
Revision as of 13:04, 11 March 2015 by >Katakiyaku (→‎Quote)




No.78 初霜

Hatsuharu Class Destroyer

  HP 16   Firepower 10 (29)
  Armor 6 (19)   Torpedo 27 (69)
  Evasion 43 (79)   AA 9 (39)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 21 (49)
  Speed Fast   LOS 5 (19)
  Range Short   Luck 10 (49)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
20:00 2
Stock Equipment
12.7cm Twin Gun Mount


Hatsushimo Kai

No.78 初霜改

Hatsuharu Class Destroyer

  HP 30   Firepower 12 (49)
  Armor 13 (49)   Torpedo 28 (79)
  Evasion 45 (89)   AA 15 (49)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 24 (59)
  Speed Fast   LOS 7 (39)
  Range Short   Luck 12 (59)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv20 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment
10cm Twin High-angle Mount
61cm Quad Torpedo Mount

Second upgrade

Hatsushimo Kai Ni

No.219 初霜改二

Hatsuharu Class Destroyer

  HP 31   Firepower 12 (50)
  Armor 14 (51)   Torpedo 28 (84)
  Evasion 85 (94)   AA 34 (79)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 56 (69)
  Speed Fast   LOS 37 (48)
  Range Short   Luck 53 (100)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv70 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment
12.7cm Twin High-Angle Mount (Late Model)
Type 13 AIR RADAR Kai
Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
- Locked -


Event Japanese English Note

(改二) 初春型四番艦、初霜です。気力、振り絞って参りましょう!

Fourth ship of the Hatsuharu class, Hatsushimo. Everyone, I'm very pleased to meet you!

(As Hatsushimo Kai Ni) Fourth ship of the Hatsuharu-class, Hatsushimo. Let's go and give it our all!

Library Intro

アリューシャン作戦、アッツ島沖海戦、キスカ島撤退作戦、マリアナ沖海戦、 北号作戦、坊ノ岬沖海戦など、様々な激戦に参加しました! ほんと、頑張ったんです!

Fourth of the Hatsuharu-class destroyers, Hatsushimo.

I was in lots of hard battles like the Operation AL, the Battle of the Komandorski Islands, the occupation of Kiska, the Battle of the Philippine Sea, Operation Kita and Ten-Ichi-Gō! I really did my best!

Hatsushimo was the very last Japanese destroyer lost in WWII.

(改二) そうですね、できるだけ助けたいわ、提督だってそうでしょう?

Yes, you can ask a question any time.

(As Hatsushimo Kai Ni) That's right, I want to save as many as I can...you're the same, aren't you, Admiral?

準備万端ですよ Preparations, complete.

(改二) て、提督?あぁ、電探の調整してくれてるんですね。私ったら、いつもすみません

A-Admiral? Oh, you fixed the angle of my torpedo tube? Thank you as always.

(As Hatsushimo Kai Ni) A-Admiral? Ahh, you’re adjusting my RADAR, aren’t you? How silly of me; thank you as always.

(改)浜風さん・・・矢矧さんも大丈夫かしら・・・。あっ!提督!私は大丈夫。提督も、お救いします! (As Hatsushimo Kai or later) Hamakaze...Yahagi too, I wonder if they're okay...ah! Admiral! I'm just fine. I would save you too! During Operation Ten-Ichi-Gō, Hatsushimo was directly responsible for rescuing both ships' survivors as they sunk.

That did it!

(As Hatsushimo Kai or later) Eh? I feel...a little sad. ...N-No, it's okay. You understand me, Admiral. That's more than enough for me... Thank you, Admiral...
キスカ。……って、ごめんなさい! 今の私は、恋愛には興味が無いの……。それでも、待ってて……くれるの? Kiska… Ah, I'm sorry! I'm not interested in romance right now...even so, will you wait for me...?
Show player's score

(改二) そうですね、戦況分析は大事です。無謀な作戦はダメ!ですからね?

It seems like there's a message for you, Admiral.

(As Hatsushimo Kai Ni) Yes, our combat strategy is important. Say "no" to reckless plans! Right?

