Difference between revisions of "Sandbox/Whisper/Uranami,Hatsuzuki,Richelieu,Kirisima,Fujinami,Hayashimo"

(→‎Fujinami Kai Ni: grammar fix)
(29 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
|origin = 特改I型駆逐艦改吹雪型、浦波です。司令官、改装浦波、本日もどうぞ、宜しくお願い致します!
|origin = 特改I型駆逐艦改吹雪型、浦波です。司令官、改装浦波、本日もどうぞ、宜しくお願い致します!
|translation =  
|translation = Improved Special-Type I Destroyer, Modified Fubuki-class, Uranami is here! Commander, please take good care of the remodeled Uranami today as well.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
|origin = 強化改装、浦波、参ります!
|origin = 強化改装、浦波、参ります!
|translation =  
|translation = I was strong by your remodeling. Uranami, going.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Idle|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Idle|kai2 = true
|origin = 司令官は…、お忙しそう。仕方ない。この間に、八十一号作戦の研究を進めよう。ええっと…戦闘詳報を…こ、これは!…ムムっ、ムムムムムーッ!
|origin = 司令官は…、お忙しそう。仕方ない。この間に、八十一号作戦の研究を進めよう。ええっと…戦闘詳報を…こ、これは!…ムムっ、ムムムムムーッ!
|translation =  
|translation = Comander... you look busy. No choice.  I'm restarting study of Operation 81 during this time. Let me see, this action report shows that... W-What is this?! Umm... Hmmmm...!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai2 = true
|origin = 第16戦隊、駆逐艦、浦波、出撃致します!
|origin = 第16戦隊、駆逐艦、浦波、出撃致します!
|translation =  
|translation = BatDiv16, A destroyer, Uranami is sortieing!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Night Attack|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Uranami|scenario = Night Attack|kai2 = true
|origin = 鬼怒さん、浦波にお任せを!そこっ!ですね!
|origin = 鬼怒さん、浦波にお任せを!そこっ!ですね!
|translation =  
|translation = Kinu-san, leave it to me! I found that enemy... just now!
Line 37: Line 37:
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
|origin = 改秋月型防空駆逐艦、初月だ。お前とは長い付き合いになったな。僕は、約束は忘れない。守るさ、必ず。
|origin = 改秋月型防空駆逐艦、初月だ。お前とは長い付き合いになったな。僕は、約束は忘れない。守るさ、必ず。
|translation = ?
|translation = I'm Hatsuzuki. An improved Akizuki-class anti-air destroyer. I have spent for a long time with you. Never forgot a promise. I'll be sure to escort you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Library|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Library|kai2 = true
|origin = 改秋月型防空駆逐艦、初月だ。姉さんたちと共に、第六十一駆逐隊を編成、マリアナ沖海戦や、レイテ沖海戦に参加した。防空戦闘、空母救援を実施した後、艦隊の殿として僕は敵艦隊に向かった。そうだ、今度も守り抜く。
|origin = 改秋月型防空駆逐艦、初月だ。姉さんたちと共に、第六十一駆逐隊を編成、マリアナ沖海戦や、レイテ沖海戦に参加した。防空戦闘、空母救援を実施した後、艦隊の殿として僕は敵艦隊に向かった。そうだ、今度も守り抜く。
|translation = ?
|translation = I'm Hatsuzuki. An improved Akizuki-class anti-air destroyer.  My sisters and I formed the 61st Destroyer Division that fought in the Marianas and Leyte. I covered the rescue of aircraft carriers while I did anti-air battles. After those, acting as a part of the fleet's rear guard, I faced the enemy. That's right. I'll escort them  thoroughly this time.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
|origin = お前か。何か用か?
|origin = お前か。何か用か?
|translation = ?
|translation = It's you. What d'you want?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Secretary 2|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Secretary 2|kai2 = true
|origin = まあいい、わかっている。
|origin = まあいい、わかっている。
|translation = ?
|translation = Okay, I know that.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Secretary 3|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Secretary 3|kai2 = true
|origin = 僕は最後まで、一緒にいる。心配するな。
|origin = 僕は最後まで、一緒にいる。心配するな。
|translation = ?
|translation = I stay with you until the end. Don't worry.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Idle|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Idle|kai2 = true
|origin = え、僕が?僕は別に、今は別に寂しくなんかない。いいだろう、そんなことは。 そうだ。艦隊のみんなと、お前がいるから、今は。
|origin = え、僕が?僕は別に、今は別に寂しくなんかない。いいだろう、そんなことは。 そうだ。艦隊のみんなと、お前がいるから、今は。
