3.7cm FlaK M42

No.85 3.7cm FlaK M42
GreenGunMG.png Anti-Aircraft Gun
Effects: Firepower+1 AA+8 Accuracy+1
Scrap value: Ammo 3 Steel 1 Bauxite 1 (Unbuildable)
Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship



A large caliber twin anti-aircraft gun that was brought from another country.
It was primarily used on land, but was also mounted on U-boats and ships too.
It will provide a great amount of proximity air defense.


  AA Guns are equippable in RE. They are mainly used to provide "Anti-Air", notably via their AA   stat. They:

  • Are notably required in most AACI.
  • Trigger a tracer-fire effect during air combat.
  • Bring an accuracy bonus against PT boats.


Not to be confused with 2cm Flakvierling 38.

How To Obtain

Stock equipment of: Bismarck Drei , Bismarck Zwei , Z3 Zwei 

From limited-time quest: 2312 F2 (★+8)

Updates History

  • 2014-03-28: Implemented
  • 2014-09-12: Stats increased:  +7 →  +8
  • 2023-12-26: Visible bonuses added

Fit Bonuses

3.7cm FlaK M42 Equipment Bonuses
Ship Extra Requirement                 Note
All Ships (★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
Kriegsmarine Vessels
Regia Marina Vessels
(★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +3
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 One-time
All Other Ships (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2


Improvement   effects
  1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ 5★ 6★ 7★ 8★ 9★ Max★
  1.00 1.41 1.73 2.00 2.23 2.44 2.64 2.82 3.00 3.16
  1.2 1.69 2.07 2.40 2.68 2.93 3.17 3.39 3.60 3.79
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{AdjAA}_\text{ship} }[/math] 6.00 8.49 10.39 12.00 13.42 14.70 15.87 16.97 18.00 18.97
  Torpedo 2.00 2.82 3.46 4.00 4.47 4.89 5.29 5.65 6.00 6.32

See Also

3.7 cm Flak 18/36/37/43