Joining a fleet
初霜、出撃します! Hatsushimo, sortieing!
うん!ちょうどいいわ! Yeah! Just right!
これはすごいわ!ありがとう! This is awesome! Thank you!
やっちゃいます! That did it!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.

(改) 補給ありがとうございます。可燃物、降ろしておきましょうか?

Yeah! Just right!

(As Hatsushimo Kai or later) Thank you for resupplying me. Should I set down the flammable materials?

Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
ちょっとだけ、休憩ね。 I'll take a break, just for a bit.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
これでまた、みんなを守れるわ。 With this, I'll be able to protect everyone again.
Ship construction
新しい仲間が誕生したようです Looks like a new comrade has been born.
Return from sortie
艦隊が帰投したみたい、お疲れ様 It seems the fleet's returned to base. Good work!
Start a sortie

(改二) 出撃、ですね。気を引き締めて、頑張ります!

Leave the battleship escorting to me!

(As Hatsushimo Kai Ni) A sortie, then? I'll brace myself and do my best!

Hatsushimo was responsible for escorting Ise, Hyuuga, Haruna and Yamato during the final stretch of the war.
Battle start
敵艦発見です! Enemy spotted!
Air battle
見てなさい! Watch this!
Night battle

(改二) 水雷戦隊の本来の力、今こそ発揮です!

They really slack off near the end, you know?

(As Hatsushimo Kai Ni) It's time to demonstrate the Torpedo Squadron's true power!

Night attack
私が、守ります! I'll protect us!
一隻でも一人でも、救えるなら私は、それで満足なの Even if it's just one boat, just one man, if can I save them, then I'm satisfied. Hatsushimo rescued many survivors, including those from Yahagi, Hamakaze and Wakaba. Probably in part inspired by her final captain, Sakawa Masazou, an outspoken humanitarian as revealed by post-war interviews.
Minor damaged(1)
きゃっ!? Kyaa!
Minor damaged(2)
信じられません… Unbelievable...
≥Moderately damaged
ま…まだ…沈んだり……しないわ。 Not...not yet. I won't sink...! Hatsushimo lasted later into the war than any other non-surviving Kanmusu. She did not actually go under but was rather wrecked by a mine and towed to harbour in 1948 where she was dismantled, around the same time as Ushio.
提督...みんな...ご無事ですか...? なら...いいの... Admiral...everyone...are you okay...? Then...it's fine...

Seasonal Quotes

Event Japanese English Note
Christmas 2013
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2015
End of Year 2014
End Of Year 2015
New Year 2015
謹賀新年、明けましておめでとうございますっ。初霜、今年も頑張ります!はいっ!}} I wish you a Happy New Year! Hatsushimo will do her best this year as well! Slightly awkward to translate; she's literally saying: "Happy New Year! A Happy New Year to you! Hatsushimo will do her best this year as well!" It sounds a lot less redundant in Japanese.
NewYear 2016
Setsubun 2015
鬼は外ー、福は内ー、えい!あっ提督に!?ごめんなさい、片付けますね。 Demons out! Luck in! Ei! Ahh, Teitoku?! I'm sorry; I'll clean this up. She hit you with the beans.
Setsubun 2016
Valentine's Day 2015
Valentine's Day 2016
White Day 2015
White Day 2016
Second Anniversary 2015
Third Anniversary 2016
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Secretary (2)
Early Summer 2015
Secretary (3)
Early Summer 2015
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
Early Summer 2015
Joining a fleet
EarlySummer 2016
Autumn 2015
Saury 2015
Halloween 2015
Spring Peach Festival 2016
Spring 2016


Voiced by: Kobayashi Motoko

Illustrated by: やどかり(Yadokari)


Brick red eyes and long black hair held together with a red hair tie towards the end, though nevertheless a little messy all around. Dresses in a black suit jacket with a matching skirt over a white button-down shirt and red tie; wears black socks and brown penny loafers. She holds two small main cannons in both hands resembling dual 12.7cm naval guns, though the left one only has a single turret (which was the standard for Hatsuharu-class destroyers until post-1942 when they were replaced with additional anti-air guns), with 61cm triple torpedo mounts attached to either side of her torso. Her mainmast and funnel, mounted on her back, are apparent as well. Her design from the point of view of her armaments appears to reflect the real ship at the outset of the war rather than the later years. 

