Seasonal/White Day 2016



Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mutsuki Play ええっと、如月ちゃんと提督にクッキー焼いたけど... 食べるくれるかにゃ~ Umm, I made some cookies for Kisaragi & the Admiral.... Would you like to try some?~ White Day 2015 voice line.
Kisaragi うう、睦月ちゃんこのクッキーを如月に... ありがとう... 大切に食べるはね... ふふふふ Huh, Mutsuki, you're giving these cookies to me?... Thank you.... I'll eat them with appreciation. Fufufufu. White Day 2015 voice line.
Shiratsuyu 提督!はい!一番いいバレンタインのお返し頂戴!えっ!?ないのぉ~!? Admiral! Here! Give me the best return gift for Valentine's! Eh!? There isn't any~!? White Day 2015 voice line.
Shigure Play 提督、これは..僕に? ありがとう Admiral, is....this....for me? Thank you! White Day 2015 voice line.
Murasame Play うーん...バレンタインのお返し?いい感じ、いい感じ、村雨 ちよっと期待ちゃうなぁ Hmm.... A return gift for Valentine's? It's going great. Murasame has been expecting this. White Day 2015 voice line.
Yuudachi Play 提督さん、この包みわ?いい匂い、クッキーっぽい!もしかして、手作りっぽい? What is this package, Admiral? Smells nice~ It's cookies-poi! Perhaps these are handmade-poi? White Day 2015 voice line.
Hatsukaze 何?これを私に?。。。でも提督はこれを何人あげるかしら?ん、いいけど。 What? Is this for me?... But aren't you going to give this to someone else?... Um, I'll accept it anyways. White Day 2015 voice line.
Maikaze あ、これ、舞風にくれるの?提督、ありがと!嬉しいな~、踊ろう、踊ろうよ! Ah, you are giving this to Maikaze? Thank you Admiral! I'm very happy~ Come on, let's dance! White Day 2015 voice line.

Light Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Yuubari Play っえ、提督、これを私に? ありがとう! 早速、開けて食べてしまってもいいかしら? Ah, Admiral, is this for me? Thanks! Should I eat this all once when I unwrap it? White Day 2015 voice line.
Ooyodo A regular seasonal line
White Day 2015 voice line.

Heavy Cruiser

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Myoukou Play ええっ、提督.このクッキーを私に? ありがとうございます! いただきます! うふふ、嬉しい! Eh, Admiral. These cookies are for me? Thank you very much! Let me dig in! Uhuhu, I'm happy! White Day 2015 voice line.
Nachi Play 貴様、何だこれは? お返し、なの? っまあ,いい... これを肴にいっぱいあるか. ぱくぱくもぐもぐ.. 甘いな.. You, what's this? A return gift, right? Well.... This is already enough for the garnishes. *Munch* *Munch* *Chew* *Chew* Sweet.... Mogumogu is an onomatopoeia for chewing.

White Day 2015 voice line.

Ashigara Play ええっ?この手は何かって?チョコのお返しは未だかなって... ああ、え? そうなの? Ehh? What are these hands for? The return gift for the chocolate has yet.... Aahh.... Eh? Is that so? White Day 2015 voice line.
Haguro Play ん? この可愛らしいクッキーを、私に!? 司令官さん…本当に、ありがとうございます! ぐすっ、うぅ… What? These lovely cookies - for me!? Commander.... Really, thank you! *Cries* White Day 2015 voice line.
Maya Play おう。チョコのお返しかい?サンキュ、提督。甘い物にがてだけど、くってみかな? Oh. The return gift for the chocolate? Thank you, Admiral. Although I can't stand sweets, maybe I'll try to eat this? White Day 2015 voice line.
Choukai Play これは…チョコレートのお返しに…あ、ありがとございます…嬉しいです。 This.... A return gift for the chocolate.... T-thank you very much, I'm so happy. White Day 2015 voice line.
Suzuya Play わぁ!なにこの包み?鈴谷にくれるの?ハー、提督 サンキュー!なんだろう、なんだろう…ひーひーひーひ… Woah! What's this package? You gonna give it to me? Ah hah, thank you, Admiral! What did I get, what did I get? Heehee.... White Day 2015 voice line.
Kumano Play 何ですの?提督。この包みは。いい匂いが致しますは!ええっ?これをわたくしに? What's this package, Admiral? What a pleasant smell! Eh? Is this for me? White Day 2015 voice line.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kongou Play ヘーエイ、提督.わたしへのホワイトデーのビッグなお返しは、なんですか? Hey, Admiral. What's your big White Day return gift for me? White Day 2015 voice line.
Hiei Play 司令、お姉さま見ませんでした?…せっかくクッキー焼いたのに…あの、味見します? Commander, have you seen Onee-sama? ....I even went through the trouble of baking these cookies.... Um, would you like to try some? White Day 2015 voice line.
Haruna Play え?チョコレートのお返しなんて...そんな...榛名には..勿体無いです.........嬉しいです Eh? A return gift for the chocolate.... That's.... Haruna should not deserve this.... ....I'm really happy. White Day 2015 voice line.
Kirishima Play そうですね..チョコレートのお返しは、特に気にしないで下さい.ええ、特には.. You know.... You don't have to worry about getting chocolate just for me.... Yes, don't worry.... White Day 2015 voice line.

Light Carrier

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Shouhou 提督?この包はなんでしょうか?いい匂い・・・え?これを私に?ありがとうございます! What's with the package, Admiral? There's a pleasant smell~ Eh, is this for me? Thank you so much! White Day 2015 voice line.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akashi Play 提督?チョコのお返しはー?そろそろ?大淀と楽しみに待ってるね!ねー! Admiral, are there any return gifts? It's almost done? Ooyodo & I were looking forward to this y'know! Right?! Right is directed to Ooyodo, who is probably disinterested in White Day.

White Day 2015 voice line.