Summer 2024 Event/E-2/Sandbox

Sandbox Rules

This sandbox is to be used to construct an event guide for the above-mentioned event map. These guides are to all of the following requirements:

  • An overview of the map, including ship/equipment bonuses, Ship Locks, and special mechanics,
  • List of branching unlocking requirements (if there are multiple requirements, compositions for each path along with the below requirements will be needed to discuss the unlocking requirements in question),
  • A list of working compositions that work: (these must have possible alternatives for players who may or may not have all ships needed for a specific path),
    • The Paths said compositions will take (to explain each path the composition will/can take),
    • A summary or description of what kind of obstacles a composition will face.
  • A description of the boss node: what it consists of, and a descriptive guide on what the player should consider for a course of action to successfully win the battle,
  • Optional: Tips/guides to farm certain ships and/or resources (this can also require compositions, paths, and possible descriptions).

Editors are to construct their own version of the guide/part of the guide, and complete it in a timely fashion.

No editor is allowed to edit over other's work without their consent/approval.

Several versions will be constructed through this page and will be reviewed and approved by the staff/collaboration committee before being moved for the Summer 2024 Event, being reviewed and updated once more before it can be released.

Overall there should be 3 versions of the guide that have to be constructed, including Preliminary > Polished > Finalized Guides

With each approval of each version of the guide, the said guide will be updated to the main page, and construction of the next version will begin.

All guides outside of the approved version will be removed and work will begin from the approved version to make it better for the next version until the finalized version is made.

Branching Table

E-2 Branching Rules (Start Points) ▼/▲
Nodes Rules
  •   Home Fleet only (Normal / Hard)
  • Single Fleet
  •   Force H only (Normal / Hard)
  • Combined Fleet

E-2 Branching Rules (Start Point 1) ▼/▲
Nodes Rules
  • Does not meet the requirements to go to A2
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • Amount of DD ≥ 3 *
      • If Slow Fleet, then amount of DD ≥ 4
  • Fail the LoS check
  • Pass the LoS check (Cn2 = 28~35 Hard)

E-2 Branching Rules (Start Point 2) ▼/▲
Nodes Rules
  • CTF/STF: Does not meet the requirements to go to I
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • STF: Amount of (F)BB(V) + CV(B) ≥ 4
    • STF: Amount of CVL = 0
    • STF: Exactly 2CL
    • STF: Amount of DD ≥ 4
    • TCF: any
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • CTF: Fast Fleet
    • CTF: Amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
    • CTF/STF: Amount of DD ≥ 3
    • STF: If Slow Fleet, then at least 2CL 4DD
    • STF: Does not meet the requirements to go to I
      • Note: Check carefully to avoid I
  • Does not meet the requirements to go to L
  • Meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • STF: If Slow Fleet, amount of DD ≥ 6 *
    • TCF: If Slow Fleet, amount of CL ≥ 2

Active Branching


Active Branching


Active Branching

  • Fail the LoS check *
  • Pass the LoS check *
  • Fail the LoS check
  • Pass the LoS check

* = Rule under review

? = Ship type/amount under review

Historical Bonuses

DISCLAIMER: This information is based on user-submitted data and is subject to revisions as more data is gathered. Any version of the ship receives the bonus regardless of remodel.

Ship Bonuses


Equipment Bonuses




Jiga's early Guide

Map Overview

E2 is a single and combined fleet three-phase map, consisting of one transport and two boss phases.

  • 2 LBAS are available to sortie on this map
    • Initially, no LBAS is available,
    • After Phase 1, both can be set on Sortie.

  • This map uses 2 locks:
    •   Home Fleet, Starting point 1 (reused from E-1)
    •   Force H, Starting point 2

Phase 1 - TP

Phase 1 is a "Transport Operation":

  • Single Fleet: 1 XX, 1 CL, 4-5 DD  
  • Route: 1 A A2 B C E
  • LoS check: Cn2 >= 30
  • Bringing ASW and AACI is recomanded.
  • The "XX" is any ship already locked from E-1.
  • Boss Support Expedition is recommended to guarantee an A rank at the boss for TP Depletion.

