Sandbox Rules

This sandbox is to be used to construct an event guide for the above-mentioned event map. These guides are to all of the following requirements:

  • An overview of the map, including ship/equipment bonuses, Ship Locks, and special mechanics,
  • List of branching unlocking requirements (if there are multiple requirements, compositions for each path along with the below requirements will be needed to discuss the unlocking requirements in question),
  • A list of working compositions that work: (T=these must have possible alternatives for players who may or may not have all ships needed for a specific path),
    • The Paths said compositions will take (to explain each path the composition will/can take),
    • A summary or description of what kind of obstacles a composition will face.
  • A description of the boss node: what it consists of, and a descriptive guide on what the player should consider for a course of action to successfully win the battle,
  • Optional: Tips/guides to farm certain ships and/or resources (this can also require compositions, paths, and possible descriptions).

Editors are to construct their own version of the guide/part of the guide, and complete it in a timely fashion.

No editor is allowed to edit over other editors' work without the consent of the editor and his approval to do so.

Several versions will be constructed through this page and will be reviewed and approved by the staff/collaboration committee before being moved for the Spring 2022 Event, being reviewed and updated once more before it can be released.

Overall there should be 3 versions of the guide that have to be constructed, including: Preliminary > Polished > Finalized Guides

With each approval of each version of the guide, the said guide will be updated to the main page, and construction of the next version will begin.

All guides outside of the approved version will be removed and work will begin from the approved version to make it better for the next version until the finalized version is made.

Memetails's Proposal

Map Overview

E4 is a three-phase map utilizing Single fleets, Striking Force Fleets, Surface Task Forces, and Carrier Task Forces.

  • This map contains 3 locks
    • The   Kure Guard Division Tag is applied to Single/Striking Force fleets sortieing to this map, and will start at point 1.
    • The   Detached Carrier Task Force Tag is applied to Carrier Task Forces sortieing to this map, and will start at point 2.
    • The   The 2nd Fleet Tag is applied to Surface Task Forces sortieing to this map, and will start at point 1.
  • 3(?) LBAS are available to sortie
    • LBAS location and range is changed after completing Phase (?)

Phase 0.5: Unlocking the First Boss

To unlock the Path to the first Boss:

  • Obtain AS at E 1 time
  • Reach H 3 times

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 below as it is the same fleet.

  • LBAS: Fightersweep E (Range 3) if needed.
  • Fighter muling the CAV/BBV to reach AS is recommended.
  • 504 Airpower for guaranteed AS on Hard.

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 below as it is the same fleet.

Phase 1: Defeat the First Boss

  • SF: (F)BB(V) CA(V) CL 4DD  
  • Route: 1 A B C D E F G H J M
  • LBAS: Range 7 to M, 0 Airpower (100/224 AD/AP on Last Dance Hard)
    • There is an LoS-Check at J (14? Cn1 for Hard Mode)

Optional: Relocate Land Base

The Land-Based Air Support can be moved to a new location after completing Phase 1 and performing the following:

  • Obtain AS at E 1 time
  • Obtain AS at Q 1 time
  • S-Rank node J 1 time
  • AS LBAS 2 times

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 above as it is the same fleet.

This is the same fleet as used in Phase 2 but with some ships removed:

  • CTF: 2CV(B), 1-2CVL + 1CL, 3DD  
  • Route: 2 N O Q
  • LBAS: Range 6 to Q, 324/728 AP/AS

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 above as it is the same fleet.

Phase 2: Defeat the Second Boss

  • CTF: 2CV(B), 1CVL, 0-1FBB, 1-2CL, 0-2XX + 1CL, 0-2CLT, 0-2CA(V), 3-4DD, (FAST)  
    • Fleet must contain 2CL & 4DD
  • Route: 2 N P R T W
  • LBAS: Range 9 to W, 331/743 AP/AS on Hard (356/800 on Last Dance)
    • There is an LoS-Check at T (42? Cn1 for Hard Mode)

Phase 2.5: Unlocking the Shortcut to the Final Boss

To unlock the shortcut to the final Boss:

  • A+ node M 1 time
  • Obtain AS at O 1 time
  • A+ node W 1 time

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 as it is the same fleet.

For the fleet used, refer to Optional Phase for node Q above as it is the same fleet.

  • LBAS: Range 5 to O, 225/504 AP/AS

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 2 as it is the same fleet.

Phase 3: Fight against Carrier Princess

  • STF: 2(F)BB(V), 2-3XX, 1-4DD + 1CL, 0-3XX, 2-5DD (FAST)  
    • Fleet must contain at least 6DD
    • XX cannot be CV(L/B)
  • Route: 1 A B C F G H I X Y Z
  • LBAS: Range 6/9(?) to Z, 76/151 AP/AS on Hard (123/251 on Last Dance)
    • There is an LoS-Check at Y (?? Cn1 for Hard Mode)

Phase 4: Debuff Phase

Once Last Dance is reached, the following steps can be performed to debuff the boss.

  • ???

