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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 晴嵐運用のために生まれた伊号潜水艦、伊14よ。いいよ、イヨって呼んで。提督、よろしくどうぞ!
|origin = 晴嵐運用のために生まれた伊号潜水艦、伊14よ。いいよ、イヨって呼んで。提督、よろしくどうぞ!
|translation = I'm I-14, a 1st Class submarine born to carry Seiran. You can call me Iyo if you want. Nice to meet you, admiral!<ref>1st Class (伊号) Submarines were those above 1,000 tons in displacement.</ref>
|translation = I'm I-14, a 1st class submarine born to carry Seiran. It's fine to call me Iyo if you want. Nice to meet you, Admiral!<ref>1st Class (伊号) Submarines were those above 1,000 tons in displacement.</ref>
|audio = I-14-Intro.mp3
|audio = I-14-Intro.mp3
|scenario = Introduction (Kai)
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 晴嵐運用のために生まれた伊号潜水艦、伊14よ。
|origin = 晴嵐運用のために生まれた伊号潜水艦、伊14よ。うん!イヨは今日も元気!提督、頑張っていこう!
|translation = I'm I-14, a 1st class submarine born to carry Seiran. Yup! I'm feeling great today! Let's hop to it, Admiral!
|translation = I'm I-14, a 1st Class submarine born to carry Seiran. Yup, today's gonna be another great day! Let's get cracking, admiral!
|audio = I-14Kai-Intro.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-Intro.mp3
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|translation = I'm I-14, second ship of the Type AM submarines! I was built for the purpose of forming a submarine aircraft carrier fleet that was meant to carry out operations. However, by the time I was actually born the situation wouldn't allow that anymore. I never got to play an active part in the war with the Seiran squadron of the 631st air group, but even as the war was taking a turn for the worse I was still able to contribute to the success of Operation "Hikari". So please don't forget about me, and I-13.
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the I-13-class submarines, I-14! I was built for the purpose of forming a submarine carrier fleet for carrying out strategic operations.
However, by the time I was actually born the situation wouldn't allow that anymore.<ref>She was completed in the waning years of the war when the IJN was being pushed back.</ref> I never did get a chance to play an active part with the Seiran squadron of the 631st Air Group.
I was still able to contribute to the success of that Operation Hikari during the war though!<ref>[ Operation Hikari] refers to the reconnaisance of the Ulithi Atoll in preparations for an air raid.</ref> Don't forget about I-13 or me alright.
|audio = I-14-Library.mp3
|audio = I-14-Library.mp3
Line 31: Line 32:  
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = イヨを、呼んだ?んっふふ~、なーに?
|origin = イヨを、呼んだ?んっふふ~、なーに?
|translation = You called? Hohoho~, so what is it?
|translation = You called? Hohoho~, what is it?
|audio = I-14-Sec1.mp3
|audio = I-14-Sec1.mp3
Line 37: Line 38:  
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = そう!良いでしょ、この格納庫!頑張ってるでしょう、えっへへへー。
|origin = そう!良いでしょ、この格納庫!頑張ってるでしょう、えっへへへー。
|translation = Yep! My hangar is nice, isn't it! I'm doing my best after all, ehehehe.
|translation = Yep! Isn't my hangar nice? I'm doing my best after all, ehehehe.
|audio = I-14-Sec2.mp3
|audio = I-14-Sec2.mp3
|scenario = Secretary 2 (Kai)
|scenario = Secretary 2
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = そう!良いでしょ、この格納庫!彩雲もいいけど、やっぱ晴嵐一択!いぇい!
|origin = そう!良いでしょ、この格納庫!彩雲もいいけど、やっぱ晴嵐一択!いぇい!
|translation = Yep! My hangar is nice, isn't it! Saiun is fine too, but of course nothing beats Seiran! Yay!
|translation = Yep! Isn't my hangar nice? Saiun is fine, but of course nothing beats the Seiran! Yay!
|audio = I-14Kai-Sec2.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-Sec2.mp3
Line 50: Line 51:  
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = あっ、んぁあ…!もう!あんまり格納庫触っちゃダメ!結構デリケートなんだから…。ベントとか、本当気を付けてよね?
|origin = あっ、んぁあ…!もう!あんまり格納庫触っちゃダメ!結構デリケートなんだから…。ベントとか、本当気を付けてよね?
|translation = Ah, Aaaa! Jeez! It's not really good to mess with my hanger like that! It's pretty fragile. You need to be careful around the vents you know?
|translation = A-aah! Jeez! Don't keep touching my hangar! It's pretty fragile. You need to be careful around the vents you know?
|audio = I-14-Sec3.mp3
|audio = I-14-Sec3.mp3
|scenario = Secretary 3 (Kai)
|scenario = Secretary 3
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = あっ、んぁあ…!もう!あんまり格納庫触っちゃダメ!結構デリケートなんだから…。ああん、もう!ネガティブタンクも……こーらー!ほんとに何やってんの!  
|origin = あっ、んぁあ…!もう!あんまり格納庫触っちゃダメ!結構デリケートなんだから…。ああん、もう!ネガティブタンクも……こーらー!ほんとに何やってんの!  
|translation = Ah, Aaaaa! Jeez! Please stop fiddling around with my hanger that much! It's very sensitive... Ahh, Jeez! The negative tank too...heeeey! What do you think you're doing!   
|translation = A-aah! Jeez! Don't keep touching my hangar! It's pretty fragile. Ahh, Jeez! The negative tank too...heeeey! What do you think you're doing!   
|audio = I-14Kai-Sec3.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-Sec3.mp3
Line 63: Line 64:  
|scenario = Secretary (idle)
|scenario = Secretary (idle)
|origin = えっと…提督は…あれ?いない…。これは半舷上陸ってことで良いのかな?いいよね?よーし!ちょこっと飲んじゃお!さ、明かりをつけて。盛り上がっちゃえー!かんぱーい!んっふふ~。
|origin = えっと…提督は…あれ?いない…。これは半舷上陸ってことで良いのかな?いいよね?よーし!ちょこっと飲んじゃお!さ、明かりをつけて。盛り上がっちゃえー!かんぱーい!んっふふ~。
|translation = Umm...Admiral...Huh? He's not here.... Does this mean I'm on shore leave? I guess..  Alright! I'm off to drink for a bit! Turning the lights on. Getting hyped! Cheers! Hohoho~  
|translation = Umm...Admiral...Huh? He's not here... Does this mean I'm on shore leave? That's fine right? Alright! I'm going go drinking for a while! Now, just turn on the lights. Let's get started! Cheers! Hohoho~
|audio = I-14-SecIdle.mp3
|audio = I-14-SecIdle.mp3
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|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = ちょこっと顔色悪いよ、提督。平気?じゃあさ、元気になるおまじない、一緒にちょこっと飲まない?ちょこっとだけ…!…はい、乾杯!…あとー……はい。これで元気になるよ。
|origin = ちょこっと顔色悪いよ、提督。平気?じゃあさ、元気になるおまじない、一緒にちょこっと飲まない?ちょこっとだけ…!…はい、乾杯!…あとー……はい。これで元気になるよ。
|translation = You're looking a bit under the weather, admiral. Are you okay? Well then, how about we have a few drinks together? You know, as a charm to get you out and about again.  Just for a bit...! ...Okay, cheers! Ah, there, yup. That'll help you get better.
|translation = You don't look so good, Admiral. Are you okay? Well then, how about having a drink together to make you feel better? Just a little...! ...Okay, cheers! Ah, there, yup. Now you'll feel better.
|audio = I-14-SecMarried.mp3
|audio = I-14-SecMarried.mp3
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|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = ん?これ…イヨに?くれるの…かな…。わぁ…何だろう。開けていい?開けるよー…。…ほぁあ!提督、これ、本気の本気?そう!?……よし!大事に大事にもらっちゃうね!んっふふ~♪もう返さないよ!ぃよっし!
|origin = ん?これ…イヨに?くれるの…かな…。わぁ…何だろう。開けていい?開けるよー…。…ほぁあ!提督、これ、本気の本気?そう!?……よし!大事に大事にもらっちゃうね!んっふふ~♪もう返さないよ!ぃよっし!
