|B<ref>Historically "B" is a pre-1920 naming, sometimes used to designate pre-Dreadnought battleships, Super Dreadnought being informal and simply called BB.</ref>||Super Dreadnought<ref>Historically, all battleships in the game are classified as super dreadnoughts but Gangut and Conte di Cavour.</ref>||超弩級戦艦||''?''||unused yet
|B<ref>Historically "B" is a pre-1920 naming, sometimes used to designate pre-Dreadnought battleships, Super Dreadnought being informal and simply called BB.</ref>||"Super Dreadnought"<ref>Historically, all battleships in the game are classified as super dreadnoughts but Gangut and Conte di Cavour.</ref>||超弩級戦艦||''?''||unused yet
|CVE||[[Escort Carrier]]|| -|| -||For CVL with ASW stat
|CVE||[[Escort Carrier]]|| -|| -||For CVL with ASW stat