- Resources come in two kinds: Basic (Fuel , Ammo , Steel , Bauxite ) and Special (Development Material , Instant Repair , Instant Construction , and Improvement Material ).
- With the exception of Instant Construction and Improvement Material, the amount of resources possessed is shown on the upper right corner while in most Naval Base screens.
- The number of special resources in possession can also be viewed in the Item screen.
- To avoid confusion, some admirals separate them into Resources (for the basic resources) and Materials (the others, especially development materials).
- Resources can be obtained by:
- Natural regeneration;
- Quest reward;
- Expedition reward;
- Collected during sortie;
- Dismantling a ship;
- Scrapping an equipment;
- Exchanging medals (and other specific items); and
- Purchased from Item Shop (with real money).
- Resources are spent when doing any of the following:
- Resupply;
- Repair;
- Construction;
- Development; and
- Improvement of equipment.
- Fuel and Ammo resupplied on a ship are spent when the ship deploys (Sortie, Exercises (PvP), or Expedition).
Natural Regeneration
- Special Resources do not naturally regenerate.
- Basic Resources regenerate every 3 minutes (1 Bauxite and 3 Fuel/Ammo/Steel).
- Will not increase beyond the soft resource cap which depends on HQ Level.
- It is possible to stockpile resources beyond the soft resource cap.
- Natural regeneration stops when the stockpiled resources is at or above the soft resource cap. Natural regeneration will resume when HQ Level increases and/or resources are spent to cause the stockpiled amount is below the soft resource cap.
- Natural regeneration continues even when the player is not logged in.
- Natural regeneration also continues to function even during server maintenance.
- Will not increase beyond the soft resource cap which depends on HQ Level.
Here's a table of time versus resource natural regeneration.
Time | / / | |
3 Minutes | +3 | +1 |
1 Hour | +60 | +20 |
1 Day | +1,440 | +480 |
1 Week | +10,080 | +3,360 |
22 Days | +31,680 | +10,560 |
30 Days | +43,200 | +14,400 |
Soft Resource Cap
- "Soft Resource Cap", or as the game calls it, The Maximum Amount of Resources That Can Be Stockpiled is the natural regeneration cap that increases with HQ Level.
- Unlike the original wording, you can exceed this cap (which is why it's called a soft cap).
- Only the natural regeneration is capped. All other resource income can put you over the soft cap.
- It is the same amount for all 4 Basic Resources ( / / / ).
- You can check your soft resource cap in the Report screen.
- The Soft Resource Cap is calculated by [math]\displaystyle{ \text {HQ Level} \times 250 + 750 }[/math]. (Also equivalent to [math]\displaystyle{ \text {(HQ Level + 3)} \times 250 }[/math].)
HQ Level | Soft Resource Cap |
1 | 1,000 |
5 | 2,000 |
10 | 3,250 |
15 | 4,500 |
20 | 5,750 |
25 | 7,000 |
30 | 8,250 |
35 | 9,500 |
40 | 10,750 |
45 | 12,000 |
50 | 13,250 |
60 | 15,750 |
70 | 18,250 |
80 | 20,750 |
90 | 23,250 |
100 | 25,750 |
110 | 28,250 |
120 | 30,750 |
Hard Resource Cap
The hard resource cap is the absolute maximum amount of resources allowed to be stockpiled. This value is not dependent on HQ Level.
- On March 28, 2014, the hard resource cap was implemented (see table). However, players could still spend any resources exceeding the hard resource cap when it went into effect.
