
30 bytes added ,  3 years ago
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Introduction
|origin =提督、やっぱり海ン中は、私が多分一番早いね。改潜高型、伊203。…出撃準備は万全……危険?今は…うん、敵に執ってね。ちゃんと改良されてるから、見てて。
|origin =提督、やっぱり海ン中は、私が多分一番早いね。改潜高型、伊203。…出撃準備は万全……危険?今は…うん、敵にとってね。ちゃんと改良されてるから、見てて。
|translation =Admiral, I'm probably the fastest under the sea. I'm the improved Sentaka-class, I-203... I'm ready to sortie at any time... Danger? Right now it's... Yeah, just enemies. I've been completely overhauled, so just watch me.
|translation =Admiral, I'm probably the fastest under the sea. I'm the improved Sentaka-class, I-203... I'm ready to sortie at any time... Danger? Right now it's... Yeah, just enemies. I've been completely overhauled, so just watch me.
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =水中での圧倒的の機動性を追求した。伊号潜水艦の新型高速潜水艦、伊201型潜水艦の三番艦、伊203です。実戦には出ませんでしたが、出撃準備は完了しています。提督、よろしく。私、水中で本当に早いから、見てて。
|origin =水中での圧倒的の機動性を追求した、伊号潜水艦の新型高速潜水艦、伊201型潜水艦の三番艦、伊203です。実戦には出ませんでしたが、出撃準備は完了しています。提督、よろしく。私、水中で本当に早いから、見てて。
|translation =I aim to be the fastest underwater. I'm the latest high-speed 1st class submarine, 3rd ship of the I-201-class submarines, I-203. I didn't take part in actual combat but I'm ready to sortie<ref>Her crew had just finished training and was ready to be deployed when the surrender was signed.</ref>. Admiral, nice to meet you. I really am fast underwater, so just watch me.
|translation =I aim to be the fastest underwater. I'm the latest high-speed 1st class submarine, 3rd ship of the I-201-class submarines, I-203. I didn't take part in actual combat but I'm ready to sortie<ref>Her crew had just finished training and was ready to be deployed when the surrender was signed.</ref>. Admiral, nice to meet you. I really am fast underwater, so just watch me.
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|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin =提督、何?…違う、そこは貯蔵品入れるとこ。じゃがいもや玉ねぎに…興味があるの?姉妹ことに?…そう?じゃ、教えてあげる。こことか…ここ。
|origin =提督、何?…違う、そこは貯糧品入れるとこ。ジャガイモや玉ねぎに…興味があるの?しまい方に?…そう?じゃ、教えてあげる。こことか…ここ。
|translation =Admiral, what is it? ...No, that's where I store supplies for long voyages. Like potatoes or onions... Are you interested in my sister? ...Really? Then I'll tell you about them. Like this... or that.
|translation =Admiral, what is it? ...No, that's where I store supplies for long voyages. Like potatoes or onions... Are you interested in my sister? ...Really? Then I'll tell you about them. Like this... or that.
|scenario = Idle
|scenario = Idle
|origin =時間ある時は、電池の確認と整備をしないと…早く、走れない……あぁ、提督、手伝ってくれるの?…そこは、電池じゃない。貯蔵品入れるとこ。
|origin =時間ある時は、電池の確認と整備を、しないと…早く、走れない……あぁ、提督、手伝ってくれるの?…そこは、電池じゃない。貯糧品入れるとこ。
|translation =When I have the time, I need to check and maintain my batteries... or I won't be able to go fast... Ah, Admiral, you'll give me a hand? ...That's not my batteries. It's my supply storage.
|translation =When I have the time, I need to check and maintain my batteries... or I won't be able to go fast... Ah, Admiral, you'll give me a hand? ...That's not my batteries. It's my supply storage.
|scenario = Secretary Married
|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin =私、あの、お茶入れてみた……提督、あんまりうまくないけれど、飲む?
|origin =私、あの、お茶、入れて、みた……提督、あんまりうまくないけれど、飲む?
|translation =I... umm... tried making some tea... Admiral, it's not really that good, but... will you have some?
|translation =I... umm... tried making some tea... Admiral, it's not really that good, but... will you have some?
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin =提督、何?私電池の整備が……えぇ、これくれるの?きれいな指輪……でも、なんで?えぇ?
|origin =提督、何?私、電池の整備が……えぇ、これ、くれるの?綺麗な指輪……でも、なんで?えぇ?
|translation =Admiral, what is it? I'm giving my batteries some maintenance... Huh, is this for me? What a beautiful ring... But, why? Huh?
|translation =Admiral, what is it? I'm giving my batteries some maintenance... Huh, is this for me? What a beautiful ring... But, why? Huh?
|scenario = Looking At Scores
|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin =色々知っとかないとね。
|origin =色々、知っとかないとね。
|translation =You need to know a lot, huh.
|translation =You need to know a lot, huh.
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{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Equipment 1
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin =あ…あるがちう。うん。
|origin =あ…ありがとう。うん。
|translation =Th... thank you. Yeah.
|translation =Th... thank you. Yeah.
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|scenario = Docking Major
|scenario = Docking Major
|origin =いっぱい治す。
|origin =いっぱい、治す。
|translation =Getting serious repairs.
|translation =Getting serious repairs.
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|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin =戻ってこれた。
|origin =戻って、これた。
|translation =We're back.
|translation =We're back.
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|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin =私が戦果?そう。そうなんだ。
|origin =私が戦果を?そう。そうなんだ。
|translation =I achieved the most? I see. So I did.
|translation =I achieved the most? I see. So I did.
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|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin =我損害を受く。メインタンクブロー。緊急浮上。
|origin =我、損害ヲ受ク。メインタンクブロー。緊急浮上。
|translation =I've taken damage. Main tank blow. Emergency ascent.
|translation =I've taken damage. Main tank blow. Emergency ascent.
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =あぁ、だめだ…私…圧潰するの……あはぁ…さよ、なら…
|origin =あぁ、だめだ…私…圧潰、するの……あはぁ…さよ、なら…
|translation =Ah, I'm done for... I'm... going to be crushed... Aaah... Good... bye...
|translation =Ah, I'm done for... I'm... going to be crushed... Aaah... Good... bye...
