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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Able to perform OASW at 100 ASW.
- Average firepower, torpedo, ASW, HP and armor.
Fit Bonuses
Visible Fit Bonuses Template:GunfitHeader Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit |}
Priority: Low
- At first remodel, she has low firepower and a decent torpedo stat, making her hitting harder in night battle than at day, but not great at either.
- While not impressive in combat, do keep in mind than many maps require you to bring at least a few destroyers for routing.
- Furthermore, destroyers are cheap to deploy and can equip Drum Canister, making them suited for expeditions.
- Her ASW stat allows her to perform OASW at high-but-before-marriage levels with proper gear.
- No further remodels have been implemented for her yet (as of January 2020).
Important Information
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Onee-chan, Commander; thank you. 12th ship of the Yuugumo-class, Hayanami, has arrived. |
お姉ちゃん、司令、お疲れ様。夕雲型十二番艦、早波、参りました。 | |
Introduction Play |
Onee-chan, Commander; thank you. 12th ship of the Yuugumo-class, Hayanami, has arrived today too. |
お姉ちゃん、司令、お疲れ様。夕雲型十二番艦、早波、今日も参りました。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the 12th ship of the Yuugumo-class destroyers, Hayanami. That's right, I'm Fujinami-oneechan's little sister. As part of the 2nd Torpedo Squadron, I did my best with escorts, patrols and even transport operations. Eh, Tawi? Anti-submarine patrols? No, I won't lose this time![1] Onee-chan, Commander; just watch! |
私、夕雲型駆逐艦、その十二番艦、早波。そうです、藤波お姉ちゃんの妹です。第二水雷戦隊と一翼として、護衛や哨戒はもちろん、輸送作戦だって、頑張りました。えぇ、タウイ?対潜哨戒?うーん、今度は負けないもん!お姉ちゃん、司令、見てて! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Onee-chan, no wait... Commander, what is it? |
お姉ちゃん、じゃなかった…司令、何? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Ah, I'm busy too. It's true. |
あぁ、あたしも忙しいです。本当です。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
I'm pretty good at this too right? ...Eh? ...Jeez, I can do it! |
私も、結構やるでしょう?…えぇ?…もう、やれるもん! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Onee-chan, about this... Ah, I see, so that's it. As expected of my Fujina... my onee-chan. Ah, Commander. Yes, she's the onee-chan I'm proud of. |
お姉ちゃん、これなんですけど…あぁ、なるほど、そうっか。さすが私の藤な…お姉ちゃん。頼もしいです。あぁ、司令。えい、私の自慢のお姉ちゃんです。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Ngh, that... that place is dangerous, Suzunami-oneechan. Run... if you don't... *heavy breathing* A dream... It was just a dream... Ah, onee-chan, Commander; Uhmm, did you need something? ...No, I see. I'll go wash my face a bit. |
ん、そこは…そこは、危ないよ、涼波お姉ちゃん。逃げて…逃げないと……はぁ、はぁ、夢…夢か……あぁ、お姉ちゃん、司令、えっと、私、なにか?……うーん、そうっか。私、ちょっと顔洗らってくる | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Commader, since I made some tea for onee-chan. Here you go. Also while I'm at it, I cut some youkan too. It's really just because I was already making some. Yup, that's right. So don't mind me. |
