
Created page with "==CG== <gallery> Mizuho_Third_Anniversery.png Naganami_Third_Anniversery.png Naganami_Third_Anniversery_dmg.png Harusame_Third_Anniversery.png Harusame_Third_Anniversery_dmg.p..."

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|Oh? It's the third anniversary isn't it? Ehihi, Admiral, Kisaragi-chan, its the third anniversary! Third....anniver...sary!
|Commander, did you hear. It's our third anniversary. I'm surprised about it too. Let's celebrate today, with the two of us.
|So I heard it's a special day today. For me though, as long as you're here, Commander, it's always a special day.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|'s seriously the third anniversary? Cool, I can't believe it. Aha....well, in any case, I'll take a nap now.
|Commander, on a day like this, I have to be at your side, y'know? After all, today's special.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Commander, today's special, isn't it?
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Commander, today's a special day, so... if it's fine with you, could we celebrate together?
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Commander, today is an important day. Mikazuki will be sure to take care of you, alright?
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Commander....about the third anniversary....congratulations. It makes Yayoi....happy too...yes.
|Commannnder! It's the third anniversary pyon! Ucchan is happy too pyon! pyon!
|Commander, it's the third anniversary, the third anniversary! Wow, it's really surprising! Special Type Destroyer Fubuki, is so very happy! Somehow, ehe!
|The third anniversary, from my heart I wish you congratulations. Shirayuki will do her best to live up to her role more and more. Yes, please leave it to me!
|The third anniversary, it makes Hatsuyuki, happy.... Really. Yes, happy.
|Ah, so it is! Commander, it's a very special day! Don't forget it! Commander! Be sure to take care from now on, okay!
|Oh that's right, isn't today a special day? That's fine then! Please have a nice day!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|We fiiinallyyyy diiiid iiiiit! My congratulations for the third anniversary, Commander! Ehehe. Ayanami's totally happy too!
|Commander, it's the third anniversary. It's a little hard to believe. But, it makes me sorta happy too. Take care from now on....'kay?
|Admiral, it looks like it's probably the third anniversary. Yup, Oboro, thinks this is pretty good! Yup!
|The third anniversary is here! Aaa, let's all charge ahead into the fourth year!
|Shitty Admiral, it's our third anniversary you know! Well, I wonder if it's okay being happy just this once. Shitty Admiral.
|Admiral, umm, it's Admiral and Ushio and everyone's third anniversary! It makes me a bit emotional. Congratulations.
|Congrats on the third anniversary, Commander! I'm going to celebrate this one like a proper lady!
|Commander, it's the fleet and the Sixth Destroyer Division's third anniversary. Harasho. Of course, this makes me very happy.
|Hawawa, Commander, it's the third anniversary nano desu. It's completely amazing nano desu. We should celebrate nano desu. Nano desu!
|It's the third anniversary, Commander. From now on, you can rely on me more and more and moooore!
|My, what a celebratory occasion. I'm quite pleased that I can spend such a day with you. Well done!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|What day is it? Yep, Nenohi—not really, it's a special day. Hooray!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Today's a special day, I guess. I want to celebrate with something like a ring formation. Eh? I shouldn't?
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Taa-daa! We made it! It's the third anniversary, the third! Anni! Versary! Admiral, Admiral, we did it!
|Admiral, it's our third anniversary. It's been a long time, but it feels like it's gone by so fast. Yes.
|Hey Heey! Admiral, did you hear? It's our third anniversary. Our third! That's pretty, pretty good!
|Poooi! Admiral, it's finally here, our third anniversary! It's really awesome poi. I'm like gonna go all out! Poi poi poooi!
|Admiral, today's the Anniversary, you know! Isn't it wonderful! Samidare will try especially hard today!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Hold on! Today's an incredibly precious day, isn't it? Admiral, congratulations! That's right!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|It's the third anniversary of when Commander and Asashio met. My important vow to the Commander remains the same, Asashio is always prepared to protect him.
|Ufufufu. It's our third anniversary isn't it? That's amazing. Lovely. This third anniversary, Arashio finds it, truly surprising. Ufufufu.
|Third anniversary? Ah, somehow, I find it a little hard to believe. Well, in any case, despite what I said, I am happy, I think. Just a bit.
|Commander, it's the third anniversary. It's making me feel totally fired up. This spring too has made me totally, totally fired up!
|Commander, it's the third anniversary. Congratulations, are in order. Arare, is happy as well.
|Jeez, why didn't you say sooner it's such an important thing? It's the third anniversary after all! The third anniversary! That's a really amazing thing isn't it? Hurry up and say it already! Toniiii. Congratulations.
|Today's an important day, isn't it? Commander, Everybody, Congratulations!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Commander, isn't today an important day? That's right, it's pretty exciting.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Commander, today's the ann'versary, right? I'm glad, too!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Today is very important, you know. To spend it with the Admiral, I'm quite glad.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Today's a really lovely, special day, isn't it Admiral? Come dance with me! Please? Come on, one-and-two!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Admiral, is it the third anniversary?! Congrats! Akigumo will be in illustration mode for the celebration!
|Admiral, it's the third anniversary now you know, hmm, Admiral, from now on let's do our best together, okay.
|Commander sir, congratulations! Our fleet's just reached its third anniversary! I feel honored! I will work hard here on out too!
|It's seriously the third anniversary, this is really something else isn't it? Well I guess it can't be helped, let's fight hard together this year too. Hey, Admiral!
|Commander, the fleet has celebrated it's third anniversary has it not. Isokaze is so proud. Right, in commemoration we shall engage in some nighttime training. Refusal is not allowed.
|Ha...what's this? It's the third anniversary! I'll have to make sure to congratulate him at the celebrations! aaa~
|Admiral, its the third anniversary, congratulations are in order. This coming year, I'd like to...with the admiral...ah...never's nothing.
|Admiral, the third anniversary's goin' on. It's pretty suprising innit? I'm happy too ya' know. Hehe.
|Commanderrrrrrrrr, isn't today a special celebration? Congratulations Commander, Commander Commanderrrrrrr
|Commander, it's an anniversary! Congratulations! I'm happy about it too!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|It's only our third anniversary? Too slow! But congrats! Admiral, let's go running to celebrate! Bet I won't lose!
|Hey that's right, today's an extra special day isn't it? It's been great havin' ya, Commander. I'm a little happy too, y'know.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Commander, today is special, right? Yamagumo is really happy we can work together. Ufufu.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|That's right... Today was important, wasn't it... I'm glad you're here, Commander... That's right...
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Arcade? Commander, what is an arcade? Hmm, Hmm. Akizuki has found this most informative!
|Adiral, it's the third anniversary. Teruzuki is happy. Let's go celebrate, celebrate!
|It is the fleet's third anniversary! At least, that's what's I've heard. This is a big deal. I will join in the celebration as well. Admiral congratulations
|Commander, it might be the third anniversary! Congratulations! Takanami might just go to the celebration as well!
|Aaaaalright! Today's special, ain't that right? Now then, Commander, let's celebrate together! How 'bout it!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|リベ、三周年お祝いしてあげる! 提督さん、おめでとう! うふふっ♪
|Libe will be joining in the third anniversary celebrations! Admiral, congrats. ufufufu.
|Admiral, is it the third anniversary? Why didn't you say so sooner! I haven't even gotten ready for the celebration, jeez...
|Commander, it's the third anniversary, Okinami sends you her regards, congratulations. Yup.
|Arashi is getting all worked up, it's our long awaited third anniversary, seriously, commander, everyone thanks!
|Commander, I heard it's our third anniversary! That's so wonderful. Congratulations! I am going to go make a bunch of healthy cakes for the occasion!
|Yup, it's the third anniversary ain't it, the third anniversary. We did it. It's somehow surprising. Yay!
|Admiral, it's the third anniversary. Congratulations. Umikaze will send you her regards as well.

