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|自己紹介 = 夕雲型駆逐艦、六番艦の高波です。<br>あ、あの…頑張ります!ホントかもです!
|EN1 =I'm Takanami, the 6th ship in the Yuugumo-class destroyers! I-I'll do my best! I really will!
|scenario = Introduction
|Note1 =  
|origin = 夕雲型駆逐艦、六番艦の高波です。
|Library =
|EN0 =
|translation = I'm Takanami, the 6th ship in the Yuugumo-class destroyers! I-I'll do my best! I really will!  
|Note0 =
|audio = Takanami-Intro.ogg
|秘書クリック会話① = ひゃわっ…!び、びっくりした…。
|EN2 = Hyawa! Y-You surprised me!
|秘書クリック会話② = 司令官、高波をお呼びでしょうか?
|scenario = Library
|EN3 = Commander, did you call for me?
|origin = 夕雲型駆逐艦6番艦、高波です。浦賀生まれです。第三十一駆逐隊に編入され、活躍したかもです。運命のルンガ沖夜戦でも警戒隊の旗艦として敵を発見…、艦隊の勝利に貢献したかも…です。はい!
|秘書クリック会話③ = ひゃぁっ…!あ、あの、とてもびっくりするので、出来れば違う…が良いと思うのです。
|translation = I'm Takanami, the sixth Yuugumo-class Destroyer. I was born in Uraga. I was assigned to the 31st Destroyer Division, and I had done my part well. On a fateful night battle at Lunga Point, as the Leadship of the Lookouts squad, our crew first spotted the enemy fleet... and that may have brought victory to the battle... Yup!
|EN4 = Hya! U-Um... I'm easily frightened so if you could do that differently...
|audio = Takanami-Library.ogg
|秘書放置時 = ドラム缶、ドラム缶……あ、ありますね。私?私は積まないかもです。先行警戒艦ですから。え?何のこと、って?さぁ……。
|EN4a = Drum cans, drum cans... Oh, there they are. Me? I'm just an advance scout ship. What? What do I mean by that?
|Note4a =
|戦績表示時 = 司令官、情報ですね!はい、了解かも!
|EN5 = Commander, you wanted the intel? Roger that!
|編成選択時 = 夕雲型駆逐艦、高波。出撃かも!です。
|EN6 = Yuugumo-class destroyer, Takanami, sortieing out!
|装備時① = これなら、これなら行けるかも!
|EN7 = With this... With this, I can do it!
|Note7 =
|装備時② = 嬉しいかも...です。
|EN8 = I'm happy!
|Note8 =
|装備時③ = いけるかも...です。
|EN9 = I can do it!
|補給時 = 大切な補給物資、うれしいかも!です。
|EN24 = Thanks for the resupply!
|ドック入り(小破以下) = すみません……少しお風呂に入るかも、です。
|EN10 = Sorry... I think I'll take a quick bath.
|ドック入り(中破以上) = すみません……少し長いお風呂になってしまうかも、です。
|EN11 = Sorry... This bath might take a little bit.
|建造時 = 司令官、新しい仲間がお目見えかもです。
|EN12 = Commander, we've got a new ally in our fleet!
|艦隊帰投時 = 艦隊が戻ってきたかもです!はい。
|EN13 = The fleet's back! Yep!
|出撃時 = ひゃっ!い、行きます!高波、突撃します!
|EN14 = Hya! H-Heading out! Takanami, sortieing!
|戦闘開始時 = 敵艦発見かも!突撃します!続いてください!
|EN15 = Enemy fleet sighted! Firing! Everyone, follow!
|Note15 =
|攻撃時 = 敵艦発見かも!突撃します!続いてください!<br> やるしかないかも、です。打ち方……始め!てー!
|EN16 = Enemy fleet sighted! Firing! Everyone, follow!<br>We've got no choice! Ready! Aim! Fire!
|夜戦開始時 = 夜戦……思い出すかも、ううん、思い出さない!行ける!やれる!全艦、突撃です!
|EN17 = Night battle... It reminds me of... No, I mustn't think of that. I can do this. I have to! All ships, fire!
|MVP時 = 高波がお役に立てたかも、ですか?よ、よかったー!本当に嬉しいかも、です!
|EN19 = I was able to be of use? I-I'm glad! I'm really happy!
|小破① = ひゃあっ!だっ、だめっ!
|EN20 = Hya! Stop!
|小破② = ひゃ、ひゃあっ!大丈夫?行けるの?
|EN21 = Hy-Hya! I think I'm okay? I think I can go on?
|中破 = や、やだ!?集中砲火?ま、まだ行けるかも?……し、沈むかも?沈まないで!
|EN22 = S-Stop it! Concentrated fire? I-I can keep going! S-Sinking? I won't!
|撃沈時(反転) = また集中砲火かも・・・敵を発見しただけ・・・役に立ったかも・・・ですよね・・・司令官・・・
|EN23 = I guess they focused their fire on me again... I did spot the fleet, though... I was of use, right? Commander...
