Ribbon were introduced in the 07/07/2023 update.

Sea-colored Ribbon



Given to the flagship (if a similar item has already been given, it will be overwritten).
※The girl's abilities will increase slightly.

How to Obtain

Teru Teru Bouzu 2023 (up to 2)

White Tasuki



Given to the flagship (if a similar item has already been given, it will be overwritten).
※The girl's combat power will increase slightly.

How to Obtain


Limited: 2307 B1


Ribbons are immediately given to the secretary when activated, with no confirmation screen.

  • They cannot be transferred to another ship once used.
  • Only one ribbon type can be on a ship at once.
    • If the secretary already has a ribbon, it will simply be overwritten and lost.
  • They can be applied on any ship, regardless of their stats.
  • Their function will be extended later.

Once equipped:

  • The Stat bonus given is permanent, going beyond the original stat cap of the ship.
  • The ribbon will appear on the girl's battle card in the relevant menus, as well as in Sorties and in PVP (both sides).
Ribbon Visual Indicator Stat Bonus Notes
Sea-colored Ribbon
    /  stats do not count for:
White Tasuki

See Also