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{{Item/Icon|Special Chocolate|small=true}} [[Special Chocolate]]s are not "time-limited".
{{Item/Icon|Special Chocolate|small=true}} [[Special Chocolate]]s are not "time-limited".
=[[Easter Eggs|Gotland Minigame]]=
=Gotland Minigame=
|[[File:Sheep1.png|thumb|right|200px|The 3 flowers and then the sheep to click on.]]
|[[File:Sheep1.png|thumb|right|200px|The 3 flowers and then the sheep to click on.]]
|[[File:Sheep2.png|thumb|right|400px|Game screen.]]
|[[File:Sheep2.png|thumb|right|400px|Game screen.]]
The "'''Gotland Minigame'''" can be played from this menu only.
Also known as the '''"Fly! Goto Sheep"''' minigame (飛べ!ゴトシープ), by clicking on all 3 flowers next to the fairy on the left, a "mini-game" is unlocked.
*''See [[Gotland Minigame]] for more details.
*This consists of an "Anti-Air Defense" game, where the [[Gotland]]'s black ship is thrown to destroy abyssal planes.
*The game session can be aborted at any time by maintaining the "End Emergency" button on the bottom-left corner.
|[[File:Minigame gotsheep 050.png|thumb|left|120px|End Emergency button]]
|[[File:Minigame gotsheep 051.png|thumb|left|120px|End Emergency button (pressed)]]
This mini-game is just here to "kill time", and so is not linked to the rest of the game, neither consuming nor rewarding anything.
*It is possible to play this game at any time, even during an ongoing maintenance (if the game is not refreshed).
*Game musics as well as several girls' voicelines are played during the sessions.
*The minigame was added on the {{GameUpdates|2020/04/23}} update.
**The {{GameUpdates|2020/06/19}} update added the Extra I, made the Shuusui attack available from the 1st wave, made the sheep glow when taking dow enemies, and added the larger mobile enemies.
**The {{GameUpdates|2020/08/27}} update added the Extra II
The game is a reference to [[Gotland]], the black sheep being her insignia and ingame mascot, and Gotland being historically an "Antiaircraft Cruiser" during the later part of WW2.
{|class="wikitable" align=right
!colspan=4|[[Supply Depot Princess Vacation Mode]]'s pets
|[[PT Imp]]s:<br>[[File:Minigame gotsheep 075.png|center|100px|PT Imps]]
|[[PT Imp]]s<br>Damaged:<br>[[File:Minigame gotsheep 076.png|center|100px|PT Imps Damaged]]
|[[Ukiwa]]-san Drone:<br>[[File:Minigame gotsheep 074.png|center|80px|Ukiwa-san Drone]]
|[[Ukiwa]]-san Drone<br>Damaged:<br>[[File:Minigame gotsheep 077.png|center|80px|Ukiwa-san Drone Damaged]]
|rowspan=2|Lemon Basket:<br>[[File:Minigame gotsheep 033.png|center|50px|Lemon Basket Bait]]
|rowspan=2|[[Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)|Medium Bulge]]:<br>[[File:Minigame gotsheep 080.png|center|100px|Medium Bulge Bait]]
|rowspan=2|[[New Kanhon Design Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)|New Medium Bulge]]:<br>[[File:Minigame gotsheep 079.png|center|90px|New Medium Bulge Bait]]
|[[File:Minigame gotsheep 030.png|center|75px|Sheep 1]]
|[[File:Minigame gotsheep 032.png|center|75px|Sheep 2]]
The sheep is thrown using the mouse cursor:
*It follows a somewhat ballistic trajectory and bounces over the edges and ground.
**There is no upper sealing, and so it might go very far above the game screen, taking a while to fall back down.
*It can be picked up mid-air to give it more energy and adjust its trajectory.
Each enemy plane destroyed gives points and increases the combo.
*Each time the ship lands back on the ground, the combo is reseted.
**Throwing the ship back before it touches the ground therefore maintains the combo.
*The amount of points given by enemy takedowns depends on the enemy.
**Some enemy planes will appear in larger variants, moving across the screen and giving more points.
***Starting from the 2nd wave, those may explose and deflect the sheep's trajectory.
**Some special items can also be picked up to bring more points.
**The combo does not affect the score.
**Some "baits" also appear randomly on the screen, but cannot be interacted with and do not affect the gameplay.
The "[[Shuusui]] button" activates a bonus interception attack, launching the Shuusui and rapidly shooting down many enemies.
*The number of stars displayed is the number of times it can be activated,
*One additional Shuusui attack is given per wave.
The game is divided in up to 5 "Sequences", and 2 "Extra Sequences", each limited in time.
*A certain amount of point has to be achieved to reach the next sequence.
*Once the timer has ended, the sheep stops taking down enemies and comes to a stop.
!rowspan=2|Point requirements
|2000||60 s
| 10||rowspan=6|1000
|[[File:Hell plane 1.png|30px|link=Abyssal Cat Fighter (Bombing)]]
| No enemy deflection||Battle of the Mutsuki-class destroyers <!--睦月型駆逐艦の戦い-->
|5000||90 s
| 20
|[[File:Equipment Item Abyssal Liberation Land-based Dive Bomber Ace.png|30px|link=Abyssal Breakthrough Assault Aircraft Ace]]
| Some enemy deflections
|Regathering of the Fleet <!--艦隊の再集結-->
|15000||90 s
| 40
|[[File:Equipment Item Abyssal Patrolling Attack Hawk.png|30px|link=Abyssal Patrolling Attack Hawk]]
| Some enemy deflections
|White Dew After the Rainy Season <!--梅雨明けの白露-->
|50000||120 s
| 80
|[[File:Equipment Item Abyssal Night Revenge Torpedo Bomber.png|30px|link=Abyssal Night Revenge Torpedo Bomber]]
| Some enemy deflections
|Swimsuit Sortie <!--水着の出撃-->
|70000||155 s
| 100
|[[File:Equipment Item Abyssal Sky Fortress (Reconnaissance Model).png|30px|link=Abyssal Sky Fortress (Reconnaissance Model)]]
| No enemy deflection?
