
Revision as of 04:32, 7 September 2013 by (talk) (enemy typos)

Daily quests are resetted everyday at 05:00 JST

Weekly quests are resetted every monday at 05:00 JST

Composition quests (編成)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
A1 はじめての「編成」! Have 2 ships in your fleet 20 20 0 0 Shirayuki (白雪) Destroyer
A2 「駆逐隊」を編成せよ! Have 4 destroyers in your fleet 30 30 30 0 Instant construction x1
A3 「水雷戦隊」を編成せよ! Have a light cruiser as your flagship and complete the fleet with destroyers 40 40 0 40

Instant construction x1

Development material x1

A4 6隻編成の艦隊を編成せよ! Have 6 ships in your fleet 50 0 50 0 Unlock the second fleet Needs A3 completion
A5 軽巡2隻を擁する隊を編成せよ! Have 2 light cruisers in your fleet 60 60 0 0 Development material x1
A6 第2艦隊を編成せよ! Have a flagship in your second fleet 50 50 100 0 Instant construction x1
A7 「重巡戦隊」を編成せよ! Have 2 heavy cruiser in your fleet 0 70 0 30 Instant repair x1
A8 「天龍」型軽巡姉妹の全2艦を編成せよ!

Have both Tenryuu (天龍) and Tatsuta (龍田) in your fleet

100 100 100 50 Instant construction x2
A9 「水上機母艦」を配備せよ! Have in your fleet a seaplane carrier to make use of reconnaissance seaplanes. 0 0 0 200 Development material x1
A10 「第六駆逐隊」を編成せよ! Have all 4 Akatsuki-class destroyers in your main fleet.  Includes Akatsuki (暁), Hibiki (響), Ikazuchi (雷), and Inazuma (電) 150 150 0 0 Emergency repair x1 Needs A9 completion
A11 第2艦隊で空母機動部隊を編成せよ! Have an aircraft carrier in your SECOND fleet and create a fast carrier task force.

  • aircraft carrier/light aircraft carrier as a flagship + 3 destroyers
100 0 0 100 Instant construction x2
A12 空母機動部隊を編成せよ!

Have an aircraft carrier as a flagship and together with those escort vessels create a fast carrier task force

  • aircraft carrier/light aircraft carrier as a flagship + 3 destroyers
50 0 0 100 Development material x1
A13 戦艦1隻以上、重巡2隻以上を主力とした水上打撃艦隊を編成せよ! Have a battleship, 2 heavy cruisers as your main force and form a naval strike fleet. 0 150 0 0 Instant construction x2 Needs A12 completion
A14 「川内」型軽巡姉妹の全3艦を編成せよ! Have all three Sendai-class light cruisers in your main fleet.  Includes Sendai (川内), Jintsuu (神通), and Naka (那珂) 100 0 100 0 Unlocks the third fleet Needs A7 completion
A15 「妙高」型重巡姉妹の全4艦を編成せよ! Have all four Myoukou-class heavy cruisers in your main fleet.  Includes Myoukou (妙高), Nachi (那智), Ashigara (足柄), and Haguro (羽黒) 150 100 150 100

Instant repair x1

Development material x1

A16 「金剛」型による高速戦艦部隊を編成せよ! Have all four Kongou-class battleships in your main fleet. Includes Kongou (金剛), Hiei (比叡), Haruna (榛名), and Kirishima (霧島) 0 0 0 0 Unlocks the fourth fleet Needs A15 completion
A17 「扶桑」型戦艦姉妹の全2隻を編成せよ! Have both Fusou-class battleships in your main fleet.  Includes Fusou (扶桑) and Yamashiro (山城) 200 200 200 200

Instant repair x2

Development material x1

Needs A8 completion
A18 「伊勢」型戦艦姉妹の全2隻を編成せよ! Have both Ise (伊勢) and Hyuuga (日向) in your main fleet 300 200 300 200

Instant repair x2

Development material x2

Needs A17 completion
A19 南雲機動部隊を編成せよ! Have Akagi (赤城), Kaga (加賀), Hiryuu (飛龍), and Soryuu (蒼龍) in your main fleet 500 500 500 500