Phase 1.5 - Gimmick

To unlock the second boss, the following steps have to be performed:

Hard S x2 S S
Medium ? S? S?
Easy A x1 S? S?
Casual ? ? ?

  • TCF:  
    • Main: 1 BBV/CAV/CL, 1 CAV/CL/AV, 4DD
    • Escort: 2 CL, 4 DD
  • STF:  
    • Main: 3 (F)BB(V), 1 CV, 1 CL, 1 DD
    • Escort: 1 CL, 5 DD
Anti-PT boat
Unlike most standard Abyssals, "PT boats" (PT Imp Pack  & Schnellboot Imp Pack ) are "very small and fast".
  • All ship types suffer a severe   accuracy and   firepower penalty against PT boats.
  • Attacking them with larger guns is not very effective, smaller guns being recommended instead.
  • Support Expeditions are not affect by any of the following[1].
Attack formula against PT boats
The Attack formula against PT boats:[2][3]
Jet Assault & Airstrike
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} \times \text{Rand} [0.5 ; 0.8] }[/math]

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} \times \text{Rand} [0.4 ; 0.7] }[/math]

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= ( 0.3 \times \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} + \sqrt{\text{Atk}_\text{post-cap}} + 10 ) \times \prod^{All Equipment}{\text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAtk}} }[/math]

Opening & Closing Torpedo Salvos
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Damage}_\text{PT}= 0.3 \times \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} + \sqrt{\text{Atk}_\text{post-cap}} + 10 }[/math]

Night Battle
  • Night Battle data are unclear yet.

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Atk}_\text{post-cap} }[/math] the post cap attack power defined here,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAtk} }[/math] the bonuses given by equipment, described below.
Accuracy formula against PT boats
The Accuracy formula against PT boats:[5][6][7][8]
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Hit Rate}_\text{vs.PT} \text{%} = \Big\lfloor ( 0.3 \times \text{Accuracy}_\text{Atk} + \sqrt{\text{Accuracy}_\text{Atk}} + 15 ) \times 1.2 \times \text{Mod}_\text{Ship} \times \Big( \prod^{All Equipment}{\text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAcc}} \Big) \times \text{Mod}_\text{Night} \Big\rfloor - \text{EVA}_\text{PT} + 1 }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Acc}_\text{Atk} }[/math] the standard accuracy described here
    • PT boats are "DDs" in the game, so the [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{formation} }[/math] for vanguard is 1.1 during shelling, and 1.2 during the torpedo phase.
    • Historical accuracy bonuses during Events are included in the Standard Accuracy Term, i.e. it is affected by the [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{PT} }[/math] modifier.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{EVA}_\text{PT} }[/math] the PT estimated evasion   described bellow,
PT boats stats
Type Luck   Eva   [math]\displaystyle{ \text{EVA}_\text{PT} }[/math]
Line Ahead  Echelon  Line Abreast 
PT Imp Pack  ? ? 81? 87? ?
PT Imp Pack II  60 220 80 87 85
PT Imp Pack III  60 250 82 89 88
PT Imp Pack IV  ? ? ? 84? ?
Schnellboot Imp Pack  ? ? ? ? ?
Schnellboot Imp Pack II  ? ? ? ? ?
Schnellboot Imp Pack Elite  ? ? ? ? ?

The main Accuracy modifiers are
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Amagiri} }[/math] being include in [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Acc}_\text{Atk} }[/math]:
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Ship} }[/math] the bonus given by ship types, described below,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAcc} }[/math] the bonuses given by equipment, described below,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Night} }[/math] being 0.7 during night battle, 1 during day battle.

Amagiri Kai Ni/D 
has the ability to prioritize focusing on attacking PT imps with significantly increased accuracy if any are present.

