
Created page with "--Categories: --Category:Seasonal modules return { index = { ["Destroyers"] = { "Mutsuki", "Kisaragi", "Hatsuharu", "Nenohi", "Wakaba", "Hatsushimo", "Shiratsuyu", ..."
--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]

return {
index = {
["Destroyers"] = { "Mutsuki", "Kisaragi", "Hatsuharu", "Nenohi", "Wakaba", "Hatsushimo", "Shiratsuyu", "Shigure", "Murasame", "Yuudachi", "Urakaze", "Hamakaze", "Tanikaze", "Nowaki" },
["Heavy Cruisers"] = { "Prinz Eugen" },
["Light Carriers"] = { "Zuihou" },
ships = {
["Mutsuki"] = {
ja = "おりょ?節分ですか~、節分なんですか。睦月投げます!えーい!",
en = "Oyo? It's Setsubun? It's Setsubun! Mutsuki is going to throw! Hyah!",
note = "",
["Kisaragi"] = {
ja = "この豆を投げるのねー、えーい。いやだ、変なとこ当たっちゃった?",
en = "We throw this bean, right? Hyaah... Oh my, did I hit somewhere strange?",
note = "",
["Hatsuharu"] = {
ja = "うむ、節分は大切な儀式じゃ、いろいろな意味があるのじゃぞ?あ、知っておったかや?",
en = "Hm! Setsubun is an important ceremony! It holds many meanings! Oh, you knew?",
note = "",
["Nenohi"] = {
ja = "二月といえば子日…じゃなくって節分だよー節分。豆投げるよー、とおー!",
en = "If it's February, it's got to be Nenohi.... I mean, Setsubun-- Setsubun. I'll throw the beans--, too!",
note = "The sound effect is pronounced taw",
["Wakaba"] = {
ja = "節分だと?この豆を提督に投げればいいのか?違うな、ではどうすれば?",
en = "It's Setsubun? Should I throw this bean at the admiral? No, that's not right. Then what should I do?",
note = "",
["Hatsushimo"] = {
ja = "鬼は外ー、福は内ー、えい!あっ提督に!?ごめんなさい、片付けますね。",
en = "Demons out! Luck in! Ei! Ah, Admiral?! I'm sorry; I'll clean this up.",
note = "",
["Shiratsuyu"] = {
ja = "福は内ー、鬼はー外!ふふ♪楽しいかもー節分。村雨的にはどうなの?",
en = "Luck in, demons out! Heh heh, Setsubun might be fun! How do you feel about it, Murasame?",
note = "",
["Shigure"] = {
ja = "豆まき…か。結構、当たると痛いね。",
en = "Throwing beans, huh... It hurts when you get hit often, doesn't it?",
note = "",
["Murasame"] = {
ja = "はいは~い♪節分ね。この行事って、いつからあるのかしら?ねえ?",
en = "Yep, yep! It's Setsubun, isn't it? I wonder, from when did this event start being celebrated? Don't you?",
note = "",
["Yuudachi"] = {
ja = "この豆全力で投げるぽい。。えい。。えい。。えいい。。。。おおおおお。。。",
en = "I'm throwing these beans with full strength .... Ei.... Ei.... Eiiii.... Oohhh..",
note = "",
["Urakaze"] = {
ja = "提督?なんでうちに豆を投げるんじゃ?怒らんけぇ言うてみ?ん?んー?",
en = "Admiral? Why are you throwing beans at me? I won't get angry, so tell me. Hmm? Hmmm--?",
note = "",
["Hamakaze"] = {
ja = "節分ですね。磯風と一緒に、お豆、投げたいですね。あっ、私、探しておきます。",
en = "It's Setsubun. I'd like to throw some beans with Isokaze.... Ah, I'll go look for her.",
note = "",
["Tanikaze"] = {
ja = "かぁっ!節分かい!こいつは粋だねぇーっ、誰に投げりゃいいんだい?浜風かぁ?…ア゛ッ!?",
en = "Kaa! It's Setsubun! This is nifty. Who should I throw it at? Hamakaze? Ah!?",
note = "",
["Nowaki"] = {
ja = "節分って…豆は投げた方がいいのか…食べた方がいいのか…ぅえっ?両方?なの?",
en = "In Setsubun, is it better to throw the beans or eat them? Eh? You do both?",
note = "",
["Prinz Eugen"] = {
ja = "これが日本の文化、セッツ・ブーン!この豆を、長門に投げればいいの?……えいっ!ああっ!?",
en = "So this is Japan's culture, Setsubun! I throw this bean at Nagato, right? Hyah! Oh?!",
note = "She mixed up Nagata Shrine (長田) with Nagato (長門)",
["Zuihou"] = {
ja = "節分の季節ですね。一応、豆も炒っておきました。提督用の卵焼きも、万全です!",
en = "It's the season for Setsubun. I've already roasted the beans. The grilled egg for the Admiral is also perfect!",
note = "",
cssedit, gkautomate
