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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
- Able to peform OASW at 100 ASW.
- Average firepower, torpedo, HP and armour.
- Decent ASW.
- Average firepower, torpedo and HP.
- Decent ASW and armour.
Fit Bonuses
Visible Fit Bonuses Template:GunfitHeader Template:Gunfit |}
Priority: Low
- She is a slightly below average combat destroyer at Kai that doesn't have anything special to set her apart from the rest. This doesn't improve by much with her Zwei remodel. She does gain some survivability but it still doesn't make up for her shortcomings.
Recommended Roles
- Combat
Not Recommended Roles
Important Info
- Required to construct Bismarck in LSC.
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Good day. I'm the destroyer Max Schultz. But... Max is fine. Nice to meet you. |
Guten tag. 私は駆逐艦Max Schultzよ。Max…でもいいけど。よろしく。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the 3rd ship of the German Type 1934 destroyers.
Although I was designed as a full-sized destroyer with high survivability... The new model turbines are a bit hard to maintain.[1] This time... I'll be fine. |
生存性の高い設計の本格的駆逐艦だけれど…新型のタービンは少し整備に難もあるけれど。 今度は…大丈夫。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
What's going on... a sortie? |
どうしたの…出撃? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
What is it? Don't touch me so much. |
何?あまり触らないで。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Is... what you're doing related to an operation? Really? ...Humph, I see... |
あなた…それって、作戦行動の何かなの?本当に?…ふーん、そう…。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
Ummm... Isn't there anything to do? I see... Not even operations? Humph. |
えっと・・・何かすることはない?そう・・・特に作戦はないの?ふーん・・・。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
I wonder what you keep pushing yourself for. Take it slowly. It'll be fine. |
あなた、あまり根を詰めるのはどうかしら。ゆっくりいきましょう。大丈夫。 | |
Wedding Play |
What's this urgent business you need to take care of? ...Eh, is this for me? Y-you... Humph... I-I see... Humph... Thank you very much. |
切な用事ってなんでしょうか?…え、これを私に?あ、あなた…ふーん…そ、そう。そうなの…ふーん…。Danke schön。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Let's review the situation. |
状況を確認しましょう。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
A sortie huh... Roger. |
出撃か…了解。 | |
Equipment 1 Play |
This is defintiely good equipment. |
これは、確かにいい装備ね。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Thanks, this helps. |
Danke 、助かるわ。 | |
Equipment 3[2] Play |
Humph... |
ふーん… | |
Supply Play |
Thank you very much. |
Danke schön。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I'm going to begin repairs. |
修復作業に入ります。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I'm going to need quite extensive repairs. Bye for now. |
少し大掛かりな修理に入るわ。Bis bald。 | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has been completed. |
新しい艦が完成したようよ。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned to port. |
艦隊が帰還しました。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I'll show you my true power. Setting sail! |
われらの本当の力を見せよう。抜錨する! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
A naval... battle huh... Let's go! |
艦隊…戦か…行きます! | |
Attack Play |
Enemy ships are cornered, begin attack. |
敵艦を捕捉、攻撃開始。 | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
Fire! |
Feuer! | |
Night Battle Play |
Transitioning to pursuit. |
追撃に移ります。 | |
MVP Play |
Really? I'm number one? Humph... I-is that so? Humph... |
そう?私が一番?ふーん……そう、そうなの?ふーん… | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Hya! |
ひっ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Ugh... I'm still fine. |
うっ…まだっ、大丈夫。 | |
Major Damage Play |
They got me... Wh-what? A mine? No...?[3] |
やられた…。な、何?機雷?違うの…? | |
Sunk Play |
So I'm sinking in an unfamiliar ocean... I'll rest peacefully... again... |
見知らぬ海で沈むのね…またゆっくり眠る…わ…。 |
- ↑ The engines she had were very complex and were prone to breaking down unless constantly maintained.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ She struck a mine and sunk while attempting to rescue Z1 during Operation Wikinger.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
It's 12 o'clock. Humph, it's totally midnight. |
0時よ。ふぅん、すっかり深夜ね。 | |
01:00 Play |
It's 1 o'clock. Are you still awake? Such energy. |
1時よ。まだ起きてるの?熱心ね。 | |
02:00 Play |
It's 2 o'clock. I wonder if Lebe is still awake. |
2時よ。Lebeもまだ起きてるのかしら。 | |
03:00 Play |
It's 3 o'clock. You just dozed off for a while there. Isn't it time you took a break? |
3時です。あなた、今少し寝ていたわよ。そろそろ休んだら? | |
04:00 Play |
It's 4 o'clock. Humph, are you hungry? It's not good to eat at this time. |
4時よ。ふぅん、小腹が空いたの?この時間は物を食べない方がいいわ。 | |
05:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clock. Good morning, Admiral. |
5時よ。提督、Guten morgen。 | |
06:00 Play |
It's 6 o'clock. Shall we clean up everything this morning? |
6時です。朝のうちに、色々片付けてしまいましょうか。 | |
07:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clock. It's time for breakfast. I'll go get it ready. |
7時よ。朝食の時間です。私がご用意します。 | |
08:00 Play |
8 o'clock. Is roggenbrot and cheese fine for breakfast? Do you like rye bread?[1] |
8時よ。朝食は、roggenbrotとcheeseでいいかしら?ライ麦パンは好き? | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock. Let's reorganise the fleet now. Which ship should we take off the roster? |
9時です。さあ、艦隊の再編成を行いましょう。どの艦を下げるの? | |
10:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. Yeah, I don't really like mines. Ngh... I don't like those puns as well.[2] |
10時よ。そうね、機雷はあまり好きではないわ。ん・・・そういう駄洒落も嫌い。 | |
11:00 Play |
It's 11 o'clock. Are you hungry already? Was breakfast not enough? |
11時です。もうお腹空いたの?朝食足りなかった? | |
12:00 Play |
It's 12 o'clock. It's noon. It can't be helped, let's go have a proper lunch. |
12時よ。お昼です。仕方ないですね、昼食はしっかりとりますか。 | |
13:00 Play |
It's 1 o'clock. How's baumkuchen for dessert? Is it too much?[3] |
13時よ。お昼のデザートにbaunkuchenはどう? 重すぎますか? | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2 o'clock. That's right, I'd like it if I could form a fleet with the rumoured Bismarck. |
14時です。そうね、噂のビスマルクとは、艦隊を組んでみたいと思っています。 | |
15:00 Play |
3 o'clock. Humph, what's wrong? You're so restless. It's fine. |
15時です。ふぅん、どうしたの?落ち着きがないわね。大丈夫です。 | |
16:00 Play |
It's 4 o'clock. Go rest a while if you're tired. |
16時よ。疲れてきたなら、少し休みましょう。 | |
17:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clock. Are you alright? Humph, I see. Don't push yourself too much. |
17時よ。大丈夫なの? ふぅん、そう。あまり無理をしてはだめ。 | |
18:00 Play |
it's 6 o'clock. I'll go get dinner ready. |
18時です。夕食の準備をしますね。 | |
19:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clock. Yes, dinner is ready, Admiral. |
19時です。Ja、提督、夕食の用意ができました。 | |
20:00 Play |
8 o'clock. Would you like some coffee, Admiral? |
20時よ。提督、コーヒーはいかが? | |
21:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock. I don't really like night battles, I'd like to take a break soon. |
21時よ。私あまり夜戦は好きではないので、そろそろ休みたいのですが。 | |
22:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. I'll need to excuse myself soon to prepare for tomorrow. |
22時です。明日に備えて、そろそろ失礼させていただきます。 | |
23:00 Play |
It's 11 o'clock. Good night, Admiral. |
23時よ。提督、Gute nacht |
- ↑ Roggenbrot specifically refers to bread made from 90% rye.
- ↑ Mine (機雷) and dislike/hate (嫌い) are pronounced the same way.
- ↑ Baumkuchen is a kind of cake that is baked on a rotating spit.
Regular |
Seasonal |
Drop Locations
Only available through normal construction with Z1 as flagship.
- She is named after Korvettenkapitän Max Schultz.
- Her low luck is due to having been sunk by a sea mine following an unsuccessful raiding operation while rescuing sailors from her fellow destroyers.
- Hit a naval mine while rescuing survivors from Z1 & sunk on February 22, 1940, leaving no survivors.
- The 'Z' in her name stands for Zerstörer, which is German for destroyer.
- She received her second upgrade on 28/03/2014, together with Z1 & Kirishima.