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Latest revision as of 14:27, 12 May 2021

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Season/Early Summer 2017/doc

--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]

return {
  index = {
    ["Destroyers"] = { "Kisaragi", "Yayoi", "Uzuki", "Shigure", "Michishio", "Arare", "Kasumi", "Kuroshio", "Maikaze", "Yuugumo", "Makigumo", "Naganami", "Isokaze", "Yamakaze", "Kamikaze", "Asakaze", "Harukaze", "Matsukaze", "Minazuki", "Fujinami", "Uranami" },
    ["Light Cruisers"] = { "Yura", "Jintsuu", "Agano", "Noshiro", "Yahagi", "Sakawa", "Ooyodo" },
    ["Battleships"] = { "Mutsu", "Yamashiro", "Yamato", "Warspite", "Iowa", "Gangut" },
    ["Light Carriers"] = { "Kasuga Maru" },
    ["Standard Carriers"] = { "Kaga", "Taihou", "Saratoga", "Aquila" },
    ["Auxiliaries"] = { "Commandant Teste", "Shimushu", "Kunashiri", "Etorofu" },
  ships = {
    ["Kisaragi"] = {
            ja = "そうね、今年の夏はきれいな海の島に行って、バカンスもいいわね。 ええ、だめ?睦月ちゃん、内地の避暑地がいいの? そう?じゃ、そうしましょうか。",
            en = "Oh, I know, a vacation to the sea on a beautiful island would be lovely this summer. Eh, no? Mutsuki-chan, would you prefer a resort in Japan? Is that so? Well, let's do that then.",
    ["Yayoi"] = {
            ja = "暑くなって来た。卯月その格好はなに? 夏の装い?そうなんだ、ふーん。",
            en = "It's gotten hotter. Uzuki, what's with that look... your summer dress? Is that so? *hum*",
    ["Uzuki"] = {
            ja = "夏は夏らしい格好をするぴょん。ふーん、涼しくて快適ぴょん。ねえ、司令官?いひひっ",
            en = "Summer sure has gotten summerlike, pyon. Eh, it sure would be nice if it got cooler, pyon. Right, Commander? *giggle*",
    ["Shigure"] = {
            ja = "長波、それ、いいお握りだね?うん、僕も食べたいな。え、そ、そうなんだ?そう、僕も料理やってみようかな。",
            en = "Naganami, those look like nice onigiri, huh? Yup, I'd like to try some too. Eh, i-is that so? Yup, I'd like to try cooking too.",
    ["Michishio"] = {
            ja = "ふん。おにぎりがどうしたって?皆新しい衣装や艤装で気が緩んでんじゃないの?そんなんじゃ夏を越えられないわよ!私?私は別に興味ないけど。",
            en = "Hmph. What's with those onigiri? Aren't you all being too soft with all those new costumes and equipment? You'll never get through summer like that! Me? I'm not interested at all.",
    ["Arare"] = {
            ja = "このおにぎり、おおきくって、美味しい。お腹いっぱいになる。あ、霞姉さん、何を張り切ってるの?",
            en = "This onigiri is so big and delicious. I'm stuffed. Ah, what are you so fired up about, big sister Kasumi?",
    ["Kasumi"] = {
            ja = "はああ!?民生協力で店内放送?なんで私が?べ、別にやるわよ、貸しなさいマイク。こんなの簡単なんだから!えっと…はあ…霞よ、今…",
            en = "Huh?! In-store broadcasting with civilian cooperation? Why me? I don't really mind doing it, give me that mic. This is easy! Errr... *deep breath*... I'm Kasumi, now...",
    ["Kuroshio"] = {
            ja = "ああ、新しい水着買うたんや。たまたま、たまたまやで。",
            en = "Ah, I bought a new swimsuit. For no real reason, I just happen'd ta buy it. ",
    ["Maikaze"] = {
            ja = "もうすぐ夏ですねぇ提督。夏は、どんなステップで踊る? ん~、どうしようか? ねえ、提督?",
            en = "Summer is almost here, huh, Admiral? What dance steps should I use for summer? Hmm... what style do I use... Admiral, what do you think?",
    ["Yuugumo"] = {
            ja = "ふわあ〜少し長袖は暑くなって来たわね。え?夏季第四種軍装。そうね、そんな季節ね",
            en = "Uwaa~ It has become a bit hot in long sleeves, hasn't it? Eh? Change into Type 4 summer equipment? That's right, it's the season for that, isn't it?",
            note = "This is an in-joke. \"Type 4\" equipment is a reference to [[wikipedia:ja:軍服 (大日本帝国海軍)|the uniforms worn by the IJN]], in which there were only three types of them; there was never a Type 4 uniform in the IJN.",
    ["Makigumo"] = {
            ja = "夕雲姉さーん、夏季第四種って…それってもしかして水着じゃ…巻雲どうしよう?もう〜",
            en = "Big sis Yuugumo, by \"Type 4 Summer equipment\"... do you mean swimsuits?... What should I do? Geez...",
            note = "Maybe it really is \"swimsuit\".",
    ["Naganami"] = {
            ja = "ふうぇえ。夕雲ねえ何水着とか用意しちゃってるの?へえ、やるね。あ、何高波?あたしはやんないよ。やんないからね!",
            en = "Wheew~ What are you wearing a swimsuit for, big sis Yuugumo? Hmm, not bad. Oh, what's that, Takanami? I don't need that. I really don't!",
            note = "Clearly Yuugumo wants to sound high-baller.",
    ["Isokaze"] = {
            ja = "司令、なんだその目は?え、この夏は海に?海なら毎日出ているが…え?水着?なんだその兵装は?新型の電探が何かか?",
            en = "Commander, what's with that look? Eh, you want to go out to sea for the summer? We go to the sea everyday, though... eh? A swimsuit? What sort of equipment is that? Is it some sort of new radar or something?",
            note = "Clearly Isokaze is way too serious to remember this stuff."