司令、お姉ちゃんのついでね、お茶入れたよ。はい、これ。ついでのついでに羊羹も切っておいたから。まじついでだから。うん、そう。特に気にしないで。 | |
Wedding Play |
Commander, did you call me? Eh, onee-chan? No, I don't know where she is. Maybe she's on an expedition? Eh, shut the door? Why? ...What's this box? Is it for me? ...I'll open it ok? Huh... what's this? Eh, me? It's for me!? ...No way, for me? It's for me? Really!? ...Yay! |
司令、私呼んだ?えぇ、お姉ちゃん?うーん、知らない。遠征かな?えぇ、扉閉めるの?なんで?…何この箱?早波に?……じゃぁ、開けるよ?くぅ…何これ?えぇ、私?私に!?…うそ、私?私に?本当に!?…やった! | |
Player's Score Play |
Onee-chan, you want information? Ah, I'll go fetch it. ...Ah, here it is... Hup... Whoa... whoaaaa... Ah, Co-commander? Th-thank you. |
お姉ちゃん、情報でしょう?あぁ、あたしが持ってくるから。…あぁ、これが…よっく…うわぁ…わわぁ…あぁ、し、司令?あ、ありがとう。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
32nd Destroyer Division, Hayanami, setting sail! Onee-chan, Commander; I'm off. |
第三十二駆逐隊、早波、抜錨!お姉ちゃん、司令、行きます。 | |
Equipment 1 Play |
This? Can I use it? |
これか?つかえる? | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Looks good? I can use this. |
良さそう?使えるね。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Hmmm. Well, it's better than nothing. |
んー。まあ、あったほうがいいよね。 | |
Equipment 3[2] Play |
Onee-chan, take a look at this. |
お姉ちゃん、見てみて。 | |
Supply Play |
Thanks for the meal. |
ごちそうさまでした。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
J-jeeez, can I take a short bath? Commander, can I? |
も、もうー、早波、少しお風呂入てもいい?司令、いいよね? | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Huh, did someone get in first? Could it be, onee-chan!? I-I'll get in too! There we go... Uh-umm! |
あれ、先に誰か入てる?もしかして、お姉ちゃん!?あ、あたしも入る!よいっしょ…あ、あの! | |
Construction Play |
Looks like it's done. |
できたみたい。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
I'm home, onee-chan. I've returned. |
ただいまお姉ちゃん。早波、戻りました。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
I'm home, onee-chan. I've returned.[3] |
ただいまお姉ちゃん。早波、戻りました。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I-I may not look it but I'm still a member of the 2nd Torpedo Squadron. Yuugumo-class destroyer, Hayanami, sortieing! |
こ、こう見えても、第二水雷戦隊所属です。夕雲型駆逐艦、早波、出撃です! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Onee-chan, we've spotted them. Fleet, ready for battle. I won't lose! |
お姉ちゃん、見つけたから。艦隊、合戦用意です。私、負けません! | |
Attack Play |
I won't lose. |
私、負けないもん。 | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
There they are. I see them. Fire! |
あそこだ。見つけた。ーてぇ! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
There they are. Now that we've found them, don't let them escape! |
あそこだ。見つけたから、逃さない! | |
Night Battle Play |
Let's go after them. Fleet, begin the night battle pursuit! |
追っかけちゃおう。艦隊、夜戦追撃、やっちゃえます! | |
MVP Play |
Check this out, onee-chan; I'm number one! Ehehe. Hooray! Commander, thank you. I'm proud of everyone too. Hooray. |
見てみて、お姉ちゃん、私が、早波が、一番だって!えへへぇ。やった!司令、ありがとう。みんなにも自慢してくるね。やった。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Kyaaah! Wh-what was that? |