/ / / | Development Material Instant Construction Instant Repair |
Improvement Material |
300,000 | 3,000 | Unknown (Did not exist in-game) |
Resource Gain from Quests
任務の報酬として資材を入手することが出来る。 定期的に発生する任務を達成することで入手出来る各資材量は以下の通り。 この他に、1度限りの任務もある。 詳細については任務のページを参照のこと。
Daily Quests
|任務名|開発&br; 資材|高速&br;修復材|高速&br;建造材|改修&br;資材||燃料|弾薬|鋼材|ボーキ&br;サイト|h |撃破1回|1|||||50|50||| |主力撃破|1|1||||50|50|50|50| |撃破10回|1|||||150|150|200|100| |補給艦3隻撃破|1|1||||100|50|200|50| |南西ボス5回撃破||1|1|||300|||200| |潜水艦6隻撃破||1||||300|30|300|30| |演習3回|||1|||50||50|| |演習勝利5回|1||||||50||50| |遠征3回|1|||||100|100|100|100| |遠征10回||||||150|300|300|150| |入渠5回||2||||30|30|30|30| |補給15回|1||1|||50|50|50|50| |開発1回|1||1|||40|40|40|40| |建造1回|1|1||||50|50|50|50| |開発3回|2|||||100|100|100|100| |建造3回|2||1|||200|200|300|100| |解体2回||1|||||||50| |改修2回||1||||20|20|50|| |改修工廠1回||||1|||50||| |BGCOLOR(ORANGE):計|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):13|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):9|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):5|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1||BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1740|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1270|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1820|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1150| ||||||||||| |空母系3隻撃破||2||||150|150|150|300| |補給艦5隻撃破|2||||||200||| ※建造4回・開発4回を含むため、燃/弾/鋼/ボを最低各160、開発資材を4~8個消費。加えて改修工廠1回で最低10/30/60/0、開発資材と改修資材を最低1個消費。 ※日付の一の位が3,7,0の日は空母3隻撃破、日付の一の位が2,8の日は補給艦5隻撃破が加わる。 ※演習関連以外は自力達成不可能な状況に陥ることはない。
Weekly Quests
|任務名|開発&br; 資材|高速&br;修復材|高速&br;建造材|改修&br;資材||燃料|弾薬|鋼材|ボーキ&br;サイト|h |あ号|2||2|||300|300|300|100| |い号|2||||||500||500| |海上通商破壊|3|||||500||400|| |ろ号||3||||400||800|| |海上護衛||2||1||600|||| |北方艦隊|3|||3||300|300|400|300| |東方艦隊|2|||||400|||700| |東方中枢艦隊|1|1||||500||500|| |珊瑚諸島|2|||2|||400||800| |海上輸送路確保||||3||100|||| |演習勝利20回|2|||1||200|200|200|200| |遠征30回|3|||||300|500|500|300| |南方鼠輸送||||||150|||| |南方鼠輸送(継続)|2|||1||400|||400| |改修15回|2||1|||200|200|300|100| |廃棄24回||||||||100|| |BGCOLOR(ORANGE):計|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):24|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):6|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):3|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):11||BGCOLOR(ORANGE):4250|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):2400|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):3500|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):3400|
Monthly Quests
|任務名|開発&br; 資材|高速&br;修復材|高速&br;建造材|改修&br;資材||燃料|弾薬|鋼材|ボーキ&br;サイト|h |第五戦隊|5||||||550|550|| |潜水艦隊|||||||600||| |水雷戦隊||||3||500|||300| |水上打撃部隊||5||4||350|400|350|| |海上護衛強化月間|5|||3||800|||| |空母機動部隊||||2||||600|800| |水上反撃部隊|4|||2|||600||200| |BGCOLOR(ORANGE):計|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):14|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):5|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):0|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):14||BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1650|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):2150|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1500|BGCOLOR(ORANGE):1300|
Resource Gain from Expeditions
Resources (both Basic and Special ones) can be gained as expedition rewards.
- For more information on this topic, see Expeditions.