    ["Yamakaze"] = {
            ja = "水着?別にいいけど。着るだけなら。",
            en = "A swimsuit? I don't really mind though. I'll just wear one.",
    ["Kamikaze"] = {
            ja = "ええ?今年の夏は水着でって…いやよ、いや!そんなのやるわけないじゃない! 私はいやよ!",
            en = "Eh? I should wear a swimsuit this summer... absolutely not! There's no way I can do that! I won't!",
    ["Asakaze"] = {
            ja = "あ〜、今年ももうすぐ夏ね?夏の終わりはあんまり好きじゃない。なんか、寂しいじゃない?",
            en = "Ah~ it's almost summer again this year, huh? I don't really like the end of summer. It somehow feels... a bit lonely?",
    ["Harukaze"] = {
            ja = "そうですね、大正の頃はそんなに肌を…いえ、そうではなくて、最近の水着はその、何と申しますか…破廉恥ではないかと。",
            en = "I see, during the Taishō period, showing that much skin would be... no, it wouldn't be like that. These swimsuits today are... how should I put it... they are a bit... indecent.",
    ["Matsukaze"] = {
            ja = "よし、越えたな。 はあ、僕もちょっとナーバスになっていたようだ。よし、進めるぞ、行こう。",
            en = "Alright, it's here, huh. Ah, I was a bit nervous too. Alright, let's go, heading out!",
    ["Minazuki"] = {
            ja = "うん、そう。昔はね、この季節を水無月って言ったんだって。この名前、気にいってるんだ。えへへ…",
            en = "Yeah, that's right. Back then, this season used to be known as 'Minazuki'. Isn't this name interesting? ",
            note = "If taken in the literal sense, what she says is true; \"Minazuki\" literally means \"month without water\", fitting the season of Summer.",
    ["Fujinami"] = {
            ja = "お、夏祭りか?もち行きたい。浴衣、出そう、着よう。ん、よいしょ…ん…えっと…こんな感じで…あ、朝霜ち、き、着付け手伝ってよう!",
            en = "Oh, a summer festival? I'll definitely go. Gotta put on a yukata. Hmmm, let's see here... Hmmm... ummm... like this... [[Asashimo|A-Asashi]], I-I definitely need your help!",
    ["Uranami"] = {
            ja = "今年も夏が来ますね?はあ。",
            en = "Summer has come this year too, hasn't it? *sigh*",
    ["Yura"] = {
            ja = "提督さん、梅雨が終わると夏の気配、感じますね。ね?由良も水着…ん、もう少し後にしようかな?どうしよう?ん〜",
            en = "Admiral, it starts to feel like summer after the rainy season is over, right? Right? I guess I should... hmmm, wait to get a swimsuit, right? What should I do? Hmmm...",
    ["Jintsuu"] = {
            ja = "そうですね、この季節になると、あの戦いを思い出します。あの夜を…あ、いえ、ごめんなさい。",
            en = "That's right, when this season comes the memories of that battle return. That night... Ah, sorry it's nothing.",
            note = "Jintsuu is referring to the [[wikipedia:Battle of Kolombangara|Battle of Kolombangara]], her final battle."
