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<div style="display: inline-block;">
{{EnemyShipInfoKai|Entombed Anti-Air Guardian Princess‎}}
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===Basic II===
{{EnemyShipInfoKai|Entombed Anti-Air Guardian Princess/II}}
<div style="display: inline-block;">
===Basic III===
{{EnemyShipInfoKai|Entombed Anti-Air Guardian Princess‎/III}}
{{EnemyShipCategoriesKai|Entombed Anti-Air Guardian Princess}}
|Introduction = ……ワタシガ…オアイテ…シマス…………。
|Introduction/En = I'll be your opponent...
|Introduction/Note =

|Attack = ワタシガネ…マモッテイクノ!
|Attack/En = I will...go and protect...!
|Attack/Note =

|Under Attack = キカナイ…。
|Under Attack/En = It doesn't work...
|Under Attack/Note = 効かない

|Sunk = オモシロイ。デモ…マタクルワ。 マダ…マダオワラナイカラ…。
|Sunk/En = How amusing. But...I'll be back. Not yet...it'll not end just yet...!
|Sunk/Note =

|Sunk/Debuffed = ウソ…。ワタシガ…モドルウミ…ナンテ…。ソンナ…モドレナ(イ)…。 エッ…? ウデ…ガジユウ…ニ。戻…れ、戻れる。カエ…レルのね。ワタシ…モウイチド…ジユウニ…海を、駆けて。
|Sunk/En/Debuffed = No way... I... there's a sea I can come back to...? That's impossible...I can't come back... Eh..? My arms has gotten free... Yes..I can come back. I can go back, right? I will run on a sea freely again.
|Sunk/Note/Debuffed = Final Sunk line


* [[Glossary#List of Vessels by Japanese Voice Actresses|'''Seiyuu''']]: [http://myanimelist.net/people/504 Fujita Saki] (藤田咲)

*[[Fall 2017 Event]] E-4 final Boss.
* Prior to implementation of the final map in [[Fall 2017 Event]], she was named as 防空埋姫, which was literally translated as "Buried Air Defense Princess".
[[Category:Enemy Vessel]]


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