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Latest revision as of 14:25, 12 May 2021

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Season/Rainy Season 2016/doc

--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]

return {
  index = {
    ["Destroyers"] = { "Oboro", "Akebono", "Sazanami", "Ushio", "Akatsuki", "Hibiki", "Ikazuchi", "Inazuma", "Shiratsuyu", "Murasame", "Yuudachi", "Asashio", "Ooshio", "Michishio", "Arashio", "Arare", "Kasumi", "Hatsukaze", "Maikaze", "Akigumo", "Yuugumo", "Makigumo", "Naganami", "Isokaze", "Urakaze", "Tanikaze", "Hamakaze", "Hayashimo", "Kiyoshimo", "Teruzuki", "Hatsuzuki", "Asashimo", "Libeccio", "Okinami", "Kazagumo", "Arashi", "Hagikaze", "Oyashio", "Umikaze", "Kawakaze", "Kamikaze", "Harukaze" },
    ["Light Cruisers"] = { "Yura", "Agano", "Noshiro", "Yahagi", "Sakawa", "Ooyodo", "Yuubari" },
    ["Heavy Cruisers"] = { "Aoba", "Takao", "Atago", "Maya", "Kinugasa", "Suzuya", "Kumano", "Zara", "Pola", "Mikuma" },
    ["Battleships"] = { "Yamato", "Musashi", "Iowa" },
    ["Light Carriers"] = { "Houshou", "Zuihou", "Chitose", "Chiyoda" },
    ["Standard Carriers"] = { "Taihou", "Unryuu", "Graf Zeppelin" },
    ["Submarines"] = { "I-19", "I-168", "I-58", "I-8", "Maruyu" },
    ["Auxiliaries"] = { "Akitsu Maru", "Mizuho", "Hayasui", "Kashima" },
  ships = {
    ["Oboro"] = {
        ja = "梅雨の季節ですね。雨…もたまにはいいですね。落ち着きます。多分…",
        en = "It's the rainy season, isn't it. Rain... it's nice to have it once in a while. It calms me. I believe...",
    ["Akebono"] = {
        ja = "はー?雨除けのてるてる坊主?いいよ、そんなの。漣、手先、器用ね。やってみようかな。",
        en = "Huh? A teru-teru bouzu to ward away the rain? I'll pass on doing that. Sazanami, you're really dexterous with your hands. Maybe I should try.",
    ["Sazanami"] = {
        ja = "てるてる坊主?あ、作ってあるって。ほら、可愛いっしょ?ご主人様と漣だお!",
        en = "Teru-teru bouzu? Oh, I've made some. See, aint they cute? There's one for you Master and another for me!",
    ["Ushio"] = {
        ja = "梅雨の雨ってなんだか落ち着いた気持ちになりますね。不思議です!",
        en = "The rainy season makes me feel really calm for some reason. It's a wonderful feeling!",
    ["Akatsuki"] = {
        ja = "梅雨かぁ。ちょっとショボーン…。あっ電、それてるてる坊主?やるじゃない!",
        en = "So it's the rainy season. It feels a little disheartening... Ah, Inazuma, is that a teru-teru bouzu? Awesome!",
    ["Hibiki"] = {
        ja = "電のてるてる坊主、いいな。かわいい。暁のそれは…なんだい?怪獣?",
        en = "Inazuma's teru-teru bouzu, looks nice. It's cute. As for Akatsuki's... what may it be? A monster?",
        note = "''Secretary 1''",
    ["Ikazuchi"] = {
        ja = "電、てるてる坊主作ってるの? かわいいわねぇ!作り方教えて…。成る程、解かったわ。",
        en = "Inazuma, you're making a teru-teru bouzu? That looks cute! Teach me how to do it. I see... Got it.",
    ["Inazuma"] = {
        ja = "てるてる坊主を作るのです。こうやって、ここをこう。できたのです、かわいいのです!",
        en = "I'm making teru-teru bouzu. You hold it like this, then do this, and... It's done! It's so cute!",
    ["Shiratsuyu"] = {
        ja = "いっちばん効き目があるてるてる坊主作ろうっと!う…うう…うーー…難しい。",
        en = "Time to make the most effective teru-teru bouzu! Hm... Hmm? Hnnggh... it's quite hard.",
    ["Murasame"] = {
        ja = "てるてる坊主?じゃあ、村雨が作ってみますね。ほら、ここをこうして・・・出来ました",
        en = "Teru-teru bouzu? Then, Murasame will try making one, 'kay? Look, you do this here and... it's done.",
    ["Yuudachi"] = {