Instant construction x2

Development materials x4

Needs A13 completion
A20 「三川艦隊」を編成せよ! Have Chokai (鳥海), Aoba (青葉), Kako (加古), Furutaka (古鷹), and Tenryuu (天龍) in your main fleet 400 0 200 0 Instant repair x3 Needs A13 completion
A21 「第四戦隊」を編成せよ! Have all four Takao-class cruisers in your main fleet.  Includes Atago (愛宕), Takao (高雄), Chokai (鳥海), and Maya (摩耶) 300 150 0 0

Instant repair x2

Development material x1

Needs A20 completion
A22 「西村艦隊」を編成せよ! Have Fuso (扶桑), Yamashiro (山城), Mogami (最上), and Shigure (時雨) in your main fleet 200 200 200 0

Food supply ship

「間宮」 "Mamiya" x1

Needs A21 completion
A23 「第五航空戦隊」 Have both Shoukaku (翔鶴) and Zuikaku (瑞鶴) in your main fleet 300 0 0 300 Emergency repair x1 Needs A22 completion
A24 新「三川艦隊」を編成せよ! Have Chokai (鳥海), Aoba (青葉), Kinugasa (衣笠), Kako (加古), Furutaka (古鷹), and Tenryuu (天龍) in your main fleet 300 0 300 0

Food supply ship

「間宮」 "Mamiya" x1

Needs A21 completion

Sortie quests (出撃)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
B1 はじめての「出撃」! Deploy your main fleet on a combat mission 20 20 0 0 Instant repair x1
B2 鎮守府正面海域を護れ! 30 30 30 0 Instant repair x1
B3 第2艦隊、出撃せよ! Deploy Fleet #2 on a combat mission 0 0 200 200 Development material x1
B4 南西諸島沖に出撃せよ! 40 40 0 0 Instant repair x1
B5 接近する「敵前衛艦隊」を迎撃せよ! 50 0 50 0 Development material x1, 深雪 (Miyuki)
B6 「水雷戦隊」で出撃せよ! 60 60 0 60 龍田 (Tatsuta)
B7 「重巡洋艦」を出撃させよ! 70 0 70 0 Development material x1
B8 「戦艦」を出撃させよ! 0 150 150 0 Development material x1
B9 出撃せよ! 200 0 0 300 Instant repair x1, Development material x1
B10 敵空母を撃沈せよ! 0 0 0 100 赤城 (Akagi)
B11 「三川艦隊」出撃せよ! 0 200 0 0 Emergency repair x1
B12 「第六駆逐隊」出撃せよ! 200 0 0 0 Instant repair x1
B13 「第四戦隊」出撃せよ! 150 100 150 100 Instant repair x2
B14 「西村艦隊」出撃せよ! 0 0 400 0 Instant repair x2, Furniture box (small) x1
B15 「第五航空戦隊」出撃せよ! 200 200 0 700 Instant Repair x2, Furniture box (medium) x1
B16 新「三川艦隊」出撃せよ! 100 150 100 150 Emergency repair x1

Daily quests

All daily quests are to be completed within the day


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
Bd1 敵艦隊を撃破せよ! Defeat an enemy fleet 50 50 0 0 Development material x1
Bd2 敵艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!

Defeat a boss

50 50 50 50

Instant repair x1

Development material x1

Needs Bd1 completion
Bd3 敵艦隊を10回邀撃せよ! Defeat 10 enemy fleets  150 150 200 100 Development material x1 Needs Bd2 completion
Bd4 敵空母を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy aircraft carriers (CVL is fine too) 150 150 150 300 Instant repair x2 (not sure on conditions)
Bd5 敵補給艦を3隻撃沈せよ! Sink 3 enemy supply ships 100 50 200 50

Development material x1

Instant repair x1

Needs Bd2 completion
Bd6 敵輸送船団を叩け! Sink 5 enemy transport ships 0 200 0 0 Development material x2 (not sure on conditions)
Bd7 南西諸島海域の制海権を握れ! Defeat 5 bosses in the 南西諸島 area (second area) 300 0 0 200