  • DD placed in the composition slots above and below her will gain a noticeable accuracy boost and will prioritize attacking PT boats if any are present.
  • The PT boat targeting rate is 100% for all affected ships [9].

During Events, some special bonuses may be added, with "historical" ships and equipment gaining some accuracy bonuses[10].

Ship Type [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{Ship} }[/math]
DD & DE 1.0
CL, CLT, & CT 0.82
All other types 0.7
Equipment [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAcc} }[/math] [math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{EquipmentAtk} }[/math]
1st equipped 2nd equipped 1st equipped 2nd equipped
  Small Small Caliber Main Guns[11] 1.3 1.15 1.5 2.11.5×1.4
  Sec Secondary Guns[12] 1.55 1 1.3
  Anti-Aircraft Guns 1.45 1.35 1.2 1.441.2×1.2
  Skilled Lookouts 
1.75 1 1.1
 Armed Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class)  1.45 1.3 1.2 1.1
Armed Daihatsu  1.45 1.3 1.2 1.1
  Ka-Tsu Tanks 
1 1.3 1 1.1
 Bomber  Seaplane Bombers & Seaplane Fighters 1.5 1 1.2
    Dive Bombers & Jets 
1.375 1.2 1.4 1.821.4×1.3
All other equipment 1 1
  • It is recommended to use anti-PT setups on DDs only, such setups compromising overall combat effectiveness.
  • Having a Reinforcement Expansion is important because it can save a ship slot by containing a machine gun or skilled lookouts.
  • Combining equipment is recommended to see significant boosts to accuracy.
  • The   Ka-Tsu Tanks 
    bonus does not stack with the   Armed Boats 
  • Using other setups improving accuracy is also advisable:

  • STF:  
    • Main: 2 (F)BB(V), 1 CV, 1 CA(V), 1 CL, 1 AV
    • Escort: 0-1 CA(V), 1 CL, 4-5 DD
  • Route: 2 F G K N P Q
  • Route: 2 F G K N P R

Phase 2 - Boss

The main boss is the new Harbour Princess Holiday Mode, a soft skin Installation.

  • Bringing basic anti-installation gears is recommended, notably   AA Shells.

  • STF:  
    • Main: 3 (F)BB(V), 1 CV, 1 CL, 1DD
    • Escort: 0-1 CA(V), 1 CL, 4-5 DD
  • Route: 2 G I L N O S U

  • STF/CTF:  
    • Main: 2 (F)BB(V), 1 CV, 1 CA(V)/CL, 1 CL/DD, 1 AV
    • Escort: 0-1 CA(V), 1 CL, 4-5 DD
  • Route: 2 G K N O S U

  • LoS check: ??
  • LBAS range: 8
Harbour Princess Holiday Mode

Phase 3 - Boss

  • STF:  
    • Main: 3 (F)BB(V), 1 CV, 1 CL, 1 DD
    • Escort: 0-1 CA(V), 1 CL, 4-5 DD
  • Route: 2 F G I L N P S U

  • STF/CTF:  
    • Main: 2 (F)BB(V), 1 CV, 1 CA(V)/CL, 1 CL/DD, 1 AV
    • Escort: 0 CA(V)/CLT, 0-2 CLT, 1 CL, 2-5 DD
  • Route: 2 F G K N P S U

  • CTF:  
    • Main: 2 (F)BB(V), 4 CV
    • Escort: 1 CVL, 1 CLT, 1 CL, 3 DD
  • Route: 2 F G K N P S U

  • LoS check: ??
  • LBAS range: 8
  • Using   Smokes can help bit to pass through node S, but is not recommended.
  • Using a Special Attack is highly recommended, notably the Nelson-class one.

Phase 3.5 - Debuff

Once LD has been reached, the following steps have to be performed to debuff the boss

Hard S S x2
Medium ? ?
Easy ? ?
Casual ? ?

Once on LD, the CG will change to the following:

European Princess

YY's Guide