Seasonal/Coming of Spring 2017

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mochizuki ぷかぷかするね、春はいいよね。司令官も一緒にどうよ?のんびり寝ちゃおうぜ。 It feels just like I’m floating, spring sure is nice. Commander do you want to it together? Of course I mean taking a nice relaxing nap.
Inazuma 了解なのです!雷ちゃんと、お花見の場所を取りに行くのです。第二小隊、先行します。 Got it nano desu! Ikazuchi-chan and I will find a good spot for the flower viewing nano desu. The second section will be going on ahead.
Ikazuchi お花見か~いいわね。私と電で、先に行って場所を確保しておくわね。任せておいて。 Flowing's so great. Inazuma and I will go find a good place to set up. Leave it to me!
Sazanami ご主人様、春、春ですぞ~!お花見に行こうよ、お花見に!七駆のみんなでさ~! Master, it's spring, spring~! Let's go flower viewing, flower viewing! Along with the whole 7th Division~!
Oboro 提督、春ですね。桜が綺麗。そうだ、翔鶴さんたちにも、春のご挨拶に行かなくちゃ。 Admiral, it's springtime. The cherry blossoms are so pretty. Right, along with Shoukaku-san and everyone, let's go greet the spring.
Akebono 春か。七駆のみんなでお花見も悪くないね。え?潮、クソ提督も呼ぶの?そ、そう、うん。 Spring, huh. It wouldn't be bad to go flowering viewing with the rest of the 7th Division. Eh? Ushio, you want to bring that shitty admiral along? I...I see, that's fine.
Ushio 春、桜が綺麗。え、七駆のみんなでお花見ですか?いいですね。是非、提督もご一緒に 。 Spring, these cherry blossoms are so pretty. Eh, the 7th Division should go flower viewing? That sounds nice. Then Admiral, you should come along with us.
Asashio 春…この季節は…何かが思い出せるような…。大切な…大切な約束…何でしょうか。司令官? Spring, this season, I wonder what this feeling is. Important....there was some important promise...what could it be. Commander?
Arare 司令官、春…ですね。舞鶴の春、想い出す。春は…好き。 Commander, here. Spring at Maizuru, gives off a certain feeling. Spring...I like it.
Ooshio 司令官、春です。ドーン!気持ちがあげあげになりますね、八駆のみんなとお花見に繰り出しましょう!おお! Commander, it's springtime. Don! My spirit keeps on rising, let's head out for a flower viewing with the whole 8th Division! Oooh!
Michishio 春ね、やっぱり、桜の花は好き。えー?なにその顔?私だって、好きなものくらいあるわよ。何だと思ってんの?ほんとに。 Spring huh, as I thought, I just love seeing the cherry blossoms. Eh? What's with that face? Even I have some things that I like. What do you think? Really?
Hamakaze 春……ですか?いいですね。桜の花は、好きです。儚くて……そして……きれいです。 Could spring? It feels good. I love the cherry blossom flowers. They're so pretty....and fleeting.
Tanikaze あ!春だ!春だね!へへ、提督、みんなとお花見とされ込もうよ!な?かはーー一度に… Ah! It's spring! It's spring right now! Hehe, Admiral, we should go flower viewing along with everyone! Right? At least once...
Yuugumo んふふ~もうすぐ春、いい季節になりました。夕雲型でお花見オブお花見にまいりましょう。 Mmfufu~ soon it will be spring again, it's such a nice season. We should go flower viewing of flower viewing with the Yuugumo-class.
Makigumo うあーー春ですね!夕雲型お花見オブお花見、了解です!伊良湖さんに手伝ってもらって、お花見お弁当を用意しようっと!風雲、手伝って! Uwaa…it’s springtime! The Yuugumo class will be flower viewing of flower viewing, all right! With Irako-san’s help I’ll make us a bento for the flower viewing. Kazagumo, you help too!
Naganami ん、なに?お花見オブお花見?何で二回言うんの?あ~夕雲ねえ発音か?いいね、秋雲なやつも誘ってあんなよ。意外と気にしたぜ、あいつ。 Hmm what is it? Flower viewing of flower viewing? Why did you say it twice? Ah~ It was Yuugumo-nee’s pronunciation. Well it’s fine, that guy invited Akigumo along too huh? He’s surprisingly mindful at times, isn’t he?
Takanami 司令官、あれですね。そこらも季節かも、です。長波姉さんたちと、お花見、行きたいですね。 Commander, it’s here. The season is spreading all over, just maybe. Lets go flower viewing with Naganami onee-san and all the others.
Kazagumo 春は好きよ。なんかこのふわっと気持ちいい感じが好き。提督は春が嫌い?そう?ならいいけど。うんへんへん。 I really do love spring. It like the feeling it gives me, something like a warm fluffiness inside of me. Admiral, do you dislike the spring? You don’t? Well that’s good. Yup, yup, yup.
Okinami 春、気持ちいい。あ、司令官、肩に花びらが。風流ですね。ふんふん。 Spring, feels so good. Ah, commander, there’s some petals on your shoulder. It must be due to the wind. Uh-huh.
Kawakaze うん。春だね春。少し暖かくなってきたよね。二十四駆もおはなみするかなぁ、ね! Yeah. It's springtime. It's been getting a little warmer lately. The 24th Division should totally go flower viewing, right?
Teruzuki 提督、桜の季節ですね!春は好きかも。なんか浮き浮きするっていうか。ね、提督!お花見しましょう?おにぎり作るから! Admiral, it's the season of cherry blossoms. I might just love spring. It makes me kind of excited. Hey, Admiral! Want to go flower viewing? I'll make some onigiri then!
Arashi やったぜ春だ!この季節、なんかいいよなぁ。花見に行こう。四駆のみんなを誘ってさぁ。 Alright, it's spring! This season, is just so good, you know? Let's go flower viewing! We'll invite the whole 4th Division.
Hagikaze お花見ですか、いいですね。私、健康メニュー満載のお弁当作りますね。楽しみ! Going flower viewing, you say? That sounds pleasant. I'll make us a bento packed with a whole menu of healthy choices. This will be fun!