きゃあぁー!な、なに? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
No, no way! |
うそ、うそだ! | |
Major Damage Play |
Oh no. I'm getting overwhelmed... I-I won't lose! |
いやだよ。返り討ちなんで…わ、私は負けないもん! | |
Sunk Play |
I... see... I'm sinking... again... I don't want this... Onee-chan, everyone, Commander... See you... later... |
そう…っか…また沈むんだ…わたし……いやだな……お姉ちゃん、みんあ、司令…また…ね… |
- ↑ She was sunk by USS Harder while on ASW patrol around Tawi-Tawi.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ It's the same line with different inflection.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
I'll be in charge today. Eh, I don't wanna. I can do it properly. Even I can be a secretary! |
今日は、私、早波が担当するね。えぇ、いやだ。ちゃんとできるし。秘書官くらい、できるもん! | |
01:00 Play |
Uhmm, the time is now... Ah, yes, 0100. It's midnight. |
えっと、現在時刻は…あぁ、そっか、マルヒトマルマル。真夜中です。 | |
02:00 Play |
The night is really quiet... Isn't it kinda scary when the Naval Base is too quiet? Well? ...Ah, the time is 0200. |
夜は本当静か……鎮守府もちょっと静かすぎて、怖くない?ねぇ?…あぁ、時間はね、マルフタマルマル。 | |
03:00 Play |
Since I want to drink some tea, I made some for you too. The time is now... Ah, it just turned 0300. |
仕方ない、自分が飲むついでに、お茶を入れて上げる。時間はね…あぁ、ちょうど今、マルサンマルマルです。 | |
04:00 Play |
*Yaaaaaawn* It's almost morning... I'm really sleepy... I'll... make some more tea... Here... The time is... 0400. |
ふあぁー。もうすぐ朝…さすがに、眠い…お茶…入れ直しますわ…はい……時間は…マルヨンマルマルです。 | |
05:00 Play |
Look at that, it's morning! The morning sun is beautiful isn't it? It just feels like it resets your internal clock. Eh, the time? Ah, yes. The time is 0500. |
見てみて、朝!朝日って、きれいですよね?体内時計もリセットされるって感じ。えぇ、時間?あぁ、そっか。時間はマルゴーマルマルです。 | |
06:00 Play |
All hands assemble! It's morning now! Morning! It's 0600. Ah, Commander, I'll go wake onee-chan up. Eh, don't worry. I'll be right back. |
総員起こし!朝です!朝!マルロクマルマルです。あぁ、司令、私、お姉ちゃん起こしてきます。えぇ、心配しないでください。すぐに戻りますから。 | |
07:00 Play |
Commander, I've woken onee-chan up too. Now, here's the breakfast I worked hard to make for both of you. Freshly cooked barley rice, hot miso soup and some pickled daikon. Now, help yourself. ...Ah, that's right, it's 0700. |
司令、お姉ちゃんも起きました。さあ、二人の朝食準備、私が張り切ってしますね。炊きたて麦飯と、熱々お味噌汁、あと沢庵っと。さあ、召し上がれ。…あぁ、そうだ、マルナナマルマルです。 | |
08:00 Play |
Onee-chan, you want another helping? I won't be responsible if you get fat. But, I'll still love you, onee-chan. Ah, you're done, Commander? Really? Shall I clean up then? Ah, oh no. It's already 0800. Onee-chan, hurry up. |
お姉ちゃん、またおかわり?太っても知らないよ。でも、そんなお姉ちゃんも、好き。あぁ、司令はもいいんだ?本当に?片付けちゃうよ?あぁ、いけない。もうマルハチマルマルよ。お姉ちゃん、急いで。 | |
09:00 Play |
Whew, alright. Onee-chan, I'm done cleaning up. Now, let DesDiv32 head out to sea. Commander, that's fine right? Oh right, the time is now... Ummm, 0900. |
ふぁ、よし。お姉ちゃん、片付け者も終わったよ。じゃあ、三十二駆、海に出よ。司令、いいよね?そうだ、現在時刻は…えっと、マルキュマルマル。 | |
10:00 Play |
I definitely love the sea. Isn't that right, onee-chan? Eh, you're already tired? No way. It's still only 1000 you know. |
