
no edit summary
Line 8: Line 8:  
| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| origin      =
| origin      =Hi! Essex-class航空母艦、五番艦、Intrepidよ!貴方がAdmiralなのね?素敵ね!さぁ、一緒に行きましょう!いいかな?
| translation =
| translation =Hi! I'm the fifth of the Essex-class carriers, Intrepid! So you're the admiral then? Wonderful! Now then, let's get going! That's fine, right?
| audio      =  Intrepid-Intro.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Intro.mp3
Line 15: Line 15:  
| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =Hi! Essex-class Intrepid、今日も開場です!Admiralも今日も素敵ね!さぁ、頑張っていきましょう!
| translation =
| translation =Hi! Essex-class Intrepid's doors are open today too<ref>The ''Intrepid'' Sea, Air & Space Museum is open seven days a week.</ref>! What a wonderful day, and a wonderful admiral! Now then, let's do our best!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Intro.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Intro.mp3
| scenario    =Library
| scenario    =Library
| origin      =
| origin      =Essex-class航空母艦、五番艦、Intrepidよ!そう、艦隊型正規空母として量産されたあの戦い最強の空母姉妹の一隻です!あの大戦が終わった後も、近代化改修され、angled deckや備えた現代空母の魁としても運用されました。そして、退役後はハドソン川で海上航空宇宙博物館として、建造しているの。
| translation =
| translation =I'm the fifth of the Essex-class carriers, Intrepid! That's right, I'm one of the strongest carrier sisters of that war, mass-produced to serve as fleet carriers<ref>America built 24 ''Essex''-class carriers and had 8 more planned when the war ended.</ref>! Even after the war ended, I was modernized, becoming one of the pioneers of modern carriers with an angled deck<ref>An angled landing deck increases the safety and throughput of carrier operations, allowing simultaneous takeoff and landing as well.</ref> and more. After I was decommissioned, I was turned into a Sea, Air, and Space Museum on the Hudson River, where I am today!
| audio      =  Intrepid-Library.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Library.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| origin      =
| origin      =How's it going?
| translation =
| translation =How's it going?
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sec1.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sec1.mp3
Line 34: Line 34:  
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =Honey! How's it going?
| translation =
| translation =Honey! How's it going?
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Sec1.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Sec1.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary 2
| scenario    =Secretary 2
| origin      =
| origin      =Hey! I'm good, thanks! How are you? ん、よかった!
| translation =
| translation =Hey! I'm good, thanks! How are you? Ah, wonderful!
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sec2.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sec2.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| origin      =
| origin      =Yep! Please try it, な訳ないでしょ、こら!もう、いたずらな人ね。
| translation =
| translation =Yep! Please try it - did you think I'd say that? Come on! Sheesh, what a silly person.
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sec3.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sec3.mp3
Line 53: Line 53:  
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =Yep! Please try it, な訳ないでしょ、こら!もう、いたずらなhoney。え?海上航空宇宙博物館の見学に?こ~ら!
| translation =
| translation =Yep! Please try it - did you think I'd say that? Come on! Sheesh, you're so silly, honey. Eh? A field trip to the Sea, Air & Space Museum? Come - on!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Sec3.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Sec3.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| origin      =
| origin      =ん、これは後で展示できるかな~?これはどうしよう?ああぁ、これは大きいなぁ。まあ、いいか。乗っかるかな?Hi! Ah, これですか?平和になったらこの子達、皆に見てもらうのもいいかなって、なんてね。
| translation =
| translation =Hmm, I wonder if I can put this on display...? What am I going to do about this one? Ahh, this one's pretttty big. Oh well, it might fit on board. Hi! Ah, these? I was just thinking how I'd exhibit these kids to everyone when peace comes.
| audio      =  Intrepid-Idle.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Idle.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| origin      =
| origin      =Honey, 何してるの?明日の作戦の準備?もう、いいじゃない、今は!ほら、見て、見て!私、こんなのも素敵じゃない!平和っていいよね、ね?
| translation =
| translation =Honey, what are you doing? Preparations for tomorrow's operations? Jeez, isn't that enough for now! Come on, look, look! Don't I look wonderful like this? Peace is great, isn't it?
| audio      =  Intrepid-SecMarried.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-SecMarried.mp3
Line 72: Line 72:  
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =これが全て遊びなら、どんなにいいかって。昔読んだ素敵なcomicで、あのtitle, なんだったけかな?すっごい好きだったんだけど。えっと・・・もう、放って。
| translation =
| translation =If this were all a game, how should it be? In this wonderful comic I read once - what was the title again? I really liked it too! Uhm... ah, forget it.
