
4,984 bytes added ,  6 years ago
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==Gameplay Notes==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
Line 237: Line 239:  
|scenario = 01:00  
|scenario = 01:00  
|origin = 0100。ふむ。苦しゅうない。
|origin = マルヒトマルマル。ふむ。苦しゅうない。
|translation = 0100. Yup. No problems.
|translation = 0100. Yup. No problems.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0100.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0100.mp3
Line 243: Line 245:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = 0200。しょうじゃ、丑三つ時じゃな。
|origin = マルフタマルマル。しょうじゃ、丑三つ時じゃな。
|translation = 0200. That's right, it is the Hour of the Ox.<ref>The "Hour of the Ox" is an old Japanese time telling phrase that refers to 0200. It can also mean "the middle of the night".</ref>
|translation = 0200. That's right, it is the Hour of the Ox.<ref>The "Hour of the Ox" is an old Japanese time telling phrase that refers to 0200. It can also mean "the middle of the night".</ref>
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0200.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0200.mp3
Line 249: Line 251:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = 0300。ふわぁ〜なんじゃ、少し飽きてきたんの。
|origin = マルサンマルマル。ふわぁ〜なんじゃ、少し飽きてきたんの。
|translation = 0300. *yawn*~ Well, I am a bit tired.
|translation = 0300. *yawn*~ Well, I am a bit tired.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0300.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0300.mp3
Line 255: Line 257:  
|scenario = 04:00  
|scenario = 04:00  
|origin = 0400。貴様、ちゃんとう聞いてるか?そうかよ。
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。貴様、ちゃんとう聞いてるか?そうかよ。
|translation = 0400. Are you listening to me? I see.
|translation = 0400. Are you listening to me? I see.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0400.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0400.mp3
Line 261: Line 263:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = 0500。もう、朝じゃの。また、新しい一日が始まるのじゃな。
|origin = マルゴマルマル。もう、朝じゃの。また、新しい一日が始まるのじゃな。
|translation = 0500. It is morning now. A new day has begun again.
|translation = 0500. It is morning now. A new day has begun again.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0500.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0500.mp3
Line 267: Line 269:  
|scenario = 06:00  
|scenario = 06:00  
|origin = 0600。ふむ、朝の総員起こし、艦隊にかけてやるが良い。ん?妾が?なぜじゃ?
|origin = マルロクマルマル。ふむ、朝の総員起こし、艦隊にかけてやるが良い。ん?妾が?なぜじゃ?
|translation = 0600. Yes, it will be good to assemble and inspect the fleet in the morning. Hmm? Me? Why should I do it?
|translation = 0600. Yes, it will be good to assemble and inspect the fleet in the morning. Hmm? Me? Why should I do it?
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0600.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0600.mp3
Line 273: Line 275:  
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = 0700。朝食の支度はまだこよ。はぁ!?妾が?ふぅ、腹が減っておる。冗談をあとににせよ。
|origin = マルナナマルマル。朝食の支度はまだこよ。はぁ!?妾が?ふぅ、腹が減っておる。冗談をあとににせよ。
|translation = 0700. Breakfast hasn't been prepared yet. Huh!? Me? Humph, I am hungry now. Save the jokes for later.<ref>She says "asake" which is an old way of pronouncing the characters "朝食"; usually pronounced "chuushoku".</ref>
|translation = 0700. Breakfast hasn't been prepared yet. Huh!? Me? Humph, I am hungry now. Save the jokes for later.<ref>She says "asake" which is an old way of pronouncing the characters "朝食"; usually pronounced "chuushoku".</ref>
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0700.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0700.mp3
Line 279: Line 281:  
|scenario = 08:00  
|scenario = 08:00  
|origin = 0800。貴様もう、やればできるではないか。今日の朝食は良き味じゃ。これからもう、しょじんせよ。
|origin = マルハチマルマル。貴様もう、やればできるではないか。今日の朝食は良き味じゃ。これからもう、しょじんせよ。
|translation = 0800. You can do it if you try. Today's breakfast tasted good. Please continue to make breakfast from now on.
|translation = 0800. You can do it if you try. Today's breakfast tasted good. Please continue to make breakfast from now on.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0800.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0800.mp3
Line 285: Line 287:  
|scenario = 09:00  
|scenario = 09:00  
|origin = 0900。まぁ、そうじゃな。そろそろ艦隊を出すかな。どれ。
|origin = マルキュマルマル。まぁ、そうじゃな。そろそろ艦隊を出すかな。どれ。
|translation = 0900. Well, you are right. It is almost time to send out the fleet. Which one...
|translation = 0900. Well, you are right. It is almost time to send out the fleet. Which one...
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0900.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-0900.mp3
Line 291: Line 293:  
|scenario = 10:00  
|scenario = 10:00  
|origin = 1000。二十一駆、集合せよ!二十一・・・え?誰もおらん。・・・これ!若葉!皆の者!
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。二十一駆、集合せよ!二十一…え?誰もおらん。…これ!若葉!皆の者!
|translation = 1000. DesDiv21, gather! 21... Eh? No one is here. ...Hey! Wakaba! Everyone else!
|translation = 1000. DesDiv21, gather! 21... Eh? No one is here. ...Hey! Wakaba! Everyone else!
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1000.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1000.mp3
Line 297: Line 299:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = 11・・・おぉ、若葉、よかった・・・じゃない、遅いではないか!え?今帰ったのか?ご苦労じゃの。
|origin = ヒトヒト…おぉ、若葉、よかった…じゃない、遅いではないか!え?今帰ったのか?ご苦労じゃの。
|translation = 11... Oh, Wakaba good... No, you are late! Eh? You just got back? Good work.
|translation = 11... Oh, Wakaba good... No, you are late! Eh? You just got back? Good work.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1100.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1100.mp3
Line 303: Line 305:  
|scenario = 12:00  
|scenario = 12:00  
|origin = 1200。もう昼ではないか。いかん、昼食をとらねば。支度はどこじゃ?何、その包・・・
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。もう昼ではないか。いかん、昼食をとらねば。支度はどこじゃ?何、その包…
|translation = 1200. It's already lunchtime. I need to have lunch now. Where is it? What is this package...
|translation = 1200. It's already lunchtime. I need to have lunch now. Where is it? What is this package...
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1200.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1200.mp3
Line 309: Line 311:  
|scenario = 13:00  
|scenario = 13:00  
|origin = 1300。まぁ・・・まぁよい。海の上で食すむすびめしもわるいものではない。そうか、初霜が・・・ふむ。
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。まぁ…まぁよい。海の上で食すむすびめしもわるいものではない。そうか、初霜が…ふむ。
|translation = 1300. We...well, this is fine. Eating rice balls on the ocean is not bad. I see, so Hatsushimo made them... Humph.<ref>She says "musubimeshi" instead of "onigiri" which is an older term.</ref>
|translation = 1300. We...well, this is fine. Eating rice balls on the ocean is not bad. I see, so Hatsushimo made them... Humph.<ref>She says "musubimeshi" instead of "onigiri" which is an older term.</ref>
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1300.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1300.mp3
Line 315: Line 317:  
|scenario = 14:00  
|scenario = 14:00  
|origin = 1400。二十一駆やっと揃ったかや。苦しゅうない。それでは出撃じゃ。北方じゃの?
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。二十一駆やっと揃ったかや。苦しゅうない。それでは出撃じゃ。北方じゃの?
|translation = 1400. DesDiv21 is finally assembled. No problems at all. Now it is time for us to sortie. To the north, right?
|translation = 1400. DesDiv21 is finally assembled. No problems at all. Now it is time for us to sortie. To the north, right?
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1400.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1400.mp3
Line 321: Line 323:  
|scenario = 15:00  
|scenario = 15:00  
|origin = 150・・・あ、危ない!だ、大丈夫じゃ。妾は衝突には気をつけておるからの。
|origin = ヒトゴマル…あ、危ない!だ、大丈夫じゃ。妾は衝突には気をつけておるからの。
|translation = 150... W-watch out! I-I am fine. I am careful about avoiding collisions.<ref>She collided with [[Nagara]] during operations in Sulawesi in 1942.</ref>
|translation = 150... W-watch out! I-I am fine. I am careful about avoiding collisions.<ref>She collided with [[Nagara]] during operations in Sulawesi in 1942.</ref>
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1500.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1500.mp3
Line 327: Line 329:  
|scenario = 16:00  
|scenario = 16:00  
|origin = 1600。ふむ、みんな元気そうでなによりじゃ。励むことじゃ。それが己の未来を切り開く道じゃな。
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。ふむ、みんな元気そうでなによりじゃ。励むことじゃ。それが己の未来を切り開く道じゃな。
|translation = 1600. Humph, you are all looking cheerful. That is encouraging. That is the way I face my future.