|translation = ?
|translation = Eh? Me? Not especially. I'm not lonely now. Stop saying that. Same as your feeling.  Because there are fleet members and you at this moment.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Equipment 2|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Equipment 2|kai2 = true
|origin = これなら、最後まで戦えそうだ。ありがとう。
|origin = これなら、最後まで戦えそうだ。ありがとう。
|translation = ?
|translation = This set-up helps me keep to fight until the end. Thank you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Equipment 3|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Equipment 3|kai2 = true
|origin = 誰もやらせはしない。
|origin = 誰もやらせはしない。
|translation = ?
|translation = I won't let anyone kill my naval friends.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Battle Start|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Battle Start|kai2 = true
|origin = 敵艦隊発見。敵は多いが……巡洋艦並の働き、見せてやろう。砲撃戦、用意!
|origin = 敵艦隊発見。敵は多いが……巡洋艦並の働き、見せてやろう。砲撃戦、用意!
|translation = ?
|translation = I found an enemy fleet. Although many enemies are here, I wanna win this battle as if I fought like a cruiser. Prepare our firing!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Night Battle Attack|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hatsuzuki|scenario = Night Battle Attack|kai2 = true
|origin = 僕が、守る。
|origin = 僕が、守る。
|translation = ?
|translation = I guard them.
Line 82: Line 82:
|scenario = Introduction|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Introduction|form2 = Deux
|origin = Salut,また会ったわね、mon amiral。戦艦Richelieu、改装完了済みよ。さあ、蹴散らしていくわ。あなたもついてらっしゃい。
|origin = Salut,また会ったわね、mon amiral。戦艦Richelieu、改装完了済みよ。さあ、蹴散らしていくわ。あなたもついてらっしゃい。
|translation =  
|translation = ''Hi! ''We meet again, ''my admiral''. I, Battleship ''Richelieu'', have been already remodeled. Now then, I'll put them to rout. You, follow me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Secretary 1|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Secretary 1|form2 = Deux
|origin = 後悔させないわ、mon amiral.
|origin = 後悔させないわ、mon amiral.
|translation =  
|translation = Expect me, ''my admiral''.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Secretary 2|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Secretary 2|form2 = Deux
|origin = ふぅ、また任務なの? 仕方ないわね、やってあげるわ。なに?
|origin = は〜、また任務なの? 仕方ないわね、やってあげるわ。なに?
|translation =  
|translation = *sigh* Is it another mission? There is no choice.  I'll help you. What will I do?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Secretary 3|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Secretary 3|form2 = Deux
|origin = Mon Amiral、あなた、また……ふ・ざ・け・て・る・の?  仕方ない人。……今だけよ?
|origin = Mon Amiral、あなた、また……ふ・ざ・け・て・る・の?  仕方ない人。……今だけよ?
|translation =  
|translation = ''My admiral'', are you, again... mess-ing-a-round? It can't be helped… It’s only for now.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Equipment 2|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Equipment 2|form2 = Deux
|origin = いいじゃない、似合うかしら? C'est bien.
|origin = いいじゃない、似合うかしら? C'est bien.
|translation =  
|translation = Nice. Is it suit me? ''That's good''.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Supply|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Supply|form2 = Deux
|origin = Merci♪ ……何? たまにはお礼も言うわ。
|origin = Merci♪ ……何? たまにはお礼も言うわ。
|translation =  
|translation = ''Thank you♪'' ……What? I express my gratitude sometimes.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Battle Start|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Battle Start|form2 = Deux
|origin = 敵・艦・発・見! いいでしょう、始めます。圧倒しなさい!
|origin = 敵・艦・発・見! いいでしょう、始めます。圧倒しなさい!
|translation =  