===Light Cruisers===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|Admiral, congrats on the third anniversary! Surprised you've held up against my strength for three whole years. Not bad at all!
|Congratulations on the third anniversary. Of course, even in the course of celebrations touching me is still forbidden. Ara, were you not listening? Do you want to die?
|Admiral! Today's an important day. You know what we should do on a day like that? Yep, night battle! Let's go night battling!
|Heeey, it's Naka-chan! Admiral, today is a special day, Naka-chan is so happy!
|Admiral, congratulations. Because today is an important day, Jintsuu will wish give you her regards as well.
|It's the third anniversary for sure, kuma. Kuma is a little bit surprised, but congratulations kuma~ Kuma!
|Nya? It's the third anniversary nya? Tama will join in the celebration as well nya. Awesome nya. Congratulations nya.
|Admiral, it's the third anniversary, the third anniversary. This year you'll continue to to look after the fleet and Yura too right, right?
|It's our third, our third anniversary, our third! To me, that's like SUPER okay! Congrats, Admiral!
|Kuuuui....all right! It's the third anniversary. Kinu is so, Kinu is so very happy ya know! Let's have a toast with Admiral and the fleet! Banzai!
|Congrats to you and us, Admiral! Today's a special anniversary you know. Let me hear what you think about it later, and lots of it!
|Admiral, our fleet has reached its third anniversary. Congratulations! We would appreciate your help and care from here on as well.
|This is an important day. This is definitely, a day I can't afford not to spend with Kitakami-san...! Kitakami-saaaaaaan!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Huh? Oh, they said today was important. I forgot... Uwaa! All the destroyers are gathering!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|You say it's the third anniversary? You and I have spent a long time together then haven't we? Naw, it hasn't been bad at all.
|キラリーン☆ 提督さん、私達三周年です。ていとくさぁーん、おめでと! ふふ、阿賀野、嬉し♪
|Kirarin☆ Admiral, it's our third anniversary. Admiral-saaan, congratulations! Fufu, Agano is so happy.
|Admiral, congratulations. This spring marks our third anniversary. Noshiro, and all of the Agano class cruisers will do their best from now on!
|提督、おめでとう。私達、三周年ですって。てーとくもお疲れ様♪ これからも、よろしくお願いね?
|Admiral, congratulations. It's our third anniversary. Thanks for all you do for us Admiral. From now on be sure to take care okay?
|ぴゃ~ん♪ 三周年ですって。司令、おめでとう。酒匂も嬉しい♪ ぴゃっとお祝いしたいね?
|Pyon! It's the third anniversary. Commander, congrats. Sakawa is happy to. Let's have a Pyatto celebration, 'kay?

===Heavy Cruisers===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|Admiral, I'm honored that I can spend this special day with you! I'm always grateful to you!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|I'm really happy I can spend this day with you, Admiral
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Hello Commander! I'm scared! The fleet has finally celebrating the third anniversary, and seems ready to rush into fighting for the fourth year. Please let me take at least one shot for the anniversary! Sorry to be a nuisance!
|Admiral, congratulations. The fleet can finally celebrate the third anniversary. Please continue taking care of the 6th Squadron and Kinugasa-san too okay?
|The third anniversary! How splendid! Ummhm! Ahhhahahahaha! Ahhhahaha-d'ow! Gak...
|Admiral. It's the third anniversary, congratulations! I fell more than happy to server along side with you as part of the Tone-Class, right Tone-san?...Oh, Tone-san?
|Admiral, thank you very much for spending this special day with Myoukou.
|Ah, right, today is a special day isn't it? Tonight I should go get a drink. Will you come with me?
|Oh, today's our special anniversary! On a day like this, we have to go fry some cutlet! Am I right?
|し、司令官さん。今日は記念日ですね。羽黒も本当に嬉しい… 嬉しいです!はい!
|C-Commander! Today's an anniversary, isn't it? I'm really... really happy about it as well! I am!
|What did you say? It's our third anniversary? Congratulations. I'm so happy.
|Pan pakka pan! Admiral, congratulations on reaching the third anniversary. Admiral, everyone, congratulations.
|Admiral, it's the third anniversary, awesome right? It's a little lonely with just the Admiral and me here...just kidding hehe.
|Kumarinko! Admiral, it's the third anniversary. Congratulations.
|'Sup, Admiral today is the anniversary ya know? Suzuya is totally excited for it. Yup!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Admiral? Today is the marvelous anniversary day, isn't it? I wonder if we can celebrate with champagne?