        ja = "うーん…雨の日は出不精になってしまいがちだけど…でも外に出かけるっぽい。ぽーい!",
        en = "Hmm... rainy days tend to keep one at home but... still, it feels like I can go out now. Poi~",
        note = "''Secretary 1''",
    ["Asashio"] = {
        ja = "司令官!雨の日が続きます!第八駆逐隊、てるてる坊主生産任務に入りましょうか?!",
        en = "Commander! The rainy days continue! Would you like the 8th Destroyer Division to start on a teru-teru bouzu production mission!?",
    ["Ooshio"] = {
        ja = "梅雨の季節は少しアゲアゲになりにくいですか?いいえ、そんなことありません!大潮、いつだってアゲアゲです!",
        en = "You ask if it's hard to raise my spirits during the rainy season? No, that is not true at all! Ooshio is always fired up!",
    ["Michishio"] = {
        ja = "じめじめ降るわね。まあ、たまには雨の日もいいか。あ、私の傘、勝手に使わないでね。印つけてあるから。",
        en = "It's raining quite a bit. Well, to see the rainy days is not bad for once. Oh, please don't use my umbrella without permission. I have it marked with a seal.",
    ["Arashio"] = {
        ja = "雨の日が続くわね。シトシト…シトシト…うふふ。雨の日は雨の日で楽しいわよね?",
        en = "The days of rain keeps coming. Plip plip... plip plip... ufufu. Rainy days are fun because they are rainy, right?",
    ["Arare"] = {
        ja = "梅雨… 雨… 雨音… 嫌いじゃないです。",
        en = "Rainy season... Rain... Rain sounds... I don't hate them.",
    ["Kasumi"] = {
        ja = "梅雨か。雨で外も霧のようにかすんでいる。この霞があるうちは大丈夫。霰、心配しないで。",
        en = "It's the rainy season, huh. Even the outside looks foggy with all the rain. We'll be fine as long as the haze remains. Arare, don't worry.",
        note = "A simple play on her own name, which means \"haze\". Kasumi refers to how she'll protect Arare, as she was unable to do so on the 5th of July 1942.",
    ["Hatsukaze"] = {
        ja = "梅雨か… この季節は少し落ち着いた感じがするわね。私は嫌いじゃないんだけど。",
        en = "The rainy season... this season feels rather relaxing. I don't hate it though.",
    ["Maikaze"] = {
        ja = "雨の季節ですね。う… のわっち、こんな日は一緒に踊ろうよ? えっ?狭いから駄目?おケチ!",
        en = "It's the season of rain. Ugh... Nowacchi, want to dance on a day like this? Eh? No because it's too cramped? What a tightwad!",
    ["Akigumo"] = {
        ja = "梅雨か、つまんないな…え?何?皆てるてる坊主作ってんだ。じゃ、秋雲はフールスクラッチで作ってみようかな。塗装はっと…",
        en = "The rainy season is so boring... eh? What? So everyone is making teru-teru bouzu. Then, Akigumo will make them from scratch. Now, for the paint...",
    ["Yuugumo"] = {
        ja = "あら、うふふ。巻雲さん何です、そのてるてる坊主は?少しユニークすぎますね。貸してみて。ほら。これは可愛くないかしら?",
        en = "Oh my. Hehehe... What teru-teru bouzu is that, Makigumo-san? It looks a bit too unique. Let me borrow that. There. Now it looks cute, doesn't it?",
    ["Makigumo"] = {
        ja = "雨が多い…ので、お天気祈願でてるてる坊主を作ろうと… モチーフは夕雲姉さんです!こうやって…こう!あれ?こう?あれ??",
        en = "It's nothing but raining. But let's change the mood by making teru-teru bouzu. This one is going to be like Yuugumo nee-san! So I do this, and... This! Eh, or is it like this? Huh??",
    ["Naganami"] = {
        ja = "へー。何ですか、それ?てるてる坊主?ちょっと、巻雲姉貸してみろって。ほら、な?可愛いだろう?えっ、何怒ってんの?",
        en = "Ayy, what's that? Teru-teru bouzu? Let me borrow that, Makigumo-nee. Check this out. Ain't it cute? Eh? Why are you angry?",
    ["Isokaze"] = {
        ja = "雨か。梅雨だからな。いや、雨も悪くない。心が…落ち着くだろう?この季節は嫌いではないぞ。",
        en = "Rain, huh. Because it's the rainy season. No, rain is not bad. I wonder... if I can feel at rest. I do not dislike this season.",
    ["Urakaze"] = {
