Game Updates/2023/August 26th

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Counterattack Landing! Normandy Landing Operation EO Update

Summer 2023 Event:Counterattack Landing! Normandy Landing Operation

Summer 2023 EventSummer 2023 Event Banner EO.png

Summer 2023 Event Extra Operation has started.
  • E-5 and E-6 are released.
    • E-7 will be released later.

Shop Icon Marriage Ring and Documents.png New Ships

Development material New Equipment

⚙ Mechanics Update
Example of a balloon deployed.

Barrage Balloon Barrage Balloons can be deployed in certain situations during day battles.

Barrage Balloons can only be deployed on certain combat nodes with Installations
Compatible Nodes
Map Node Notes
3-5 H
4-3 N Boss
4-5 T Boss
6-4 N Boss
Events Refers to the current event page
references [1][2][3][4]
Once deployed
  • For every ship with a balloon equipped will boost the damage of the fleet and the LBAS (post-cap):
Balloon Effects
Barrage Balloon 1 2 3
Allied Day Shelling Damage
Allied balloons [5] 1.02 1.04 1.06
Allied LBAS Damage
Allied balloons [6] 1.02 1.04 1.06
Enemy balloons [7] 0.95 0.90 0.85
  • The effect stacks up to 3 balloons, and up to 1 balloon per ship,
  • The effect applies to LBAS and day shelling, with the enemy balloons also negatively affecting allied LBAS,
  • The effect does not apply to torpedo phases or night battles,
  • If the ship deploying it is sunk, the balloon is then removed, as well as its effects.

☀ Seasonal Update Summer ⛱

New CGs: Shigure Kai San

Dev Tweets

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