|translation = E-ne-my-ship-found! Very well, Let's start it. Overwhelm them!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Attack|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Attack|form2 = Deux
|origin = 粉砕しなさい! Feu!
|origin = 粉砕しなさい! Feu!
|translation =  
|translation = Smash them! ''Fire!''
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Night Attack|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Night Attack|form2 = Deux
|origin = Feu! Feu! 愚か者め!
|origin = Feu! Feu! 愚か者め!
|translation =  
|translation = ''Fire! Fire!'' Sink, fools!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = Minor Damage 2|form2 = Deux
|scenario = Minor Damage 2|form2 = Deux
|origin = びゃあぁぁああっ?!っぐっ…許しません!
|origin = びゃあぁぁああっ?!っぐっ…許しません!
|translation =  
|translation = Eeeeeeeeeek! *grrr* I won’t forgive you!
Line 133: Line 133:
|scenario = 08|form2 = Deux
|scenario = 08|form2 = Deux
|origin = 午前8時。あら?Commandant Teste、Gloire。早いのね。ふふっ。熱心なこと。いってらっしゃい。
|origin = 午前8時。あら?Commandant Teste、Gloire。早いのね。ふふっ。熱心なこと。いってらっしゃい。
|translation =  
|translation = 8 am. Oh... ''Commandant Teste, Gloire''. You're early. Fufu♪ How enthusiastic. Take care.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = 09|form2 = Deux
|scenario = 09|form2 = Deux
|origin = 午前9時。あら? Mogadorおはよう。Richelieuは午前中はゆっくり行きたいわ。用意するから、待っていなさい、mon amiral。
|origin = 午前9時。あら? Mogadorおはよう。Richelieuは午前中はゆっくり行きたいわ。用意するから、待っていなさい、mon amiral。
|translation =  
|translation = 9 am. Oh… Good morning, ''Mogador''. I prefer to take it slow in the morning. I'll be getting ready, so give me a bit, ''my admiral''.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = 10|form2 = Deux
|scenario = 10|form2 = Deux
|origin = 午前10時。Mon amiral、Jean Bart、お待たせ。じゃあ行きましょうか。 Venez avec moi !
|origin = 午前10時。Mon amiral、Jean Bart、お待たせ。じゃあ行きましょうか。 Venez avec moi !
|translation =  
|translation = 10 am. Thanks for waiting, ''my admiral, Jean Bart''. Well, shall we get going? ''Come with me''.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = 15|form2 = Deux
|scenario = 15|form2 = Deux
|origin = 午後3時。Mon amiral、少し疲れない? 私、お休みしたいわ。Cafétériaはないかしら?
|origin = 午後3時。Mon amiral、少し疲れない? 私、お休みしたいわ。Cafétériaはないかしら?
|translation =  
|translation = 3 pm. My admiral, aren't you a little tired? Take a break. Wasn't there a ''cafeteria''?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Richelieu
|scenario = 16|form2 = Deux
|scenario = 16|form2 = Deux
|origin = 午後4時。ふぅ、 Cafétériaは好きよ。ここにもあるのね。よかった。Merci♪。Jean Bart、あなたもどう?
|origin = 午後4時。ふぅ、 Cafétériaは好きよ。ここにもあるのね。よかった。Merci。Jean Bart、あなたもどう?
|translation =  
|translation = 4 pm. Whew~ I love ''cafeterias''. So, you have them here too. That’s good. ''Thanks''. Won't you come with us, ''Jean Bart''?
Line 162: Line 162:
|scenario = Introduction|kaic = true
|scenario = Introduction|kaic = true
|origin = マイク音量大丈夫…? チェック、1, 2……。よーしっ! 金剛型高速戦艦、霧島です。第三改装、完了しています!
|origin = マイク音量大丈夫…? チェック、1, 2……。よーしっ! 金剛型高速戦艦、霧島です。第三改装、完了しています!
|translation =  
|translation = Is the mic’s volume fine? Check. One. Two. …Alright! I’m Kongou-class Fast Battleship, Kirishima. Already finished my third remodeling.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = Secretary 2|kaic = true
|scenario = Secretary 2|kaic = true
|origin = 霧島、了解!
|origin = 霧島、了解!
|translation =  
|translation = Kirishima, acknowledging!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = Equipment 1|kaic = true
|scenario = Equipment 1|kaic = true
|origin =  主砲とマイクも新調して…。あ? マイクはいらない? …そうですね。
|origin =  主砲とマイクも新調して…。あ? マイクはいらない? …そうですね。
|translation =  
|translation = New main guns, a new mic and then... Eh, You don't want a mic? Okey...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kaic = true
|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kaic = true