        ja = "雨… 梅雨じゃね。紫陽花の花、綺麗じゃね。うち、好きなんじゃ。",
        en = "Rain... oh, the rainy season. The Hydrangea, aren't they pretty. I love 'em.",
    ["Tanikaze"] = {
        ja = "この季節は雨が多いね。雨の音もこうしてゆっくり聞いていれば、悪くないわね。",
        en = "It rains often during this season. When you concentrate on carefully listening to the sound of the rain, it's not all that bad.",
    ["Hamakaze"] = {
        ja = "紫陽花の花?私も好きですね。青い花、綺麗だと思います。落ち着きますね。",
        en = "Hydrangea flowers? I also like them. I think blue flowers are beautiful. They make me feel calm.",
    ["Hayashimo"] = {
        ja = "司令官?あの… たまには一緒に… ぅ… いいえ、ぅ…",
        en = "Commander. Umm... Once in a while, can we... N-Nothing. Uhh...",
        note = "Lewd hands holding",
    ["Kiyoshimo"] = {
        ja = "司令官?あのさ、ね?ねー?",
        en = "Commander. Just to say, okay? okay?",
    ["Teruzuki"] = {
        ja = "梅雨の季節はじめじめして嫌ですよね。晴れ間の間にお洗濯しちゃわないと。さ、提督。洗っちゃいますから、それ脱いで。",
        en = "The rainy season is all damp and humid, it's unpleasant isn't it? We have to take out the laundry while the weather's still clear. Now, Admiral. I'll be washing it, so take that off.",
    ["Hatsuzuki"] = {
        ja = "雨が続くなぁ。少し体が訛りそうだ。こんな日は缶詰の整理でもしよう。あ… これ、膨らんでる。駄目…だな。",
        en = "It's still raining. It seems my body is getting a little stiff. Guess I'll arrange my food cans on a day like this. Ah, this one is inflated. It's... no good anymore.",
    ["Asashimo"] = {
        ja = "はあー。何だ… 雨が続くよな。なんか部屋の中って落ち着かないぜ!あーーー、何だかな!",
        en = "Sigh... Eh... It's still raining. Somehow I felt uneasy just being indoors. Aarrrgh! Why?",
    ["Libeccio"] = {
        ja = "雨!雨雨雨!「ツーユー」という季節、雨ばっかじゃない?そういうもんなんだ。",
        en = "La Pioggia! Rain rain rain! Isn't this \"Tsuuyou\" season nothing but rain? So it's that kind of a season.",
    ["Okinami"] = {
        ja = "よく降りますね。でも、梅雨って少し楽しい季節ですよね。私、好きなんです。",
        en = "It has been raining. But I find the rainy season to be quite fun. I love it.",
    ["Kazagumo"] = {
        ja = "この季節はあまり好きじゃない。なんか、心が沈んでいく気がする。何だろう?",
        en = "I'm not fond of this season. For some reason, it makes me feel gloomy deep inside. I wonder why?",
    ["Arashi"] = {
        ja = "ややや… また雨じゃんか。どうも雨が続くと体の調子がおかしくなるよ。指令は平気か?",
        en = "Gosh... It's still raining. If it keeps on raining, I feel that my body will not feel so good. Are you doing fine, commander?",
    ["Hagikaze"] = {
        ja = "私、紫陽花の花の色、好きなんです。こんなに綺麗なのに紫陽花って毒があるんですって。不思議ですね、司令。司令?",
        en = "I, really love it, the colour of the Hydrangea flowers. Although they are so pretty, I've heard that Hydrangeas have poison in them. How intriguing isn't it, Commander? Commander?",
    ["Oyashio"] = {
        ja = "この季節は少しだけ心が沈みます。司令?あ、ごめんなさい。大丈夫です。司令に心配かけるわけにはいかない。私、がんばります。平気です!",
        en = "This season makes my heart sink a little. Commander? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm feeling alright. I do not intend to cause any worry to the Commander. I'll do my best. I am alright!",
        note = "Oyashio, Kagerou and Kuroshio all sunk in May and were removed from the navy list on the 20th of June 1943. Des Dev 15 was also disbanded on this day.",
    ["Umikaze"] = {
        ja = "この季節、雨が多いですね。でも静か… いいですね。海風、雨の日も好きです。",
        en = "It rains pretty often in this season, doesn't it? But it's quiet... It's nice. Umikaze, likes the rainy days too.",
    ["Kawakaze"] = {