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-SecMarried.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-SecMarried.mp3
| scenario    =Wedding
| scenario    =Wedding
| origin      =
| origin      =海上航空宇宙博物館ですか?まぁ、映画撮影とかも使われましたし、テロ対策にも・・・えっ?そういう話じゃなくて?これを、私に?開けますよ!えっ!へっ!これって、本気で?嘘!Thank you for everything!
| translation =
| translation =How's being a Sea, Air & Space Museum? Well, I've been used for films<ref>''Aftershock: Earthquake in New York'' (1999), ''National Treasure'' (2004), ''I Am Legend'' (2007), etc.</ref>, for anti-terrorism<ref>''Intrepid'' served as a field HQ for the FBI during its investigation of the September 11 attacks.</ref>... eh? That's not what you're here to talk about? Is this, for me? I'm opening it! Ah! Eh? Is this, for real? No way! Thank you for everything!
| audio      =  Intrepid-Wedding.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Wedding.mp3
| scenario    =Player's Score
| scenario    =Player's Score
| origin      =
| origin      =Strategy? Information? OK! 待ってて。
| translation =
| translation =Strategy? Information? OK! Please wait.
| audio      =  Intrepid-PlayerScore.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-PlayerScore.mp3
| scenario    =Joining fhe Fleet
| scenario    =Joining fhe Fleet
| origin      =
| origin      =Essex-class, CV-11, Intrepid! 抜錨します!
| translation =
| translation =Essex-class, CV-11, Intrepid! Weighing anchor!
| audio      =  Intrepid-JoinFleet.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-JoinFleet.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 1
| scenario    =Equipment 1
| origin      =
| origin      =I am grateful for your support! あ・り・が・と!
| translation =
| translation =I am grateful for your support! A-ri-ga-to!
| audio      =  Intrepid-Equip1.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Equip1.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| origin      =
| origin      =Good! 素敵ね!いいじゃない!
| translation =
| translation =Good! Wonderful! Isn't that great?
| audio      =  Intrepid-Equip2.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Equip2.mp3
Line 109: Line 109:  
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =素敵! Honey, 問題ないよね?
| translation =
| translation =Wonderful! Honey, there's no problems, right?
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Equip2.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-Equip2.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 3
| scenario    =Equipment 3
| origin      =
| origin      =素敵ね。皆にも見てほしいな~
| translation =
| translation =Wonderful. I wish everyone could see~
| audio      =  Intrepid-Equip3.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Equip3.mp3
| scenario    =Supply
| scenario    =Supply
| origin      =
| origin      =Thank you for everything!
| translation =
| translation =Thank you for everything!
| audio      =  Intrepid-Supply.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Supply.mp3
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| origin      =
| origin      =I will take a bath! 覗いたらダメよ、いたずらっ子さん!
| translation =
| translation =I will take a bath! No peeking, you silly kid!
| audio      =  Intrepid-DockMinor.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-DockMinor.mp3
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| origin      =
| origin      =はぁ、もう、やられちゃった。まぁ、いいわ。I will enter the dock!
| translation =
| translation =Ahh, jeez, they got me. Oh well. I will enter the dock!
| audio      =  Intrepid-DockMajor.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-DockMajor.mp3
Line 140: Line 140:  
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =はあぁ、もう、やられちゃった。I will enter the dock! あっ、退役じゃないからね!海上博物館は、あ・と・で!
| translation =
| translation =Ahhhh, jeez, they got me. I will enter the dock! Oh, but this isn't a decommissioning or anything! The Sea Museum comes - la - ter!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-DockMajor.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-DockMajor.mp3
| scenario    =Construction
| scenario    =Construction
| origin      =
| origin      =A new ship coming! どんな子?ねぇ、どんな子?
| translation =
| translation =A new ship coming! What's she like? Hey, what's she like?
| audio      =  Intrepid-Construction.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Construction.mp3
| scenario    =Return from Sortie
| scenario    =Return from Sortie
| origin      =
| origin      =Operation complete! いいじゃない?皆元気!Good!
| translation =
| translation =Operation complete! Isn't this great? Everyone's well! Good!
| audio      =  Intrepid-SortieReturn.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-SortieReturn.mp3
| scenario    =Starting a Sortie
| scenario    =Starting a Sortie
| origin      =
| origin      =任務部隊、私、Intrepidが指揮します。皆、準備はいい?Are you okay? じゃ、行きましょう!Weigh anchor!
| translation =
| translation =I, Intrepid, will be leading the Task Force! Everyone ready? Are you okay? Then let's go! Weigh anchor!
