Game Updates/2015/February 23rd
[Girl's Day (also known as Doll's Day) has 2 names in Japanese: 桃の節句 (momo no sekku) and 雛祭り (hinamatsuri). For simplicity, both of those will be written as Hinamatsuri in the English below.]
- End of Winter 2015 Event
- Valentine's Day content is removed
- Limited-time Valentine's Day themed voices are removed
- Limited-time Valentine's Day themed CGs are removed
- These will now appear in the ship album / library.
- New BGM
- 【桃の節句と艦娘】"Hinamatsuri and the Shipgirls"
- Furniture
- Added new furniture (Hinamatsuri-themed)
- BGM Changers
- 雛人形豪華四段飾り "Gorgeous four-stage doll decoration"
- 「長門」「陸奥」の雛人形 "Nagato and Mutsu dolls"
- 桃の節句の壁紙 "Hinamatsuri wallpaper" -new!
- 桃の節句の窓 "Hinamatsuri window" -new!
- These will change the homeport BGM to 【桃の節句と艦娘】"Hinamatsuri and the Shipgirls"
- Returning Furniture
- 春仕様の壁紙 "Spring type wallpaper"
- ピンクコンクリ壁 "Pink concrete wall"
- 龍の壁紙 "Dragon wallpaper"
- 金剛の紅茶セット "Kongou's black tea set"
- 布団と枕 "Futon and pillow"
- 爽やかな窓 "Clear window"
- 昔ながらのすりガラス "Old-fashioned frosted glass"
- BGM Changers
- Updates to the 「鎮守府カウンターバー」"Anchorage Counter Bar"
- Wine version
- Juice version
- Added new furniture (Hinamatsuri-themed)
- New consumable item: 【菱餅】"Hishimochi "
- Can be obtained from world 3-3 and beyond
- Can also be obtained from the latter half of world 1
- Can be converted into various goods, including resources and "sweet flavours"
- If you gather more of them, you might be able to get even better rewards
- Skilled sentries can be obtained by gathering lots of hishimochis
- Updates to Skilled Lookouts
- Visualisation of their effect
- Slightly increases the trigger chance of special attacks in night battle
- The effect will activate when the special attack activates for the shipgirl
- Bug fixes and other updates
- Katori's banner had a bit of an issue, which has been fixed
- Akashi's Improvement Arsenal's support shipgirl's (2nd ship in fleet when upgrading stuff) voice has had some issues, which has been fixed
- Akashi's Improvement Arsenal
- 46cm Triple Gun Mount, Prototype 46cm Twin Gun Mount, 38cm Twin Gun Mount Kai can now be upgraded with the help of certain ships