        ja = "ふーん… 雨の日が続くね。梅雨ってやつだよね。ま、仕方ない。のんびりやるさ。",
        en = "Hmm... It's been raining for days. It's the rainy season after all. Oh well, time to relax.",
    ["Kamikaze"] = {
        ja = "羽黒さん、この季節は注意して!あ、足柄さんも!どこかに行くときは私も一緒に行きますから。",
        en = "Miss Haguro, please be careful during this season! Ah, you too, Miss Ashigara! If you're heading somewhere, I'll accompany you.",
        note = "Haguro sank at Straits of Malacca while Ashigara sank at Bangka Strait, near Sumatra. Two tropical places that rains constantly.",
    ["Harukaze"] = {
        ja = "雨… 梅雨は苦手な方が多いですけれど、私は好き… 傘が似合うこの季節、大好きなんです。駄目でしょうか?",
        en = "Rain... I'm well aware that not many are fond of the rainy season, but I love it. It fits well with my umbrella. I adore it so much. Is it not good?",
    ["Yura"] = {
        ja = "梅雨の季節、提督さん、由良とゆっくりお部屋で過ごしましょ?お茶、入れますね。ね?",
        en = "The season of rain. Admiral, would you like to spend some time with me in my room? I have some tea to offer. So?",
    ["Agano"] = {
        ja = "雨… 最近雨が多い。あ、そっか!梅雨だからだ!能代、今梅雨だよ!うふふ!",
        en = "Rain... it's just been raining lately. Ah, I know! It's because of the rainy season! Noshiro, it's the rainy season right now! Ufufu!",
    ["Noshiro"] = {
        ja = "紫陽花の花、綺麗… 提督はこの季節、お好きですか?能代は少し心が穏やかになるような気がして、好きです。",
        en = "Hydrangeas are pretty... Admiral, do you like this season? It fills me with this vivid warmth, thus I like it.",
    ["Yahagi"] = {
        ja = "よく降るわね。あ、磯風。自作のてるてる坊主?不思議な形ね。私も作ろうかな?",
        en = "It's really pouring. Oh, Isokaze. Is that your special teru-teru bouzu? It's oddly shaped. Maybe I should make one.",
    ["Sakawa"] = {
        ja = "ピャー。雨の日が多いピャー。梅雨の季節は、あまりお外にいけないね。ふぇ…",
        en = "Pyaa. So many days of rain, pyaa. I can't go out much during the rainy season. Fueen...",
    ["Ooyodo"] = {
        ja = "最近雨の日が続きますが、艦隊は可動状態であります。梅雨の一日、提督、艦隊運用はどうされますか。え?本日はお休み?本当に?提督、いいんですか?",
        en = "It has been raining a lot as of late, but our fleet is standing by for mobilization. Admiral, how would you utilize our fleet during this rainy day? Eh? Put everyone on R&R for today? Really? Is that okay, Admiral?",
    ["Yuubari"] = {
        ja = "ぅわぁ~、梅雨の季節って機械が錆びやすいから、少し嫌かも。でも、頑張ろっと!",
        en = "Hmm~ About the rainy season, machinery rusts easily during it so maybe I dislike it a little. Still, let's do our best!",
    ["Aoba"] = {
        ja = "お、がさ!そのアンニュイな表情いいねぇ。いただき! えっ?あっ、青葉のカメラ返してよー!何で青葉を撮るのさぁ! 青葉はいいんだよぉ!",
        en = "Oh, Gassa. That dejected expression of yours looks nice. Yoink! Huh? Hey, give me my camera back! Why are you taking pics of me!? Don't mind me!",
        note = "Admirals nicknamed Kinugasa 'Kinugassa' or 'Gassa', mainly because the name sounds similar to Kinogassa, the Japanese name of the pokémon Breloom.",
    ["Takao"] = {
        ja = "最近雨が多いですね。まさに梅雨、と言って差し上げますわ。あっ、ご、御免なさい。",
        en = "It's been raining a lot lately, isn't it. I tell you, this surely is the rainy season. Ah, uhm, I'm sorry.",
        note = "Check out her Night Battle line to get the joke.",
    ["Atago"] = {
        ja = "良く降るわねぇ。こういう時はホットミルクがおいしいの。本当よ。試してみる?",
        en = "So much downpour. This is the perfect time for hot milk. No, really. Want to try some?",
        note = "Atago's hot milk... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)",