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sortie.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sortie.mp3
| scenario    =Starting a Battle
| scenario    =Starting a Battle
| origin      =
| origin      =そう、見つけたのね!じゃ、始めましょう?Intrepid航空隊各隊、発艦始めて!
| translation =
| translation =So, we've found them! Then shall we get started? Intrepid Air Group, all squadrons, take off!
| audio      =  Intrepid-BattleStart.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-BattleStart.mp3
| scenario    =Attack
| scenario    =Attack
| origin      =
| origin      =Intrepid squadron, attack!
| translation =
| translation =Intrepid squadron, attack!
| audio      =  Intrepid-Atk.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Atk.mp3
| scenario    =Night Battle Attack
| scenario    =Night Battle Attack
| origin      =
| origin      =忘れてない?私、Essex-classだから。まだまだこんなもんじゃないの!
| translation =
| translation =Have you forgotten? I'm an Essex-class. This sorta thing's a piece of cake!
| audio      =  Intrepid-NightAtk.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-NightAtk.mp3
| scenario    =Night Battle
| scenario    =Night Battle
| origin      =
| origin      =夜だって、装備や艦載機隊によっては行けちゃうから!まあ、太陽が出ってる時間の方が好きだけどね!
| translation =
| translation =Even at night, with the right equipment and squadrons, I can go on! Well, I do prefer when the sun's up though!
| audio      =  Intrepid-NightBattle.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-NightBattle.mp3
| scenario    =MVP
| scenario    =MVP
| origin      =
| origin      =Oh! 私?Intrepidの働きがbestなの?Wow! 私、頑張っちゃったかな?ね?
| translation =
| translation =Oh! Me? Intrepid's work was the best? Wow! I musta worked hard, huh!
| audio      =  Intrepid-MVP.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-MVP.mp3
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| origin      =
| origin      =あああっ!も、もう!
| translation =
| translation =Ahhhh! J-Jeez!
| audio      =  Intrepid-MinorDmg.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-MinorDmg1.mp3
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| origin      =
| origin      =やだ、もう!Damage control!
| translation =
| translation =Oh, jeez! Damage control!
| audio      =  Intrepid-MinorDmg2.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-MinorDmg2.mp3
| scenario    =Major Damage
| scenario    =Major Damage
| origin      =
| origin      =ああああぁ、Damage control? 大丈夫、私は沈まないわ。
| translation =
| translation =Ahhhhh! Damage control? Don't worry, I won't sink.
| audio      =  Intrepid-MajorDmg.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-MajorDmg.mp3
| scenario    =Sunk
| scenario    =Sunk
| origin      =
| origin      =え?嘘!Really? 私、沈んでいくの?これが、沈むということ。これが・・・oh...
| translation =
| translation =Eh? No way! Really? I'm... sinking? So this is what sinking is like. This... oh...
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sunk.mp3
| audio      =  Intrepid-Sunk.mp3
Line 224: Line 224:  
| scenario    =00:00
| scenario    =00:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ね、今日は私が色々やってあげる!素敵でしょう!時報、でっしょ?任せて!覚えたの、ここのやり方!
| translation =
| translation =Hey, I'll help you out with things today! Wonderful, isn't it! Reporting, the time? Leave it to me! I learned how they do it here!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0000.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0000.mp3
| scenario    =01:00
| scenario    =01:00
| origin      =
| origin      =It is 1 o'clock! ま、マルヒト、マルマル!どう?OK?
| translation =
| translation =It is 1 o'clock! Z- 01, 00! How's that? OK?