|translation =  Huh? Is that... for me? You're giving me? Woah...what is it? Can I open it? I'll open it then... Ahh! Admiral, this is... are you really really serious about this? Really!? Yiss! Don't worry, I'll make sure to treasure it as much as I can! Hehehe~! I'm not giving it back, you know! Yay~!
|translation =  Huh? Is this... for me? You're giving me? Woah...what is it? Can I open it? I'll open it then... Whoaaa! Are you seriously for real about this, Admiral? Really!? ...Alright! I'll take really, really good care of this! Hehehe~! I'm not giving it back! Yay~!
|audio = I-14-Wedding.mp3
|audio = I-14-Wedding.mp3
Line 81: Line 82:  
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = あっ、そう?情報ね。待ってて、イヨが今持ってきたげる!
|origin = あっ、そう?情報ね。待ってて、イヨが今持ってきたげる!
|translation = Ah, really? The status report, isn't it?  Wait a minute, I'll go fetch it right now.
|translation = Ah, I see? The status report huh. Wait a minute, I'll go fetch it right now.
|audio = I-14-PlayerScore.mp3
|audio = I-14-PlayerScore.mp3
Line 87: Line 88:  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = 伊号潜水艦、伊14、出撃します!抜錨!
|origin = 伊号潜水艦、伊14、出撃します!抜錨!
|translation = First Class submarine I-14! Preparing to sortie!  Weigh anchor!
|translation = 1st class submarine, I-14, sortieing! Weigh anchor!
|audio = I-14-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio = I-14-JoinFleet.mp3
|scenario = Joining the Fleet (Kai)
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 第一潜水隊旗艦、伊14、出撃するから!抜錨!
|origin = 第一潜水隊旗艦、伊14、出撃するから!抜錨!
|translation = First submarine squad flagship, I-14, sortieing! Weigh achnor!  
|translation = 1st Submarine Flotilla flagship, I-14, sortieing now! Weigh achnor!  
|audio = I-14Kai-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio = I-14Kai-JoinFleet.mp3
Line 100: Line 101:  
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = いいねぇ~。イヨはこれ、好き!
|origin = いいねぇ~。イヨはこれ、好き!
|translation = This is pretty good. I like it!
|translation = This works. I like it!
|audio = I-14-Equip1.mp3
|audio = I-14-Equip1.mp3
Line 106: Line 107:  
|scenario = Equipment 2
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = こういうのも良いねえ。んっふふ~、任せといて!
|origin = こういうのも良いねえ。んっふふ~、任せといて!
|translation = I guess this works too. Hehehe~ Just leave it to me!
|translation = This works too. Hehehe~ Just leave it to me!
|audio = I-14-Equip2.mp3
|audio = I-14-Equip2.mp3
Line 112: Line 113:  
|scenario = Equipment 3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = んっふふ~、いけるね、きっと!
|origin = んっふふ~、いけるね、きっと!
|translation = Hehehe~ Looks good, definitely!
|translation = Hehehe~ I can definitely do this!
|audio = I-14-Equip3.mp3
|audio = I-14-Equip3.mp3
Line 124: Line 125:  
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = うん、細かい修理も大事。あー、いい湯!
|origin = うん、細かい修理も大事。あー、いい湯!
|translation = Yup, minor repairs are important too. Ah, what a nice bath!
|translation = Yup, minor repairs are important too. Ah, what a nice bath!
|audio = I-14-DockMinor.mp3
|audio = I-14-DockMinor.mp3
Line 134: Line 135:  
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage) (Kai)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = お風呂はいいよねー。提督、もう一緒して良いんでしょう?んっふふ~、う・そ。  
|origin = お風呂はいいよねー。提督、もう一緒して良いんでしょう?んっふふ~、う・そ。  
Line 159: Line 160:  
|scenario = Starting a Sortie (Kai)
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 晴嵐六三一空のみんな、準備はいい?うん、よし!伊14、出撃します!  
|origin = 晴嵐六三一空のみんな、準備はいい?うん、よし!伊14、出撃します!  
Line 196: Line 197:  
|scenario = MVP (Kai)
|scenario = MVP
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = いやったー!イヨ、またやっちゃったー!提督、褒めてくれてもいいよー?いぇい!やったね!  
|origin = いやったー!イヨ、またやっちゃったー!提督、褒めてくれてもいいよー?いぇい!やったね!  
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