Gruns revision to Memetails's Proposal

Map Overview

E4 is a three-phase map utilizing Single fleets, Striking Force Fleets, Surface Task Forces, and Carrier Task Forces.

  • This map contains 3 locks
    • The   Kure Guard Division Tag is applied to Single/Striking Force fleets sortieing to this map, and will start at point 1.
    • The   Detached Carrier Task Force Tag is applied to Carrier Task Forces sortieing to this map, and will start at point 2.
    • The   The 2nd Fleet Tag is applied to Surface Task Forces sortieing to this map, and will start at point 1.
  • 2 LBAS are available to sortie, 1 is available to defend.
    • LBAS location and range can be changed after completing Phase 1.

Phase 0.5: Unlocking the First Boss

To unlock the Path to the first Boss:  

  • Obtain AS at E 1 time
  • Reach H 3 times

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 below as it is the same fleet.

  • 504 Airpower at E are needed for guaranteed AS on Hard.
  • LBAS: Fightersweep E (Range 3)
  • Fighter muling the CAV/BBV to reach AS is recommended.
  • If no BBV or SPF-Carrying FBB and/or not enough SPF are available, the following fleet can be used instead:
    • 1CV, 1CVL , 1(F)BB(V), 1CL, 3DD, routing A B C D D1 D2 E

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 below as it is the same fleet.

Phase 1: Defeat the First Boss

  • SF: 1(F)BB(V), 1CA(V), 1CL, 4DD  
  • Route: 1 A B C D E F G H J M
  • LBAS: Range 7 to M, 0 Airpower (100/224 AD/AP on Last Dance Hard)
    • There is an LoS-Check at J (14? Cn1 for Hard Mode)
    • AACI is recommended

Optional: Relocate Land Base

The Land-Based Air Support can be moved to a new location after completing Phase 1 and performing the following:

  • S-Rank node J 1 time
  • Obtain AS at E 1 time
  • Obtain AS at Q 1 time (hard only)
  • AS LBAS 2 times

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 as it is the same fleet  .

  • CTF: 3CV(B) + 1CL, 3DD  
  • Route: 2 N O Q
  • LBAS: Range 6 to Q, 324/728 AP/AS

Phase 2: Defeat the Second Boss

  • CTF: 2CV(B), 1CVL, 0-1FBB, 1-2CL, 0-2XX + 1CL, 0-2CLT, 0-2CA(V), 3-4DD, (FAST)  
    • Fleet must contain 2CL & 4DD
  • Route: 2 N P R T W
  • LBAS: Range 9 to W, 331/743 AP/AS on Hard (356/800 on Last Dance)
    • The range is changed to 6 if the LBAS has been relocated
    • There is an LoS-Check at T (42? Cn1 for Hard Mode)

Phase 2.5: Unlocking the Shortcut to the Final Boss

To unlock the shortcut to the final Boss:

  • A+ node M 1 time
  • Obtain AS at O 1 time
  • A+ node W 1 time

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 as it is the same fleet  .

For the fleet used, refer to the Optional Phase for node Q above as it is the same fleet  .

  • LBAS: Range 5 to O, 225/504 AP/AS

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 2 as it is the same fleet  .

Phase 3: Fight against Carrier Princess

  • STF: 2(F)BB(V), 1-2XX, 1-4DD, 1AO Kai/Akitsushima Kai/Akashi Kai + 1CL, 0-3XX, 2-5DD (FAST)  
    • Fleet must contain at least 6DD
    • XX cannot be CV(L/B)
  • Route: 1 A B C F G H I X Y Z
  • LBAS: Range 9 to Z, 76/151 AP/AS on Hard (123/251 on Last Dance)
    • The range is changed to 6 if the LBAS has been relocated
    • There is an LoS-Check at Y (?? Cn1 for Hard Mode)

Since she is the main protagonist of both E-4 & E-5, it is recommended to use the newly introduced Yamato Kai Ni/Juu 

  • She has great stats in addition to great bonuses on both E-4 & E-5.
  • She is fast on Kai Ni or can easily be speed moded on Kai Ni Juu.
  • She has a powerful Special Attack.
  • She can perform some niche roles like AACI or OASW (not recommended here).

Phase 4: Optional Debuff Phase

Once Last Dance is reached, the following steps can be performed to debuff the boss.

  • The following requirements are needed to complete the debuffing process.
Hard AS x1 S A+ S AS x1
Medium ? ? ? ? ?
Easy ? ? ? ? ?
Casual ? ? ? ? ?

Same as Phase 3 or 1, with a more ASW-focused setup,   or  .

  • Using some OASW is recommended.
  • Can be done at the same time as nodes M or X.

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 as it is the same fleet  .

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 2 as it is the same fleet  .

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 3 as it is the same fleet  .

Totaku's piggybacking revision of Grun's Revision to Memetails's Proposal

Map Overview

E4 is a three-phase map utilizing Single fleets, Striking Force Fleets, Surface Task Forces, and Carrier Task Forces.