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0100.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0100.mp3
| scenario    =02:00
| scenario    =02:00
| origin      =
| origin      =2 o'clock! マルフタ、マルマル!どう?完璧でしょう?うん、good!
| translation =
| translation =2 o'clock! 02, 00! How's that? Perfect, right? Ah, good!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0200.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0200.mp3
| scenario    =03:00
| scenario    =03:00
| origin      =
| origin      =マルサン、マルマル!はぁ、どんなもんよ!Essex-class甘く見たらだめなんだから!
| translation =
| translation =03, 00! Hah, this is easy! You'd better not take an Essex-class lightly!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0300.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0300.mp3
| scenario    =04:00
| scenario    =04:00
| origin      =
| origin      =マルヨン、マルマル!よし、perfect! って、そろそろ朝!Breakfastは定番でいいかな。いいよね?
| translation =
| translation =04, 00. Yes, perfect! Wait, it's almost morning! I think breakfast can just be the usual. Right?
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0400.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0400.mp3
| scenario    =05:00
| scenario    =05:00
| origin      =
| origin      =マルゴー、マルマル!Good morning! いい朝ですね、Admiral? う~ん!
| translation =
| translation =05, 00! Good morning! It's a great morning, isn't it, Admiral? Yeaaaah!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0500.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0500.mp3
| scenario    =06:00
| scenario    =06:00
| origin      =
| origin      =マルロク、マルマル!All fleet, wake up! Yes! 艦隊起床!
| translation =
| translation =06, 00! All fleet, wake up! Yes! Out of your beds, fleet!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0600.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0600.mp3
| scenario    =07:00
| scenario    =07:00
| origin      =
| origin      =マルナナ、マルマル!Breakfastをどうぞ!飲み物はcoffeeでいい?はい!熱いよ。
| translation =
| translation =07, 00! Here's your breakfast! Is coffee alright? Got it! Careful, it's hot.
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0700.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0700.mp3
| scenario    =08:00
| scenario    =08:00
| origin      =
| origin      =マルハチ、マルマル!Hi, Gambier Bay! Morning! How are you? Good! お互い頑張りましょう!
| translation =
| translation =08, 00! Hi, [[Gambier Bay]]! Morning! How are you? Good! Let's both do our best!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0800.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0800.mp3
| scenario    =09:00
| scenario    =09:00
| origin      =
| origin      =マルキュ、マルマル!さあ、行ってみましょう!いざ、海へ!Weigh anchor!う~ん!海はやっぱりいいわね。素敵!
| translation =
| translation =09, 00! Come on, let's give it a go! To the sea now! Weigh Anchor! Nnnngh! The sea really is great, isn't it? Wonderful!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0900.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-0900.mp3
| scenario    =10:00
| scenario    =10:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトマル、マルマル!あれは?アカギ?カガ?Hey. Hey! How you doing?
| translation =
| translation =10, 00! Who's that? [[Akagi]]? [[Kaga]]? Hey. Hey! How you doing?
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1000.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1000.mp3
| scenario    =11:00
| scenario    =11:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトヒト、マルマル!少し詳しくだけど、素敵なJapanese aircraft carrier! うん、いい感じじゃない、good!
| translation =
| translation =11, 00! I'm not too familiar with them, but they're wonderful Japanese aircraft carriers<ref>''Akagi'' and ''Kaga'' sank at Midway roughly a year before USS ''Intrepid'' was commissioned.</ref>! Mhm, they seem great, good!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1100.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1100.mp3
| scenario    =12:00
| scenario    =12:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトフタ、マルマル!Lunchtime! 大丈夫、サラにもらってきたの。Sandwich! あら、素敵、ターキーサンドね?い・ただ・きます!
| translation =
| translation =12, 00! Lunchtime! Don't worry, I got some sandwiches from [[Saratoga|Sara]]! Oh my, wonderful, turkey sandwiches? Thanks - for - the meal!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1200.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1200.mp3
| scenario    =13:00
| scenario    =13:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトサン・・・あっ、瑞鶴!How are you? ん?その三角眼は何?Angry? なんで瑞鶴はいつも怒っているの?せっかく可愛いのに、もったいないよ。
| translation =
| translation =13... ah, [[Zuikaku]]! How are you? Hm? Why the triangle eyes? Angry? Why are you always in a huff, Zuikaku? You're so cute, don't let that go to waste.
