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Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defence ships. Hiburi. The Hiburi-class is reporting for duty, Admiral. We'll do our best! |
日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振。提督、日振型、着任しましだ。頑張ります! | |
Introduction Play |
1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defence ships. Hiburi. The Hiburi-class will do our very best today, Admiral. |
日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振。提督、日振型、今日も目一杯、がんばります! | |
Library Play |
I'm the 1st ship of the Hiburi-class coastal defense ships, Hiburi! Yes, because we were in very troubled times... the ability to be mass produced was prioritised, and I was built from blueprints with a lot of straight lines.[1] But, I'm definitely not lacking in armament! Be it ASW, escorting, or minesweeping; the Hiburi-class will do their best! Please look after me! |
日振型海防艦、一番艦、日振です!はい、もう色々と大変な時期で…成るべく、量産性を高めて、直線が多い設計で建造されました!でも、装備は決して劣りません!対潜、護衛、掃海と、日振型頑張りました!よろしくお願いします! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Yes! I'm here. |
はい!日振はここです。 | |
Secretary 2[2] Play |
An escort mission? Leave it to me. I'll work hard. |
護衛ですか?お任せください。日振、働きます。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
I'll go make some tea now. Please wait. |
さて、お茶でを入れますね。お待ち下さい。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Stop messing around, Daitou. Ah, Admiral. Yes! The depth charges are all calibrated properly. I'm ready at any time. |
大東、ダメだよいたずらしたら。あぁ、提督。はい!爆雷の調整は万全です。日振、いつでも。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Admiral, umm, the code for the Hi-convoy is...[3] Ah, that's right. I got it. What should I do? Should I reply? |
提督、あの、ヒ船団の暗号って…あぁ、そうですよね。やっぱり。どうしますか?裏を書いていますか? | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Is there anything for me to do, Admiral? An escort? An ASW sweep? Ah, I know! I'll make some tea first alright? Please wait! |
提督、なにか日振が働けること、ありますか?護衛?対潜掃討?あぁ、そうだ!まずお茶入れますね?待てて! | |
Wedding Play |
Did you call me, Admiral? I'm here now. Ah, what is... this? Can I open it now? Eh? Do it... later? Roger that... Is this the usual reward? Eh? I'm happy. I'm very grateful for it. Now then! |
提督、お呼びでしょうか?日振、来ました。あぁ、これは…なんでしょう?開けてもいいですか?えぇ?あとで、いい…ですか?日振、了解です。いつものお礼のような物ですか?えぇ?嬉しです。日振感謝申し上げます。では! | |
Player's Score Play |
Yes! I'll bring all the information to you! |
はい!日振が情報一式、お持ちします! | |
Player's Score Play |
Yes, Admiral! I'll bring all the latest intelligence to you! |
はい、提督!日振が最新情報一式、お持ちします! | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
1st Surface Escort Division, Hiburi, sortieing! |
第一海上護衛隊、日振、出撃です! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Thank you very much. |
ありがとうございます。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
This has made me stronger! I'll work even harder! |
これは、日振、強化されました!もーっと働きます! | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
No trace... of enemy subs! Alright! |
敵潜、気配…なし!良し! | |
Supply Play |
Thank you very much! I'll help myself! |
ありがとうございます!いたたきます! | |
Docking (Minor) Play |
Sorry, Admiral. Can I go take a short bath? I'll be right back! |
提督、すみません。少しだけ、お風呂に入っていいですか?早く戻ります! | |
Docking (Minor) Play |
I'm... sorry, Admiral. Can I go take a short bath? I'll be back as soon as I can! |
提督、ごめん…なさい。日振、少しお振りに入っていいですか?なる早で戻ります! | |
Docking (Major) Play |
Sorry, Admiral. I'll go take a short... uhm, a long... rest. But I'll be back as soon as I can! |
すみません、提督。少し…えっと、ちょっといっぱい、日振、お休みは…成るべく、早く戻ります! | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has been commissioned. What sort of person is she? |
新造艦、就役です。どんな方でしょう? | |
Return from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned, Admiral. I'm glad it was a safe voyage. |
