground Rocket}}
  • Emergency Repair Personnel {{Emergency Repair}}
  • Landing Craft {{Landing Craft}}
  • Command Facility {{Command Facility}}
  • Depth Charges {{Depth Charge}}
  • Armor {{Extra Armor}}
  • Anti-Aircraft Fire Director {{AAFD}}
  • TransportationMaterial.png {{Transportation Material}}
  • Seaplane Fighter {{SPF}}
  • Large Flying Boat {{LFB}}
  • Submarine Equipment {{Submarine Radar}}

  • Land-based Fighter (Navy) {{LB Fighter 1}}
  • Land-based Fighter (Army) {{LB Fighter 2}}