|origin = 第十一戦隊旗艦、戦艦霧島、出撃します!
|origin = 第十一戦隊旗艦、戦艦霧島、出撃します!
|translation =  
|translation = BatDiv 11 flagship, Battleship Kirishima, sorting!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = Attack|kaic = true
|scenario = Attack|kaic = true
|origin = 主砲、撃ち方始め! てぇーっ!
|origin = 主砲、撃ち方始め! てぇーっ!
|translation =  
|translation = Main guns, makes ready! FIRE!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = Night Attack|kaic = true
|scenario = Night Attack|kaic = true
|origin = 狙い、よーし! 徹甲弾装填、よーし! さあ、やってやるわよ! 主砲、てーっ!
|origin = 狙い、よーし! 徹甲弾装填、よーし! さあ、やってやるわよ! 主砲、てーっ!
|translation =  
|translation = Aiming, good. Charging AP shells, good! Then, I'll do it! Main guns, FIRE!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = Special 1|kaic = true
|scenario = Special 1|kaic = true
|origin = いいですねえ。行けそうです。今、全力でっ!
|origin = いいですねえ。行けそうです。今、全力でっ!
|translation =  
|translation = That's good. I've got a chance. Now, on my full power!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = 16|kaic = true
|scenario = 16|kaic = true
|origin = ヒトロクマルマ…あ~ぁ?そこの戦艦、今なんつった?はぁ…。この金剛型姉妹をなめてもらっては、困るなぁ!
|origin = ヒトロクマルマ…あ~ぁ?そこの戦艦、今なんつった?はぁ…。この金剛型姉妹をなめてもらっては、困るなぁ!
|translation =  
|translation = 160... Hey, woman!<ref>She is referring to [[Iowa]]. See her 16:00 hourlies line.</ref> What are you saying just now? Come on! Don't make fools of Kongou-class sisters!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kirishima
|scenario = 17|kaic = true
|scenario = 17|kaic = true
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。そう~? Ah, I see~. 司令、アイツ、話せば意外といいやつですね。気が合いそうな予感がします。
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。そう~? I see~. 司令、アイツ、話せば意外といいやつですね。気が合いそうな予感がします。
|translation =  
|translation = 1700. Ah, I see. Commander, I knew that when I talked to her. I don't need to doubt her. It looks like that we can make good communication.
===[[Fujinami Kai Ni]]===
===[[Fujinami Kai Ni]]===
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
|origin = お疲れ! 改夕雲型第三十二駆、藤波。司令、今日も頑張って行くよ、もち!まあ、任せといて。
|translation = Thanks a bunch! I’m a remodeled Yuugumo class, a member of DesDiv 32, Fujinami. Commander, let’s do our best today too. Kay! Well, leave it to me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
|origin = あ、藤波、呼んだ?忙しいけど、いいよ?待ってて。
|translation = Ah, did you call me? Kinda busy, but ok. Just wait. 
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Secretary 2|kai2 = true
|origin = 鳥海さん?いいよね。藤波、マジリスペクト!いつでも助けに行っちゃうよ! もち!
|translation = You mean, what do I think about Choukai-san? She is so cool. I respect her damned! I always want to help when she is worried! Kay!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Secretary 3|kai2 = true
|origin = あー、もう、っとに。藤波、今忙しいんだから。もぉー、ほんっとにぃ。……司令、今じゃなきゃ……ダメなの?仕方ないなぁ…もぉ…。
|translation = Ahh… jeez, seriously. I’m really busy right now! Jeez, seriously… Commander, does it really have to be now? It has no choice… Jeez…
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Idle|kai2 = true
|origin = 司令は……あー、何か忙しそ。沖ー、沖ってばー! あ、やっほー。元気してる?あ、うん藤波も元気。あ、玉ちんじゃん、やっほー。うん、藤波もみんな揃って本当に嬉しいよ。じゃあ、三十二駆みんな揃って出撃しちゃう?いいよね!
|translation = Commander... right now... ah, he is busy. Oki! get over here! Ah, Yahoo! How are you doing? I'm very well. Ah, it's Tamachin~! Yahoo!
Yep, I'm very glad for our gathering! Then, go to sea with all the DesDiv 32 members together! I want to do it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Looking At Scores|kai2 = true
|origin = はい司令、情報だよ。確認大事大事。もち!
|translation = Here you are. Information. It’s so very important to check it. Kay!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Joining A Fleet|kai2 = true
|origin = 第二水雷戦隊、三十二駆藤波、出撃する!行くぞっ!
|translation = 2nd Torpedo Squadron, DesDiv 32, Fujinami, ready to sortie. Let’s do this!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Equipment 1|kai2 = true
|origin = ありあり!藤波、次はこれで行くから!
|translation = Nothing better! I’ll go with this composition.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Equipment 2|kai2 = true
|origin = いっひひっ。いいね、分かってるねぇ。もち!
|translation = Ehehe. Nice, you've already understood my taste. Kay!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Construction|kai2 = true
|origin = 建造、終わった。新戦力…もち!
|translation = Construction has ended. A new force has come. Kay!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Returning From Sortie|kai2 = true
|origin = 艦隊、戻ってきたよ。はぁー疲れたー。でも、無事が何より、でーしょ?
|translation = The fleet is back. Phew, I’m tired. But all that matters is our safe return, right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai2 = true
|origin = 三十二駆、藤波、抜錨。 いい、浜ちん?早ちん? ついてきて。
|translation = DesDiv 32 Fujinami, weighing anchor! Ready, Hamachin and Hayachin? Follow me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Minor Damage 1|kai2 = true
|origin = いやぁーっ!こんのお……!
|translation = Ahhh! You…!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Minor Damage 2|kai2 = true
|origin = うあぁっ…! ま…負けるかぁっ!
|translation = Gah! …I won’t lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Fujinami|scenario = Major Damage|kai2 = true
|origin = ちっくしょお…!こんなんで……こんなの……。まだ、藤波……沈むもんか…。あ、鳥海さん…っ。
|translation = Damnit…! Something… something like that… I... won’t be sunk yet! Oh, my Choukai-san!
===[[Hayashimo Kai Ni]]===
===[[Hayashimo Kai Ni]]===
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
|origin = 強くなって、また来てしまったのね。この海に。改夕雲型駆逐艦、早霜、着任しました。
|origin = 強くなって、また来てしまったのね、この海に。改夕雲型駆逐艦、早霜…着任しました。
|translation =  
|translation = I've come back to these waters, once again, after becoming stronger. Improved Yuugumo Destroyer, Hayashimo, has arrived.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
|origin = ごめんなさいね。悪くはないの。…行きましょう。
|origin = ごめんなさいね。悪くはないの。…行きましょう。
|translation =  
|translation = I'm sorry. It's not that bad. ...Let's go.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Secretary 3|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Secretary 3|kai2 = true
|origin = 相変わらずあなたは、優しいのね。私に構ってくれるなんて。うっふふ…。世の中…分からないものね。 ふふふふっ…。
|origin = 相変わらずあなたは、優しいのね。私に構ってくれるなんて。うっふふ…。世の中…分からないものね。 ふふふっ…。
|translation =  
|translation = You are kind as ever. To be concerned with someone like me... Ufufu... Just one of the mysteries in this world, isn't it? Fufufu...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Looking At Scores|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Looking At Scores|kai2 = true
|origin = 情報は大事。そうよ、見なさい。ふふっ、うふふふっ…。
|origin = 情報は大事。そうよ、見なさい。ふふっ、うふふふっ…。
|translation =  
|translation = Information is important. That's right, take a look. Fufu, ufufufu...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai2 = true
|origin = 捷一号作戦? 今なら、わたし、少し違うもの。
|origin = 捷一号作戦? 今なら…。わたし、少し違うもの。
|translation =  
|translation = Operation Sho-ichi-go? This time... I'm a bit different now.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Attack|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Attack|kai2 = true
|origin = 見ているだけでも、ないみたい!
|origin = 見ているだけでも、ないみたい!
|translation =  
|translation = It seems like just watching isn’t enough anymore!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Night Battle|kai2 = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashimo|scenario = Night Battle|kai2 = true
|origin = 夜か。うふふっ…。 いいわ。私と行くとこまで、行く?
|origin = 夜か。うふふっ…。 いいわ。私と行くとこまで、行く?
|translation =  
|translation = Night, huh? Ufufu... Fine. Will you go with me to the end?