Resource Gain from Dismantle and Scrap
艦を解体、または装備を廃棄した際に、わずかながら基本資材を入手することが出来る。 それぞれの詳細については左記リンクを参照のこと。→[[艦>建造理論値]]・→[[装備>開発理論値]]
Resource Gain from Map
-出撃ではマップ上の緑色のポイント(資材マス)で資材(基本資材・特殊資材)や家具箱を拾得することが出来る。 -緑ポイント(資材集積地)からの資材獲得は、艦隊司令部の備蓄に直接加算される。(正常に母港に帰投したタイミングで一括加算、何らかのエラーやF5などで戦闘・マップを離脱した場合には加算されない。) -燃料・弾薬の資材マスを通ることの出来るマップでは、燃料・弾薬の消費量を抑えられる。 -取得資材が多い特定のマップにおいて、潜水艦等の低燃費編成で巡回すると、収入源としての役割を果たすことが出来る。
|30|60|60|60|60||50|50|50|50|240|c |~場所|~燃料|~弾薬|~鋼材|~ボーキサイト||~開発資材|~高速修復材|~高速建造材|~家具箱|~備考|h |~[[1-2>鎮守府海域#h2_content_1_1]]||C(20)||||||||| |~[[1-3>鎮守府海域#h2_content_1_2]]|C(20)&br;D(30)|||||||||| |~[[1-4>鎮守府海域#h2_content_1_3]]||G(20)|C(20)&br;H(20)| D(20)||||||| |~[[2-1>南西諸島海域#h2_content_1_0]]|||B(30)|||||D(1) ||| |~[[2-2>南西諸島海域#h2_content_1_1]]||||B(15)&br;E(35)||||C(1)||終着点まで行けば確実に何らかの資材マスを経由| |BGCOLOR(aquamarine):~[[2-3>南西諸島海域#h2_content_1_2]]|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):A(45)&br;E(45)&br;I(45)|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):D(45)&br;J(45)|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):||BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):潜水艦周回による燃料弾薬稼ぎマップ| |~[[2-4>南西諸島海域#h2_content_1_3]]|K(60)|B(60)||||M(1)|E(1)|||1/11現在唯一の高速修復材、開発資材を取得できるマップ| |~[[3-1>北方海域#h2_content_1_0]]|||B(150)|||||||| |BGCOLOR(aquamarine):~[[3-2>北方海域#h2_content_1_1]]|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):B(150)|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):||BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):G(小1)|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):潜水艦周回による鋼材稼ぎマップ、家具箱を狙う場合は駆逐艦のみ編成が必要| |~[[3-3>北方海域#h2_content_1_2]]|||||||||J(中1)&br;K(大1)|家具コイン稼ぎに| |~[[3-4>北方海域#h2_content_1_3]]||||G(150)|||||M(中1)&br;O(大1)|家具コイン稼ぎに| |~[[4-1>西方海域#h2_content_1_0]]|F(120)|||||||||| |BGCOLOR(aquamarine):~[[4-2>西方海域#h2_content_1_1]]|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):E(120)&br;G(60)|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):||BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):|BGCOLOR(aquamarine):駆逐艦2隻以上で確実に資材マスへ行くルート固定可能| |~[[4-3>西方海域#h2_content_1_2]]|B(90)|||E(150)||||||駆逐艦2隻以上でBへ行くルート固定可能| |~[[4-4>西方海域#h2_content_1_3]]|D(150)||E(105)|||||||| |~[[5-1>南方海域#h2_content_1_0]]|G(120)||C(75)|||||||| |~[[5-2>南方海域#h2_content_1_1]]||E(75)||H(105)||||||| |~[[5-3>南方海域#h2_content_1_2]]|G(90)|H(90)||||||||夜戦マップ、戦艦3隻未満かつ重巡(航巡)2隻、軽巡1隻で素材マスに高確率で行く| |~[[5-4>南方海域#h2_content_1_3]]|M(180)|||||||||[[ドラム缶>ドラム缶(輸送用)]]の数で取得量変化|
Resources Carried on Ships and Running Cost
艦は出撃(出撃・演習・遠征)で、積載した燃料・弾薬を消費する。 艦への燃料・弾薬の積載については補給のページを参照のこと。
Correlation Between Resources Carried And Display
The fuel/ammo display corresponds to the following table. Note that the resource left is NOT shown in 10% increments.