|Spotter Planes, Begin Departure! <!--索敵機、発艦始め!-->
!Extra I
|70000 ||? s
|rowspan=3|[[File:Hell plane 1.png|30px|link=Abyssal Cat Fighter (Bombing)]][[File:Equipment Item Abyssal Liberation Land-based Dive Bomber Ace.png|30px|link=Abyssal Breakthrough Assault Aircraft Ace]]<br>[[File:Equipment Item Abyssal Patrolling Attack Hawk.png|30px|link=Abyssal Patrolling Attack Hawk]][[File:Equipment Item Abyssal Night Revenge Torpedo Bomber.png|30px|link=Abyssal Night Revenge Torpedo Bomber]]
|A lot of enemy deflections
4 firsts waves enemies
|Friend Fleet! Begin Counterattack <!--友軍艦隊!反撃開始-->
!Extra II
| - ||rowspan=2|? s
|''see below''
|Infinite PT Imp deflections
4 firsts waves enemies
[[File:Minigame gotsheep 074.png|30px|Ukiwa-san Drone]] & [[File:Minigame gotsheep 075.png|30px|PT Imps]] as bosses
|The Distant Ulithi Anchorage <!--遥かなるウルシー泊地-->
*During the 5 mains sequances, only 1 big enemy will appear at 50 % of the time gauge.
**Its trajectory is a simple circle which goes beyound the play area's boudary.
**This enemy may or may not deflect the sheep on contact.
*During the Extra I & II sequences, enemies from the 4 firsts sequences come back, each rewarding the same amount of point as in their respective waves.
*During the Extra I sequence:
**Enemies appear in baches, the type of enemy deepnding on the time gauge:
***1st type until 75 %,
***2nd type betwen 75 and 50 %,
***3rd type betwen 50 and 25 %,
***4th type below 25 %.
**"Big versions" of the regular enemies appear in greater amount, each with a greater chance to deflect the sheep and with possible trajectories such as back and forth movements.
***For the last 10 % of time remaining, 1st type "big versions" types also reappear.
*During the Extra II sequence:
**All enemy types will apear at the same time.
**No "big versions" appears, being replaced by 4 mini-boss phases, consisting of a [[PT Imp]] pair, surounded by 8 [[Ukiwa]]-san Drones circling around them.
***The PT are invinsible and act as a solid wall untill all Ukiwas are down,
***Once the Ukiwas down, the PT can be killed, and will respawn, for a total of 4 boss waves,
***Ukiwa-san Drones reward 80 points and PT Imps 8000 points,
***Ukiwa-san Drones & PT Imps each have a normal and a damaged CG.
Once the game has ended, the final score and the corresponding rank are displayed, as well as the player's high-score.
*The high-score is only recorded for the current game session, and is reseted when closing the game.
*For the 5 main sequences, each sequence's score is displayed under the sequence's enemy icon, being greyed if the sequence was not reached.
*For the Extra sequences, the score is displayed under an additional boss node icon for the Extra I, and a Ukiwa-san Drone one for Extra II, each only appearing is said sequence was reached.
*Purple boss node icon ????
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!colspan=7|Final Rank
|[[File:Rank E.png|35px]]||[[File:Rank D.png|35px]]||[[File:Rank C.png|30px]]||[[File:Rank B.png|30px]]||[[File:Rank A.png|27px]]||[[File:Rank S.png|25px]]
| ≤ 7500|| > 7500|| > 22500|| > 72500|| > 142500|| > 88000??<br>AND Extra II cleared
Some girls' voices are played during the mini-game, being from [[Gotland]] and a random girl from the 1st fleet.
*The played voices depends on the curent situation, with "attack lines" played when the score is advancing at a good pace, and "minor damage lines" when the score is advancing at a slow pace.
!Ship's voice
|''Starting a Battle:'' "The enemy has been spotted! Battle stations. Ready, everyone?"
|''Equipment 2:'' "Scandinavian equipment is definitely good don't you tink? Yes, they're the best."
|1st Fleet Girl
|''Joining the Fleet'' lines
|''Attack:'' "Commence attack! Let's go! Attack!"
|1st Fleet Girl
|''Starting A Sortie'' lines
!colspan=2|Extra I
|''Night Battle:'' "You want us to press the attack? Really? We have to do this then..."
!colspan=2|Extra II
|1st Fleet Girl
|''Starting a Battle'' lines
!rowspan=4|All Sequences
|Time gauge at 50 % & score < 50 % requirement
|rowspan=4|1st Fleet Girl
|''Minor Damage'' lines
|"Slow pace"
|Score > 50 % requirement before the time gauge gets to 50 %
|''Attack'' lines
|"Good pace"
|Time gauge at 25 % & score < 75 % requirement
|''Major Damage'' lines
|"Slow pace"
|Score > 75 % requirement before the time gauge gets to 25 %
|''Night Battle'' line
|"Good pace"
!rowspan=2|Non-S ranks
|When the sequence score is 0
|1st Fleet Girl
|?''Minor Damage'' line
|Other cases
|''Minor Damage 2:'' "Unyayayaya! Whoaaa, that hurts hurts! You're getting me dirty!"
!colspan=2|S rank
|Gotland: ''Returning from Sortie:'' "Operation complete, the fleet has returned. Whew, I'm glad."<br>''OR''<br>1st Fleet Girl: ''MVP'' lines
=See Also=
=See Also=