Latest revision as of 07:50, 28 January 2025

Unimplemented forms announced in a magazine, "Mitaina" 7 issue and KC Dev's post(Jan.25th 2024 22:55)
Fujinami Kai Ni
Hayashimo Kai Ni

Uranami Kai Ni

Event Japanese/English
Improved Special-Type I Destroyer, Modified Fubuki-class, Uranami is here! Commander, please take good care of the remodeled Uranami today as well.
Secretary 1
I was strong by your remodeling. Uranami, going.
Comander... you look busy. No choice. I'm restarting study of Operation 81 during this time. Let me see, this action report shows that... W-What is this?! Umm... Hmmmm...!
Starting A Sortie
BatDiv16, A destroyer, Uranami is sortieing!
Night Attack
Kinu-san, leave it to me! I found that enemy... just now!

Hatsuzuki Kai Ni

Event Japanese/English
I'm Hatsuzuki. An improved Akizuki-class anti-air destroyer. I have spent for a long time with you. Never forgot a promise. I'll be sure to escort you.
I'm Hatsuzuki. An improved Akizuki-class anti-air destroyer. My sisters and I formed the 61st Destroyer Division that fought in the Marianas and Leyte. I covered the rescue of aircraft carriers while I did anti-air battles. After those, acting as a part of the fleet's rear guard, I faced the enemy. That's right. I'll escort them thoroughly this time.
Secretary 1
It's you. What d'you want?
Secretary 2
Okay, I know that.
Secretary 3
I stay with you until the end. Don't worry.
Eh? Me? Not especially. I'm not lonely now. Stop saying that. Same as your feeling. Because there are fleet members and you at this moment.
え、僕が?僕は別に、今は別に寂しくなんかない。いいだろう、そんなことは。 そうだ。艦隊のみんなと、お前がいるから、今は。
Equipment 2
This set-up helps me keep to fight until the end. Thank you.
Equipment 3[1]
I won't let anyone kill my naval friends.
Battle Start
I found an enemy fleet. Although many enemies are here, I wanna win this battle as if I fought like a cruiser. Prepare our firing!
Night Battle Attack
I guard them.

Richelieu Deux

Event Japanese/English
Hi! We meet again, my admiral. I, Battleship Richelieu, have been already remodeled. Now then, I'll put them to rout. You, follow me.
Salut,また会ったわね、mon amiral。戦艦Richelieu、改装完了済みよ。さあ、蹴散らしていくわ。あなたもついてらっしゃい。
Secretary 1
Expect me, my admiral.
後悔させないわ、mon amiral.
Secretary 2
*sigh* Is it another mission? There is no choice. I'll help you. What will I do?
は〜、また任務なの? 仕方ないわね、やってあげるわ。なに?
Secretary 3
My admiral, are you, again... mess-ing-a-round? It can't be helped… It’s only for now.
Mon Amiral、あなた、また……ふ・ざ・け・て・る・の?  仕方ない人。……今だけよ?
Equipment 2
Nice. Is it suit me? That's good.
いいじゃない、似合うかしら? C'est bien.
Thank you♪ ……What? I express my gratitude sometimes.
Merci♪ ……何? たまにはお礼も言うわ。
Battle Start
E-ne-my-ship-found! Very well, Let's start it. Overwhelm them!
敵・艦・発・見! いいでしょう、始めます。圧倒しなさい!
Smash them! Fire!
粉砕しなさい! Feu!
Night Attack
Fire! Fire! Sink, fools!
Feu! Feu! 愚か者め!
Minor Damage 2
Eeeeeeeeeek! *grrr* I won’t forgive you!
8 am. Oh... Commandant Teste, Gloire. You're early. Fufu♪ How enthusiastic. Take care.
午前8時。あら?Commandant Teste、Gloire。早いのね。ふふっ。熱心なこと。いってらっしゃい。
9 am. Oh… Good morning, Mogador. I prefer to take it slow in the morning. I'll be getting ready, so give me a bit, my admiral.
午前9時。あら? Mogadorおはよう。Richelieuは午前中はゆっくり行きたいわ。用意するから、待っていなさい、mon amiral。
10 am. Thanks for waiting, my admiral, Jean Bart. Well, shall we get going? Come with me.
午前10時。Mon amiral、Jean Bart、お待たせ。じゃあ行きましょうか。 Venez avec moi !
3 pm. My admiral, aren't you a little tired? Take a break. Wasn't there a cafeteria?
午後3時。Mon amiral、少し疲れない? 私、お休みしたいわ。Cafétériaはないかしら?
4 pm. Whew~ I love cafeterias. So, you have them here too. That’s good. Thanks. Won't you come with us, Jean Bart?
午後4時。ふぅ、 Cafétériaは好きよ。ここにもあるのね。よかった。Merci。Jean Bart、あなたもどう?

Kirishima Kai Ni C

Event Japanese/English
Is the mic’s volume fine? Check. One. Two. …Alright! I’m Kongou-class Fast Battleship, Kirishima. Already finished my third remodeling.
マイク音量大丈夫…? チェック、1, 2……。よーしっ! 金剛型高速戦艦、霧島です。第三改装、完了しています!
Secretary 2
Kirishima, acknowledging!
Equipment 1
New main guns, a new mic and then... Eh, You don't want a mic? Okey...
主砲とマイクも新調して…。あ? マイクはいらない? …そうですね。
Starting A Sortie
BatDiv 11 flagship, Battleship Kirishima, sorting!
Main guns, makes ready! FIRE!
主砲、撃ち方始め! てぇーっ!
Night Attack
Aiming, good. Charging AP shells, good! Then, I'll do it! Main guns, FIRE!
狙い、よーし! 徹甲弾装填、よーし! さあ、やってやるわよ! 主砲、てーっ!
Special 1
That's good. I've got a chance. Now, on my full power!
160... Hey, woman![2] What are you saying just now? Come on! Don't make fools of Kongou-class sisters!
1700. Ah, I see. Commander, I knew that when I talked to her. I don't need to doubt her. It looks like that we can make good communication.
ヒトナナマルマル。そう~? I see~. 司令、アイツ、話せば意外といいやつですね。気が合いそうな予感がします。

