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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Able to perform OASW at 60ASW.
- Provides luck, ASW or HP when used for modernization. Please see Modernization for more details.
- Low firepower, HP and armour.
- Good ASW.
Fit Bonuses
Visible Fit Bonuses Template:GunfitHeader Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit Template:Gunfit |}
Priority: Medium
- She is a good and cheap ship when you need OASW. Beyond that, her combat stats are terrible. Her ability to hit OASW early makes her invaluable for submarine only maps. Her low defensive stats means she will have trouble surviving against ships heavier than a destroyer. Her other important use is for modernising luck, ASW and HP. She, along with the other DEs, are the only ships in game capable of modernizing ASW and HP. This makes her invaluable for helping other ships hit the critical OASW and 4n+3 HP thresholds. Another potential use for her is for expeditions because she is so cheap to run and can be sparkled with minimal effort in 1-5.
Recommended Roles
- Modernisation
- Expeditions
Not Recommended Roles
- Combat
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I'm the Shimushu-class coastal defense ship, Ishigaki. What? Is there something on my face? ...Oh, alright then. Leave destroying submarines to me. I'm serious. |
占守型海防艦、石垣です。なに?私の顔になにかついてる?…そう、ならいいの。潜水艦退治なら、任せて。そうよ。 | |
Introduction Play |
I'm the Shimushu-class coastal defense ship, Ishigaki. What? Is there something on my face? ...Oh, alright then. I want to protect, the fleet, and you. Please leave it to me. |
占守型海防艦、石垣です。なに?私の顔になにか?…そう、ならいいの。守っていきたい、艦隊も、あなたも。任せて、ください。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the Shimushu-class coastal defense ship, Ishigaki. I've come to defend the Northern Seas. I was stationed in Oominato and Paramushir where I performed escort, anti-submarine patrol, security, and rescue duties for the Northern Fleet. Enemy submarines are a nuisance, we must sink them when we can. I'll do my best. Please watch over me. |
占守型海防艦、石垣です。北方の海の守りにつきました。大湊、幌筵などを拠点に、北方の船団の護衛、対潜哨戒、警備や救難活動にも努めたの。敵潜水艦は厄介なもの、沈められるときに沈めないと。頑張ります。見ていて、ください。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
What is it? I'm, not really... Actually, it's nothing. |
なんですか?私は、別に…いや、なんでも、ないです。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
What? I'm... No, it's nothing. |
なに?私は…うーん、なんでもない。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Am I of use to you? I see. |
この石垣を使えますか?そうですか。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
You have something you want to say to me? Admiral, okay, take my hand. Now close your eyes. What do you see? Eh? Nothing? It's warm? Huh? |
この石垣になにか伝えたいことがあるのね?提督、じゃ、この手握ってみて。そして目をつぶるの。なにが見えますか。えっ?なにも?あたたかい?はあ? | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Take this hand and, no. Um, Admiral this hand, this isn't right. This is tough. Ah, Hachi-neesan? N-no! It's not like that! |
この手を、違う。あの、提督この手は違う。難しい。あっ、ハチ姉さん?ちが、違うの!そんなんじゃ! | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
There are no problems in particular. You don't need to worry so much. But it makes me a little happy. |
特に問題はないです。そんなに心配しなくても。でも、少し、うれしい。 | |
Wedding Play |
You don't look so good. Shall I prepare some tea? Please rest. I'll watch over you. I will... |
なんか顔色が悪いような。お茶でも入れますか?休んでください。私が見ておきます。私が… | |
Player's Score Play |
You want to know, right? I'll bring it here. |
知りたいのね?持ってきます。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Ishigaki, heading out. |
石垣、出ます。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
2nd Maritime Escort Fleet, Ishigaki, heading out. |
第二海上護衛隊、石垣、出ます。 | |
Equipment 1 Play |
It'll be nice if this has a purpose. |
意味があるといいけど。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
This might just work, or not. |
ありかも、しれない。 | |
Equipment 3[1] Play |
*Sigh* It's nothing. |
はぁ。なんでも、ない。 | |
Supply Play |
I accept. |
いただきました。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I'm falling back. |
下がります。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
My head hurts. My head![2] |
頭が痛いの。頭が! | |
Construction Play |
Looks like, it's done. |
できた、みたい。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
We've, returned. Whew. |
帰って、きた。ふあぁ。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'm the flagship? That's fine. Okay, follow me. |
私が旗艦?いいけど。じゃ、ついてきて | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'm the flagship? Understood, leave it to me. Sortieing fleet. I will protect everyone. |
私が旗艦?わかりました、任せて。艦隊出撃。守ります。 | |
Starting a Battle Play |
I have no intention of losing. Bring it on! |
負ける気はないわ。かかってきて! | |
Attack Play |
Take this! |
くらえっ! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
I... won't lose! |
私…負けない! | |
Night Battle Play |
We'll press the attack. I won't let you get away! |
攻撃を続けます。逃がすものか! | |
MVP Play |
Me? I see... Alright then. |
私?そう…そうですか。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
This... doesn't hurt... at all. |
こんなの…痛く…ない。 | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
That won't do anything to me. |
私には、通用しないよ。 | |
Major Damage Play |
It hurts! But this won't defeat me! |
いったい!だからって、負けないよ! | |
Sunk Play |
Hahaa... I'm sinking? Fine then... I'll... just go... back to... Oominato... |
うふふぅ…沈むの?いいけど……大湊に帰る…から…私は… |
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ She had her bow blown off by the USS Herring.
Ship | Japanese/English | Notes |
Rainy Season 2019 Play |
Hachi-neesan? Is that... me? Oh... I see... That's how it is... Hahhh... Why? | |
ハチ姉さん?それ、私…ですか?そう。そうですか。そう。はぁ。なぜに? | ||
Autumn 2019 Play |
It's autumn... Alright. I feel motivated for some reason. I'll go do my best. I feel like I won't lose. Humph. | |
秋…よし。何故か気合が入ってきます。頑張ろう。負ける気はありません。ふん。 | ||
Saury 2019 Play |
Supporting the saury fishing? I'll do it then. Please allow me to be your pilot through the Northern seas. I'll do my best.[1] | |
秋刀魚漁支援ですか?仕方ありません。北方の海、水先案内は石垣にお任せください。頑張ります。 | ||
End of Year 2019 Play |
The year end spring clean? My head kind of hurts. I'm sorry, Admiral, I'll just go to the arsenal... Umm... | |
年末大掃除ですか?石垣、微妙に頭が痛くなってきて。すみません、提督、石垣、工廠に…あの… | ||
Setsubun 2020 Play |
Kinugasa, is it Setsubun now? These beans are for... I see... Alright then... Target acquired... The target is, Hachi-neesan... Fire! | |
衣笠さん、節分ですか?これがお豆…ふむ。…よし…狙い、よし…目標、ハチ姉さん…打って! |
- ↑ She means being a maritime pilot.
Regular |
Drop Locations
- She is named after Ishigaki Island.