Seasonal/Early Autumn 2015 Seasonal Update

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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mochizuki 秋だよ~。実りの秋だ~。いろんなものがおいしいよね~。食っちゃ寝しよ~ It's autumn~. A fruitful autumn~. There's a lot of delicious stuff around~. I want to eat them~
Oboro 秋ですね、少し落ち着いた季節になりました。提督はどんな本をお読みですか? It's autumn now, the season of calm has arrived. What books are you reading admiral?
Akebono えっ?何してるかって?読書よ、読書。秋でしょ、クソ提督も少しは字の本を読みなさいよ Eh? What am I doing? I'm reading of course. It's autumn so you should read some books you shitty admiral.
Sazanami はぁー、秋か。なんか微妙にテンションさがるわ。ご主人様、漣の肩揉んでぇ? Haa~, autumn huh. My motivation has dropped. Master, can you give me a shoulder massage?
Shiratsuyu んー季節は秋だね。少し寒くなってきたかな?でもまだ半袖で行けるよね! Hmmm it's autumn now. It's getting a little bit cold right? But I'll still wear my short sleeves!
Ooshio 司令官秋がやってまいりました!第八駆逐隊、枯葉を集めて焼き芋生産任務に入ります!秋ももちろん、アゲアゲです! Autumn has come commander! The 8th Destroyer Division will commence the mission to collect dry leaves for sweet potato roasting! Autumn is definitely time to be lively!
Michishio 秋、か。この季節は少し気持ちが沈むわね。はあ?何、司令官。べつに優しくしてほしいわけじゃないし…大丈夫よ! Autumn huh. During this season it's natural to feel a bit down. Huh? What, commander. It's not like I want to be treated nicely... I'm fine!
Arashio うふふふっ。季節は秋ね。秋は荒潮も少ーし悲しくなるの。でも、平気よぉ!優しいのね、うふふふふっ! Ufufufu. It's autumn now. Autumn makes me feel a little sad. But I'm fine!
Arare 秋になりましたね。うん、秋の虫が、鳴いて、ますね Autumn is here. Yup, the autumn insects are all making noise.
Kasumi 秋か……。秋が過ぎれば、冬ね。礼号作戦。私が旗艦を努めた。何故? 鮮明に覚えている。何で…… Autumn huh... After autumn, it'll be winter. Operation Rei-gou. I was the flagship for that. How was it? I remember it well. Why... Rei-gou was the naval support for the Battle of Mindoro

Light Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Abukuma 秋、この季節は、あの夜の戦いを思い出します。綺麗な火。怖い火。一緒のモノなのに。うふふ、不思議ですね、提督 Autumn always reminds me of that one night battle. Those brilliant fires. Those scary fires. Both at the same time. Ufufu, it's strange isn't it admiral Abukuma was torpedoed in the Battle of Surigao Strait
Jintsuu 提督、浴衣、ですか?あ、はい、持ってはいますが。一緒に、花火に?あ、喜んで Admiral, this yukata? Ah, yes, I'll go put it on. Go watch fireworks together? Ah, I'd love to.
Kinu 人によっていろんな秋があるよね。提督の秋は?鬼怒はねー、人を楽しませるネタをたーくさん仕込む秋かな!あ、何その顔 Everyone experiences autumn differently. How do you find autumn admiral? For me, autumn is when I make people laugh with jokes. Ah, what's with that look.

Heavy Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Furutaka この季節は、少し鎮守府も少し落ち着いた雰囲気になりますね。古鷹は、秋は、少し不思議な気持ちになります During this season, the atmosphere at the Guardian Office has settled down a bit. Autumn gives me a bit of a mysterious feeling.
Myoukou 秋、どこか寂しい季節。でも、読書には最適ですね。提督、何をお読みですか? Autumn is a bit of a lonely season. But, it's perfect for reading. Admiral, what would you like to read?
Nachi この季節になってくると、何故か、少し寂しい気分になるな。私らしくも無い、か When autumn comes, don't somehow begin feeling a bit lonely. I certainly won't.
Haguro 秋は、静かですね。羽黒、この季節、好きなんです。司令官さんはどうですか? Autumn is quiet. I really like this season. What about you commander?
Ashigara 秋は少し寂しいわね。ようし、そんな時こそ勝利のカツカレーよ。ようし、作るわ Autumn is a bit lonely. Right, now is the perfect time for victory katsu curry. I'll go make some.
Maya せっかくの夏が終わっちまって、時化た季節になってきやがったぜ。ふぇ~ふわっくしょん Now that summer has ended, the depressing season is here. Ha~hachoo
Choukai 秋は、落ち着きますね。特に私、秋の夜が好きなんです。司令官さんは、どうですか? Autumn feels really calm. I especially like autumn. What about you commander?
Tone 実り秋じゃ。美味しい物がいっぱいなのじゃ。我が輩はサンマはぜーんぶ食べる派じゃ。うぐっ、骨が。ちくまーちくまー It's a fruitful autumn. There's lots of delicious things now. I'm the kind of person to eat all the sauries. Ugh, a bone. Chikuma~ Chikuma~
Chikuma 秋ですね。提督にとってはどんな秋ですか? あら? あたしもです。うふふ It's Autumn. What kind of autumn is it for you Admiral? Oh? Me too. Ufufu.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes

Aircraft Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Shoukaku 秋。そうね瑞鶴。秋は、少し寂しい気持ちになるわね。ううん。今は、平気よ Autumn. That's right Zuikaku. When autumn comes, I start feeling a little bit lonely. Yup. I'm feeling fine now.
Zuikaku 秋、か。そうね、秋は終わりの季節。でも、始まりの季節でもあるんだ。きっとそう。私はそう思ってるんだ。らしくないか Autumn huh. That's right, autumn is the season of endings. But that means it's also the season of beginnings. That's what I think. It's not unusual to think that.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes