
Line 90: Line 90:  
| EN4=Um, oh, what should I do?
| EN4=Um, oh, what should I do?
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=???
| 秘書放置時=さぁ、出撃の準備はこれで良し、っと…。それはそうと、愛宕はちゃんとやってるかしら。…あら、提督? うふっ…いいですよ…
| EN4a=???
| EN4a=Right, the preparations for the sortie are done... Since that is done, I wonder if Atago is doing fine... Oh, Admiral? Ufu~... That's fine...
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=何か、お言付けが来ていますね。
| 戦績表示時=何か、お言付けが来ていますね。
Line 108: Line 108:  
| EN9=Fantastic!
| EN9=Fantastic!
| Note9=
| Note9=
| 補給時=何かが…私の中で解放されたような…素敵な気持ち…
| 補給時=いただきます! また出られますね
| EN24=Somehow, to be liberated like this... what a great feeling.
| EN24=Time to eat up! I'll be heading out again later.
| Note24=
| Note24=
| EN10=Let's watch over those children from here.
| EN10=Let's watch over those children from here.
Line 150: Line 150:  
| 撃沈時(反転)=私…沈むのね…さようなら…提督…
| 撃沈時(反転)=私…沈むのね…さようなら…提督…
| EN23=I am... sinking, huh... Good bye... Admiral...
| EN23=I am... sinking, huh... Good bye... Admiral...
| Note23=|Married = 提督、高雄がついていますから…安心して<br> 提督、どうされますか?少しお疲れでわ?分かりました.この高雄の膝枕を御貸ししましょう?少しだけ良いので、お休みに成って下さい. これも司令官の大切な御勤めですよ.(改)
| Note23=|Married = 提督、高雄がついていますから…安心して<br> 提督、どうされました? 少し、お疲れでは? わかりました。この高雄の膝枕をお貸ししましょう! 少しだけでいいので、お休みになって下さい。これも、司令官の大切なお勤めですよ?(改)
|EN25 = Admiral, Takao will be with you... have no fear.<br> Admiral, is something wrong? Are you, by chance, a bit tired? I see, then shall I give you a lap pillow? It's okay if it's for a bit, so please have a good rest. This is also a part of your important work, after all. (kai)
|EN25 = Admiral, Takao will be with you... have no fear.<br> Admiral, is something wrong? Are you, by chance, a bit tired? I see, then shall I give you a lap pillow? It's okay if it's for a bit, so please have a good rest. This is also a part of your important work, after all. (kai)
|Wedding = お褒めの言葉なんて…それよりもっとわかりやすい形で…勲章とかじゃなくって…
|Wedding = お褒めの言葉なんて…それよりもっとわかりやすい形で…勲章とかじゃなくって… <br> 提督。司令官の御役目、大変だと思います。もし少しお疲れなら、どうぞ、この高雄の胸でお休みになってくださいね? 私達、いつでもお側に…いますから(改)
|EN26 = These words of praise... I would like to have that in a more direct way... no, not a medal, but instead...|ドック入り(小破以下) = あの娘たちを、ここで見守りましょう!
|EN26 = These words of praise... I would like to have that in a more direct way... no, not a medal, but instead... <br> Admiral, the commander's responsibilities are heavy. If you're feeling a bit tired, you're welcome to have a rest on my chest alright? We will always be... together right? (kai)|ドック入り(小破以下) = あの娘たちを、ここで見守りましょう!
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 絶対安静なんて…まだやれるのに…。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 絶対安静なんて…まだやれるのに…。
|小破① = いやっ!
|小破① = いやっ!
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