  • This map contains 3 locks
    • The   Kure Guard Division Tag is applied to Single/Striking Force fleets sortieing to this map, and will start at point 1.
    • The   Detached Carrier Task Force Tag is applied to Carrier Task Forces sortieing to this map, and will start at point 2.
    • The   The 2nd Fleet Tag is applied to Surface Task Forces sortieing to this map, and will start at point 1.
  • 2 LBAS are available to sortie, 1 is available to defend.
    • LBAS location and range can be changed after completing Phase 1.

Phase 0.5: Unlocking the First Boss

To unlock the Path to the first Boss:  

  • SF: 1 CA(V), 1(F)BB(V), 1CL, 4DD A B C D E
  • Obtain AS at E 1 time
  • Reach H 3 times

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 below as it is the same fleet.

  • 504 Airpower at E are needed for guaranteed AS on Hard.
  • LBAS: Fightersweep E (Range 3)
    • It is also possible to aim for AS by mixing bombers and fighters in the LBAS and aim to take out one of the enemy CVLs on E to cut down the airpower to 258
  • Fighter muling the CAV/BBV to reach AS is recommended.
  • If no BBV or SPF-Carrying FBB and/or not enough SPF are available, the following fleet can be used instead:
    • 1CV, 1CVL, 1(F)BB(V), 1CL, 3DD, routing A B C D D1 D2 E

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 below as it is the same fleet.

Phase 1: Defeat the First Boss

  • SF: 0-1(F)BB(V), 1CA(V), 1CL, 4-5DD  
  • Route: 1 A B C D E F G H J M
  • LBAS: Range 7 to M, 0 Airpower (100/224 AD/AP on Last Dance Hard)
    • There is an LoS-Check at J (14? Cn1 for Hard Mode)
    • AACI is recommended
    • Going without a Battleship will make node J less difficult since there will be only one shelling phase

Optional: Relocate Land Base

The Land-Based Air Support can be moved to a new location after completing Phase 1 and performing the following:

  • S-Rank node J 1 time
  • Obtain AS at E 1 time
  • Obtain AS at Q 1 time (hard only)
  • AS LBAS 2 times

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 as it is the same fleet  .

  • CTF: 3CV(B) + 1CL, 3DD  
  • Route: 2 N O Q
  • LBAS: Range 6 to Q, 324/728 AP/AS

Note: All parts of the following guide will cover the phases as if the LBAS has been relocated

Phase 2: Defeat the Second Boss

  • CTF: 2CV(B), 1CVL, 0-1FBB, 1-2CL, 0-2XX + 1CL, 0-2CLT, 0-2CA(V), 3-4DD, (FAST)  
    • Fleet must contain 2CL & 4DD, or there is a change to off-route to S.
  • Route: 2 N P R T W
  • LBAS: Range 9 to W, 331/743 AP/AS on Hard (356/800 on Last Dance)
    • The range is changed to 6 if the LBAS has been relocated.
    • There is an LoS-Check at T (42? Cn1 for Hard Mode).

Phase 2.5: Unlocking the Shortcut to the Final Boss

To unlock the shortcut to the final Boss:

  • A+ node M 1 time
  • Obtain AS at O 1 time
  • A+ node W 1 time

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 as it is the same fleet  .

For the fleet used, refer to the Optional Phase for node Q above as it is the same fleet  .

  • LBAS: Range 5 to O, 225/504 AP/AS

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 2 as it is the same fleet  .

Phase 3: Fight against Carrier Princess

  • STF: 2(F)BB(V), 1-2XX, 1-4DD, 1AO Kai/Akitsushima Kai/Akashi Kai + 1CL, 0-3XX, 2-5DD (FAST)  
    • Fleet must contain at least 6DD
    • XX cannot be CV(L/B)
  • Route: 1 A B C F G H I X Y Z
  • LBAS: Range 9 to Z, 76/151 AP/AS on Hard (123/251 on Last Dance)
    • The range is changed to 6 if the LBAS has been relocated
    • There is an LoS-Check at Y (?? Cn1 for Hard Mode)

Since she is the main protagonist of both E-4 & E-5, it is recommended to use the newly introduced Yamato Kai Ni/Juu 

  • She has great stats in addition to great bonuses on both E-4 & E-5.
  • She is fast on Kai Ni or can easily be speed moded on Kai Ni Juu.
  • She has a powerful Special Attack.
  • She can perform some niche roles like AACI or OASW (not recommended here).

Phase 4: Optional Debuff Phase

Once Last Dance is reached, the following steps can be performed to debuff the boss.

  • The following requirements are needed to complete the debuffing process.
Hard AS x1 S A+ S AS x1
Medium ? ? ? ? ?
Easy ? ? ? ? ?
Casual ? ? ? ? ?

Same as Phase 3 or 1, with a more ASW-focused setup,   or  .

  • Using some OASW is recommended.
  • Can be done at the same time as nodes M or X.

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 1 as it is the same fleet  .

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 2 as it is the same fleet  .

For the fleet used, refer to Phase 3 as it is the same fleet  .