
Equipment Setups

Bellow are recommended equipment setups for anti-installation. The equipment order is illustrative and does not matter much.

" Nukes setups" describe any setups using at least 1 Anti-ground Rocket Launcher 
 , 1 Landing Craft  , and 1 Tank   .

  • Such setup has a powerful anti-installation power against all installations but is hampered by the daytime damage cap.
  • It performs best at night or when up against Supply Depot Princess, where it can deal up to 9999 damages !

All the "surface" anti-installation setups can be further enhanced by using them in Special Attacks, especially Nelson's Touch.

Equipment Setup Notes
     The basic battleship setup. Because they can reach the damage cap easily, they do not benefit much from anti-installation equipment. The standard artillery spotting setup will allow them to be effective against all other targets including the installation.
     This is an option when facing soft-skinned installations. Taking an AA shell will limit the battleship's effectiveness against all other targets.
Nagato-class Kai Ni & Yamato Kai Ni Juu.
  • The landing craft/amphibious tank will make their Special Attacks deal signifialy more damage to installation enemies. Keeping the seaplane allows to still perform artillery spotting to maintain enough effectiveness against other targets.
      Yamato-class Kai Ni & Ise-class Kai Ni
  • "Best of both worlds" for 5-slot battleships.
     +  " Nuke setups", Yamato Kai Ni Juu only.
  • A proper nuke setup keeping the Double Attack and artillery spotting, that uses Yamato ability to carry in her RE, also taking advantage of her Special Attack.
     This is the standard anti-installation setup for all heavy cruisers. It allows them to artillery spot and deals decent damage against installations.
     This is an alternative setup only for aviation cruisers. It removes the ability to artillery spot for much more powerful anti-installation damage at night.
" Nuke setups", Mogami Kai Ni Toku only.
  • The last setup uses Mogami ability to carry 8cm High-angle Guns 
    in her RE, making this a true nuke setup while keeping the Double Attack.
    " Nuke setup".
  • It has powerful anti-installation power against all installations but is hampered by the daytime damage cap. It performs best at night or when up against Supply Depot Princess.
     An alternative setup for 4-slot light cruisers. This preserves their ability to double attack at night while giving them significant anti-installation power.
    " Nuke setup".
  • It has powerful anti-installation power against all installations but is hampered by the daytime damage cap. It performs best at night or when up against Supply Depot Princess.
This is an alternative setup that preserves their ability to double attack at night while maintaining decent anti-installation power. This setup works best if the Landing Craft or Amphibious Tanks are upgraded to maximize damage. It also allows them to perform well against non-installation targets at night.
" Mini-Nuke setup"
  • A substitute nuke to use ONLY when lacking Landing Craft or Amphibious Tanks.
     Tashkent only.
  • Functions much like the light cruiser setup with a powerful night battle double attack.
    This is only to be used when having anti-installation dive bombers. It will allow the carrier to still perform CVCI against other targets.
    The numbers of torpedo bombers and fighters in this setup can be varied depending on the amount of fighter power required. This is the standard carrier anti-installation setup. While it does sacrifice CVCI, the carrier shelling formula, and proficiency bonuses, it still ensures that carriers will do significant damage to installations and other targets.
     Gambier Bay Mk.II & Unyou Kai/Ni only.
    " Nuke setup".
  • 4-slot AVs can also either take a 2nd anti-ground rocket, a midget sub, or a seaplane fighter in their last slot.
     " Nuke setup".
  • LHA can carry the strongest 4 slots nukes.
    +  " Mega-Nuke setup", Shinshuu Maru Kai only.