    ["Agano"] = {
            ja = "少しずつ暑くなってきたね〜。能代、どうする?この夏の最新鋭水着、買いに行っちゃう?…え、去年のでいいって?ぶうう〜",
            en = "It's getting a bit hotter, huh... What should we do, Noshiro? Shall we go and buy this summer's latest swimsuits? ...eh, last year's were fine? *blows a raspberry*",
    ["Noshiro"] = {
            ja = "え、阿賀野姉、新しい水着買いに行くの?去年ので良くない?贅沢はだめです!そもそも、私達は提督のために…",
            en = "Eh, you're going to buy a new swimsuit, Agano? Isn't last year's fine? Luxury is prohibited! In the first place, we're here for the sake of the Admiral...*nagging fades out*",
    ["Yahagi"] = {
            ja = "磯風、何を練習しているの?うん、うん、秋に備えて夏から練習を…大変ね?",
            en = "What practicing, Isokaze? I see, practice from summer to prepare for fall... must be hard, huh?",
    ["Sakawa"] = {
            ja = "ふう〜なんかこの季節、酒匂あんまり好きじゃない!っていうか、嫌い、嫌い!",
            en = "Whew~ Somehow I really don't like this season! I mean, I really hate it!",
            note = "Sakawa was sunk on 2 July 1946 at a nuclear bomb test at Bikini Atoll; this is around the season of summer, which is fitting why she doesn't like it.",
    ["Ooyodo"] = {
            ja = "明石、何?水着?いえ、私は鎮守府での任務がありますから…え、明石もそれはあるって?関係ないって?あの、いや、だからね。",
            en = "Akashi, what is it? A swimsuit? Uh, I have duties to do around the Naval Base, so... Eh, you have them too? They don't matter? Ummm, that isn't right...",
    ["Mutsu"] = {
            ja = "長門、この浴衣どう?おかしくない?そう、良かった。提督、お待たせ。うふふ〜。ありがとう。",
            en = "Nagato, how does this yukata look? Does it look strange? That's fine then. Thanks for waiting, Admiral. *giggle* Thank you.",
    ["Yamashiro"] = {
            ja = "扶桑姉さま、確かに、少し暑いですね。私、氷小豆もらってきます。間宮さんから。",
            en = "Fusou nee-sama, I agree— it's a little hot. I'll go bring iced red beans from Mamiya-san...",
            line = "Secretary 2",
    ["Yamato"] = {
            ja = "提督、少し暑くなってきましたね?今年も夏が来るのですね。え?水着ですか?あ、はい。一応武蔵と一緒に買ってあって。",
            en = "Admiral, it's gotten a bit hotter, hasn't it? Summer is here again this year huh. Eh? A swimsuit? Ah, yes. I went and bought one with Musashi just in case.",
    ["Warspite"] = {
            ja = "水着か?なるほど。一考の価値はありそうね。ん…どうしようか?",
            en = "A swimsuit? I see. I shall take it into consideration. Hmmm... What should I do?",
    ["Iowa"] = {
            ja = "日本の夏は暑いわね~。大和、どうしたの?…Summer holiday?水着?へ〜",
            en = "Japanese summers sure are hot... Yamato, what are you doing? ...having a summer holiday? In a swimsuit? Eh?",
    ["Gangut"] = {
            ja = "ほ~。日本ではもうこんな季節に薄着になって行くというのか?そうか、夏用を買うか…",
            en = "Oh, so in Japan, they dress lightly for summer too, huh? Alright then, I'll buy some during summertime...",
    ["Kasuga Maru"] = {
            ja = "夏が近づいてくると、私…。いえ、提督、大丈夫です。今は平気、です。その、はずです。",
            en = "When summer gets closer, I... No, I'm fine, Admiral. I'm fine now. I'm sure.",
            note = "Maybe it's because she was torpedoed during this season?",
    ["Kaga"] = {
            ja = "だから、夏はあまり好きではないと…え、赤城さんが?そう、仕方がありません。買い物に行きましょう。",
            en = "I told you, I'm not fond of the summer... Eh, Akagi-san is? Is that so? Can't be helped then. Let's go shopping.",
            line = "Secretary 2",
    ["Taihou"] = {
            ja = "なんでしょう?なにか今年も乗り越えた気がします。提督、私、どこか変ですか?そう、気のせいかな…心配かけて、すみません。",
            en = "What's this? I feel like I've managed to overcome something again this year. Am I odd anywhere, Admiral? I see, it must have been my imagination... sorry for worrying you.",
    ["Saratoga"] = {
            ja = "水着ですか?どうしよう?Iowaはoff seasonでもあんな格好だし…Saraは…ん…考えておきますね?",
            en = "A swimsuit? What should I do? Iowa looks like that year round, though... I'll... hmmm... think about it alright?",
    ["Aquila"] = {
            ja = "少しずつ暑くなってきましたね~。夏がくるのですね?日本の四季楽しいです!",
            en = "It's gotten a bit hotter, huh... summer is coming, right? Japan's four seasons are fun!",
    ["Commandant Teste"] = {
            ja = "提督、艦隊の皆さんに合わせて…私も夏はこのような…おかしいですか?…うん、merci。",
            en = "Is it strange... that I'm dressed like this during the summer... like the rest of the fleet? ...yes, thank you.",
    ["Shimushu"] = {
            ja = "クナ、夏の準備はバッチリっしゅ?え、まだ悩んでるっすか?海防艦は思いっきりが大事っすよ!そうっす!それでいいっしゅ!",
            en = "Are you done with your summer preparations yet, [[Kunashiri|Kuna]], siu? Eh, you're still worrying about it, su? Coastal defense boats must be resolute, su! That's right, su! Just like that, siu!",
    ["Kunashiri"] = {
            ja = "え、あたしはそういうのはいいかな…姉さん、それ思いっきりの問題と違うと思う…いや、いいって、ホント、私は!",
            en = "Eh, is it fine for me to do something like that...? I'm definitely sure that isn't a problem of resolution right now, big sis... no, I said I'm fine!",
    ["Etorofu"] = {
            ja = "また今年も夏が近づいてくるんですね?…色々思い出します。でも、今はまた皆と一緒、頑張ります!",
            en = "Summer is nearing again this year, huh? ...lots of memories are coming back to me. But this time, I'll work hard together with everyone!",