
Large Caliber Main Guns

Battleships receive accuracy bonuses if the guns are fit and accuracy penalties if its overweight[1]. How much bonus/penalty a ship receives, depends on the battleship class, the caliber and type of the gun, and whether the battle takes place during day or night.

Ship Class (P )35.6cm (DC ),
38cm (K ),
30.5cm (K ),
38.1cm  (/N )
38cmQ ,
381mm ,
41cm 16inch (United States Navy) 16inch (Royal Navy) 46cm P51cm ,
51cm Triple 
41cm ,
Proto ,
3K2  2K2  Mk.7  Mk.7
Mk.I  +AFCT  Kai
Proto  46cm  Kai 
Gangut  +7
30.5cm: +10
0 +1 -7 -3 -9~10? ?? ?? -7 -18 ?? N/A
+7 0 -2 -5 -5? -5 -6~7? -5 -6 -3 -7 -10 -10?
Vittorio Veneto-class 
+4 0? +1 -5 -5 -4? -5 ?? ?? -7 -10 ??
Iowa  +4? 0? -2? -5 0 +2 -7 -10 ??
South Dakota  -5
M: +4.6
Richelieu  +4 +4~5 -2 -5 -5 -7 -14? -8 -7 -10 ??
Warspite  +6
38.1cm: +8
+1~2 +2 -2? +5 ?? +3~4 -8 -11 ??
Nelson  0 0 +3? 0 0
Ise-class Kai/Fusou-class Kai/Ni 
+4 0 +2 +2 0 0? -3 -7
F+: -11?
Ise-class Kai Ni 
+4? 0? +4? +4? +6 +2 ?? -7
F+: -11?
Ise/Fusou-classes Base 
+2 0? +2 +2 +2 +2? +3 -3 -7 ??
0 ??
Nagato-class Kai Ni 
+2? 0? +2? +5 +5 +5~6 0 +4 -2? -4? -6? Nagato: -5
Mutsu: -8
0 +3 +3 +7 0 ??
Yamato Kai Ni [2] (FBB) 0 ?? -7 ?? ?? -10
Note: Fit gun mechanics are still being investigated to this day, hence the values are not final and may be subject to changes. Values with a question mark either mean that it is not conclusive yet or the conclusion drawn here is not the same as the one drawn by Yumeji.
  • The table shows an estimated accuracy fit bonus based on having one fit gun equipped.
  • For married ships, the overweight penalty is reduced by 40% (A married Kongou with a 46cm receives a penalty of -6 instead of -10, for example).
  • If more than one gun of the same class is used, multiply the modifier by the square root of number of guns. (A Kongou-class with two A class guns equipped for example, that's √2 x 7 = 9.89)
  • If guns from different classes are used together, add the modifiers together. (A Kongou with a 35.6cm and 41cm mixed for example, that's 7 - 5 = 2.
  • Exceptions arise where different guns of the same class give different bonuses on certain ships, notably Gangut. What would happen if you combine 30.5cm and 35.6cm is still under investigation.
  • The information in this table is sourced from this spreadsheet maintained by Dewy with the relevant sources linked in the spreadsheet.
Last Updated: Aug 24th 2020 Made by: Tsubakura

More generally, the accuracy offset can be defined with the formula:

[math]\displaystyle{ W = \sum^{\text{All Classes}} \left ( C_{k} M_{k} \sqrt{N_{k}} \right ) \% }[/math]


  • [math]\displaystyle{ W }[/math] is the resulting fit bonus or overweight penalty
  • [math]\displaystyle{ C_{k} }[/math] is the main coefficient of the equipped gun class. Refer to the above table for the coefficients applied to each Battleship for their respective guns.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ M_{k} }[/math] is the marriage coefficient for the particular gun class. Assumes a value of 0.6 if the ship is married, and if the main coefficient is negative.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ N_{k} }[/math] is the number of equipped guns for that gun class.