Bars Left | Resource Carried / Full Supply |
0 | Empty |
1 | 0 < % Carried < 1/9 |
2 | 1/9 ≤ % Carried < 2/9 |
3 | 2/9 ≤ % Carried < 3/9 |
4 | 3/9 ≤ % Carried < 4/9 |
5 | 4/9 ≤ % Carried < 5/9 |
6 | 5/9 ≤ % Carried < 6/9 |
7 | 6/9 ≤ % Carried < 7/9 |
8 | 7/9 ≤ % Carried < 8/9 |
9 | 8/9 ≤ % Carried < 9/9 |
10 | 100% |
Effects of Amount of Resources Carried
The amount of fuel and ammo carried will affect the performance during sorties and exercises.
Display | Bars Left | Effect |
Full | 10 Bars of Fuel | |
10 Bars of Ammo | ||
Yellow Gauge | 8~9 Bars of Fuel | |
8~9 Bars of Ammo | ||
Orange Gauge | 4~7 Bars of Fuel | Slight penalty to Accuracy/Evasion? |
4~7 Bars of Ammo | Reduced damage dealt when below 50% Ammo | |
Red Gauge | 1~3 Bars of Fuel | Huge penalty to Accuracy/Evasion? |
1~3 Bars of Ammo | Reduced damage dealt (2% reduced per 1% ammo below 50%) | |
Empty | 0 Fuel | Cannot Deploy (Continuing a sortie is possible) |
0 Ammo |
- Damage modifier is explained more at the combat page.
- During expeditions, if a ship has insufficient fuel or ammo, it is possible for that expedition to fail.
Regarding the consumption:
Per Battle | Either Day or Night Battle (but not both) | 20% of Max Fuel, 20% of Max Ammo |
Both Day and Night Battle | 20% of Max Fuel, 30% of Max Ammo |
- Thus, when running a map with many battles along the way, it is crucial to pay attention to the fuel and ammo remaining on the fleet.
- If no night battle was engaged, the fleet will perform at full capability for the first two battles; full damage can be dealt even during the third battle.
- If no night battle was engaged, the fleet has enough resources to engage in five battles.
- Despite the fact that the fleet should in theory run out of ammo during the night battle of the 5th battle, the ammo modifier is the same as the one used during the day, so it is still possible to do 40% damage if 20% Ammo remained prior to the battle.
- If both day and night battle were engaged at all nodes, 90% or more Ammo would have been used up after the third battle, which would cause a dramatic reduction to damage dealt for the remainder of the sortie.
- Thus for maps in which the boss node is either the 4th or 5th battle, to prevent loss of damage at the boss node, it is advisable to avoid night battle along the way.
Consumption of Fuel And Ammo
- Exercises and red battle nodes during sorties will consume fuel and ammo on the ship.
- If night battle was further engaged, the ammo consumption is increased by 50%, rounded up. The fuel consumption remains the same.
- For example, if a Mutsuki-class destroyer engages in two battles that went to night battle, the total cost of ammo is not [math]\displaystyle{ 3 \times 1.5 \times 2 = 9 }[/math], but rather [math]\displaystyle{ \lceil 3 \times 1.5 \rceil \times 2 = 5 \times 2 = 10 }[/math]
- Exercise runs the same cost as a single map battle.
- Battles at certain submarine nodes (where the submarine image wavers when the node is reached) during certain events (Spring/Summer/Fall 2013, Spring/Summer/Fall 2014), only fuel is used up (no ammo cost).
- Even if the image does not show up, this may be the case (Summer 2014 E-2, Fall 2014 E-2/E-4).
- Ammo isn't used up either even if night battle is engaged.
- Submarine nodes during normal worlds (such as 4-1) will use up ammo as usual.
- If night battle was further engaged, the ammo consumption is increased by 50%, rounded up. The fuel consumption remains the same.
- Nodes that do not trigger combat do not consume fuel or ammo.
- Maelstrom nodes will consume either fuel or ammo.