|Note23 =
|Married =
|EN25 =
|Wedding =
|EN26 =
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Intro.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Library_Intro.ogg}}
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Moderately_Damaged.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-MVP.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Player_Score.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Repair_Light_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Repair_Medium_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Return_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Secretary_Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Secretary_Married.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Ship_Construction.ogg}}
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Start_Sortie.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Takanami-Wedding.ogg}}
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = ひゃわっ…!び、びっくりした…。
|translation = Hyawa! Y-You surprised me!
|audio = Takanami-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 司令官、高波をお呼びでしょうか?
|translation = Commander, did you call for me?
|audio = Takanami-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = ひゃぁっ…!あ、あの、とてもびっくりするので、出来れば違う…が良いと思うのです。
|translation = Hya! U-Um... I'm easily frightened so if you could do that differently...
|audio = Takanami-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = ドラム缶、ドラム缶……あ、ありますね。私?私は積まないかもです。先行警戒艦ですから。え?何のこと、って?さぁ……。
|translation = Drum cans, drum cans... Oh, there they are. Me? I'm just an advance scout ship. What? What do I mean by that?
|audio = Takanami-Idle.ogg
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 司令官、お話あるって本当?……えっ?この箱を高波に?開けてもいいかも、ですか?……うわぁ、綺麗。……本当に、本当?
|translation = Commander, is it true that you need to talk to me? What? This box for Takanami? Am I allowed to open.. it? Wow, it's beautiful, is this for real, for reals?
|audio = Takanami-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 司令官、少しお疲れかも?高波がお茶淹れますね、少し待っていて!……はい!日本茶です!司令官、少し休んで、かも!
|translation = Commander, are you a little tired? Just wait a moment, Takanami will put in some Tea! Yes, it's Japanese Tea! Commander, just take a little rest!
|audio = Takanami-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 司令官、情報ですね!はい、了解かも!
|translation = Commander, you wanted the intel? Roger that!
|audio = Takanami-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Joining The Fleet
|origin = 夕雲型駆逐艦、高波。出撃かも!です。
|translation = Yuugumo-class destroyer, Takanami, sortieing out!
|audio = Takanami-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = これなら、これなら行けるかも!
|translation = With this... With this, I can do it!
|audio = Takanami-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 嬉しいかも...です。
|translation = I'm happy!
|audio = Takanami-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3<ref>This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.</ref>
|origin = いけるかも...です。
|translation = I can do it!
|audio = Takanami-Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|origin = 大切な補給物資、うれしいかも!です。
|translation = Thanks for the resupply!
|audio = Takanami-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor)
|origin = すみません……少しお風呂に入るかも、です。
|translation = Sorry... I think I'll take a quick bath.
|audio = Takanami-Docking(Minor).ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major)
|origin = すみません……少し長いお風呂になってしまうかも、です。
|translation = Sorry... This bath might take a little bit.
|audio = Takanami-Docking(Major).ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 司令官、新しい仲間がお目見えかもです
|translation = The fleet's back! Yep!
|audio = Takanami-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Return From Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が戻ってきたかもです!はい。
|translation = The fleet's back! Yep!
|audio = Takanami-Return_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin =  ひゃっ!い、行きます!高波、突撃します!
|translation = Hya! H-Heading out! Takanami, sortieing!
|audio = Takanami-Start_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting A Battle
|origin = 敵艦発見かも!突撃します!続いてください!
|translation = Enemy fleet sighted! Firing! Everyone, follow!
|audio = Takanami-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 敵艦発見かも!突撃します!続いてください!
|translation = Enemy fleet sighted! Firing! Everyone, follow!
We've got no choice! Ready! Aim! Fire!
|audio = Takanami-Attack_1.ogg
|scenario = Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
|origin = ひゃっ!い、行きます!高波、突撃します!
|translation =Hyaa! L-let's go! Takanami, charging!
|audio = Takanami-Attack_3(NB).ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin =夜戦……思い出すかも、ううん、思い出さない!行ける!やれる!全艦、突撃です!
|translation = Night battle... It reminds me of... No, I mustn't think of that. I can do this. I have to! All ships, fire!
|audio = Takanami-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin =高波がお役に立てたかも、ですか?よ、よかったー!本当に嬉しいかも、です!
|translation = I was able to be of use? I-I'm glad! I'm really happy!
|audio = Takanami-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin =ひゃあっ!だっ、だめっ!
|translation = Hya! Stop!
|audio = Takanami-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin =ひゃ、ひゃあっ!大丈夫?行けるの?
|translation = Hy-Hya! I think I'm okay? I think I can go on?
|audio = Takanami_Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin =や、やだ!?集中砲火?ま、まだ行けるかも?……し、沈むかも?沈まないで!
|translation = S-Stop it! Concentrated fire? I-I can keep going! S-Sinking? I won't!
|audio = Takanami-Moderately_Damaged.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin =また集中砲火かも・・・敵を発見しただけ・・・役に立ったかも・・・ですよね・・・司令官・・・
|translation = I guess they focused their fire on me again... I did spot the fleet, though... I was of use, right? Commander...
|audio = Takanami-Sunk.ogg