    ["Maya"] = {
        ja = "最近ちょっとじめじめした日が続くな。かぁっと、気持ち良く晴れるといいな。なあ!",
        en = "Lately it's been all damp and wet, huh. Would be cool if the weather cleared up already, right?",
    ["Kinugasa"] = {
        ja = "ううん、どうも雨の日が続くとテンションが下がっちゃう。あぁっ、もう!こんな時撮らないでよ、青葉!撮りかえすぞ!",
        en = "Hmm, somehow these rainy days make me feel so down. Ugh, goddamnit! Now's not the time to take pics of me, Aoba! How about I take some of you instead!",
    ["Suzuya"] = {
        ja = "うぅぅ、なんかじめじめするぅ。梅雨の季節ってなんか苦手。",
        en = "Ugh, it's all wet and gloomy. I, like, totally can't deal with this rainy season.",
    ["Kumano"] = {
        ja = "雨、梅雨の季節ですの。こんな時はサンドイッチが食べたくなりますわ。",
        en = "Ah yes, it's the rainy season. Times like these make me crave for a sandwich.",
    ["Zara"] = {
        ja = "「ツーユー」でしょ、この季節の名前。いろいろな季節の名前がついていて日本は面白い所ね。いや、嫌いじゃないんだけど。",
        en = "This season is called \"Tsuuyou\", right? To have a variety of names based on its season, Japan sure is an interesting place. No, i don't hate it.",
    ["Pola"] = {
        ja = "最近雨が続きますぅ。これが、ザラ姉様の言っていた「ツー↑ユー↓」なんですねぇ。ポーラも「テルテルボーズ↓」作りまーす。",
        en = "It's been nothing but raining lateleh... This must be the \"Tswo-yoo\" Zara told me about. Maybe I should go and make some \"Terre-Terre Bouse\".",
    ["Mikuma"] = {
        ja = "雨の日が続きますわ。この季節は少し苦手です。何か、悲しい気持ちになってしまって。いけませんね。",
        en = "The rainy days are continuing nonstop. I'm a little bad with this kind of season. For some reason, this season brings a sad feeling with it. I can't go on like this, can I.",
    ["Yamato"] = {
        ja = "Iowaさん? あ、かわいいですね、そのてるてる坊主。ねぇ、よかったら一緒に作りましょう。大和のはね、ここをこうして…。",
        en = "Iowa-san? Ah, isn't that teru-teru bouzu cute? Say, would you like to make one together? For the ones I make, it goes like...",
    ["Musashi"] = {
        ja = "雨も、悪くはない。梅雨の季節ならなおさらだ。こんな日は熱燗も、いいな。なぁ?",
        en = "The rain too, isn't bad. All the more so since it's the rainy season. A cup of hot sake on such a day is nice as well, ain't it?",
    ["Iowa"] = {
        ja = "Rainが多いわね、このseason。「ツーユー」って言うの? あなたのため? romanticな季節ね。さすが二ッポーンだわ。",
        en = "It's raining all day today. It's called \"Two-you\"? As in, \"To You\"? What a romantic season. That's Japan for you.",
        note = "She may be misunderstanding 'つーゆー' (Tsuu yuu) for 'to you'. But, 'あなたのため' would usually be translated as 'for you'.",
    ["Houshou"] = {
        ja = "また雨、こんな日は食べ物が傷みやすくて困ります。洗濯物も、どうしましょう。",
        en = "It's raining again. I'm troubled that the foods can spoil easily today. There's also the laundry to take care of. What should I do...?",
    ["Zuihou"] = {
        ja = "雨の日が多い。梅雨の季節ですね。雨の日の鎮守府も、静かでいいですね。えへへ。",
        en = "It's been raining almost everyday. It's the rain season. Rainy day at the homeport sure is serene. Ehehe.",
    ["Chitose"] = {
        ja = "梅雨、晴れの日は少ないですが、こんな日はお部屋で軽く飲むのもいいですね。うふっ。",
        en = "Rainy season. The number of clear days are decreasing but... during these kind of days, having a light drink in the room sounds good too, doesn't it? Ufu~",
    ["Chiyoda"] = {
        ja = "雨の日、ちょっと退屈…。千歳お姉は何してるのかな?あっ、ちょっと見てくるだけ!",
        en = "Rainy days are a little boring... Chitose-onee; I wonder what is she doing now? Ah, I'm just off to see her for a bit!",
    ["Taihou"] = {
        ja = "雨が続くと、艦載機の訓練に支障が出るわね。航空隊の練度が心配。ううん…。",