Hatsushimo Kai Ni gains a blue hachimaki along with a new (piped) blazer. In this outfit she's forgone her tie, rolled up her sleeves and appears to have followed in the example of Yahagi and Yamato (two of her Operation Ten-Gō comrades), wearing one thigh-high sock on the left leg and her usual on the right. Unlike her real-life counterpart, she's kept her single-turret 12.7cm gun and appears to have opted for the installation of a 40mm 2-pounder single-turret as well, another gun which the real Hatsushimo had replaced with 25mm AA weaponry. Like her latewar self, however, a Type 13 RADAR has been affixed to her mainmast. This old equipment being retained is perhaps a reference to gameplay more than anything; the loss of her single turret would serve to reduce her firepower considerably. The Vickers 40mm gun's heavier rounds could be more effective than the Hotchkiss 25mm's against Abyssal planes, which have sloped armour and tend to fly lower than the ones she fended off in real life, but that much is debatable. 


Much of her personality may be based on her final and most significant captain, Sakawa Masazou (酒匂雅三), a devoted humanitarian. Many of Hatsushimo's traits seem to match up with his own, particularly her outspoken desire to protect the player and her fellow Kanmusu. Her dialogue is spoken in a polite, feminine but enthusiastic tone. She is protective, careful and kind to a fault. At the same time, though, Hatsushimo is brave and strong-willed, a reference to the ship's decorated service history and her crew's accomplishments during the late war.


  • Voices the beginning of the game tutorial.
  • Mined and heavily damaged in action, July 30, 1945 at Miyazu Bay, Kyoto (35°33′N 135°12′E) with the loss of seventeen sailors. Towed to Maizuru and scrapped in 1948.
    • The last IJN destroyer to be lost in the Pacific War, outlasted in Kancolle only by the surviving Yukikaze, Hibiki, and Ushio. Generally she is not considered "sunk" as she does not meet the definition of the word; she was run aground in critical condition rather than actually passing beneath the water's surface and scrapped around the same time as Ushio. For this reason she is sometimes included by fan-artists in group depictions of the surviving Kanmusu.
  • Hatsushimo took part in Operation Ten-Ichi-Gō, Yamato's final mission, and took even less damage during it than Yukikaze, emerging unscathed with two sailors injured. By contrast she rescued approximately 310 people from the crews of the sinking Yahagi and Hamakaze.
  • Her name means "first frost of the year", often associated with the month November.
  • An anchor was retrieved from her wreckage and is currently displayed outside of the Yamada Memorial Hospital (Google Maps Street View) in Sumida City, Tokyo. Dr. Masaaki Yamada, the founder of the hospital, was a ship's doctor of Hatsushimo. Interestingly, Yukikaze met a similar fate (she also ran aground and was memorialised via anchor, along with her rudder in Taiwan) after failed attempts to bring her full self back to Japan to be preserved as a museum ship.
  • The hachimaki is a likely reference to her communication officer's recollection of Hatsushimo's crew at the moment Yamato sank, as described in Abe Saburou's book 特攻大和艦隊 (Tokkou Yamato Kantai, lit. Yamato Suicide Fleet): "Even now, officer Matsui remembers clearly the faces of the hachimaki-donning troops, watching [her go down] with bitter expressions."
    • The hachimaki's stripes are a reference to the famous Second Torpedo Squadron. Hatsushimo was not originally a member, but out of necessity and a general lack of ships, joined their ranks at the end of the war. The Second Torpedo Squadron was officially dissolved in a ceremony on her deck, on 20 April 1945.
  • Japanese fans have pointed out that Hatsushimo's hair tie is similar to the one worn by Yahagi. Given that other destroyers have often been given clothing similar to that of the larger ships whose survivors they rescued, it's entirely possible that this was intended from the start.
    • The same has also been said of Hatsushimo Kai Ni's hachimaki, resembling Yahagi's tie in colouration.


  • Required by Quests A48, B37 and B38.

See Also