Kancolle Wiki:Staff/10/7/15 Meeting Notes
In Attendance
- Ithaca
- Patches
- Totaku
- HydraGoliath (from Himeuta)
- Gensuihime
- Introduction, people coming in: 10 mins
- We all know who we are Totaku
- Pacific Saury Update: 40 minutes
- Longer than usual update (In order to handle the update)
- Collecting and processing fish
- Similar to Hisimochi
- However, much easier to find, but you have to have fish hunting equips (possibly Searchlights, Sonar, Seaplanes, Depth Charges, though the latter is illegal in Japan)
- There may be items for processing as well
- These turn into new items (e.g. Ikazuchi's fan)
- Need to make sure that we get new items
- Need to get info on: fishing spots (maps and nodes), fishing equips, fish required for items, and success rates (in case that is a thing); also, info on what we get from trading the items.
- Likely going to be new quests
- Need to make sure we get past quest data down pat
- Similar to Hisimochi
- Isokaze gets new graphics, is droppable (!!)
- Possibly four other ships may also get autumn CGs
- May also get new seasonal lines
- We will need to get her drop locations
- Tanikaze Needs something
- UI Improvements
- Likely changes: Equipment Library expansion: It's already near capacity
- Also always be wary of the ability to scrap multiple shipgirls
- Will likely try to make a page ahead of time to be prepared
- Fall 2015 Event
- Recruitment Drive: 10 Minutes
- Improving the wiki: 15 minutes
- The return of non-lottery and future DMM server plans
- Ongoing projects: 10 minutes
- Comments: 15 minutes