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|[[Prinz Eugen]]
|今日は素敵な日ですねー。Admiralさん、いつもありがとう! んふふっ
|Today is pretty awesome, right Admiral? Thanks for everything! Ehehe@
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Admiral, it's the third anniversary, we did it! Zara will add her congratulations to the celebration.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|我々も三周年か。胸が熱いな。よし、今日は酒保を盛大に開けよう! …そうか。三周年か。早いものだな。
|So it's our third anniversary? That get's my spirits going. All right, then let's open up the canteen! ...So. The third anniversary, huh. Time sure flies.
|あら。。。あらあら。。。三周年なの?すごいはね?続くものね.少し驚きだは?。 どう、そのいみじゃないなの。いいね?ね?
|Ara...ara's the Third Anniversary already? Isn't that great? This just keeps going on. It's a bit surprising isn't it? Oh, that's not what I meant at all. It's a good thing right? Right?
|Today is a special day, Yamashiro. Here now, let's go give our greetings the Admiral. Yamashiro? My, where are you? Yamashiro?
|Neesama, nee-sama, today is a very special and important day. Eh? Nee-sama...Admiral. Where is my Nee-sama?
|Is today a special occasion? That's good, right Hyuuga? It seems fun! Are we gonna drink today?
|Reused Second anniversary line
|Oh right, today is a memorable day isn't it? Everyone is so happy, well, I suppose that's alright.
|Reused Second anniversary line
|Hey 提督!Third Anniversaryだよ!Yay! Congratulations...and...Burning...Love!
|This doesn't actually feel like a
|Hiei, whether in love, or for the third anniversary...will keep going on! With all my spirit! Held high! Right! huh....huh...
|She used up too much spirit and is out of breath.
|提督、今年も榛名と一緒に三周年を迎えていただいて、本当にありがとうございます!榛名、感激です! 提督…
|Admiral, thank you so much for seeing us through to our third anniversary with me in tow. I am, truly touched! Admiral...
|マイク、音量大丈夫?チェック、ワン・ツー… よーし。本日はお日柄も良く、三周年本当におめでとうございます。これからも私たち… え、なに、長い?
|How's the mic volume? Check, one, two... All right then. On this day with beautiful weather, I would hereby like to congratulate on our third anniversary. And I would like to ask for... Huh? Oh. Too lengthy?
|提督、艦隊は三周年を迎えました。おめでとうございます! 大和も、大和も嬉しいです! ラムネで、乾杯しましょう♪
|Admiral, the fleet is celebrating the third anniversary. Congratulations! Yamato, Yamato is glad too! Let's have a Ramune toast.
|Admiral, it is high time we celebrated the third anniversary. It's good that we've made it this far, trust...I can't wait to see what fun the next year brings us, partner.
|Lost on the third sentence
|Admiral, it's the third anniversary now isn't it? Truly, congratulations are in order. All of us are so happy about it as well.
|Mmm...It's the Third Anniversary? I see, in that case...congratulations. I think it's a beautiful thing as well. What?
|Lost on the third sentence, the work after mo, I'm just not hearing something I understand "utsushiku" is the best guess I have.

===Training Cruisers===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|Admiral, today is a very important day, you know. Being together with you on this day makes Katori very happy.
|Same as 2nd Anniversary.
|Congratulations, Admiral! They say it's our third anniversary. I'm happy about it as well! Fufu!

===Light Carriers===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|Admiral, our fleet has reached its third anniversary. Thank you so much for your hard work. Shall we keep at it from here on as well?
|Holy moly! It's our third anniversary! So, so awesome! Holy moly!
|Admiral, today is the anniversary you know. It would make me happy if I could...alongside the Admiral.
|ひょうむかいられて? Don't know.
|提督、三周年です、三周年! 記念の卵焼き、はりきって沢山つくりますね!
|Admiral, it's our third anniversary! Our third! Now I'm going to roll up my sleeves and make a ton of commemorative tamagoyaki! (Giggle)
|Admiral it's our third anniversary. For all the hard work you do we're truly grateful.
|Lost on the third sentence
|Eh? It's the third anniversary. We're all pretty amazing to have gotten this far somehow. Eh, what is it?
|Lost on the third sentence
| is an important day. Right. I'll get some good sake and live it up!
|Oh right, today is a special day, isn' it? Jun'you, cut it out already....just what the hell do you think you're doing?

===Standard Carriers===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|Admiral, today is an important day for all of us in the First Carrier Division. We look forward to your continued guidance.
|It's the Third anniversary. We've done it. This does indeed make my heart feel better. I suppose I will have some sake tonight. Would you like to join, Admiral?
|Congratulations Admiral, all of us will be celebrating today. Today's a celebration, right? Let's open the bottles!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|That's right, today is the celebration isn't it? Alright! I hope I get to celebrate next year with the Admiral too!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|I'm very happy for our third anniversary as well! Zuikaku? Zuikaku, Zuikaku? Oh Zuikaku... You're not here this time either?
|提督さん、翔鶴姉! おめでとうー! 三周年だね、あはっ! なんか信じられないなあ。来年も翔鶴姉たちとこの日を迎えられるといいな!
|Admiral, Shoukaku-nee! Congrats! It's our third anniversary! Hehe, I almost can't believe it. I hope we get to welcome the day with Shoukaku-nee and everyone next year too!
|提督。艦隊三周年、本当におめでとうございます! この大鳳もお祝い申し上げます! これからもご一緒に頑張って参りましょう!
|Admiral. It's the fleet's third anniversary, please accept my heartfelt congratulations! Thank you for allowing Taihou to take part in the celebrations. From now on let's continue doing our best together!
|Admiral, I'm so glad. The fleet has made it to the third anniversary. I wish that all of us could stay together like this forever, yes, if it could be like'd be nice wouldn't it.
|Admiral, today is a special day! For Amagi to be together with you, it's an honour! Ufufu~ I'm happy.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Oh right, today is a very important day for us, isn't it. It's very important for you too right? right?
|[[Graf Zeppelin]]
|So Admiral, this fleet will be reaching its third anniversary, is that right? Very well. Let us celebrate. Felicitations are such fine things.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|司令官、三周年です、三周年! すごいね~、イムヤも少しビックリ! これからも、伊号のこと、よろしくね!
|Commander, it's the third anniversary, third anniversary. So awesome~ Imuya is a bit surprised! From now on please keep looking out for the I-type subs!
|Admiral, it's the Iku and everyone's third anniversary! Congrats! Please keep on watching over us!
|It's our third anniversary. Incredible. Our third anniversary. I'm actually a little surprised. We'll have to celebrate.
|隊長。三周年、おめでとうございます! まるゆも、もぐもぐ、嬉しいです。まるゆ、これからもがんばりまーす!
|Captain. Congratulations on the third anniversary! Maruyu is mogumogu happy. From now on, Maruyu will keep doing her bessst!
|Congratulations, Admiral. I'll celebrate too.
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''
|Admiral, we did it! Today is a celebration! Ro-chan is happy too, yes!
|''Reused line from [[Seasonal/Second Anniversary|Second Anniversary]]''

===Auxiliary Ships===
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!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|, Admiral, sir. It's the third anniversary, indeed this is a day worth commemorating. I do believe that I am very pleased to be a part of it.
|Today's an anniversary, Admiral! That's pretty cool! Want me to make something for the occasion?
|提督さん、三種年ですて。 すごい!速吸も本当にうれしいです。はい!
|Admiral-san, it's the third anniversary. Awesome! Hayasui is really so happy! Yes!
|Admiral, maybe it's the third anniversary. The third anniversary! I'm so happy. For the celebration, I'll make a huge, huge cabbage roll! All right!
|Admiral, it's the third anniversary now. Truly, I want to wish you congratulations. Mizuho is so happy.

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