Seasonal/End of Year 2015



Light Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kuma Play
Tama Play
Kitakami Play うひー、もう年末だよー。鎮守府の大掃除とかぜんぜんまだじゃーん…うひー… Whoa, it's already the end of the year. The naval base spring clean hasn't even started... whoa End of Year 2014 line.
Ooi Play もぉ、なんだって年末年始はこう忙しいのかしら…あ、大掃除、頑張ります! Man, why is the new year's holiday always so busy... ah, I'll do my best with spring cleaning! End of Year 2014 line.
Kiso Play
Kinu Play
Abukuma Play
Agano Play
Noshiro Play
Sakawa Play
Yahagi Play
Ooyodo Play 提督、そろそろ礼号作戦ですね。私もがんばります! Admiral, it's almost the end of the year. I'll do my best! End of Year 2014 line.

Heavy Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Furutaka Play 今年ももう年末ですね。提督、古鷹がお部屋の大掃除、済ませておきますね! The year has already reached its close. Admiral, I'll take care of spring cleaning the room! End of Year 2014 line.
Kako Play っかぁー、もう年末かぁ…早いよねえ。 大掃除、は…来年でいっかなぁー? …ねえ? Gah, it's already the end of the year... that was quick. Can we... leave the spring clean till next year? ...Hey? End of Year 2014 line.
Atago Play
Takao Play
Tone Play
Chikuma Play


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kongou Play
Hiei Play
Kirishima Play
Haruna Play
Fusou Play
Yamashiro Play
Hyuuga Play うん、そろそろ大掃除をしないとな。格納庫の瑞雲も…よく磨いてやらんとな。 Hmmm, it's almost time to start spring cleaning. I'll be sure to polish up... the Zuiuns in my hangar. End of Year 2014 line.
Ise Play 早いわねー。もう今年も終わりか。ねえ、日向。大掃除とか、しとく? That was fast. The year has already ended. Hey Hyuuga. Should we start preparing to spring clean? End of Year 2014 line.
Nagato Play
Mutsu Play
Musashi Play
Littorio Play
Roma Play

Light Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Ryuujou Play
Zuihou Play
Chitose Play
Chiyoda Play

Standard Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akagi Play
Kaga Play
Shoukaku Play
Zuikaku Play


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
I-8 Play
Maruyu Play


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes