Game Updates/2014/July 4th
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2014 June 20th | 2014 July 4th | 2014 July 18th |
Myoukou Kai Ni Update
- New Remodels
- Myoukou Kai Ni at lv70
- New Quests
- New formation quest that requires Myoukou Kai Ni
- A38 [Equip the New Radar!]
- Can only be completed once
- Reward is Type 22 Surface RADAR Kai 4
- New formation quest that requires Myoukou Kai Ni
- New Furniture and re-sales
- Window with repellent incense
- Pre-summer set
- Warship color wallpaper
- Bookshelf
- Admiral writing desk
- Manuscript work desk
- Camouflaged doctrine wall scroll (furniture fairy)
- Resort Set (furniture fairy)
- Tanabata window (free)
- Re-sale: Green Harmony Wallpaper
- Re-sale: Air Defence Manufacturing Window (furniture fairy)
- Re-sale: Residential Pool (furniture fairy)
- New interactive type of Furniture that respond to touch have been implemented
- Guardian goddess window (furniture fairy)
- Grandfather clock
- Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large) is now craftable.
- Musashi is now buildable via Large Ship Construction
- Bug Fixes
- Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout) will now properly function during night-only battles.
- Akitsu Maru Kai banner in the supply tab will now properly show the Kai logo on the right.
- Visual fixes to the text displayed during night attacks.
- Visual fixes to the Spotting Attack that happens in day battle.
- Various fixes to the sound effects that play when remodeling a ship.
軍艦色の壁 | Warship-colored Wall | 900 coins |
「迷彩主義」掛け軸 | Disguise Doctrine Hanging Scroll | 2 200 coins +Fairy |
大きな古時計 | Grandfather Clock | 30 000 coins |
提督の書斎机 | Admiral's Library Desk | 1 900 coins |
原稿机 | Manuscript Desk | 25,000 coins |
七夕飾りの窓 | Tanabata Window | FREE |
蚊取り線香の窓 | Mosquito Coil Window | 1 700 coins |
鎮守府風鈴 | Wind chimes | 5 000 coins |
夏先取りセット | Summer Preparation Set | 800 coins |
リゾートセット | Resort Set | 2 000 coins +Fairy |
書斎本棚 | Library Bookshelves | 1 900 coins |