Ship type identification

Destroyers 駆逐
Type Hull classification Note
Destroyer 駆逐 DD List of all Destroyers --Max Stats--
[[1]] 駆逐 DD List of all Destroyers --All Stats--
Cruisers 巡
Type Hull classification Note
Light Cruiser 軽巡 CL List of all Light Cruisers
Torpedo Cruiser 雷巡 CLT Remodel from light cruiser
Heavy Cruiser 重巡 CA List of all Heavy Cruisers
Aviation Cruiser 航巡 CAV Remodel from heavy cruiser
Battleships 戦
Type Hull classification Note
Battleship BB List of all Battleships
Fast Battleship BB Sometimes called battlecruiser
Aviation Battleship 航戦 BBV Remodel from battleship
Carriers 空母
Type Hull classification Note
Standard Aircraft Carrier  CV List of all Standard Aircraft Carriers
Armored Aircraft Carrier  装母 CV Currently only Taihou
Light Aircraft Carrier  軽母 CVL List of all Light Aircraft Carriers
Seaplane Carrier/Tender  水母 AV Currently only Chitose-class
Submarines 潜
Type Hull classification Note
Submarine  SS List of all Submarines
Submarine Aircraft Carrier  潜母 SSV All SSV (except I-401) remodel from submarine
Auxiliary 補
Type Hull classification Note
Amphibious Assault Ship 揚陸 LHA Currently only Akitsumaru
Repair Ship AR Currently only Akashi


  • Both Battleships and Fast Battleships shared the same hull classification, BB.
  • Some carriers called themselves 正規空母 (Fleet Carrier), which is a term to distinguish Aircraft Carriers from Escort Carriers (auxiliary) or other types of ships. Ship classes such as CV, CVL and CVB are fleet carrier.

Ship Stats

  • Firepower  , Torpedo  , Anti Air  , Armor   and Luck   can be upgraded by Modernization.
  • Firepower  , Torpedo  , Anti Air  , Armor  , Anti Submarine  , Line of Sight   and Evasion   will improve from level up.
  • Marrying a ship will increase her HP, luck and level cap. Increase in level cap allows the ship to have higher ASW, evasion and LoS.
  • Ship remodel
    •  (Kai) stands for Modified/Revised/Improved/Altered, this term is used on all remodelled ships
    •  (Ni) stands for the number 2, or Second, the term Kai Ni (改ニ) is applied to ships with a second remodel
  • Rarity
    • Top-Left : Common
    • Bottom-Right : Ultra-rare


Note that other than background colour, the metallic symbol on the top left corner may also identify rarity.