- Expeditions also consumes fuel and ammo. Check the reference tables for details on how much is consumed for individual expeditions.
Table of Fuel/Ammo Running Cost Per Battle
-艦娘の最大積載資材量の割り出し方 --艦種によらず全ての艦は、満載状態から5回の昼の戦闘で燃料弾薬ともに消費し尽くす。 --昼戦1回分の燃料・弾薬の消費量をそれぞれ5倍すれば最大積載量になる。 --昼戦1回分(20%)はゲージの概ね2目盛り分相当となる。 --マップ上の紫ポイント(渦潮)による資材喪失は各艦の積載資材から直接差し引かれるため、最大積載量を知っておく意味はある。 -消費量一覧表(昼戦1回あたり) |艦種|分類|>|CENTER:未改造|>|CENTER:改造1回|>|CENTER:改造2回|>|CENTER:改造3回|>|CENTER:改造4回|>|CENTER:改造5回|h |~|~|燃料|弾薬|燃料|弾薬|燃料|弾薬|燃料|弾薬|燃料|弾薬|燃料|弾薬|h |||BGCOLOR(#DDDDFF):|BGCOLOR(#DDDDFF):|BGCOLOR(#FFDDDD):|BGCOLOR(#FFDDDD):|BGCOLOR(#FFBBBB):|BGCOLOR(#FFBBBB):|BGCOLOR(#FF9999):|BGCOLOR(#FF9999):|BGCOLOR(#FF7777):|BGCOLOR(#FF7777):|BGCOLOR(#FF5555):|BGCOLOR(#FF5555):|c |駆逐艦| (標準)|3|4|3|4|3|4|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|響→Верный|3|4|3|4|3|5|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|睦月型|3|3|3|3|3|3|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(睦月・如月のみ改二)| |~|島風・秋月|4|5|4|5|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|Z1型|4|4|4|5|4|5|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(改二=zwei)| |~|天津風|4|4|4|4|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |軽巡洋艦| (標準)|5|5|5|6|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|五十鈴|5|5|5|6|5|6|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|川内型|5|5|5|6|5|7|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|大井・北上|5|5|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(雷巡に)|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|木曾|5|5|5|6|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(雷巡に)|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|鬼怒・阿武隈|5|5|5|7|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|天龍型|5|4|5|5|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|夕張|4|6|5|8|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|阿賀野型|6|7|6|8|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|大淀|7|6|7|7|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |重雷装巡洋艦|大井・北上|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|5|10|5|15|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|木曾|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|5|10|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |重巡洋艦|古鷹型・青葉|7|10|7|11|7|13|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(現在古鷹のみ改二)| |~|衣笠|7|10|7|12|7|13|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|妙高型|8|13|8|14|9|15|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|高雄型|8|13|8|14|9|16|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(現在摩耶・鳥海のみ改二)| |~|最上型|8|13|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(航巡に)|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|利根型|9|12|9|13|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(航巡に)|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|Prinz Eugen|10|14|11|15|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |航空巡洋艦|最上型|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|10|11|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|利根型|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|10|13|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |戦艦|扶桑型・伊勢型|17|24|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(航戦に)|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|金剛型|16|22|18|24|20|25|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|長門型|20|26|20|32|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|大和型|50|60|50|65 |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|Bismarck|18|22|19|23|21|27|22|31|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(改造3回目=drei)| |~|V.Veneto級|26|30|28|34 |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |航空戦艦| (共通)|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|19|21|21|28|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(現在扶桑・山城のみ改二)| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |潜水艦|伊168・U-511|2|4|2|4|2|4|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(現在U-511のみ改造2回目=呂500)| |~|まるゆ|2|1|2|2|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~| (標準)|2|4|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(潜母に)|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |潜水空母| (標準)|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|2|5|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|伊401|4|3|5|6|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |水上機母艦|千歳型|7|7|7|8|7|9|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(軽母に)|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|秋津洲|10|2|12|3|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |軽空母| (標準)|7|7|8|8|8|9|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(現在龍驤のみ改二)| |~|鳳翔|5|5|6|6|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|龍鳳|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|7|7|7|8|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|千歳型(航)|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#E0E0E0):|8|8|9|8|9|8| |~|飛鷹型|8|8|9|9|9|10|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):(現在隼鷹のみ改二)| |正規空母|赤城|12|11|15|15|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|加賀|12|11|16|16|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|蒼龍・飛龍|10|10|13|13|14|15|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|翔鶴型|11|11|13|14|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |~|雲龍型|10|9|10|11|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |装甲空母| (共通)|14|13|18|15|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |潜水母艦| (共通)|7|2|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFDD):(軽母に)|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |揚陸艦| (共通)|8|2|9|5|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |工作艦| (共通)|10|2|11|3|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |練習巡洋艦| (共通)|6|3|7|4|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|BGCOLOR(#FFFFFF):| //========== // ↑新たにイベントで使用可能な期間限定艦が出現した場合は、この上にデータ行を作成してください。 // ↓この書式指定行より下には、終了済みの期間限定艦のデータを置きます。 //========== ||COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|COLOR(#333333):BGCOLOR(#EEEEEE):|c |霧の艦艇&br;&color(Blue){コラボイベント};|潜水艦イオナ|30|30|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|| |~|重巡洋艦タカオ|35|40|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|| |~|戦艦ハルナ|40|55|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|| //艦種ごとの消費量分類が1種のみの場合は(共通)、消費量分類が複数種あり、かつ同一の消費量の艦型が存在する場合は最も多いものを(標準)と記載。
Cost Comparison
各艦種の改造後の燃費(燃料+弾薬)を、駆逐艦の燃費を1として比較したおおよその比率は以下の通り。 ※正確なところは上記の「消費量の表」を参照のこと。 駆逐艦との燃費比 |0.5|潜水(まるゆ)| |1.0|駆逐 潜水 潜母| |1.5|軽巡 軽母(鳳翔) 潜母(伊401) 練巡| |2.0|水母 揚陸 工作 軽母(龍鳳)| |2.5|軽母| |3.0|重巡 雷巡 航巡 空母(雲龍型)| |3.5|重巡(Prinz Eugen)| |4.0|空母| |4.5|空母(加賀) 装母| |6.0|戦艦 航戦| |6.5|戦艦(金剛型改二)| |7.0|戦艦(長門型) 航戦(扶桑型改二)| |7.5|戦艦(Bismarck drei)| |9.0|戦艦(V・Veneto級)| |16|戦艦(大和型) ※改造前も同等| ~
Maelstrom Loss Rule
- When the fleet arrives at a purple node (Maelstrom), a certain amount of fuel or ammo carried on all ships in the fleet is instantly removed.
- Only applies to the Main Fleet (first fleet) in a Combined Fleet.
- The amount lost is 40% of fuel (or ammo) remaining on the ship, rounded down. However, each map also has a maximum loss value, and ships will not lose more than the maximum.
- Later maps have a higher maximum, so it often is 40%.
- If any ship is carrying any RADAR, this loss can be mitigated.
- The loss is 30% with 1 RADAR-carrying ship; 24% for 2 RADAR-carrying ship, and 20% if 3 or more ships are carrying RADAR.
- Note that it counts the number of ships carrying RADAR, not number of RADAR carried. Thus if multiple RADARs are equipped for Maelstrom-offsetting, they must be spread among multiple ships.
- The type of RADAR does not affect the effectiveness of loss mitigation; thus, Type 21 Air RADAR and Type 22 Surface RADAR - both easy to obtain - are sufficient for this purpose.
- The amount lost displayed is the highest amount lost by ships in fleet. It is not the number lost by all ships.
- On the Resupply screen, the reason why the number of bars shown may differ between ships may be due to maximum loss value and/or rounding down.
- Remember that loss of fuel and ammo lowers ship performance in combat.