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1300.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1300.mp3
| scenario    =14:00
| scenario    =14:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトヨンマっ翔鶴!?あなたの妹さんだけど・・・あっ、あぁ、そんなに丁寧に、あいや、違うの、そうじゃなくて!ううん、仲良く。私、仲良くなりたいなって!
| translation =
| translation =140- [[Shoukaku]]!? About your younger sister... ah, ahh, there's no need to be so polite - ah, no, that's not what I meant! No, I just want to get along. I just want to get along with her!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1400.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1400.mp3
| scenario    =15:00
| scenario    =15:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトゴー、マルマル!Phantom? Skyhawk? そうですね、いい機体です。ある[???]ですよ。はい!あ、こちらでは噴式というのね?噴式か。
| translation =
| translation =15, 00! [ Phantom]? [ Skyhawk]? Indeed, they're good planes<ref>Referencing ''Intrepid'''s Vietnam War-era loadout.</ref>. [???] Yes! Ah, right, they're called ''funshiki'' here, right? ''Funshiki'', huh.
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1500.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1500.mp3
| scenario    =16:00
| scenario    =16:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトロク、マルマル!あぁ、Kongou sisters! Hey, how you doing? Good! Fine, thank you!
| translation =
| translation =16, 00! Ahh, [[Kongou]] sisters! Hey, how you doing? Good! Fine, thank you!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1600.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1600.mp3
| scenario    =17:00
| scenario    =17:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトナナ、マルマル!夕日が・・・beautiful. ん?あの艦影は・・・[[Yamato]]-class? So... so beautiful!
| translation =
| translation =17, 00! The evening is... beautiful. Hm? That silhouette... Yamato-class? So... so beautiful!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1700.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1700.mp3
| scenario    =18:00
| scenario    =18:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトハチ、マルマル!よし、今日のdinnerは私が作ろうか!いいよ、座っていて!任せて!
| translation =
| translation =18, 00! Alright, how bout I make dinner tonight? Don't worry, sit, sit! Leave it to me!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1800.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1800.mp3
| scenario    =19:00
| scenario    =19:00
| origin      =
| origin      =ヒトキュウ、マルマル!どうだ、お待たせ!本場のNew York cut steakよ!マンハッタン仕込みなんだから!どうぞ召し上がれ!
| translation =
| translation =19, 00! Thanks for waiting! How's this? An authentic New York cut steak! Made Manhattan-style, you see! Go ahead, eat up!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1900.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-1900.mp3
| scenario    =20:00
| scenario    =20:00
| origin      =
| origin      =フタマル、マルマル!どう?美味しかった?ん、good! Steakは自慢なのよ、マンハッタンではね。TomcatやPhantomへもちろん!
| translation =
| translation =20, 00! How was it? Delicious? Mm, good! We're proud of our steaks in Manhattan, you see. And of [ Tomcats] and Phantoms, of course!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2000.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2000.mp3
| scenario    =21:00
| scenario    =21:00
| origin      =
| origin      =Harrier and MiG, 後Kfirまで[???]、ゴホゴホ、みたいでしょう?ぜひ会いに来て!あ、ごめん、日本現在時間はね、フタヒト、マルマル!
| translation =
| translation =[ Harrier] and [ Mi][ G], and even a [ Kfir]! [???] ''Cough, cough''. Something like that, right? Feel free to stop by! Ah, sorry, the current time in Japan is 21, 00!<ref>[ All aircraft actually on display at the ''Intrepid'' museum.]</ref>
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2100.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2100.mp3
| scenario    =22:00
| scenario    =22:00
| origin      =
| origin      =フタフタ、マルマル!今日は色々あって疲れちゃったね。でも明日も頑張ろう!Good night!
| translation =
| translation =22, 00! Pretty tired from all that happened today, but I'll still work hard tomorrow! Good night!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2200.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2200.mp3
| scenario    =23:00
| scenario    =23:00
| origin      =
| origin      =フタサン、マルマル!あれ?Admiral? 眠れないの?実は私も!起きて一杯行きます?あは、いいですね、行っちゃいましょう!着替えてきます!
| translation =
| translation =23, 00! Hm? Admiral? Can't fall asleep? Me too, actually! Wanna get up and get a drink? Aha, sounds great, let's go! I'll get changed!
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2300.mp3
| audio      =  IntrepidKai-2300.mp3
