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Line 131: Line 131:  
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = お風呂は…好き。提督、一緒…する?んっふふ~、う・そ。
|origin = お風呂は…好き。提督、一緒…する?んっふふ~、う・そ。
|translation = I do like the bath. Admiral, want to take one... together?  Ehehehe~
|translation = I like... baths. Want to... have one with me, Admiral? Ehehe, just kidding.
|audio = I-14-DockMajor.mp3
|audio = I-14-DockMajor.mp3
Line 138: Line 138:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = お風呂はいいよねー。提督、もう一緒して良いんでしょう?んっふふ~、う・そ。  
|origin = お風呂はいいよねー。提督、もう一緒して良いんでしょう?んっふふ~、う・そ。  
|translation = Taking a batch sure is nice. Come on, admiral. How about you join me? Ehehehe~ Juuuuust kidding.
|translation = Baths are great~. It's fine for you to join me you know, Admiral? Ehehehe, just kidding.
|audio = I-14Kai-DockMajor.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-DockMajor.mp3
Line 144: Line 144:  
|scenario = Construction
|scenario = Construction
|origin = んっふふ~、提督、新しい子来たよ!どんな子?
|origin = んっふふ~、提督、新しい子来たよ!どんな子?
|translation = HeheheAdmiral, a new girl just arrived! What's she like?
|translation = EheheheA new girl has arrived, Admiral! What's she like?
|audio = I-14-Construction.mp3
|audio = I-14-Construction.mp3
Line 150: Line 150:  
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 帰投しました!無事でなにより、だよね!
|origin = 帰投しました!無事でなにより、だよね!
|translation = I'm back home! I'm back here safe and sound!
|translation = We're back at port! I'm back here safe and sound!
|audio = I-14-SortieReturn.mp3
|audio = I-14-SortieReturn.mp3
Line 156: Line 156:  
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 六三一空のみんな、準備はいい?うん、よし!伊14、出撃!
|origin = 六三一空のみんな、準備はいい?うん、よし!伊14、出撃!
|translation = Everyone in the 631st Air Group, are you ready to go? Okay, Let's do it! I-14, heading out!
|translation = 631st Air Group, are you ready to go? Yep, alright! I-14, sortieing!
|audio = I-14-Sortie.mp3
|audio = I-14-Sortie.mp3
Line 163: Line 163:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 晴嵐六三一空のみんな、準備はいい?うん、よし!伊14、出撃します!  
|origin = 晴嵐六三一空のみんな、準備はいい?うん、よし!伊14、出撃します!  
|translation = Everyone in the 631st Air Group, are you ready to go? All right then! I-14, heading out!
|translation = 631st Air Group, are you ready to go? Yep, alright! I-14, sortieing now!
|audio = I-14Kai-Sortie.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-Sortie.mp3
Line 169: Line 169:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 合戦用意!潜望鏡深度…。一番から四番、発射管開け!
|origin = 合戦用意!潜望鏡深度…。一番から四番、発射管開け!
|translation = Prepare for battle! Descend to periscope depth. Open torpedo tubes 1 to 4!  
|translation = Prepare for battle! Descend to periscope depth. Open torpedo tubes 1 to 4!  
|audio = I-14-BattleStart.mp3
|audio = I-14-BattleStart.mp3
Line 175: Line 175:  
|scenario = Attack
|scenario = Attack
|origin =  いっくよ!一番から四番、てー!
|origin =  いっくよ!一番から四番、てー!
|translation = Let's go! Tubes 1 to 4, fire!
|translation = Let's go! Tubes 1 to 4, fire!
|audio = I-14-Attack.mp3
|audio = I-14-Attack.mp3
Line 181: Line 181:  
|scenario = Night Battle Attack  
|scenario = Night Battle Attack  
|origin = んっふふ~、イヨの攻撃いっちゃうよー!いっけー!
|origin = んっふふ~、イヨの攻撃いっちゃうよー!いっけー!
|translation = Hehehe~, Here comes my attack! Take this!
|translation = Ehehehe~, here comes my attack! Take this!
|audio = I-14-NightAttack.mp3
|audio = I-14-NightAttack.mp3
Line 187: Line 187:  
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = イヨ、まだまだいけます!追撃戦です!
|origin = イヨ、まだまだいけます!追撃戦です!
|translation = I'm not done yet! Commence running battle!
|translation = I'm not done yet! Begin the pursuit!
|audio = I-14-NightBattle.mp3
|audio = I-14-NightBattle.mp3
Line 193: Line 193:  
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin = やったー!イヨ、やり遂げました!提督、褒めてくれてもいいよ~?んっふふ、やったね!
|origin = やったー!イヨ、やり遂げました!提督、褒めてくれてもいいよ~?んっふふ、やったね!
|translation = Woohoo! I did it! Come on, you can praise me if you want, admiral.  Ehehe~, I really did it!
|translation = Woohoo! I did it! You know you can praise me right, Admiral? Ehehe~, I really did it!
|audio = I-14-MVP.mp3
|audio = I-14-MVP.mp3
Line 200: Line 200:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = いやったー!イヨ、またやっちゃったー!提督、褒めてくれてもいいよー?いぇい!やったね!  
|origin = いやったー!イヨ、またやっちゃったー!提督、褒めてくれてもいいよー?いぇい!やったね!  
|translation = Aww yiss! I did it again! You know, you can praise me if you want, admiral  Yay! I really did it!
|translation = Woohoo! I did it again! You know you can praise me right, Admiral? Ehehe~, I really did it!
|audio = I-14Kai-MVP.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-MVP.mp3
Line 206: Line 206:  
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = わあああ…!だ、大丈夫よね?
|origin = わあああ…!だ、大丈夫よね?
|translation =  Waaaaaa! I'm... I'm still okay, right?
|translation =  Waaaaaa! I-I'm still okay, right?
|audio = I-14-MinorDamage1.mp3
|audio = I-14-MinorDamage1.mp3
Line 212: Line 212:  
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = あっ、み、水が…!イヨはまだ、まだまだ平気!
|origin = あっ、み、水が…!イヨはまだ、まだまだ平気!
|translation =  Ah, I-I'm flooding...! I'm still... still fine though!
|translation =  Ah, I-I'm flooding...! I'm still, still fine!
|audio = I-14-MinorDamage2.mp3
|audio = I-14-MinorDamage2.mp3
Line 218: Line 218:  
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = やだ、み、水が…!緊急浮上!イヨはこんなんで、沈まないから!
|origin = やだ、み、水が…!緊急浮上!イヨはこんなんで、沈まないから!
|translation = Oh no..I-I'm flooding...! Emergency ascent! I'm not going to sink because of this!
|translation = Oh no..I-I'm flooding...! Emergency blow! I won't sink from just this!
|audio = I-14-MajorDamage.mp3
|audio = I-14-MajorDamage.mp3
Line 224: Line 224:  
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 水が…水がどんどん入ってくる…止まらない…!イヨ、ここで沈むの…かな?…ばい、ばい…。
|origin = 水が…水がどんどん入ってくる…止まらない…!イヨ、ここで沈むの…かな?…ばい、ばい…。
|translation = Water keeps flooding won't stop! I'm going to sink here... right? Bye...bye...  
|translation = Water...just keeps flooding won't stop! I'm going to sink here... right? Bye...bye...  
|audio = I-14-Sinking.mp3
|audio = I-14-Sinking.mp3
Line 236: Line 236:  
|scenario = 00:00  
|scenario = 00:00  
|origin = ちょうど、0時をまわったとこ。今日はイヨが秘書艦やるからね!いいでしょ?
|origin = ちょうど、0時をまわったとこ。今日はイヨが秘書艦やるからね!いいでしょ?
|translation = We've just passed 0 o'clock. I'll be your secretary today! That's fine, right?
|translation = We've just passed 12 o'clock. I'll be your secretary today! That's fine, right?
|audio = I-14Kai-0000.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0000.mp3
Line 248: Line 248:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = マルフタマルマル。夜はちょこっと冷えるねー。飲んじゃおっかー!体あったまるよー、どうかな?
|origin = マルフタマルマル。夜はちょこっと冷えるねー。飲んじゃおっかー!体あったまるよー、どうかな?
|translation = 0200. It's a bit cold tonight, don't you think? Let's get some drinks! I'll keep us warm. How about it?
|translation = 0200. It's a bit cold tonight, don't you think? Let's drink! I'll keep us warm. What do you think?
|audio = I-14Kai-0200.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0200.mp3
Line 254: Line 254:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = マルサンマルマル。あっ、ちょこっとならいーい!?提督話せるぅ!さっすがー!んっふふ~、はい、乾杯!
|origin = マルサンマルマル。あっ、ちょこっとならいーい!?提督話せるぅ!さっすがー!んっふふ~、はい、乾杯!
|translation = 0300. Oh, it's fine if it's just a little bit?! Now we're talking, admiral! I expect no less! Ehehehe~, alright, cheers!
