Category:Asashio Class

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This category contains all ships in Asashio Class.

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Listed by stats

Asashio Class
ID Ship Name (en) Name (jp) Type Class N° Firepower Torpedo Attack Night Battle Power Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Luck Health Armor Evasion Aircraft Fuel Ammunition
95 Ship Banner Asashio.png Asashio 朝潮 DD 1 29 79 108 39 49 19 12 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
248 Ship Banner Asashio Kai.png Asashio Kai 朝潮改 DD 1 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 31 49 89 0, 0, 0 15 20
463 Ship Banner Asashio Kai Ni.png Asashio Kai Ni 朝潮改二 DD 1 68 92 160 60 59 57 17 31 52 90 0, 0, 0 15 20
468 Ship Banner Asashio Kai Ni D.png Asashio Kai Ni D 朝潮改二丁 DD 1 55 86 141 75 89 55 17 34 55 88 0, 0, 0 15 20
96 Ship Banner Ooshio.png Ooshio 大潮 DD 2 29 69 98 39 49 19 10 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
249 Ship Banner Ooshio Kai.png Ooshio Kai 大潮改 DD 2 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 31 49 89 0, 0, 0 15 20
199 Ship Banner Ooshio Kai Ni.png Ooshio Kai Ni 大潮改二 DD 2 67 90 157 62 64 54 17 31 51 90 0, 0, 0 15 20
97 Ship Banner Michishio.png Michishio 満潮 DD 3 29 69 98 39 49 19 10 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
250 Ship Banner Michishio Kai.png Michishio Kai 満潮改 DD 3 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 31 49 89 0, 0, 0 15 20
489 Ship Banner Michishio Kai Ni.png Michishio Kai Ni 満潮改二 DD 3 69 89 158 65 60 55 18 31 54 90 0, 0, 0 15 20
98 Ship Banner Arashio.png Arashio 荒潮 DD 4 29 69 98 39 49 19 10 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
251 Ship Banner Arashio Kai.png Arashio Kai 荒潮改 DD 4 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 31 49 89 0, 0, 0 15 20
490 Ship Banner Arashio Kai Ni.png Arashio Kai Ni 荒潮改二 DD 4 69 88 157 70 59 52 17 31 52 90 0, 0, 0 15 20
413 Ship Banner Asagumo.png Asagumo 朝雲 DD 5 29 69 98 39 49 19 8 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
327 Ship Banner Asagumo Kai.png Asagumo Kai 朝雲改 DD 5 50 79 129 49 60 40 12 31 49 90 0, 0, 0 15 20
414 Ship Banner Yamagumo.png Yamagumo 山雲 DD 6 29 69 98 39 50 19 7 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
328 Ship Banner Yamagumo Kai.png Yamagumo Kai 山雲改 DD 6 49 80 129 50 65 40 11 31 48 89 0, 0, 0 15 20
582 Ship Banner Natsugumo.png Natsugumo 夏雲 DD 7 31 68 99 39 48 19 6 16 19 76 0, 0 15 20
721 Ship Banner Natsugumo Kai.png Natsugumo Kai 夏雲改 DD 7 52 78 130 52 57 36 8 31 49 87 0, 0, 0 15 20
583 Ship Banner Minegumo.png Minegumo 峯雲 DD 8 30 69 99 40 49 18 6 16 19 78 0, 0 15 20
687 Ship Banner Minegumo Kai.png Minegumo Kai 峯雲改 DD 8 51 79 130 50 58 37 9 31 49 88 0, 0, 0 15 20
48 Ship Banner Arare.png Arare DD 9 29 69 98 39 49 19 10 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
252 Ship Banner Arare Kai.png Arare Kai 霰改 DD 9 49 79 128 49 59 39 12 31 49 89 0, 0, 0 15 20
198 Ship Banner Arare Kai Ni.png Arare Kai Ni 霰改二 DD 9 66 87 153 63 81 53 15 31 53 91 0, 0, 0 15 20
49 Ship Banner Kasumi.png Kasumi DD 10 29 69 98 39 49 19 15 16 19 79 0, 0 15 20
253 Ship Banner Kasumi Kai.png Kasumi Kai 霞改 DD 10 49 79 128 49 59 39 20 31 49 89 0, 0, 0 15 20
464 Ship Banner Kasumi Kai Ni.png Kasumi Kai Ni 霞改二 DD 10 65 92 157 72 68 55 37 31 52 90 0, 0, 0 15 20
470 Ship Banner Kasumi Kai Ni B.png Kasumi Kai Ni B 霞改二乙 DD 10 61 83 144 82 68 56 37 31 52 92 0, 0, 0 15 20

Displayed Stats are: Max stats for Firepower/Torpedo Attack/Night Battle Power/Anti-Air/Armor; lv99 stats for Anti-Submarine Warfare/Line of Sight/Evasion; base stats for Luck/Health.


The Asashio-class Destroyers (朝潮型駆逐艦) was the first Japanese destroyer class to exceed 2,000 tons displacement after the Japanese government allowed the treaty to expire without renewal. They were built under the Maru-2 Supplementary Naval Expansion budget of 1934. They become models of destroyer design from which the two succeeding classes which vary only slightly.

They were developments of preceding designs with the intention of combining the firepower of the Fubuki-class with the designed stability of the Shiratsuyu-class.

During the war, the Asashio-class destroyers operated in the 8th, 9th, and 18th Destroyer Divisions.

Pages in category "Asashio Class"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.