Game Updates/2021/April 22nd
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2021 March 31st | 2021 April 22nd | 2021 April 30th |
8th Anniversary Update
- 8th Anniversary Update Commence!
- To celebrate KanColle's 8th Anniversary, you will receive 10 extra equip slots when you log into the game.
- 8th Anniversary Voice Lines
- A huge amount of Kanmusu have now been given 8th Anniversary Voice Lines to celebrate the occasion. This includes many old ship girls along with everyone released from last year.
- In addition, special voice lines have been given to the 7th Destroyer Division (Sazanami, Akebono, Oboro, and Ushio) and the 8th Destroyer Division (Asashio, Arashio, Ooshio, and Michishio)
- 8th Anniversary CG
- 7th Destroyer Division has gotten an update to their CG for the 8th Anniversary.
- South Dakota has been given Spring Casual CG.
- I-47 has been given Bouquet Mode CG
- Umikaze Kai Ni has been given bouquet Mode CG with slight differences for this year's update.
- Max Ship capacity increased
- Maximum capacity of ship slots has increased from 480 to 490.
- Equipment slot capacity has also increased by +40
- Equipment Preset update
- Initial Equipment Presets have been now expanded from 3 to 4
- A scrolling function has been added to the equipment presets
- Reinforcement expansion slot inclusion can now be toggled on and off with the preset you select
- Maximum number of presets has been increased to 12.
- Furniture Update
- The following new furniture has been implemented for this update:
- 8th Destroyer Division Window
- Balloon Decoration for the 8th Anniversary
- 8th Anniversary hanging scroll
- Some furniture has updated to the new seasonal period
- The following new furniture has been implemented for this update:
- New Quests
- 2104 LQ1 "Catalina Festival" has been implemented! (limited)
- Completing this quest will get you a chance to choose between a PBY-5A Catalina or a Prototype Flight Deck Catapult
- B169 New found wings! Remodeled Light Carrier Ryuuhou, Sorite!
- Rewards special equipment well suited for Ryuuhou Kai Ni/E
- 2104 LQ1 "Catalina Festival" has been implemented! (limited)
- PBY-5A Catalina rescue function
- PBY-5A Catalina now has the ability to rescue fallen pilots that lose their planes in Land Based Air Operations.
- By placing a PBY-5A Catalina in your land base, you can minimize the loss of planes.
- The rescue function will not trigger if the Catalina takes a large amount of damage.
- The number of Catalina used to rescue affects the rescue ratio.
- Aircraft rescued by the Catalina will be restored.
- PBY-5A Catalina now has the ability to rescue fallen pilots that lose their planes in Land Based Air Operations.
- Akashi Improvement Arsenal Update
- Tenzan Model 12A can now be improved.
- Equipment Bonus Update
- Ryuuhou Kai Ni/E
- It is now possible to remodel Ryuuhou into her Kai Ni E remodel.
- In her Kai Ni E remodel, she becomes a slow night escort carrier
- She can also be remodeled into her Kai Ni remodel
- In her Kai Ni remodel, she becomes a fast escort carrier with a larger slot capacity, but loses her night battle capabilities.
- Opening Voice Lines
- Additional Opening Voice lines for when logging into the game have been implemented for the 8th Anniversary.
- There will be slight differences between the Android and HTML 5 version