|translation = 0300. Ah, just a little bit is fine?! Now we're talking, Admiral! I expect no less! Ehehehe~, here you go, cheers!
|audio = I-14Kai-0300.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0300.mp3
Line 260: Line 260:  
|scenario = 04:00  
|scenario = 04:00  
|origin = マルヨン、マルマルー…。ありゃ…そんなんしてたらもう朝きちゃう!提督、大丈夫…?起きてぇ!?
|origin = マルヨン、マルマルー…。ありゃ…そんなんしてたらもう朝きちゃう!提督、大丈夫…?起きてぇ!?
|translation = 0400... Oh... uh... whoops, it's already morning! You alright, admiral...? Wake up~!
|translation = 0400... Uhoh... Morning came while we were fooling around! You alright, Admiral...? Wake up~!
|audio = I-14Kai-0400.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0400.mp3
Line 266: Line 266:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。ほら、朝焼け…!綺麗…。ね?綺麗…。んっふふ…日の出酒、いっちゃう?
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。ほら、朝焼け…!綺麗…。ね?綺麗…。んっふふ…日の出酒、いっちゃう?
|translation = 0500. Just look at the sunrise...! So pretty... Don't you think? So pretty... Ehehehe~... so, how about a drink or two while watching it?
|translation = 0500. Just look at the sunrise...! It's beautiful... right? So pretty... Ehehehe~... How about a drink to start the day?
|audio = I-14Kai-0500.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0500.mp3
Line 272: Line 272:  
|scenario = 06:00  
|scenario = 06:00  
|origin = マルロクマルマル。さぁ朝だ!総員、起きて起きて!朝だ、あーさーだー!んっふふ~♪
|origin = マルロクマルマル。さぁ朝だ!総員、起きて起きて!朝だ、あーさーだー!んっふふ~♪
|translation = 0600. Iiiiit's moooooorning! Everyone, wake up, wake up! It's morning, mooooorniiiiiiing! Ehehehe~
|translation = 0600. Iiiiit's moooooorning! All hands, rise and shine! It's morning, mooooorniiiiiiing! Ehehehe~
|audio = I-14Kai-0600.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0600.mp3
Line 278: Line 278:  
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = マルナナマルマル。イヨ、朝ごはんつくったよ!簡単だけどね、カロリーはバッチリよ!召し上がれ!
|origin = マルナナマルマル。イヨ、朝ごはんつくったよ!簡単だけどね、カロリーはバッチリよ!召し上がれ!
|translation = 0700. Hey, I made breakfast! It's a simple meal, but very nutritious! Dig in!
|translation = 0700. I made breakfast! It's just a simple meal, but very nutritious! Dig in!
|audio = I-14Kai-0700.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0700.mp3
Line 284: Line 284:  
|scenario = 08:00  
|scenario = 08:00  
|origin = マルハチマルマル。さ、朝の演習演習!どっからいっちゃう?イヨはねー…うーん…これ?
|origin = マルハチマルマル。さ、朝の演習演習!どっからいっちゃう?イヨはねー…うーん…これ?
|translation = 0800. Alright, time for some morning exercises! Where should we start? I'd say... hmmm... maybe this one?
|translation = 0800. Alright, time for some morning exercises! Who should we start with? I'd say... hmmm... with this one?
|audio = I-14Kai-0800.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0800.mp3
Line 290: Line 290:  
|scenario = 09:00  
|scenario = 09:00  
|origin = マルキュウマルマ…あ!しおいさーん!おはよう!朝から晴嵐戦、いっちゃいます?んっふふ~、ね?
|origin = マルキュウマルマ…あ!しおいさーん!おはよう!朝から晴嵐戦、いっちゃいます?んっふふ~、ね?
|translation = 0900... Oh! Shioi! Good morning! Wanna have a Seiran match? Ehehe~ You wanna?
|translation = 0900... Ah! Shioi-san! Good morning! Want to have a Seiran match this morning? Ehehe~ You wanna?
|audio = I-14Kai-0900.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-0900.mp3
Line 296: Line 296:  
|scenario = 10:00  
|scenario = 10:00  
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル!いやぁー、しおいさんの晴嵐、綺麗に発艦するなぁ~。負けてらんない!六三一のみなさん、いっきまっすよー!いぇい!
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル!いやぁー、しおいさんの晴嵐、綺麗に発艦するなぁ~。負けてらんない!六三一のみなさん、いっきまっすよー!いぇい!
|translation = 1000! Woah, Shioi. The way your Seiran takes off is so beautiful~. But I ain't gonna lose here! Alright, my 631 buddies, let's do this! Yay!
|translation = 1000! Whoa, your Seiran takes off so beautifully, Shioi-san. I won't lose though! 613 members, let's go! Yay!
|audio = I-14Kai-1000.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1000.mp3
Line 302: Line 302:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。あー…晴嵐発艦すると、お腹すくよね~。提督もお腹すいた?まだ?
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。あー…晴嵐発艦すると、お腹すくよね~。提督もお腹すいた?まだ?
|translation = 1100. Ugh... launching Seiran sure makes me hungry. Oh, you're also hungry, admiral? Still?
|translation = 1100. Aah... launching Seiran sure makes me hungry. Are you hungry too, Admiral? Not yet?
|audio = I-14Kai-1100.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1100.mp3
Line 308: Line 308:  
|scenario = 12:00  
|scenario = 12:00  
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。んっふふ~、じゃーん!イヨ特製の光おにぎりだよー!何が光かってーとー……まぁいいじゃない?食べてみてみて!んっふふ~♪
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。んっふふ~、じゃーん!イヨ特製の光おにぎりだよー!何が光かってーとー……まぁいいじゃない?食べてみてみて!んっふふ~♪
|translation = 1200. Ehehehe~ Ta-da~! My special light rice balls! What light, you say...? Oh well, don't sweat the details. Come on, just try them! Ehehehe~
|translation = 1200. Ehehehe~ Ta-da~! My special Hikari rice balls! What's 'Hikari' about them...? Well, don't sweat the details. Come on, just try them! Ehehehe~
|audio = I-14Kai-1200.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1200.mp3
|scenario = 13:00  
|scenario = 13:00  
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。どうでした?イヨの特製おにぎりは?小さく見えて、カロリーばっちり!さ、午後も頑張ろ!いぇい!
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。どうでした、イヨの特製おにぎりは?小さく見えて、カロリーばっちり!さ、午後も頑張ろ!いぇい!
|translation = 1300. So, what do you think of my special rice balls? They look small, but are really nutritious! Alright, let's keep it up this afternoon! Yay!
|translation = 1300. How were my special rice balls? They look small, but are really nutritious! Alright, let's work hard this afternoon too! Yay!
|audio = I-14Kai-1300.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1300.mp3
Line 320: Line 320:  
|scenario = 14:00  
|scenario = 14:00  
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。えっ、姉貴?まーどうだろう…。ちゃんとやってるかな~…。ちょっとだけ…心配。
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。えっ、姉貴?まーどうだろう…。ちゃんとやってるかな~…。ちょっとだけ…心配。
|translation = 1400. Oh, my sister? Hmm, I wonder... I hope she's doing fine... I'm... a little bit worried.
|translation = 1400. Eh, my sister? Hmm, I wonder... I hope she's doing fine... I'm... a little bit worried.
|audio = I-14Kai-1400.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1400.mp3
Line 326: Line 326:  
|scenario = 15:00  
|scenario = 15:00  
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマル。私?イヨは、そうだね…、けっこう楽天家なんだ~。まーいけるっしょー、みたいな…。んっふふ~。
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマル。私?イヨは、そうだね…、けっこう楽天家なんだ~。まーいけるっしょー、みたいな…。んっふふ~。
|translation = 1500. Me? Hmm... I guess I'm quite the optimist. Like, everything's gonna be fine. Ehehehe~
|translation = 1500. Me? I guess I'm... a pretty easy-going person. Like feeling everything is going to be fine... Ehehe~
|audio = I-14Kai-1500.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1500.mp3
Line 332: Line 332:  
|scenario = 16:00  
|scenario = 16:00  
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。しおいさんのお姉さん?うん、七尾湾でも一緒だったし、いい船だよー。…そうね、暫くは会ってない。そのうち会えるんじゃない?焦らず焦らず、大丈夫。
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。しおいさんのお姉さん?うん、七尾湾でも一緒だったし、いい船だよー。…そうね、暫くは会ってない。そのうち会えるんじゃない?焦らず焦らず、大丈夫。
|translation = 1600. Shioi's sister? Hmm, we were together at Nanao Bay. She's a nice boat. that you mention her, I haven't seen her in a while. Oh well, we'll probably see her soon. It's okay, no need to be impatient.<ref>Referring to I-400.</ref>
|translation = 1600. Shioi-san's elder sister? Hmm, we were together at Nanao Bay. She's a good ship. ...Now that you mention her, I haven't seen her in a while. Can we see her soon? It's okay, no need to be impatient.<ref>Referring to I-400.</ref>
|audio = I-14Kai-1600.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1600.mp3
Line 338: Line 338:  
|scenario = 17:00  
|scenario = 17:00  
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。ほら提督、見て見て!今ちょうど夕陽が、夕陽が落ちるよ!…ほらほら今!見た?見た!?んっふふ~、綺麗だよねー。イヨ、好きなんだー。提督は?
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。ほら提督、見て見て!今ちょうど夕陽が、夕陽が落ちるよ!…ほらほら今!見た?見た!?んっふふ~、綺麗だよねー。イヨ、好きなんだー。提督は?
|translation = 1700. Hey admiral, look! The sun is setting right now! Right now! Did you see it? Did you?! Ehehehe~, beautiful, wasn't it? I like it. How about you, admiral?
|translation = 1700. Look at that, Admiral! The sun is setting right now! Right now! Did you see it? Did you?! Ehehehe~, it was beautiful, wasn't it? I like it. How about you, Admiral?
|audio = I-14Kai-1700.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1700.mp3
Line 344: Line 344:  
|scenario = 18:00  
|scenario = 18:00  
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。うーん、今日も頑張った!ねぇ提督、今日はパーッと奢ってよ!ね?
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。うーん、今日も頑張った!ねぇ提督、今日はパーッと奢ってよ!ね?
|translation = 1800. Hmm, I worked hard today! Hey, admiral. Buy me a round today! Pretty please?
|translation = 1800. Yup, I worked hard today! Hey, make sure you buy me a round today, Admiral! Alright?
|audio = I-14Kai-1800.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-1800.mp3
Line 356: Line 356:  
|scenario = 20:00  
|scenario = 20:00  
|origin = ふたまる、まるまるー。にはは、料理もおいしー!お酒もおいしいー!水上艦連中もいい飲みっぷりぃ!んっ…ぱーっ!いぇい!
|origin = ふたまる、まるまるー。にはは、料理もおいしー!お酒もおいしいー!水上艦連中もいい飲みっぷりぃ!んっ…ぱーっ!いぇい!
|translation = 2000. Aaah, the food is so delicious! Not to mention the booze! Those surface ships sure can drink a lot! Yay!
|translation = 2000. Nyahaha, the food is so delicious! Not to mention the booze! Those surface ships sure can drink a lot! Ngah... aaah! Yay!
|audio = I-14Kai-2000.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-2000.mp3
Line 362: Line 362:  
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = フタヒトー…マルマル…。ややっ、姉貴じゃん!一緒にどう、一杯?…あー?なにかてーこと言ってんだよー、なぁ提督ー?んっふふ~……あぁ!?
|origin = フタヒトー…マルマル…。ややっ、姉貴じゃん!一緒にどう、一杯?…あー?なにかてーこと言ってんだよー、なぁ提督ー?んっふふ~……あぁ!?
|translation = 21...00... Oh look, it's Hitomi! Wanna join us for a drink? ...huh? Dunno whaddaya talkin' 'bout. Right, admiral? Ehehehe~ Oh shit--
|translation = 21...00... Heeey, it's aneki! Wanna join us for a drink? ...Huh? Dunno whaddaya talkin' 'bout. Right, Admiral? Ehehehe~ Aaah!?
|audio = I-14Kai-2100.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-2100.mp3
Line 368: Line 368:  
|scenario = 22:00  
|scenario = 22:00  
|origin = フタフタ、マルマル…。ってて…姉貴、何も泣きながら殴らなくたって~…ねぇ?…ったたー…。
|origin = フタフタ、マルマル…。ってて…姉貴、何も泣きながら殴らなくたって~…ねぇ?…ったたー…。
|translation = 2200... ouch ouch... Hitomi, you don't have to keep hitting me while crying, you know~ ...Ouch...
|translation = 2200... Owow... You don't have to keep hitting me while crying, Aneki... Alright? ...Owow...
|audio = I-14Kai-2200.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-2200.mp3
Line 374: Line 374:  
|scenario = 23:00  
|scenario = 23:00  
|origin = フタサンマルマル。さ、明日も早いよね。早くお布団に入って、明日も頑張ろう!お疲れ。
|origin = フタサンマルマル。さ、明日も早いよね。早くお布団に入って、明日も頑張ろう!お疲れ。
|translation = 2300. Alright, the early bird catches the worm. Let's go to bed early, we have a lot to do tomorrow! Good work today.
|translation = 2300. Alright, tomorrow will come soon. I'm going to go to bed now and do my best tomorrow! Good work.
|audio = I-14Kai-2300.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-2300.mp3
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