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|提督さん、秋って良いですよね。私が進水したのも秋なんですよ? うふふ♪
|提督さん、秋って良いですよね。私が進水したのも秋なんですよ? うふふ♪
|Admiral-san, it's a pleasant autumn now isn't it?  I was launched in autumn too wasn't it?  Ufufu
|Admiral-san, it's a pleasant autumn now isn't it?  I was launched in autumn too wasn't it?  Ufufu
|This presence of autumn, it really is autumn now. Should I write poetry... Hey Tatsuta, you're laughing too much!
|食欲の秋、読書の秋。天龍ちゃんは、芸術の秋なのねー。見せて? うふふ、アハハッ、アハハハハハッ!
|Autumn appetite, autumn reading. Tenryuu-chan has autumn artistry~. Can I see? Ufufu, Ahaha~, ahahahahaha~!
|はぁ、秋か。色々美味しい物が増えて、阿賀野ピーンチっ! え、食べなきゃいいって? そんなわけには行かないのです!
|Haa, Autumn huh. The number of delicious things is increasing. I'm in a pinch! Eh, I don't have to eat it all? That's not even an option!
|阿賀野姉、食欲の秋満喫しすぎると、制服着れなくなっちゃうから! え、そうしたら浴衣着るから良いって? ダメだからー!!
|Agano-nee, you're enjoying autumn appetite too much, you won't be able to fit in your uniform! Eh, you'll wear a yukata instead? That's no good!!
|Autumn huh. The food during this season is certainly delicious. But, Agano-nee is enjoying this a bit too much!
|ぴゃっ! ちょっと涼しくなってきて、酒匂は嬉しい♪ 司令は何してるの? え、漁場警備と支援の準備? なにそれ?
|Pyaa~! It's getting cooler, I'm happy♪ What are you doing commander? Eh, security and support for the fishing grounds? What's that?
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