8inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.9 mod.2

Revision as of 20:07, 26 November 2020 by DeMatt (talk | contribs) (Added Akashi table.)
No.357 8inch三連装砲 Mk.9 mod.2
RedGunMedium.png Medium Caliber Main Gun
Effects: Firepower+12 AA+2 Accuracy+1 Evasion-1 RangeMedium
Scrap value: Fuel 1 Ammo 6 Steel 1 Bauxite 2 (Unbuildable)

Equipment Card 8inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.9 mod.2.png

Equipment Character 8inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.9 mod.2.png

Equipment Item 8inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.9 mod.2.png

Equipment Full 8inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.9 mod.2.png

Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship



This is a late model upgrade of the gun developed by the USN for their treaty heavy cruisers that was mounted on them in triple mounts. It possesses great firepower even though it is just a basic mounting of three 20cm guns in a single turret. This refined and upgraded model was used as the main guns of the USN's Northampton-class treaty heavy cruisers.


Akashi's Improvement Arsenal

Type Name Resource Day 2nd Ship Note
              Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  8inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.9 mod.2 0 30 160 190 20 5/6 2/3 2x  Houston
6 6/9 3/5 1x 
10 - - -

See Also