|translation = 1600. Humph, you are all looking cheerful. That is encouraging. That is the way I face my future.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1600.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1600.mp3
Line 333: Line 335:  
|scenario = 17:00  
|scenario = 17:00  
|origin = 1700。貴様、なんじゃ?夕日に見惚れてにいるのか?しかたないの。ふむ、見事なものじゃ。
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。貴様、なんじゃ?夕日に見惚れてにいるのか?しかたないの。ふむ、見事なものじゃ。
|translation = 1700. What do you want? You want to watch the sunset? Alright then. Yes, it is splendid.
|translation = 1700. What do you want? You want to watch the sunset? Alright then. Yes, it is splendid.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1700.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1700.mp3
Line 339: Line 341:  
|scenario = 18:00  
|scenario = 18:00  
|origin = 1800。さぁ、夕食の時間じゃ。今晩は何出てくるのじゃ。さぁ、はようもって!
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。さぁ、夕食の時間じゃ。今晩は何出てくるのじゃ。さぁ、はようもって!
|translation = 1800. Now, it is dinnertime. I wonder what is on the menu. Come, hurry and bring it out.
|translation = 1800. Now, it is dinnertime. I wonder what is on the menu. Come, hurry and bring it out.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1800.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1800.mp3
Line 345: Line 347:  
|scenario = 19:00  
|scenario = 19:00  
|origin = 1900。わぁ、これは立派な夕食前ではないか。何?初霜が?そうか、ありがたいの。
|origin = ヒトキュマルマル。わぁ、これは立派な夕食前ではないか。何?初霜が?そうか、ありがたいの。
|translation = 1900. Wow, this is a fine spread for dinner. What? Hatsushimo made this? I see, I am thankful.
|translation = 1900. Wow, this is a fine spread for dinner. What? Hatsushimo made this? I see, I am thankful.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1900.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-1900.mp3
Line 351: Line 353:  
|scenario = 20:00  
|scenario = 20:00  
|origin = 20・・・あぁ、なんじゃ?なに?夜戦?そうじゃな、それもう大事じゃが、これからも対空、対戦を関与じゃ。
|origin = フタマル…あぁ、なんじゃ?なに?夜戦?そうじゃな、それもう大事じゃが、これからも対空、対戦を関与じゃ。
|translation = 20... Ah, what is it? What? Night battle? I see, while that is important, now is the time to be more concerned about anti-air and anti-sub operations.
|translation = 20... Ah, what is it? What? Night battle? I see, while that is important, now is the time to be more concerned about anti-air and anti-sub operations.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2000.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2000.mp3
Line 357: Line 359:  
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = 2100。子の日、若葉、初霜、今日も一日お疲れ様じゃ!あぁ、貴様もな、ゆっくり休むが良い。
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。子の日、若葉、初霜、今日も一日お疲れ様じゃ!あぁ、貴様もな、ゆっくり休むが良い。
|translation = 2100. Nenohi, Wakaba, Hatsushimo, thanks for your hard work everyday! Ah, same to you. Get a good rest.
|translation = 2100. Nenohi, Wakaba, Hatsushimo, thanks for your hard work everyday! Ah, same to you. Get a good rest.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2100.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2100.mp3
Line 363: Line 365:  
|scenario = 22:00  
|scenario = 22:00  
|origin = 2200。なんじゃ?眠れのか?早い!?何を言っておる?明日も早いぞ。早く休むが良い。
|origin = フタフタマルマル。なんじゃ?眠れのか?早い!?何を言っておる?明日も早いぞ。早く休むが良い。
|translation = 2200. What is it? Can you not sleep? It is too early!? What are you saying? Tomorrow will come soon. It is good to rest early.
|translation = 2200. What is it? Can you not sleep? It is too early!? What are you saying? Tomorrow will come soon. It is good to rest early.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2200.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2200.mp3
Line 369: Line 371:  
|scenario = 23:00  
|scenario = 23:00  
|origin = 2300。なんじゃ。貴様がゴソゴソ動くから休めではないか。落ち着きではないの。
|origin = フタサンマルマル。なんじゃ。貴様がゴソゴソ動くから休めではないか。落ち着きではないの。
|translation = 2300. What. I cannot rest when you are rustling around. You are so restless.
|translation = 2300. What. I cannot rest when you are rustling around. You are so restless.