Instant repair x1

Instant construction x1

(not sure on conditions)
Bd8 敵潜水艦を制圧せよ! Sink 6 enemy submarines 300 30 300 30 Instant repair x1 Needs Bd7 completion

Weekly quests

All weekly quests are to be completed during the week (reset on monday)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
Bw1 あ号作戦 Defeat 24 bosses 300 300 300 100

Instant construction x2

Development material x2

Needs Bd2 completion
Bw2 い号作戦

Sink 20 aircraft carriers (CVL is fine too)

0 500 0 500 Development material x2 Needs Bd5 completion
Bw3 海上通商破壊作戦 Sink 20 transport ships 500 0 400 0 Development material x3 Needs Bd2 completion
Bw4 ろ号作戦 Sink 50 supply ships 400 0 800 0 Instant repair x3 Needs Bw1 completion
Bw5 海上護衛戦 Sink 15 submarines 600 0 0 0 Instant repair x2 Needs Bw2 completion
Bw6 敵東方艦隊を撃滅せよ! Defeat 12 bosses in the 西方 area (fourth area) 400 0 0 700 Development material x2 Needs Bw5 completion

Practice quests (演習)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
C1 はじめての「演習」! Challenge another fleet in practice mode 10 10 0 0 Development material x1 Appears only once
C2 「演習」で練度向上! Challenge 3 other fleets in practice mode (defeat is ok) within the same day 50 0 50 0 Instant construction x1 Daily quest
C3 「演習」で他提督を圧倒せよ! Get 5 victories in practice mode within the same day 0 50 0 50 Development material x1 Daily quest (C2 completion required)
C4 大規模演習 Get 20 victories in practice mode within the same week 200 200 200 200 Development material x2 Weekly quest (C3 completion required)

Expeditions quests (遠征)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
D1 はじめての「遠征」! Perform an expedition 0 0 0 0 Appears only once
D2 「遠征」を3回成功させよう! Perform 3 successful expedition within the same day 100 100 100 100 Development material x1 Daily quest
D3 「遠征」を10回成功させよう! Perform 10 successful expedition within the same day 150 300 300 150

Furniture box (small) x1

Furniture box (medium) x1

Daily quest (D2 completion required)
D4 大規模遠征作戦、発令! Perform 30< successful expedition within the same week 300 500 500 300

Development material x3

Furniture box (big) x1

Weekly quest

Supply / docking quests (補給/入渠)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
E1 各艦隊から整備が必要な艦を5隻以上ドック入りさせ、大規模な整備をしよう! Repair 5 Ships 30 30 30 30 Instant repair x2 Daily quest
E2 艦隊酒保祭り!

Resupply your ships 15 times

(Separate ammo and fuel for more count)

50 50 50 50 Instant construction x1Development material x1 Daily quest (E1 completion required)

Building quests (工廠)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
F1 新装備「開発」指令

Craft one equip (Failure is OK)

40 40 40 40

Instant Construction x1 Development material x1

F2 新造艦「建造」指令

Craft a ship

50 50 50 50 Instant Repair x1Development material x1 Needs F1 completion
F3 装備「開発」集中強化! Craft 3 equip (Failures are OK) 100 100 100 100 Development material x2 Needs F2 completion
F4 艦娘「建造」艦隊強化! Craft 3 ships 200 200 300 100 Instant Construction x1Development material x2 Needs F3 completion
F5 軍縮条約対応! Scrap 2 ships 0 0 0 50

Instant repair x1

Needs F4 completion

Remodelling quests (改装)


Quest Name (JP) Description Fuel Ammo Steel Bauxite Reward Note
G1 はじめての「近代化改修」! Perform a remodelling 0 0 50 50 Development material x1 Appears only once
G2 艦の「近代化改修」を実施せよ! Perform 2 successful remodelling within the same day 20 20 50 0 Instant repair x1 Daily quest
G3 「近代化改修」を進め、戦備を整えよ! Perform 15 successful remodelling within the same week 200 200 300 100

Instant construction x1

Development material x2

Weekly quest (G2 completion required)