Game Updates/2015/March 27th
- Remodel
- Choukai Kai Ni
- New Quests
- Composition quest
- Sortie quest
- 2 others
- Furniture
- New furniture
- Requested furniture
- 富嶽タイル画 "Fugaku tile painting"
- 脱衣所 "Dressing room"
- 青畳 "Green tatami"
- 温泉岩風呂 "Hot spring bath"
- Other new furniture
- 春色の床 "Spring-coloured floor"
- 桜の床 "Sakura flooring"
- Requested furniture
- Returning furniture
- Requested furniture
- 診察台セット "Examination table set"
- 提督の麻雀卓(炬燵布団なしver) "The admiral's mah-jong table (version without kotatsu futon)"
- Other returning furniture
- 春色の壁紙 "Spring-coloured wallpaper"
- 梅紫の壁紙 "Plum-purple wallpaper"
- バー仕様の壁 "Bar style wall"
- 真っ赤な高級絨毯 "Red luxury carpet"
- Requested furniture
- New furniture
- Voices and Other
- Remodelled Choukai will get new lines, for resupply and equipment.
- New lines for Tenryuu and Tatsuta
- Resupply
- Equipment
- Marriage
- White Day-themed voices removed
- Musashi's LSC craft rate has returned to normal
- Correction of the instability when displaying images in the shipgirl and equipment albums
- New lines for several versions of Akashi
- Akashi's Improvement Arsenal version
- Item Shop version
- LSC version