Game Updates/2023/April 23rd

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2023 April 10th 2023 April 23rd 2023 mai 1st

10th Anniversary Update

Early Spring 2023 Event is still ongoing

  New Remodel

    • New Equipment:

  Akashi arsenal updates
  • The following equipment can now be improved:
  • The following conversions are now possible:

  Quests Updates
  • New Anniversary 2023 limited-time quests:
    •   ???   [10th Anniversary Quest] ?? - 【艦隊10周年記念任務】吹雪型駆逐艦、抜錨!
    •   ???   [10th Anniversary Quest] ?? - 【艦隊10周年記念任務】睦月型、演習!
    •   ???   [10th Anniversary Quest] ?? - 【艦隊10周年記念任務】10周年兵站遠征
    •   ???   [10th Anniversary Quest] ?? - 【艦隊10周年記念任務】白露型駆逐艦、出撃!
    •   ???   [Commemorative Mission: Expansion Operations] ?? - 【記念任務:拡張作戦】主力オブ主力、決戦ッ!
    •   ???   [10th Anniversary Quest: Extended Mission] ?? - 【艦隊10周年記念任務:拡張任務】特別工廠

⚙ Mechanics Update
  • When meeting with an enemy fleet, it will be possible to "confirm the formation of the enemy fleet to some extent" before selecting the battle formation.
    • Only when there is an enemy fleet near the allied fleet.
    • This does not apply against air nodes.

  Furniture update
  • New furniture:
    • ??? - ???

♫ BGM update
  • ???

  Seasonal update 10th Anniversary
  • New CGs: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]],
  • New voice lines: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]],