私、海はやっぱり好き。いいよね、お姉ちゃん?えぇ、も疲れた?うそ。まだ、ヒトマルマルマルだよ。 | |
11:00 Play |
Commander, onee-chan is in a bit of a pinch so can we take a short break? It's still only 1100 but... Shall we have lunch early? Ah, we can't? Alriiight. |
司令、お姉ちゃんがピンチだから、ちょっと休んでもいい?まだヒトヒトマルマルだけど…先にお昼にしちゃお?あぁ、それはだめ?はーい。 | |
12:00 Play |
Commander, onee-chan went back first. That's fine right? So now you can have two helpings of my special barley rice balls. ...Oh, you don't need it? Then, just have half of it. The time is now exactly noon. 1200. |
司令、お姉ちゃんは先に返したよ。いいよね?その変わり、 早波特製の麦飯おにぎり、二人分食べてもいいよ。…おぉ、そんなにいらない?じゃあ、半分ずつ食べよ。時間は、ちょうどお昼。ヒトフタマルマル。 | |
13:00 Play |
I ate too much for lunch... *Heavy breathing*... 13...00... |
お昼、食べ過ぎた…ふぁ…ふぁー…ふぁー…ヒトサン…マルマル。 | |
14:00 Play |
Ah, Shima-chan, hello. You're always fast and looking well. Ah, me? I ate a bit too much for lunch. Ah, she's already gone. It's now 1400. |
あぁ、しまちゃん、こにちわ。いつも早くって、元気だね。あぁ、私?ちょっとお昼食べて過ぎて。あぁ、もういない。そんな、ヒトヨンマルマル。 | |
15:00 Play |
Whew, I'm finally feeling better. Aaah, tea is definitely the best. It calms you down in all sorts of ways. ...Here's a cup for you too, Commander. The time is now... Ah, it's already 1500. |
ふぁ、やっと調子戻ってきた。ふぅー、やっぱりお茶って最強だよね。色々落ち着く。…司令にもお茶を足すね。時間は…あぁ、もうヒトゴーマルマルだ。 | |
16:00 Play |
Ah, Noshiro, good work. Yes, I have nothing to report. The time is now 1600. That is all.[1] |
あぁ、能代さん、お疲れ様です。はい、特に報告事項はありません。現在時刻ヒトロクマルマル。以上です。 | |
17:00 Play |
About Noshiro? She's someone beautiful isn't she? I think she's second only to onee-chan. Ah, Commander, look at that. The sunset is beautiful. I like this time of day. It's a beautiful 1700. |
能代さんの事?きれいな人ですよね?お姉ちゃんの次にきれいかも。あぁ、司令、見てみて。夕日、きれい。私この時間は好き。きれいなヒトナナマルマル。 | |
18:00 Play |
Oh no, it's already this late. I'll need to go get dinner ready. Hama-chan, help me. ...Ah, excuse me. Thank you. Onee-chan, Commander; just wait a minute. The time is 1800. |
いやだ、もうこんな時間。夕食の準備しなきゃ。はまちゃん、手伝って。…あぁ、ごめん。ありがとう。お姉ちゃん、司令、ちょっとまっててね。時間は、ヒトハチマルマル。 | |
19:00 Play |
Dinner is ready. Today is something extra special. An aji-fry set! Go on, I guarantee it's delicious. Eat up, eat up. Ah, that's right, the time is now 1900. Eat up.[2] |
夕食完成。今日は豪華だよ。アジフライ定食!ほら、上げたて美味しいの。食べて、食べて。あぁ、そうだ、現在時刻ヒトキュマルマル。食べて。 | |
20:00 Play |
Onee-chan, Commander; how was the aji-fry for dinner? Was it delicious? ...Really? That's great. I'll get you some tea. 200... Oh, Yamashiro? |
お姉ちゃん、司令、夕食のアジフライはどうでした?美味しいかった?…そう?良かった。お茶入れるね。フタマルマルマ…おぉ、山城さん? | |
21:00 Play |
Eh, Fusou? No, she hasn't been around here toda... Uh-umm, Yamashiro... She's gone. Oh right, the time is now... Ummm, 2000. |
えぇ、扶桑さんですか?いえ、こちらには今日はいらっしゃってもいませ…あ、あの、山城さん……いない。そうだ、現在時刻…えっと、フタヒトマルマルです。 | |
22:00 Play |
Yamashiro's feelings for her sister are wonderful. I feel my heart pounding when I see such loyalty... Commander, umm, are you listening? ...Jeez! The time is now 2200. Jeez! |