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2300.mp3
|audio = HatsuharuKai-2300.mp3
Line 377: Line 379:  
=== Drop Locations ===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2014|Christmas 2014]]
|origin =ク、クリス…マス?じゃと!? けったいな祭りじゃな! これが…チキン?ほうほう…
|translation = Ch-Christ… mas? What!? What a strange celebration! This is… chicken? Uh huh…
|audio = Hatsuharu_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2015|New Year 2015]]
|origin = 初春じゃ!めでたいのう。本年もこの初春をわらわと祝おうぞ!
|translation = It’s the New Year! How joyous. Celebrate this with me this year too!<ref>A play on her name which can also mean “New Year”.</ref>
|audio = Hatsuharu_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2015|Setsubun 2015]]
|origin = うむ、節分は大切な儀式じゃ、いろいろな意味があるのじゃぞ?あ、知っておったかや?
|translation = Yes, Setsubun is an important tradition with many meanings you know? Ah, you did know that?
|audio = Hatsuharu_Setsubun_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Second_Anniversary|2nd Anniversary]]
|origin = うむ。めでたいの。今日という日を貴様と祝えて、妾も嬉しいいぞ!よく来たな。
|translation = My, how joyous. I am happy to be able to spend today with you! Well done.
|audio = 075_Hatsuharu_2ndAnniv.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 初春じゃ!めでたいのう。本年もこの初春をわらわと祝おうぞ!
|translation = It’s the New Year! How joyous. Let us welcome this year together!<ref>Her name can both mean “start of spring” and “new year”.</ref>
|audio = Hatsuharu_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2018|Valentine’s Day 2018]]
|origin = まあ、なんじゃ、たまには浮世の仕来りにしたがに見るのも、これをじゃな、貴様に授けるのじゃ!
|translation = Well, I mean, I want to experience the customs of this fleeting life once in a while; so I'm, well, giving this to you!
|audio = Hatsuharu_Valentines_2018_Sec_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2018|White Day 2018]]
|origin = ふむ、お返しっというわけか。貴様も義理堅いところあるじゃな。仕方ない、頂いておくかよ。ん、ふむ。
|translation = Humph, so this is what they call a return gift. You have a sense of duty too. I have no choice but to accept then. Mmm, yes.
|audio = Hatsuharu_White_Day_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = うむ、めでたいの。今日という日を貴様と祝えて、妾も嬉しいぞ。五周年、よきかな、よきかな。
|translation = Humph, this is a joyous occasion. I’m happy that I can celebrate a day like this with you. The 5th Anniversary is great.
|audio = Hatsuharu_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2018|Rainy Season 2018]]
|origin = うむ、妾も雨は嫌いではないが…よく降るの…雨というのも、考えれば不思議なものじゃ。
|translation = Humph, I don’t dislike the rain but… it’s really pouring. When you think about it, the rain is something wonderful.
|audio = Hatsuharu_Rainy_Season_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2018|Summer 2018]]
|origin = 今年も夏が来たの。セミがないっておるは…ふむ、時が移変わったでも、これが変わらんの。
|translation = Summer is here again this year. There aren't any cicadas though... Yup, even though the times may change, this never changes.
|audio = Hatsuharu_Summer_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Eve of the Final Battle 2017]]
|origin = なんじゃ、その…妾もう貴様を信頼している…じゃ。ん、まあ、そういうことじゃ!
|translation = Well, I mean… I trust you too… Mmm, well, that’s all!
|audio = Hatsuharu_Kantai_Kessen_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Eve of the Final Battle 2018]]
|origin = 我が二十一駆は、艦隊主力とは別に、輸送作戦を担当かや。苦しゅうないぞ、輸送も大切の作戦じゃ。心得た!
|translation = We of DesDiv21 are not part of the main force of the fleet, but are charged with transport operations. I do not mind, trasports serve an important role. I’m well aware!
|audio = Hatsuharu_Kantai_Kessen_2018_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
075_3.png |Base
075_4.png |Base Damaged
204_full.png|Kai Ni
204_x.png|Kai Ni Damaged
==Drop Locations==
'''[[Glossary#list_of_vessels_by_Japanese_voice_actresses|Seiyuu]]:''' [ Kobayashi Motoko]<br />
'''[[Glossary#list_of_vessels_by_artist|Artist]]:''': Ayaki ([ 彩樹])
*Sunk in action, November 13, 1944 in [ Manila Bay], Philippines, at [ 14°35′N 120°50′E].
*Sunk in action, November 13, 1944 in [ Manila Bay], Philippines, at [ 14°35′N 120°50′E].
cssedit, Moderators, prechecked, Account Reviewers
