| notes = Needs [[#B21|B21]] and [[#B22|B22]] completion
Required by [[#B46|B46]]
| type = Composition
| listnum = A55
| namejp = 「第一水雷戦隊」北方再突入準備!
| nameen = "Re-deploy the [First Torpedo Squadron] for the Northern Sea!"
| req = Re-Compose the First Torpedo Squadron led by "Abukuma", along with "Hibiki, Yuugumo, Naganami, Akigumo, and Shimakaze."
*Completion Condintion: Have [[Abukuma]] ({{lang|ja|阿武隈}}, flagship), along with [[Hibiki]], [[Yuugumo]], [[Naganami]], [[Akigumo]], and [[Shimakaze]] in the same fleet.
| fuel = 200
| ammo = 200
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Instant Repair x3
Coin Box (Large) x1
| notes = Needs [[#B21|B21]] and [[#B22|B22]] completion
| notes = Needs [[#B21|B21]] and [[#B22|B22]] completion