Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower)

Revision as of 12:58, 27 November 2022 by Jigaraphale (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)
No.472 Mk.32 対潜魚雷(Mk.2落射機)
DepthCharge.png Depth Charge
Effects: Torpedo+1 ASW+19 Accuracy+1
Scrap value: Fuel 2 Ammo 8 Steel 2 Bauxite 4 (Unbuildable)

Equipment Card Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower).png

Equipment Character Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower).png

Equipment Item Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower).png

Equipment Full Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower).png

Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship



A guided anti-submarine torpedo developed and deployed by the US.
This next-generation anti-submarine torpedo with active acoustic homing capabilities was developed at the end of the war.
It was contained in a Mk.2 thrower and mounted on surface vessels.
The technology used in this would be used in later anti-submarine equipment for the USN and JMSDF.


ASW Damage Synergy
 Small Small Sonars
Type 93 Passive Sonar
Type 4 Passive Sonar
Type 3 Active Sonar
Type 3 Active Sonar Kai
Type124 ASDIC
Type144/147 ASDIC
HF/DF + Type144/147 ASDIC
 Large Large Sonars
Type 0 Passive Sonar
 DCP Depth Charge Projectors (DCP)
Type 94 Depth Charge Projector
Type 3 Depth Charge Projector
Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)
Prototype 15cm 9-tube ASW Rocket Launcher
RUR-4A Weapon Alpha Kai
Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower)
 DCR Depth Charge (Racks) (DCR)
Type 95 Depth Charge
Type 2 Depth Charge
Lightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model)
Hedgehog (Initial Model)
Type 2 Depth Charge Kai Ni
 Other ASW Mortars
Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai
Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai (Concentrated Deployment)
ASW Damage Modifiers: [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{synergy} = {Mod}_\text{1} \times {Mod}_\text{2} }[/math]
[math]\displaystyle{ {Mod}_\text{1} }[/math]   +  
(Any Sonar + Any Depth Charge)
[math]\displaystyle{ {Mod}_\text{2} }[/math]  DCP +  DCR and NO  Small 1.1
 Small +  DCP +  DCR 1.25
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{synergy} }[/math]  Small +  DCP +  DCR 1.4375[math]\displaystyle{ 1.15 \times 1.25 }[/math]
 Large +  DCP +  DCR 1.265[math]\displaystyle{ 1.15 \times 1.1 }[/math]
Armor Penetration
Indepentant of synergies, some equipment provides additional armor penetration to ASW attacks.

The flat armor penetration value is calculated as follows:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Pen} = \sum\limits_{\text{Equipment}} \Big( \sqrt{\text{ASW}_\text{Equipment} - 2} + \text{Mod}_\text{ship} \Big) }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{ASW}_\text{Equipment} }[/math] the base ASW   stat of the applicable equipment,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{ship} }[/math] being 1 for DE, 0 otherwise,
  • Armor penetration from equipment stacks,
  • The final armor of the targetted submarine cannot go below 1.

How To Obtain

From quest: B187

Updates History

  • 2022-08-04: Implemented

Fit Bonuses

Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower) Equipment Bonuses
Ship Extra Requirement                 Note
Samuel B. Roberts Mk.II  - +2
(1st equipped) +1 +1 +1 One-time
Other United States Navy Vessels - +2
Royal Navy Vessels - +1
All DE - +1

See Also

Mark 32 Torpedo