Development/Equipment Rates

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Development Table

Main Guns

Development Table

Equipment Minimum resource input Secretary Ship Type Drop rates with this as primary resource Note
Main Guns
10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
10 10 30 10 Heavy 2% - - (can put link to recommended recipe section?. Notes don't have to be strictly important info. Just bold or red highlight the important notes)
Torpedo 6% 4% 2%
Aviation 8% 8% -
46cm Triple Gun Mount
10 240 250 10 Heavy - 4% 4% True minimum is 10/251/250/10.
Otherwise 0% craft rate
Torpedo - - -
Aviation - - -
12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher
10 40 20 20 Heavy - - -
Torpedo - - -
Aviation 2% 2% -
12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher
10 40 20 20 Aviation 2% 2% -

Secondary Guns

Development Table
Equipment Minimum resource input Secretary Ship Type Drop rates with this as primary resource Note
Secondary Guns
8cm High-angle Gun
10 10 20 10 Heavy - - -
Torpedo 4% - -
Aviation - - -
12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount
10 20 20 10 Heavy 2% 6% 8%
Torpedo - 4% 4%
Aviation 8% 2% -
Ammo Bauxite
Heavy Colours from
development tables