山城さんもお姉さん思いで、とっても素敵ですよね。あんな感じに、一途に人愛せったらって、私もドキドキ思うです。……司令、あの、聞いてます?…もう!現在時刻は、フタフタマルマルです。もう! | |
23:00 Play |
So many things happened and didn't happen today. ...It was kinda tiring. Shall we get some rest to prepare for tomorrow? 2300. Thanks for your hard work! |
今日も、色々あったよな、なかったよな。…少しだけ疲れましたね。明日に備えて、少し休みましょうか?フタサンマルマル。お疲れさまでした! |
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Setsubun 2019 Play |
Demons begone~! Fortune welcome~! ...Ah, Hama-chan, sorry. Did that hurt? | |
鬼はー外!福はー内!…あぁ、はまちゃん、ごめん。いったかった? | ||
Valentine's Day 2019 Play |
Onee-chan, Commander; Happy Valentine's! Ehehe, I put my all into making this. | |
お姉ちゃん、司令、ハッピーバレンタイン!えへへ、早波、一所懸命作ったの。 | ||
White Day 2019 Play |
Commander, take a look. I got this from onee-chan! Ah, you're giving me something too? Thanks. | |
司令、見てみて。これ、お姉ちゃんにもらったの!あぁ、司令もくれるの?ありがとう。 | ||
Rainy Season 2019 Play |
Onee-chan! Look, look! My full anti-tsuyu equipment. Whenever a rain shower comes, I'll be ready~! | |
お姉ちゃん! 見て見てぇ! あたし、梅雨フル装備。いつ夕立が来ても大丈夫だよ~! | ||
Summer 2019 Play |
Everyone is wearing swimsuts... Hmmm... Onee-chan is...! Ah, she isn't... | |
みんな水着と着るんだ…んー…お姉ちゃんは…!あぁ、着なさそう… | ||
Summer 2019 Play |
Onee-chan... that yukata... looks good! It looks really good on you! Just what I expect from my sister! | 08/08/2019 Update. |
お姉ちゃん…浴衣…いい!とっても似合ってます!さすが、私のお姉ちゃん! | ||
Summer 2019 Play |
What? Sasebo? I'm from Maizuru. ...Eh, you're going, onee-chan? Then, I'll come too! | 08/08/2019 Update. |
何?佐世保?私、舞鶴生まれだもん。…えぇ、お姉ちゃん行くの?じゃあ、私も! | ||
New Year 2020 Play |
Onee-chan, Commander, Happy New Year! Let's spend lots of time together again this year alright? Ah, wha? Huuuh? | |
お姉ちゃん、司令、新年あけましておめでとう!今年も、めいいっぱい一緒にいよね?あぁ、あれ?あれれ? | ||
Valentine's Day 2020 Play |
This is for onee-chan... This is for Hama-chan... Alright! | Secretary 1 |
これが、お姉ちゃん…これが、ハマちゃん…よし! | ||
Valentine's Day 2020 Play |
And this is for... Well, it should be alright. | Secretary 2 |
ん、でこれが……まあ、いいよね。 | ||
Valentine's Day 2020 Play |
Ahem. Onee-chan, Hama-chan, Commander, Happy Valentines! Ehehehe. It's handmade. I did my very best making it. Have some. | Secretary 3 |
ごほ。お姉ちゃん、ハマちゃん、司令、 ハッピー バレンタイン!えへへー。中身はね、手作りだよ。早波一所懸命作ったの。どうぞ。 | ||
Valentine's Day 2020 Play |
Oh no! No way! I'll give my life for my chocolates! | Minor Damage 2 |
うそ!嫌だ!チョコは死守だもん! | ||
Valentine's Day 2020 Play |
No way. I won't let you have it! You're not getting my chocolates that easily! | Major Damage |
嫌だよ。やらせないもん!私のチョコはそんなに簡単にやらせない! | ||
Hinamatsuri 2020 Play |
Onee-chan and Hama-chan, I'm glad we could cheer you up. | Secretary 2 |
おねえちゃんと、ハマちゃん、喜んでもらえてよかった。 | ||
7th Anniversary Play |
Sis, Hama-chan, it's the 7th Anniversary. Isn't that amazing? Hehehe. Sis, congrats. | Secretary 1 |
お姉ちゃん、ハマちゃん、七周年なんだって。すごいよね?えへへぇ。お姉ちゃん、おめでとう。 | ||
7th Anniversary Play |
Sis, I'll go home with you. Ah, Commander? Where's sis? | Secretary 2 |
お姉ちゃん、お家に一緒にいよ。あぁ、司令?お姉ちゃん、どこ |
Regular |
Seasonal |