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− | local Suisei_Egusa_Squadron = {
| + | return { |
− | _name = "Suisei (Egusa Squadron)",
| + | _name = "Suisei (Egusa Squadron)", |
− | _localized_name = "Comet (Egusa Squadron)",
| + | _localized_name = "Comet (Egusa Squadron)", |
− | _page = false,
| + | _id = 100, |
− | _id = 100,
| + | _japanese_name = "彗星(江草隊)", |
− | _japanese_name = "彗星(江草隊)",
| + | _reading = "すいせい(えぐさたい)", |
− | _reading = "すいせい(えぐさたい)",
| + | _type = 7, |
− | _type = 7,
| + | _icon = 7, |
− | _icon = 7,
| + | _types = {3, 5, 7, 7, 16}, |
− | _rarity = 5,
| + | _rarity = 5, |
− | _firepower = false,
| + | _firepower = false, |
− | _bombing = 13,
| + | _bombing = 13, |
− | _torpedo = false,
| + | _torpedo = false, |
− | _aa = 1,
| + | _aa = 1, |
− | _armor = false,
| + | _armor = false, |
− | _asw = 5,
| + | _asw = 5, |
− | _shelling_accuracy = 4,
| + | _shelling_accuracy = 4, |
− | _torpedo_accuracy = false,
| + | _torpedo_accuracy = false, |
− | _evasion = false,
| + | _evasion = false, |
− | _los = 4,
| + | _los = 4, |
− | _speed = false,
| + | _speed = false, |
− | _luck = false,
| + | _luck = false, |
− | _range = false,
| + | _range = false, |
− | _special = false,
| + | _flight_cost = 5, |
− | _scrap_fuel = 2,
| + | _flight_range = 5, |
− | _scrap_ammo = 3,
| + | _special = false, |
− | _scrap_steel = false,
| + | _scrap_fuel = 2, |
− | _scrap_bauxite = 3,
| + | _scrap_ammo = 3, |
− | _buildable = false,
| + | _scrap_steel = false, |
− | _upgradable = false,
| + | _scrap_bauxite = 3, |
| + | _info = "「九九艦爆」の後継機として開発された高速艦爆「彗星」。<br>液冷発動機装備のため運用のやや難しい機体でしたが、江草隊長の腕とその空中指揮、そして練度の高い母艦整備員によって支えられた精鋭「彗星」艦爆隊は、圧倒的な命中率を誇るその急降下爆撃で新生機動部隊の打撃力を担います。", |
| + | _info_en = "The \"Suisei\" is a high-speed dive bomber developed to replace the \"Type 99 Dive Bomber\".<br>Despite teething problems with the engine and the airframe, the Egusa Squadron with its Air Group commander, supported by skilled maintenance crews of frontline carriers, paved the way for the \"Suisei\" to achieve an outstanding dive bombing accuracy rate for the next generation of the Carrier Task Force.", |
| + | _wikipedia = "Yokosuka D4Y", |
| + | _buildable = false, |
| + | _improvements = false, |
| } | | } |
− |
| |
− | return Suisei_Egusa_Squadron
| |