Fujinami Kai Ni

Event Japanese/English
Thanks a bunch! I’m a remodeled Yuugumo class, a member of DesDiv 32, Fujinami. Commander, let’s do our best today too. Kay! Well, leave it to me.
お疲れ! 改夕雲型第三十二駆、藤波。司令、今日も頑張って行くよ、もち!まあ、任せといて。
Secretary 1
Ah, did you call me? Kinda busy, but ok. Just wait. 
Secretary 2
You mean, what do I think about Choukai-san? She is so cool. I respect her damned! I always want to help when she is worried! Kay!
鳥海さん?いいよね。藤波、マジリスペクト!いつでも助けに行っちゃうよ! もち!
Secretary 3
Ahh… jeez, seriously. I’m really busy right now! Jeez, seriously… Commander, does it really have to be now? It has no choice… Jeez…
Commander... right now... ah, he is busy. Oki! get over here! Ah, Yahoo! How are you doing? I'm very well. Ah, it's Tamachin~! Yahoo!

Yep, I'm very glad for our gathering! Then, go to sea with all the DesDiv 32 members together! I want to do it!

司令は……あー、何か忙しそ。沖ー、沖ってばー! あ、やっほー。元気してる?あ、うん藤波も元気。あ、玉ちんじゃん、やっほー。うん、藤波もみんな揃って本当に嬉しいよ。じゃあ、三十二駆みんな揃って出撃しちゃう?いいよね!
Looking At Scores
Here you are. Information. It’s so very important to check it. Kay!
Joining A Fleet
2nd Torpedo Squadron, DesDiv 32, Fujinami, ready to sortie. Let’s do this!
Equipment 1
Nothing better! I’ll go with this composition.
Equipment 2
Ehehe. Nice, you've already understood my taste. Kay!
Construction has ended. A new force has come. Kay!
Returning From Sortie
The fleet is back. Phew, I’m tired. But all that matters is our safe return, right?
Starting A Sortie
DesDiv 32 Fujinami, weighing anchor! Ready, Hamachin and Hayachin? Follow me.
三十二駆、藤波、抜錨。 いい、浜ちん?早ちん? ついてきて。
Minor Damage 1
Ahhh! You…!
Minor Damage 2
Gah! …I won’t lose!
うあぁっ…! ま…負けるかぁっ!
Major Damage
Damnit…! Something… something like that… I... won’t be sunk yet! Oh, my Choukai-san!

Hayashimo Kai Ni

Event Japanese/English
I've come back to these waters, once again, after becoming stronger. Improved Yuugumo Destroyer, Hayashimo, has arrived.
Secretary 1
I'm sorry. It's not that bad. ...Let's go.
Secretary 3
You are kind as ever. To be concerned with someone like me... Ufufu... Just one of the mysteries in this world, isn't it? Fufufu...
相変わらずあなたは、優しいのね。私に構ってくれるなんて。うっふふ…。世の中…分からないものね。 ふふふっ…。
Looking At Scores
Information is important. That's right, take a look. Fufu, ufufufu...
Starting A Sortie
Operation Sho-ichi-go? This time... I'm a bit different now.
捷一号作戦? 今なら…。わたし、少し違うもの。
It seems like just watching isn’t enough anymore!
Night Battle
Night, huh? Ufufu... Fine. Will you go with me to the end?
夜か。うふふっ…。 いいわ。私と行くとこまで、行く?
  1. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
  2. She is referring to Iowa. See her 16:00 hourlies line.