提督、艦隊、戻りました。無事の航海で、何よりです。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Hi convoy, Escort Group flagship, Hiburi, setting sail. Everyone, make sure to be on high alert for submarines. Let's go! |
ヒ船団、護衛部隊旗艦、日振、抜錨します。皆さん、対潜警戒厳として、行きましょう! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Be careful, everyone. The enemy has been detected. Escort fleet, increase speed and prepare for contact! |
皆さん、気を付けて。敵、発見です。護衛艦隊増速、合戦用意! | |
Attack Play |
I'll protect everyone, fire! |
守ります、てぇぇ! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Over here! I won't let you near the main fleet! |
こっちよ!本隊はやらせません! | |
Night Battle Play |
We need to be careful of the night sea.[5] |
夜の海は、気を付けてないと。 | |
Night Battle Play |
We need to be very careful of the night sea. |
夜の海は、目一杯気を付けてないっと。 | |
MVP Play |
Eh, really? Me? Umm... thank you very much for the praise, Admiral. Hooray! |
えっ、本当ですか?日振が?えっと…提督、褒めたいただいて、ありがとうございます。やった! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Wha, aaaa! Oh no! |
わあ、あぁぁぁ!嫌だ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Eeeh! I-I'm hit? |
えぇぇ!ひ、被弾? | |
Major Damage Play |
Oh nooo! This, this is... |
嫌だぁぁぁ~!も、もう、こんなの… | |
Sunk Play |
So I'm sinking... again... Sacchan, Macchan... be careful... Don't... come here...[6] |
日振、沈むんだ…また…佐ちゃん、松ちゃん…気を付けて…ここは…ダメッ… |
- ↑ The Hiburi-class were a subclass or variant of the Mikura-class that borrowed significant design elements from the simplified Ukuru-class. While the armament resembled Mikura, ships of the class were mostly assembled from prefabricated parts like Ukuru, leading to some ambiguity as to their classification.
- ↑ Becomes Secretary 1 on kai.
- ↑ The Hi convoys ran between Japan and Singapore. She was part of Convoy Hi-71.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ She was torpedoed by USS Harder at 0456.
- ↑ Referring to Sado and Matsuwa, who sank with her while escorting Convoy Hi-71.
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Coming of Spring 2018 Play |
It’s spring, Admiral! The 1st Surface Escort Division is having a cherry blossom viewing! With Ecchan, Macchan and Sacchan and… That’s right, Dai-chan too… I’m ready to start the viewing! | |
提督、春です!第一海上護衛隊のお花見です!えっちゃん、まっちゃん、さっちゃんも…そうです、だいちゃんも読んで…日振、お花見良い、始めます! | ||
5th Anniversary Play |
Congratulations. I heard it is the fleet’s 5th Anniversary. On behalf of the Hiburi-class, I congratulate you. | |
おめでとうございます。艦隊は五周年だそうです。日振、日振型を代表して、お祝い申し上げます。 | ||
Rainy Season 2018 Play |
It’s been pouring recently. It can’t be helped since it’s the rainy season. Dai-chan? Ah, depth charges are dangerous! | |
最近、よく降りますね。梅雨だから、仕方ないですけど。だいちゃん?あぁ、爆雷危ないから! | ||
Summer 2018 Play |
Sacchan, Macchan; it's gotten kinda hot this year too. We'll need to take care on summer nights or mornings... Sacchan? | |
さっちゃん、まっちゃん、なんか今年も暑いくなった来たね。夏の夜や朝は、用心しないと…さっちゃん? | ||
Saury 2018 Play |
It's the Naval Base Saury Festival right? Leave it to the Hiburi-class. Let's get going, Dai-chan. What's with those depth charges? What are you going to do with them!? | |
鎮守府秋刀魚祭りですね?日振型にお任せください。大ちゃん、行くよ。って、その爆雷はなに?なにするき?! | ||
Late Autumn 2018 Play |
It's gotten a bit colder. But I'm fine! I'll work hard! Dai-chan too... Dai-chan? H-huh? Huuuh!? | |
ちょっと寒いですね。でも、日振、大丈夫!働きます!だいちゃんだって…だいちゃん?あ、あれ?あれ!? | ||
Christmas 2018 Play |
Christmas... this is what it's called, right? Isn't it great? I think that this festival is really nice. Yup! | |
クリスマス…これがそうなんですね?いいですね?日振、こんなおまつりはとってもいいと思います。はい! | ||
New Years 2019 Play |
A very Happy New Year. Please take care of the Surface Escort Fleet this year too. Yes! | |
あけまして、おめでとうございます。今年も海上護衛隊、どぞよろしくおねがいいたします。はい! | ||
Setsubun 2019 Play |
Ummm, the person playing the Oni for us in the Fleet Escort Division is... Ah, Taiyou. Well, excuse me. Here I come! Demon begone! There. | |
えっと、私達船団護衛部隊の鬼役は…あぁ、大鷹さん。じゃあ、すみません。行きます!鬼は外!えい。 |
Regular |
- She is named after Hiburi Island.