        en = "If the rain keeps on pouring, it hinders our flight drill. I'm worried that the squad will not get adequate training. Hmm...",
        ja = "そうか!荒天時運用の訓練と考えればいいのよね。よしっ、艦載機の皆さん、訓練に…あれ?皆さん?あれっ…?",
        en = "That's right! I can just use the rain as part of their training. Right! Fellow planes, commencing... Huh? Everyone? Huh...?",
        note = "Taihou's aircraft pilots may escape from her to  the place where Unryuu stays. Because they are unwilling to train under the rain.",
        line = "Secretary 2",
    ["Unryuu"] = {
        ja = "そう、今日も雨なのね。いいじゃない、お休みしましょ。ねっ。",
        en = "I see, so it's raining again today. I'm sure it's fine to take a rest, you know.",
    ["Graf Zeppelin"] = {
        ja = "この季節は雨が多いのだな。私の工事が最初に中止されたのもこの季節だったな。忌々しいことだ。あ、いや、古い些事か、忘れてくれ。",
        en = "It has been raining quite a bit during this season. I remember that it was during this time that they decided for the first time to halt my construction. It was infuriating. Ah, no. It's a petty part of the past. Please forget it.",
        note = "Consult Graf's [[Graf_Zeppelin#Trivia|trivia section]].",
    ["I-19"] = {
        ja = "最近、雨が多いの?イク、いつも海の中だからあまり分からなかったの。梅雨なのね。",
        en = "Has it been raining a lot lately? Iku is always underwater so I didn't really notice it. So it's the rainy season.",
        note = "She doesn't realize because she's always Orel cruising.",
    ["I-168"] = {
        ja = "最近、雨が多いですね。梅雨だから仕方ないけど。あ、イク!てるてる坊主作ってるんだ!見せて見せて!…… こ、個性的だね。",
        en = "It's been raining a lot recently, hasn't it? It's the rainy season so it can't be helped. Ah, Iku! So you are making a teru-teru bouzu! Show me, show me! ...It's, um, quite unique.",
    ["I-58"] = {
        ja = "雨が多い季節でち!でも!海の中に潜っちゃうと… 関係ないでち!",
        en = "It's a season with a lot of rain dechi! But! If I dive underwater... it doesn't matter anymore dechi!",
    ["I-8"] = {
        ja = "じとじとしますね。梅雨ですからね。ハッちゃん、梅雨でも元気ですよ?",
        en = "It feels humid. It's the rainy season after all. Hacchan is cheerful even in rainy season, ok?",
    ["Maruyu"] = {
        ja = "隊長、雨の日が続きますね。傘持ってきますね。え?「まるゆはどんな傘が好きか」って?うーむ。あ!大和さんの傘!華やかで、まるゆ、好きです!",
        en = "Captain, the rain just keeps on pouring, isn't it. I'll go fetch us an umbrella. Eh? \"What kind of umbrella does Maruyu likes\", you asked? Hmm... Ah! Yamato's umbrella! It's showy; Maruyu love those!",
    ["Akitsu Maru"] = {
        ja = "梅雨であります。雨の日が多いのであります。こういう日は搭載した大発の整備をするのであります。",
        en = "It's the rainy season, sir. It has been raining all day, sir. Today I shall maintain my build-in Daihatsu, sir.",
    ["Mizuho"] = {
        ja = "この季節、少し物悲しいですね。潜水艦ですか?そうですね。いまだに少し…複雑ですね。",
        en = "This season feels a bit melancholic, doesn't it?. Submarines? I see... Even now, I still felt a bit complicated over it...",
        note = "Mizuho was sank by an American submarine, USS Drum on May 1st, which falls around the rainy season.",
    ["Hayasui"] = {
        ja = "梅雨の季節はじとじとして少し苦手です。けど大丈夫です!いつだって、艦隊と提督さんをサポートします!はい!",
        en = "The rainy season is humid and I don't really like it. But, don't worry! I will always support the fleet and the admiral! Yes!",
    ["Kashima"] = {
        ja = "最近、よく降りますね。こんな日はお部屋の中で艦隊運用の戦略を練りましょ?",
        en = "It rains a lot these days. For a day like this lets stay indoors and plot our fleet operation strategy.",